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10 Must-See Moments From President Trump’s Mt. Rushmore Speech

Posted on Tuesday, July 7, 2020
by Outside Contributor

trump speech rushmore President Trump visited Mount Rushmore on Friday, where he delivered “one of the best speeches of his Presidency,” according to The Wall Street Journal editorial board.

WATCH: Highlights from President Trump’s visit to Mt. Rushmore

“Contrary to the media reporting, the America Mr. Trump described is one of genuine racial equality and diversity,” they continue. The President told the story of America through its many national heroes—presidents such as Washington and Lincoln, as well as other brave patriots such as Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King Jr.

“No nation has done more to advance the human condition than the United States of America,” President Trump said. “And no people have done more to promote human progress than the citizens of our great nation.”

Here are 10 of the top moments from his speech:

  1. An eternal tribute to our forefathers. In contrast to the far-left mobs tearing down and desecrating monuments across our country, President Trump honored the lives of the four men whose faces are forever carved into Mount Rushmore.
  2. America’s history will not be surrendered. Anarchists and extremists “think the American people are weak, and soft, and submissive. But no—the American people are strong and proud, and they will not allow our country, and all of its values, history, and culture, to be taken from them.”
  3. All men are created equal. Fifty-six patriots, 244 years ago, set in motion “the unstoppable march of freedom” by stating boldly that “all men are created equal.”
  4. Today, we set the record straight. “The radical view of American history is a web of lies—all perspective is removed, every virtue is obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted, and every flaw is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured beyond all recognition.”
  5. We will not be silenced. “No person who remains quiet at the destruction of this resplendent heritage can possibly lead us to a better future,” President Trump said. No one who loves this country would seek to demolish its legacy.
  6. Our children can achieve anything. “We will raise the next generation of American patriots . . . We will teach our children to know that they live in a land of legends, that nothing can stop them, and that no one can hold them down.”
  7. Made in the holy image of God. Americans believe in equal opportunity, equal justice, and equal treatment for every person. “Every child, of every color—born and unborn—is made in the holy image of God.”
  8. A surprise announcement. President Trump announced the creation of a new national monument, the National Garden of American Heroes. It will be a vast outdoor park featuring statues of the greatest Americans who have ever lived.
  9. The father of our country. “From head to toe, George Washington represented the strength, grace, and dignity of the American people.”
  10. The best is yet to come. “Centuries from now, our legacy will be the cities we built, the champions we forged, the good we did, and the monuments we created to inspire us all . . . America’s future is in our hands.”

Press Secretary: Teaching our children to love America is not a “culture war.”


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4 years ago

America wasn’t built by those who want to tear it down. I look forward to visiting the new National Garden of American Heroes, and hope it will be guarded 24/7. (No nonsense will be tolerated!)
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Please include a “Changing of the Guard” ceremony that demonstrates readiness in the face of conflict, pride in our military forces, and optimism that a free America will always thrive. Thank you!!

4 years ago

A fabulous speech! … Be Prepared People, We must defend our rights and values with force if necessary! … We must NOT ALLOW COMMUNISM TO PREVAIL!!!

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
4 years ago

I enjoyed the speech and especially the location. If you have never been to Mt.Rushmore, make plans to go.
I thought he was somewhat subdued but I can’t blame him. The only politician who stands for our country and is proud of America. Am very disappointed in Republican party and I don’t expect patriotism from national socialist party.

4 years ago

This is one of the best speeches that Trump has delivered. He still has big ego when it comes to parades, fireworks, build new monument, form new Space Force so he leaves his name/mark on history. What I do not agree with is that the USA is deep in debt & do not spend any more money unless you balance budget.

June Darley
June Darley
4 years ago

Great ,the best with the History lesson. I pray that he with be able to keep his ears deaf to the assaults that try to remove him
May God bless him and the ones that are working for the freedom for us all.

4 years ago

I no longer expect to hear speeches from our president in the national news media. The democrat party controls the national news media. The democrat party will not allow the American people to hear from the president. The democrat party will only allow their false interpretation to be heard. America! Wake up! Don’t let the democrat party destroy our country! God bless our president!

Press ONE for English
Press ONE for English
4 years ago

Excellent comments below regarding spending and the national debt. But there is more at work here than creating a plethora of new, overpriced pigeon targets. Something has to counter the left’s destructive “tear it down” mentality and this is a perfect vehicle for that purpose, something that will stand for generations (we hope) showcasing our positive attitude, our values, and our faith in the American Way. As to paying for it, how about Trump shakes down big business for contributions to pay for it? There’s a lot of good PR here, assuming businesses are not so afraid of their own shadow that they will be willing to contribute.

4 years ago

God Bless America and President Trump!

4 years ago

Good speech now stop these idiots, find the backers cease all assets arrest prosecute, all those involved including politicians, then start deportation of those so miserable here, revoked citizenships, any blacks that don’t like it here are so unhappy one way ticket for them and their families revoked citizenship, these people have had to much given to them now they want everything no way get them gone, over the years have watched these lazy people get a job that they are not qualified, then don’t even try to do the job, then you have the generations of welfare people they won’t work at all, time to put a stop to this garbage, all able bodied people on any form of welfare, must get a job do the job, and hold the job , don’t mind helping but not allowing those on assistance to stay on assistance,Is a big NO, mothers with young children under school age is different, but those that go out to get pregnant so they don’t have to work, need the less help, should have to go to work no matter what. It is the working class that pay the taxes and we are tired of supporting lazy, lying, cheating people

4 years ago


Rexford Ames
Rexford Ames
4 years ago

The noise from a few does not begin to hear from the majority. We let the noise come and go. We allow them to yell,rant and rave as if these young grownups are trying to change into Adults. Most of us are Adults, not grownups. We do our due diligence. We watch, listen, think and respond accordingly. There is no need to tear down anything. It is what it is and there are reasons and a lot of feelings that go with Statutes and such. I guess those young have to get out of the parents basements and small apartments with their computers and actually see and talk with people, face to face ( 2020) is Distancing so for now , try it. It works! No Facebook, No Twitter or what ever system they constantly change to?
I understand more than one of those young men and women realize. You see, I served some 43 years in one or another employment and was confined many, many times and relied on media that was at best, Not Transparent nor completely truthful. No not Prison. Although sometimes I wondered with the many, many places I’ve had the pleasure or not, of residing in or at?
One must, as Candace Owens has said. Get out and look for yourself. When one lives is a cocoon, and only hears and sees one or two select indivisuals and the few that go to the SAME Institutions. Colleges, Universities, Socialists / Communists, or just plan young who are so mad at themselves that they hurt others in the process. Be still and enjoy the noise that comes from silence!

Jennie Parson
Jennie Parson
4 years ago

I’m thankful and proud to be an American. We have a true leader we can stand behind and know that promises made, promises kept. His speech was awesome and thank you for the article.

julia McAninley
julia McAninley
4 years ago


4 years ago

Thanks AMAC, you gave me a real attitude boost with this article!!

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Well said! Now, the upcoming generation must learn that they must work hard for what they want and it is not given or an entitlement.

4 years ago

When people start destroying history even if it reminds them of bad times that is wrong. If we start destroying everything that reminds us of our past . We will not have a future because we don’t know about the past and we keep repeating it. We don’t want slaves in America and we don’t want to have fights and killing with America Indians. I think that some people in this country can’t be happy unless they are starting trouble . The people in America are smarter than all this hat and stupid stuff . Stop destroying the county we love or you need to leave you do have a choice.

4 years ago

Go Trump Go 2020

4 years ago

I hadn’t listen to his speech and was reading in the different so call news sources on how bad it was and then I went and watched his whole speech and it was totally a great tremendous speech.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Anyone who thinks that either Socialism or Democracy are good, or even acceptable, forms of government have been brainwashed!!!  Understand, the term “representative democracy” is an oxymoron (complete contradiction) and Socialism kills both the spirit and the body!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Decide to be free!  Take our Country BACK: RED – Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

We can live without the NFL!  We will not live without PRIDE IN OUR COUNTRY!!!  

Susan P
Susan P
4 years ago

Great speech by a true patriot who loves the USA. We will NOT allow the socialists/communists/Marxists who plague our nation today to win this culture war. We MUST restore our Constitution and prosecute all those who would destroy it for personal gain.

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

Did anyone fully follow the link to “Watch the Highlights?” I opened it. I watched it. Then I scrolled down. There is an ad for Joe Biden and a litany of remarks that are not very favorable to POTUS. Who reviewed this article fully before printing it?
Pretty sad that there appears to be a lack of professionalism in the publication department at Amac.

Gregory Russell
Gregory Russell
4 years ago

“Made in the Holy Image of God”…no wonder liberals and their puppet media called it a “dark speech”. Government is the god of liberals, so this was truly disturbing for them.
God bless President Trump. I believe he was called by God for this time, even though, like all of us, he is deeply flawed, but the Lord used many, many deeply flawed people in the accounts we can read in the Bible.
Vote in November as though the future of this great Republic depends upon it, because it DOES.

4 years ago

The rioters don’t realize there are reminder how Civil War help them to win their freedom and how we can go forward as one nation. By destroying the statue you show the world you are not proud to be American and not appreciated for the men who sacrifice their lives to give you freedom. Plus you destroy what Martin Luther Jr achieve for you and destroy his dream to make this nation a peaceful loving nation. In all you show hatefulness and no remorse for you action.

4 years ago

Understand that Donald Trump jr. & his girlfriend both tested positive for Covid-19 in SD and both now in quarantine. Only saw this in local newspaper, but if so that is pretty close to home

Donna B
Donna B
4 years ago

An AMAZING speech by an AMAZING President!! TRUMP 2020!!

Maryjane Kozdra
Maryjane Kozdra
4 years ago

Greatest President ever doing a great job with no recognition Constantly belittled which just makes a lot of us more determined to vote him in for a second term. Contantly attacked as is his family shows you how small minded and jealous people can be. I pray for him his family and out country every day.

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