
National Security , Newsline

Biden Dragging Down Senate Dems Heading Into Midterms

Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive by Barry Casselman


The 2022 U.S. Senate midterm election campaign season is about to begin in full force, with the Biden administration at its lowest point so far in public opinion polls, its domestic agenda stalled, and facing numerous crises at home and abroad.

This has caused many Republicans to wish the elections could be held now, fearing a Democratic resurgence by November, and a lost opportunity to take back control of Congress.

Such a resurgence could happen, but given the more radical ambitions of the Democratic leadership, such a scenario is less likely than a further deterioration of the Biden administration and Congressional Democrats’ prospects.

A few Democrats have broken with their own leadership, but only a very few so far, and none of these few are in the 2022 Senate midterms. 

As filing dates loom and pass, the shape of the competitive Senate races is now coming into focus. Under current conditions, Democrats are finding it difficult to recruit challengers in some races that were expected to be hotly contested. However, many more GOP incumbents have retired so far, including in North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Potential GOP retirements could still happen in Wisconsin and South Dakota.

The Democrats begin the 2021 midterm Senate campaign with a distinct numerical advantage thanks to having fewer incumbent seats at stake. But Senate elections, unlike House elections, are usually much more affected by national issues and presidential approval ratings.

Most observers have noted that there are 4-5 vulnerable incumbent Senate seats for each party in play at the outset of the 2022 campaign, including those with retiring members. An additional 2-3 GOP seats seemed potentially vulnerable, depending on who the eventual nominees would be. But if President Biden’s poll numbers remain at current levels, or deteriorate further, most of these now competitive races will cease to be close, and Republicans could gain a net of 3-6 senate seats — and win back clear control of the chamber. If that happens, 1 or 2 sitting Democrats might switch parties and join the new GOP majority.

Even if Mr. Biden improves 4-6 points from current his approval rating that is hovering somewhere between 38 and 42% (as now reported by most credible pollsters), it would likely barely help his party’s 2022 senate candidates because he would still be underwater. The president and his administration probably need a dramatic gain of about 10 points or more to be able to assist his Democratic Senate nominees.

President Biden’s current low numbers are occurring at the same time the stock market is near all-time highs and unemployment is relatively low. With inflation fears being aggravated with each new economic report, supply chain shortages mounting, and energy prices increasing, how likely is it that economic conditions will be favorable in the summer and autumn of 2022 when voters decide how they will vote in November?

A case in point is the Senate race in New Hampshire. Democrats breathed a sigh of relief recently when popular GOP Governor Chris Sununu announced he would not run against vulnerable incumbent Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan. Their sense of relief, however, might have been premature. New polls have Senator Hassan leading her now likely GOP opponent, a retired Army brigadier general (Don Bolduc), by several points, but she is at only 46%, a very low number for an incumbent. Remember that in 2021, the incumbent Democratic governor of New Jersey led his GOP opponent by several points right up to election day, but was only at 50% (which is what he received) and almost lost. Senator Hassan is still very vulnerable, and new polls have New Hampshire voters feeling negative about Joe Biden.

The same is true in Arizona and Nevada, where Democratic incumbents are in competitive races, but were early clear favorites for re-election. If President Biden and the Democratic agenda are in trouble next year, they are, too.

At the same time, vulnerable Republican incumbent senators or Republicans running for open seats facing potentially serious Democratic opponents might coast to easier-than-expected wins in 2022 with an anti-Biden tide.

Yes, the election is still a little over ten months away, and economic and political changes could occur, but a refusal by the Democratic White House leadership to change course in dealing with current economic and political challenges could lead to Republicans retaking control of the Senate — thus forcing Mr. Biden’s hand in what remains of his term.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Hooray purge the Senate awesome

3 years ago

“Biden Dragging Down Senate Dems Heading Into Midterms”
EXCELLENT!! Carry on President Sockpuppet!!

3 years ago

If the congress gets to pass any form of For the People legislation, we will become a Communist tyranny in minutes. They must not be allowed to pass any form of election reform to nationalize election law.
Everyone should at once go read about The Club for Growth. This is the best organization which supports the best candidates. If you want a solid conservative congress, read about the candidates the Club supports. If you have money to give, give it to the Club because they get the best bang for their buck. Most of the people in Congress whom you admire were Club supported candidates.

But if they nationalize election law, which would be unconstitutional, all bets are off.

This is the worst Congress in my lifetime, and there have been loads of bad ones.

We must take back our country from the left.

3 years ago

“This has caused many Republicans to wish the elections could be held now, fearing a Democratic resurgence by November, and a lost opportunity to take back control of Congress.”

Puh-lease! The only way this is possible is for Biden to stop screwing up on an ever worsening day-by-day basis. Ain’t. Gonna. Happen!

3 years ago

I fail to see how Biden can be blamed any more than the do nothing representatives and senators that have been elected to our Congress.

3 years ago

Great news, throw out ALL the traitor democrats and marxist progressive anti American democrats!!!

Patriot Bill
Patriot Bill
3 years ago

Anyone here voting Democrat should be ashamed. This is all caused by you!

3 years ago

Our side needs to hammer our messages constantly in front of the American people. AMAC is assuming Dems are going to lose because some November elections went well for the Republicans. People in America have very short memories.

3 years ago

Which is why we will have a new Covid variant pop-up in September or October with the appropriate mass hysteria fanned by the media and the Democrats to have wide-spread mail-in voting once again. Until the states enact election reform to prohibit a repeat of 2020, stop printing this articles about how Republicans are just going to coast to victory. Actions need to be taken by every state legislature now, that has not already done so, in order to ensure some semblance of voting integrity is restored and that wide-spread use of mail-in ballots is prohibited.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 years ago

I don’t think that Biden or anyone else could drag them any lower ,the fact that they walk around with their heads stil held up says it all

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

This is great, I am glad the Lying Hidden Joe Biden, is doing all he can to get the Republicans elected in 2022, we just need to not Elect Sleazebag RINO’S, like Liz Cheney and the likes to replace the worthless Democrats, make sure that we elect good responsible Republicans.
God Bless America!!!!

3 years ago

Politically speaking , i am very happy that the DEMOCRATs are spiraling down behind Mr. Biden . We should stop offering them ways to do things right . Let them continue the downward spiral . Maybe we could even help them in their downward treck . The 2022 season is starting now . So, lets ‘primary’ out the RINOs and put in real men & women into the GOP and then put them into office in the general election .
AND , lets make sure our electoral systems in every state are legitimate . Time is short . We need to get rid of those programmable electronic voting machines with their invisible vote switching algorithms . We should also clean up our mail-in paper ballot system . Election Day should be just that , ONE day .

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

Please tell me how 38-42% of Americans of ACTUALLY approve of the performance of Buck Fiden. Probably not Americans but the incoming crowd from South of the Border. Regardless, the Dim-Wits will reinvent the wheel and provide Americans with all the reasons that they should continue to allow Hiden Biden’s deplorable (in the words of Hillary) Congress to destroy the future of this country!!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

It is very difficult to drag down what has ALWAYS been in the mud!!

Jesse Tiede
Jesse Tiede
3 years ago

Doesn’t matter which party is in control of the Congress, nothing will be done to help the American People! The GOP and RINOs are every bit the same as the Democrats! Sad, really, when you think about it…

3 years ago

im very worried they’ll use a new wuhan variant to cheat massively. Why not? Nothing happened to them for 2020. Beyond that, i worry the powers behind the throne will get us into a shooting war and then ring the patriotism bell, loudly. They might start a war then ‘retire’ biden then demand all hands on deck for harris. Remember too that the enlisted ranks in the military are generally conservative. Any casualties will no doubt be replaced with left leaning enlistees. We’re dealing with people who’re cut from the same cloth as lenin and stalin, castro and mao.

Bwa Ha
Bwa Ha
3 years ago

Anyone looking at biden these days knows the man’s not up to the varied tasks that our POTUS needs to perform daily. He’s inept, wholly incompetent and quite frankly it’s a travesty that he’s still thinking he’s POTUS. Biden has absolutely no idea what he’s doing to our country. Or maybe he does and is just rubbing his inept, failed presidency in our faces. Our country needs a real leader as POTUS, not the sorts like biden. IMHO

MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

Al Perpente
Al Perpente
3 years ago

worst of all he is dragging america down with him. the us reputation is in shambles thanks to slo joe just look at the absolute mess at the porder ! where is the CAMEL ? like anm osterich she has her head in the sand and impervious to the situation. build gun turrets and open fire with high pressure water cannons then watch them all scatter as they are not used to bathing. heaven only knows what diseases gthey will be infection we americans with. lot of our allies loosing respect for the american name thanks to joe the shmo and ms. dromedary. the dems have put all of us in danger from many sides thanks to their policies and lack of proper action. joe got to go, go brandon !

USN Retired
USN Retired
3 years ago

The Democrats are Communist and they have control of the news media. They lie, they cheat and no one calls them out. The laws that have been broken and the abuse of our constitution is unforgivable. Yet no one seems to care where it counts, they get away with it. We MUST purge these communist out, I just hope it’s not too late. I spent more than two decades in the military protecting our way of life, seems now it was for not.


3 years ago

At this stage of the game I cannot think of any platform or agenda democrats could possibly promote to be in favor of! Afganistan, the border, energy, China (Taiwan, economy, Joe and Hunter, human rights violations, military), inflation, CRT promotion in education, Justice Dept going after parents at school board meetings and January 6th insurrectionist(?), Iran nuclear deal, Build Back Better Trillions of dollars, we don’t have, a President who agrees with “Let’s Go Branden” – the GOP has been given more ammunition than Biden gave the Taliban, Yet, I can see them blowing it!
We need Donald to take charge and lead with “Make America Great Again – Again”

3 years ago

Very well said and completely accurate.

3 years ago

As long as the Cabal controls the MSM and Social Media, fear mongering and conspiracy theories flying around, not to mention bombarding us with information on a daily basis, will keep the American people not knowing what to believe. The one thing I know is that God is in control and at what time He sees fit, those who stand against Him He will destroy. In the mean time, we trust the Lord to see us through all the chaos and confusion. God said we are not to fear what man can do to us, but that we are to fear Him.
I myself cannot physically do much due to my health issues, but I do pray that God will intervene somehow to derail this train wreck we’re facing. These are no longer Democrats but Marxists who have invaded our government. Pride, Greed and Satanic Power is the enemy. We all know God’s Power is stronger, and we need to focus on that more than all the chaos this illegitimate government brings to the table. What I believe is at this point in our history we will only make it if we believe that God will do what He has said He will do. He says He’s angry with the wicked every day, and He delights in those who obey His Commandments. We must remember what He has taught us; about those who were faithful in the past. We need to remember that even though they suffered terribly that they were given a crown of glory in eternity forever. We have been given that blessing of hope that this world can never offer. Let’s hope we can do better as believers and see if that doesn’t make it more bareable dealing with the evils in this life.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
3 years ago

I agree wholeheartedly. The Democratic Party is the instrument of Satan. It has totally sold itself to do evil. If there are any good people left in it’s ranks, they should leave its rotting corpse.

3 years ago

Anything could happen since the Republican weak knees allowed for a fraudulent election . They knew what Biden was going to do with the country. Who knows what’s in store but what ever it is, I don’t think anything good is going to happen.

3 years ago

“…a Democratic resurgence by November…”

You can bet it WILL happen because of all the voter fraud perpetrated by the demon-communist-cRATS. We need to volunteer as poll watchers and watch the count. Make sure the counters know live video is ready to roll if they start cheating.

3 years ago

Don’t know how it is nationwide but in my area a dog running in place of a retiring Republican stands a better chance of being elected than a Dimocrat. Local Dimocrats stand a slight chance but not so much with those being elected to go to D.C.

3 years ago

Step it up Reps!!!! It’s entirely possible that the Dems could win in 2022. Get off your butts and get out there and make the commies look bad. We need a big win!!!!! Otherwise, GOODBYE FREE AMERICA. Reps, stop being pussies and start looking like a real party.

3 years ago

All the Republicans need to do is remind Americans of the FACTS. There are too many disasters to mention. Let the “fact checkers” check the facts. No apologies needed.

3 years ago

And pray we must! We can still be a stand alone nation when it comes to moral values. We don’t have to be lost and become a third world country. But, without God, we will be lost.

3 years ago

They don’t seem to be too worried. They have been cheating for so long in their elections they have cheating down pat. Scumbags.

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