
National Security , Newsline

Biden Press Conference – Telling

Posted on Monday, March 29, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

bidenAn aging, often confused, seemingly fragile US President waits two months to give a press conference. When he gives it, world leaders – and the press corps before him – hold their breath. 

The place is unnaturally quiet. He muddles through, only friendly reporters, no tough questions, slow answers, no interruptions, fumbling cards, losing his train, picking up practiced lines, leaning on a lifetime of one-liners. For domestic and national security, the event was telling.  

Those who describe Biden’s first press conference – and possibly last – as a “success” miss the vital standards by which American security is measured. One is the perceived clarity of mind, physical vigor, and capacity to manage the fast-moving crises of a US president. By that standard, the long-overdue, stumbling, scripted press conference did not inspire confidence. 

Critics will say, he got through it. Yes, that is true, the way a fading light offers enough lumens to navigate a dark hall, or a smart child manages round one of a spelling bee, or nursing home resident projects confidence through a scheduled visit. One friend who works with cognitively challenged elders calls this the “fool ‘em on the street” phase, social graces, and slow fade. 

Whatever one’s politics, projecting strength is part of being President. The signal Biden sent was not strength. China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, US Allies, and domestic radicals of call kinds – saw this. The event confirmed what they thought: Biden is being stage-managed, cognitively slow, physically weak, appears ill-equipped to respond to fast-moving crises.

Unfortunately, perceived lack of capacity, readiness, the nimbleness of mind, acuity of judgment – while it may not lip the 25th Amendment’s “fitness for office” trigger for removal – triggers other events. The most dangerous is a sword with two edges – swung against the American people. 

The first edge is foreign opportunism, a sharp cut administered by anti-American, anti-Western influences – state and non-state, overt and clandestine, physical, territorial, maritime, overhead, and cyber. We may see it coming, get a chance to stop it – or may just suffer the effects.  

Adversaries undeterred are unleashed, whether China is leaning on Taiwan, suffocating Hong Kong, taking disputed islands, pushing cyber tsunamis, Russia planning paramilitary action in Eastern Europe, Iran and North Korea pushing nuclear weapons, or Middle Eastern radicals infiltrating border crossers. Projected weakness invites foreign opportunism.

After the Biden press conference, China tightened screws on the Western press, slapped sanctions on Western countries, accused the US of trying to “subvert China’s unity,” and “rejected all criticism over its policies in Xinjiang …. crackdown on opposition figures in Hong Kong and threats against Taiwan.” See, e.g.,

North Korea proceeded with new missile tests, the second set in ten days, a gambit reopened only after Trump left office. See, e.g.  

Russia sparked fresh concern in Eastern Europe.  See, e.g., Biden rambled calling Putin a “killer,” triggering a roar-back.  See, e.g.,

Iran continues to get aggressive, rebuffing Western efforts to halt their nuclear weapons program, as China visits Iran – and four US allies, Turkey, UAE, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. See, e.g.,

As a top diplomat once noted: “It fills in real fast behind you, if you pull your fist out of the bucket.” Biden’s weakness is China’s, Russia’s, North Korea’s, and Iran’s gain.  

The sword’s second edge cuts closer to home – foreign enemies boldly projecting power internally, together with domestic enemies of democracy, seeing a chance to destabilize, radicalize, and upend public safety. Look at continuing riots and spiking crime. 

The foreign threat is also coming ashore, invisibly. Highlighting Biden’s weakness, a senior military leader – head of US CYBERCOM – revealed this week foreign adversaries are here. General Nakasone said: “US adversaries are demonstrating a changed risk calculus … undertaking malign activities in cyberspace on a greater scale, scope and sophistication.” 

They use our laws against us, “increasingly instigating cyber campaigns against US entities from the US’s own backyard, conducting domestic hacks partly from infrastructure that is geographically within the country,” and “operating inside the US puts threat actors beyond the reach of … CYBERCOM and NSA.” Nor are all threats of foreign origin.  See, e.g.,

Efforts are afoot to kill the Senate’s protection of the hundred-year-old legislative filibuster, or cloture vote, without which radicals are free to federalize elections, mandate no voter identification, mass mail-in ballots, felon voting, punish political speech, mandate DC statehood and gun confiscation, pack the Supreme Court and federal bench. Biden is noddingly in favor, like a sleepwalker, after a career of defending the filibuster and opposing radicalism. 

The press conference was revealing. The press – which Founders saw as a check on executive power – was bereft of journalistic professionalism, doting on the old man, sharing his partisan views, indulging their broadcast power to bend the truth. The spectacle was as hard to witness. 

A second irony went unreported. Even in this staged event, a close-up on the cards – caught on camera – reveals Biden could not manage to get the facts out on his cards. He botched even that. See, e.g.,

So, what is the point? Biden’s leadership is fading before the world’s eyes. His energy is sapped, moderate Senate positions – favoring law enforcement, legislative filibuster, national and border security, incremental change – are gone, handlers in charge, grip on power weakening. We can all see it, even if we do not wish to. So can our adversaries, foreign and domestic. 

The endgame must be a renewed sense that the country is worth defending, a coming together by moderates and conservatives in both parties to plan for what lies ahead, reinforcing that our country is not weak, indecisive, or headed far left. The message must be we are “one people,” proud of our Constitution, Bill of Rights, borders, security, economy, history, and Allies. The time is now for that message – because Biden’s press conference was telling. 

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Heard lies about Trump. More incoherent from Biden.
Following script
No ideas
Tow the Leftist line.
Next presser for Sept?
Or will Harris rule then?
Dems did nothing to create vaccine or speed dev of vaccine day 1

Marlin Cayton
Marlin Cayton
3 years ago

Biden is dangerous. the Dem Party should be ashamed. Trump won and is STILL my President.

3 years ago

We are in serious serious trouble as World War is on the horizon. Oh, don’t forget about your movement “passports” too !

3 years ago

Stop calling Mr Biden the President. Slow Joe and his handlers are guilty of a coup. Let’s see an article about the treason and sedition happening and where is the dam military! I’m about ready to pull my subscription to AMAC! Biden is not the President!

3 years ago

AMAC: Thank you for this most incisive analysis on the alarming, poor performance of Joe Biden on a pivotal press conference. America has drifted into a state of peril, thanks to the Left and their machinations to install one of the weakest minds of the United States Senate in the entirety of the history of the United States of America. Joe Biden was deemed so intellectually feeble that he was remanded to repeat his third grade elementary school. He barely earned his law degree through plagiarism and who-knows-whatever schemes. The Mainstream Media and Academia — including Leftist teacher union public schools in failed Democrat cities — have dumbed-down the voting public and installed this buffoon, Joe Biden. Heaven help us all.

Daniel Franchino
Daniel Franchino
3 years ago

This man in office shows how stupid most American voters are. If he lasts a year it will be a surprise.

3 years ago

Is Biden the first president to not give a State of the Union Address? I’m thinking this means he’s really not the president. Let’s get this country back in order and arrest all the commies and socialists who think they rule this nation.

3 years ago

The dems PUTTING Biden in the race for President is ELDER ABUSE. I knew last year he was no capable of being president. My career was working with people with disabilities assisting them into the workforce. Maybe, I am more in tuned to disabilities, but I KNEW HE WAS IN EARLY DEMENTIA! If he had come into my office, I would have done everything to help him be as productive as possible BUT NEVER WOULD HAVE TRIED TO GET HIM INTO THE WORK FORCED ~ LET ALONE THE WHITE HOUSE. The USA thanks in part to the dem’s is completely broken and they are trying to complete the job in super human time. Frankly, the only hope we have is that the Creator God of the Universe does something, because He still has a purpose for this nation!

Richard Arveaux
Richard Arveaux
3 years ago

Ole Joe, is a danger to America, but he’s not as much of a danger as his handlers are! These folks that are shoving Ole Joe out in front of them, is merely their shield. Nothing they write for Joe to say can come back to haunt them, It’ll fall on Ole Joe. That’s when the 25th amendment comes into play and we wind up with another empty communist shell. There are ways to bring this to an end, but that’s not the right way to solve this problem. The conservative Senate {if there is one } has to hold the line til 2022. Without them standing up for what’s right, America becomes a usetobe country. And I’ve spent nearly 80 years in what use to be the greatest country in the world. And it looks like I get to watch it become Cuba, USSR, China { most likely, since Ole Joe is in their pocket } Or something like Germany of the 1930’s This is going to be an interesting few years. I hope conservatives have a “set” they are goona be needed.

Rick D Blake
Rick D Blake
3 years ago

Are there people who can ACTUALLY do something, intending to DO something? This is bad and can not go much further (I’m talking only weeks). This regime is heading as fast as they can to bring this county to a point of no return. Folks, we do not have years to wait to overturn to another election; there’s NOT going to be one! Who and how is this going to be corrected?
We have very little time, now.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

This, my friends, is how the fall of the U.S. begins. Besides the complicit Dems and their operatives, I want to see every idiotic, moronic voter, who actually DID vote for this fool, to suffer for their stupidity.

3 years ago

Biden is deranged, demented and dangerous to the country. It must be found out
who is really in charge and making these country destroying decisions, before all
is lost. WE need a recall election but there is no such remedy in federal law. There
is only one remedy available ….. and talking about it could cause trouble for those
pondering that remedy.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Wondering how long it would take for this to happen! Now we will see how long before Harris tries to take over!! Americans be prepared to rise up as challenges are forthcoming! Lord, please help us!!

3 years ago

Your assessment of Biden’s carefully choreographed press conference was far too diplomatic in tone. What countries like China, Russia, Iran and North Korea took away from watching Biden’s press conference is America has agreed to go along with being led by an obviously mentally challenged (see I can use diplomatic speech as well instead of just stating he has all the signs of early to mid stage dementia that is obviously being managed by medication) individual and that now is the time to press the United States on all fronts.

Our allies no doubt viewed the Biden press conference as yet another confirmation that Biden is mentally unfit for the job and is being manipulated by those around him. That the United States has fully returned to the “lead from behind” of the Obama era. Our allies will of course compensate by forming strategic alliances with their partners (several already have) in the their respective regions of the world against the prime threat to their nations. That of course being China’s expanding global influence.

Even with virtually all the press questions provided well in advance to the White House and with answers prepared for him by the White House staff in front of him on several pages of notes (even with pictures of the reporters, so he could flip though quickly to find the answer associated with the specific reporter’s question), Biden was barely able to muddle through. He lost his train of thought repeatedly, but unless you watched the whole press conference live, those parts were edited out for the nightly news and all other subsequent airings by the mainstream media.

The questions were all softballs and there were no hard-hitting follow-ups. The overall pace of the press conference was as leisurely as Biden wanted to go. He did have a number of instances of prolonged pauses, as he tried to regain his train of thought. Several important topics were completely avoided as one would expect from a super friendly press that wanted to protect any Democrat. All in all, I think this will be the last so-called live press conference for at least a few months. Putting together such live events is difficult, especially when the POTUS is suffering from a degenerative mental disease.

From now on, what we’ll likely be seeing is simply Biden making brief announcements from the White House and then walking away without taking any questions. Much like the handful of EO signings he’s done since January 20th. Something very tightly controlled to limit any potential for PR disasters. Expect our adversaries to continue to ratchet up their actions going forward, because they correctly view our leadership as both weak and slow to respond. If there is any response coming from us at all for their actions.

What I find so amazing is that so many Americans seem to consider this all somehow “acceptable” or at least tolerable for at least the next two to four years. As if there is no near-term danger with long-lasting consequences on multiple fronts. The establishment GOP in Washington has basically rolled over and chosen to play dead for the most part. Tired talking points and vague talk of 2022 being an automatic GOP win for Congress. As if they can just sit back and allow the Democrats to enact a slew of Marxist policies with no meaningful fallout between now and then. Passage of H.R.1 / S.R.1 would pop that balloon real fast and the half dozen major bills right behind it would cement Democrat control of Washington, D.C. for several decades to come.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

The news conference was very telling. The slip-ups, the hesitation, the leafing through papers, and the obvious canned answers to prior written questions shows the O’Biden leadership failing right before our eyes. The continuation of the health issues facing Uncle Joe are just leading to skepticism by world leaders, enemies of the state, and the American people. I have said this before, Jill O’Biden should get him off the stage right now! Questions, even by the lame stream media, should be asked right now. They have to see this behavior as very concerning, and they are being disingenuous to the American people for trying to hide this. I only question how many more crisis situations are we going to face without serious leadership moving the country in the right direction. He is failing miserably at the boarder, and the administration has no intentions of being transparent about that crisis anytime soon.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Obviously Biden is mentally impaired. No one (not even the fawning press) could possibly believe that he is up to the job. The big question is “Who is actually running the country,” and a related one” “Once Joe resigns, who’ll be leading the country.” I don’t think Harris will be making the decisions either!!

MadGramain Tx.
MadGramain Tx.
3 years ago

Good article

3 years ago

Biden is done…the end is in sight for him…either a stroke, they vote him out or a faked medical situation to let him leave the office with dignity (which he doesn’t deserve)…I hate to see what’s up next….

The Rebel
The Rebel
3 years ago

Jobama is one on the best examples of a professional, lying, greedy, self-centered, morally bankrupt, thieving politician. How phucking dumb can the voters in Delaware be to have placed this dumb sumbeach in office for umpteen years? And now, supposedly, voting Americans put him and the CA kumbucket in the White House???? Surely the US educational system hasn’t gone this far downhill, but the high schools, colleges, and universities are ran by the socialist party.

The last so-called stimulus package is an absolute sin with ONLY “9” (nine) percent being paid back to the taxpayers and the freeloaders.

#44 was a real POS but #46 appears to be worse !!!!!!

Patty Ann
Patty Ann
3 years ago

We are in a national crisis!

Patty Ann
Patty Ann
3 years ago

And it all began with NObama!

3 years ago

I find it very scary that 70+ million Americans thought he was the best choice to lead our country.

Rick McKibben
Rick McKibben
3 years ago

The press conference was not pleasant to watch. Even with his cue cards, the President fumbled and kept saying “now where am I” in reference to his next “bullet point”. When he got angry with the one reporter for questioning 1) whether he was going to run in 2024 and 2) whether he would be running against Donald Trump, it showed a tremendous lack of poise. The fact that the country elected such an infirm individual is disheartening.

3 years ago

If the picture accompanying this article was from the press conference, its telling that Harris is always around when Biden is speaking publicly! I don’t recall Pence standing off to the side of Trump whenever he spoke in public? Is she supposed to be his support blanket? With these two at the helm, our country looks weak and we are becoming the laughing stock of the world! Sad!

3 years ago

This is a sad old aging man with definite dementia traits//I am hoping the liberals bury themselves within 3 months of taking office and the 2022 election is a total blowout for the REPUBLICAN PARTY to go right back to what was AMERICA FIRST and not the BIDEN HATE AMERICA program

Al Perpente
Al Perpente
3 years ago

the mint might as well start printing the YEN or the RUBLE as under the dems reign we will loose our country to one of them.ALL dems need to go ! i cannot believe americans could be that stupid or nieve to vote for this feeble old man and the dem programs! shame of all who voted for them. you deserve what they stick to you !

3 years ago

I really fear for our country more than ever. What the demonrats have done is absolutely sick.

3 years ago

He’s a narcissistic, senile, old pervert that has not earned anything that he has!

3 years ago

To enter the military we needed to undergo a physical and this was an ongoing procedure. Why should our “Commander in Chief and any other elected officials” be any different. Everyone knew before the election that Biden was not all there and yet here we are. How could this be overlooked. In addition, I agree with AP, but I believe our currency could be the Yen, since the Biden’s have been in cahoots with China for a long time-just ask the Navy LT who was a business partner of the Biden’s. How we can have a real traitor as our President. He is protected by Censorship of factual information and funded by high tech businessmen, isn’t he? The American people no longer run America unfortunately. The Communist Democrats have devalued our Constitution. This is beyond many of us.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

This BOZO, is not Qualified to be the President of the United States, that is why I will never call him President of the United States, ——Idiot of the United States, is more like it.
God Help America

3 years ago

Soon, and I predict very soon, comrade Biden will be put out to pasture. He will have completed his part in the destruction of this great country, and VP Harris will take the reigns to further destroy it and enslave the American public.

We will all be living the nightmare soon enough, for it’s already begun. The price of building materials has already gone up ten to fifteen percent within the last month, the price of fuel has also gone up and with the promise of going up still more with added fuel taxes. I read yesterday that China and Iran have made a military pact. Russia is being more aggressive than usual, and Putin is outwardly mocking Biden’s diminished mental capacity. North Korea is launching more missiles into the sea of Japan, and Just this morning I saw on the news where in Portland Oregon there was between 150 and 200 armed Antifa “peaceful protesters” who had marched on the capital building, blocked traffic and threw rocks at any passing car. All while Portland Police sat back and watched.

This is our future America! You can thank a Democrat or any of our spineless Republican leaders that only look out for themselves….Oh btw, I know….I’m a racist!

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

This country is worth defending, but I am not sure money will defend it. If the laws already in place prove insufficient, what about the laws Democrats pass dreaming of completely changing America?
This is a very bleakly realistic picture.

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

Let’s be honest, this guy isn’t fit to run a firehall bingo. Truthfully, he never was a very bright bulb to start with. Now, the end of a cigarette would give off more light. We have become a laughingstock and as Bobby points out, we now look as week and feeble, as a nation, as joe looks at a podium. Sadly, though harris (considered the most leftist person in the Senate) is obviously more lucid, she’s an enormous threat to our liberty. A horrible relief pitcher, to say the least. Next in line…oh dear God, that’s too awful to even think about! What a horrific mess this nation is in…and we’ve barely completed the second month of this sadministration. God help us…PLEASE!!!

Gary Simmons
Gary Simmons
3 years ago

This Biden guy really inspires me to run for president, the only thing wrong is I would have to run as a dumbocrat. I know for a fact I can’t be as bad as this Biden. If my name was Biden I would have it changed. Good luck America

3 years ago

We live in unfortunate times we have a president who can’t put two words together without being confused he is only asked simple questions about our economy and he cannot even answer those questions with a reasonable reply without rambling on about other topics and we know his running mate isn’t much better with these two running the country we are an embarrassment to the rest of the world we need someone in the White House Who has a large set of (ball’s) then other foreign countries will fear us.

3 years ago

Any of our allies had better get prepared. They will have to fend for themselves. The US is in a very vulnerable position. We have no leadership administration. From the President on thru the Cabinet we are exposed. Our enemies have been sitting as if they were buzzards waiting for the opportunity. Taiwan is a natural victim soon to be taken by China. NK will run amok. China will further their incursion into the South China sea cutting off ever nation that is on that body of water. All of the little pains in the rump revolutions will now be fully funded by Russia and China to the detriment of all. The list goes on and on. Israel is especially exposed. We have too many anti-Semites here in the US who are raising their heads to blame the Jews for everything. The US is being turned into a very ugly, weak socialist state. If I were younger, I’d pack my family and get out before you can’t.

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
3 years ago

I am not sure what is going on since the televised or cable media for the most part will not report on and often do not carry Biden’s appearances. Even the local edition of the Democrat Peoples Daily Periodical rarely mentions Biden but frequently references President Trump or his administration. The day after the press conference the one article on the front page led us down several paragraphs before even mention there was a conference. I listen to what Biden says, not so much for his stumbling, rambling and losing his thought but to see what he says. There is no point to just mention that Biden defies truth as we heard that all too often as a critique of President Trump. What is important to me that the inaccuracies are brought to the fore when commenting, opining, or analyzing. There is no excuse that I can see how the American people are not challenging this election every day. There is enough evidence to challenge the results in our courts until the judges quit dodging looking at those results.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago


3 years ago

Trump was a much better speaker: but he also said many things that were wrong or corrosive to other nations or our own American citizens. I still cannot believe that he actually thought Americans would panic if told the truth about Covid-19 in early months.

3 years ago

The Passover greeting that President Joe Biden & First Lady Jill Biden made was very well done. Their heartfelt care was obvious, for our strong Judeo Christian heritage. I see someone who needs to be supported & cherished. Thank you Bidens.

3 years ago

…and the upshot is, the country is being monitored and lead by … no one … The sublevel leaders to Hiden Biden are virtually independently making Presidential decision and triggering Presidential actions that they were not elected for. But slow Joe Hiden Biden has sublevel advisors that know they are the ones that are really running “their” show …. and whatever “their” show is, it is done knowing HIden Biden will be sidin’ with whatever they do and turn him in to the lyin’ Biden on such matters. ELECTIONS DO MATTER … and the last POTUS election put a man who has previously been accurately tied to criminal activity … and has long ago reached the senile stage of life that has put the Nation is in real peril.

3 years ago

The clock is ticking! All of Bobby’s report, sadly, is on the mark !! At the rate these anti capitalist, communist (Biden has now idea what’s happening to our country) are destroying what so many sacrificed blood to preserve, it is hard to imagine us making it to the mid term elections. We the people need to wake up and fight the DC Swamp and the fake news media covering for them!

Henrietta M. Foy
Henrietta M. Foy
3 years ago

I completely agree with Allan Brem’s statement. Review the court results on the election, we want the ‘real’ President in the White House.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

If all the ( I ) independent idiots ( who did not Trumps swagger ), the RINO voters, the Republicans who “thought” Biden might be more “PRESIDENTIAL” and those who got more than one mail in ballot used there BRAINS then THIS would not have happened. Even the Dominoiin voting machines, from Canada, would not have been able to CHEAT enuff ! ! ! !

3 years ago


Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Biden’s so-called Press Conference constituted little more than Oratorial Flatulence and really was a total fraud perpetrated against the American people. Biden had his little notebook in his hand, with the name of the next reporter he was to call on, and with the scripted question the reporter was to ask, along with the scripted answer with which he was to reply.
No wonder he appeared to do so well! All he had to do was read from his notebook without appearing to be doing so, but then again, he has had so much practice using teleprompters in the past. Gee! Wonder if they gave him a 5-hour ENERGY drink (or two) before he strode onstage?
If Biden wasn’t so far into his dementia, he would surely recognize how much he was embarrassing himself with his pratings. It’s way past time to replace Hail to the Chief with Here Comes the Clowns (no offense or disrespect meant to real clowns).
The tragedy of it all was as the article indicated. All of America’s enemies have now been given a wide-open invitation to do their evil without any fear that the US will intervene in any significant way.

3 years ago

Sounds like a big sloppy mess . American people were told all would come to pass , come November America could change the future and live a safe and prosperous future . You make a mess clean it up !! Or live in the slop .

3 years ago

Is anyone else horribly frightened that this child is our commander in chief?
Honestly, my oldest daughter stood better when she started kindergarten.

David R
David R
3 years ago

As an American citizen every time Joebama gets in front of a camera I feel embarrassed and uneasy because I just know he is going to make a biblical donkey of himself which means he does that to all Americans

3 years ago

Joe Biden being pushed out there to be the leader of the free world
Is a great big fraud being pulled on the entire planet
DOCTOR Jill should be embarrassed by this ongoing elder abuse

The United Nations UN official flag. Sign of the international community of world
a clock thawing in the spring after a snow
Logo of world health organization WHO on mobile phone screen. Blurred flag of USA background
California Governor Gavin Newsom speaks during a press conference at Raleigh Studios unveiling a vast expansion of California’s Film and Television Credit Program on October 27, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.

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