
Elections , Newsline

When Are You Leaving, Joe?

Posted on Monday, July 1, 2024
by Barry Casselman

The Latin phrase “Quo Vadis” (where are you going?) was made famous in the New Testament, and later became the title of a well-known Polish novel, and still later the title of a Hollywood movie. The Latin phrase “Cum Vadis Abire, Iosephus” is much more secular, and is the question now being asked throughout the U.S. by many Democrats following President Joe Biden’s performance in his presidential debate with former Republican President Donald Trump.

The answer to the original biblical question of where was “to Rome’.

But the secular question above of when now has five possible answers.

The first is, “Before the DNC convention by voluntary withdrawal from renomination.” The second is, “Any time, by the cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution” (making Kamala Harris acting president). The third is, “on January 20, 2025, after losing re-election.” The fourth is, “after January 20, 2025, by the cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment should he be re-elected.” The fifth is, “January 20, 2029.”

As matters stand now, the latter four are unlikely, particularly scenarios two and four and especially the final date.

In spite of their dislike of him and his administration’s policies, many Republicans are not eager to push Biden out the door because they feel a Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket will produce a landslide win for their nominee plus control of the House and Senate.

As with so much in this political campaign cycle, the nation is in uncharted political territory.

Mr. Biden already has more than enough committed delegates to be renominated at his party’s national convention in Chicago in August. The primary season is over, and the party establishment decreed that no one should oppose Mr. Biden despite his long-standing low favorability polls that had gotten worse and worse. It would take an historically and psychologically extraordinary effort to deny him the nomination if he doesn’t go voluntarily.

The only real precedent for what Democrats face now was in 1844 when former President Martin Van Buren had a majority of delegates to the Democratic convention but was opposed by pro-slavery Democrats who voted that a two-thirds majority was required for nomination. Van Buren could not get two-thirds and was therefore blocked, and with former President Andrew Jackson maneuvering behind the scenes, slave-owning James Knox Polk was nominated and then won the presidency over Whig nominee Henry Clay. (Had Van Buren won the nomination and the presidency, he would have been the first president elected to non-consecutive terms.)

Should Mr. Biden refuse to go voluntarily now, he would likely be the head of the Democratic ticket in November. Down-ballot Democrat candidates for local, state and national office would likely be affected by the presidential race, which could then result in a Republican landslide. Biden’s refusal to withdraw would make it very difficult for his party to name a replacement at the convention, and even more difficult after the convention in mid-August.

Obama political advisor David Axelrod has warned Republicans that if Mr. Biden withdraws, his replacement could do well against Mr. Trump, but all current polling shows that the frequently named substitutes, i.e. Vice President Kamala Harris, California Governor Gavin Newsom, former First Lady Michelle Obama, and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, do no better or worse than Mr. Biden. It is unknown how Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro or Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo would do.

With much of the Democratic establishment now (but very belatedly) calling for Joe Biden to stand down, the next few weeks are going to be very curious. First Lady Jill Biden is being called on to persuade her husband to retire, but she is usually believed to be one of his strongest supporters. Former President Obama has repeated his support for Biden despite the debate fiasco. 

One Democrat institution, however, has deserted him — the establishment media. A key factor in Biden’s narrow 2020 victory, many of these large print and broadcast venues seem to be falling all over themselves in calling for him to stand down immediately. Their seeming panic and desperation would be heightened if new polls show the Biden/Harris ticket falling further in the post-debate environment.

The next few weeks are going to be very instructive indeed.

Barry Casselman is a writer for AMAC Newsline.

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anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

When is he leaving? When his wife says I don’t want to be the First lady anymore

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
8 months ago

When is Biden leaving? NEVER! Jill Biden and democrat party higher-ups won’t allow it. They like the power too much.

8 months ago

He needs to stay right where he is and we need to stop making noise about wanting him to leave now. Devil you know vs devil you don’t. We know we can and will beat him; let’s not change that.

8 months ago

I don’t care if you are a life long, die heart democrat, but nobody in their right mind would vote for Buffoon Biden. America has had the worst 3n half years ever in history. America will not survive 4 more years with this total mindless idiot

8 months ago

Queen Jill says you are not leaving! I want four more as the American Queen!

8 months ago

Of course Obama supports him! He is Obama 2.0 and Obama is pulling his strings.

John Bass
John Bass
8 months ago

I think the writings on the wall. He’s leaving before the end of this term, one way or another.

Trump 2024

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
8 months ago

Hey KJP … What where you saying about “Cheap Fake videos and the RNC? Live TV really sucks don’t it! LOL…LOL

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

“I have not yet begun to.. you know… that thing!”

8 months ago

The MSM created Obiden and now they are taking him down. Media is fickle. They don’t like to be lied to. Journalists are not put to work to investigate Brandon. All the propaganda coming from the White House were swallowed hook line and sinker. The hatred for Trump blinded them and now they find they were also being manipulated and brainwashed by the dems. They went into bed with what they thought a wonderful human being but woke up with Satan next to them. A little late I would say. It will be years before the MSM will be trusted again. Ole Joe has got to go and all dems in the House and Senate as well. Clean up the state legislatures next, along with the dem governors. No more blue or red states but a mixture of purple. Where we fight for America as Americans. Where the flag is being honored and empathy for your neighbors is important. Not what gender you are. Man or woman or the color of your skin, what income you have or car you drive. All working together at a better world and that starts in your own neighborhood. Law and order return, religion freely being practiced. And helping those who need a helping hand. Not those that hold their hands up and demand help. Or throwing good money after bad.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

Bidens want him to stay in Race

8 months ago

If Biden does not resign in the next 2 weeks the MSM will not only desert him, they will declare war on him. All the “cheap fake” stories and videos will become “documented evidence”. If Biden survives the convention, it’s going to be fun to watch the MSM flip-flop and support him. Hopefully the sheep who believe all the propaganda we are spoon fed will realize how much they have been lied to.

George M
George M
8 months ago

The answer is really pretty simple. Biden is one of the most arrogant people on earth (ask his college classmates whom he constantly told that “he would be president”) and his wife very much enjoys running the Country. He will not step down. With respect to his removal from office, it would be against his wishes, and would take some slick political maneuvering by insiders. With Obama still supporting Joe (assuming that is real) and Kamala next in line and to date unable to do much of anything at all in the better part of 4 years as VP, my guess is it will never happen. Replacement at the convention no for the same reasons; no other democrat candidate with a better chance of winning, …
The entire discussion comes down to the election. Will republicans be able to shake; relying on democrats to police the election, relying on others to get out the vote, criticizing their own candidates over small policy differences, partying before the check clears the bank? Do the democrats have enough ballots in their pocket from their make up the vote system spearheaded by ERIC to close a win for Biden in the swing states?
Have democrat and independents (American Citizens in their totality) voters seen enough of Biden to understand that he is not fit for office? Are they willing to surrender control to the republicans so that the United States will have a competent and capable leader in the White House in 2025?

8 months ago

Is what the Nobel Prize-winning Soviet dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote of his own country now applicable to ours?

Quote. “We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they, of course, know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just a moral category but the pillar industry of this country.” Unquote.  

8 months ago

“Doctor” Jill will not let the old buzzard withdrqw. She loves the title “First Lady” living in the White House and hanging with the elites. Kick her Arse out.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
8 months ago

Hopefully, the current Democrat Party that is controlled so heavily by Progressives will collapse in the 2024 election, forcing the Democrat Party to rid itself of Progressives and get back to being the party of slavery, Jim Crowe, Segregation and welfare programs that enslave American citizens.

corbin douthitt
corbin douthitt
8 months ago

Joe leaving? over Dr. Jill’s limp body maybe..

Scott Beck
Scott Beck
8 months ago

Hunter doesn’t want to go to jail yet! So Joe’s going to try to stick around. But either way he won’t remember anything anyway.

8 months ago

For the love of God and country can’t be soon enough.

8 months ago

Leaving? Not soon enough………………….

8 months ago

Just my opinion but I think the Dems are negotiating with the Bidens {hunter & Jill} and the TOP Dems are looking at 25th amend. Kamala will be sold the 1st Black female in history books, will take them to the end of this term & replaced {told behind closed doors} due to drinking issues. Newsome or Roy Cooper for Prez & Gretchen Witmer VP for next 4 years. Dems want more than headlines, they want Trump off the campaign trail. House arrest would do that even during appeal process. I see ankle monitor & house arrest in TRUMPS future. Headlines with no campaigning. We still have to worry about the RHINO’S in our own party during the convention. They are up to NO GOOD! TRUMP needs to clean house of RNC campaign spies again. #TRUMP2024 #WWG1WGA #UnitedWeStand #GodWins #MAGA

Vet.John Victorine
Vet.John Victorine
8 months ago

The (Bidens )) ,LOVE the Power !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They do not care about their party or you or me or the
Great {USA}} !!! Or the World !!

8 months ago

The train has already left the station.

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
8 months ago

I still think it has been a mistake, to wish Joe out of the race. Even with the success of the dems to pull off a cheat in 2020 … they could never pull off the same cheat in 2024 with how bad Joe has done. He has made a complete mockery of the office, and America. And all our rhetoric, that Joe should go … too feeble … the democrats have listened, and at the last moment will replace him, with an untried more outwardly likeable democrat … and the same old cheat used in 2020 will work again in 2024.

We should have just focused on beating Joe or Kamala, and let it be … they would be easy to beat in 2024 … now we will have another puppet, given the seat to follow orders, and likely likeable enough, to be semi believable that that could beat ‘dictator’ ‘the un-likeable orange man, with his finger on the nuclear trigger’ Donald J. And with the same kind of cheat will probably put another Dem in office, and further destroy the last remnants of this once great country.

8 months ago

I pray to God that Biden stays in the race. Trump will trounce him.

8 months ago

The MSM is belly-aching now but they will no doubt drop an October Surprise in to try and derail Trump. In fact, the belly-aching is probably just a ruse that they will forget in the coming weeks. Regardless, the Communists will run someone else (my money’s on Moochelle Obama or some high profile Comminist personality) and collide with the Communist MSM on attacking Trump any way they can.

8 months ago

When Robert Kennedy Senior was gunned down in June 1968, didn’t it take time for the majority of Democrats at the 1968 convention to support then Vice-President Hubert Humphrey? There was only a few months during this time. I thought Robert Kennedy was deemed the front runner at the time. LBJ had announced that he did not plan to run, although under the 25th amendment he was eligible, since he finished out the last 14 months of John F. Kennedy’s term.

Miriam Erpenbach
Miriam Erpenbach
8 months ago

Let’s just all make sure we’re registered to vote, show up to cast our ballots or mail it in if overseas.

Michael Skok
Michael Skok
8 months ago

The Democratic Party is the Disaster party. If Joe leaves today, another Disaster politician will take his place.
Churchill once said, “Democracy is the worst form of government after everything else.” It’s incredible that one of the most pathetic, weakest, sickliest, unchristian, anti-Israel, pro-Muslim, pro-Communist Red Chinese men in America is allowed to rule in the White House. This is the definition of absolute insanity. This can’t be happening! God help us to fix this terrible mess.

8 months ago

He will probably leave when he is in a secure nursing home

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
8 months ago

In the best of all worlds, Joe Biden will insist on running for reelection. That will almost certainly result in a Donald Trump win. That will also affect the down vote contests. Republican candidates for the House of Representatives, and the Senate will benefit from the “coat tail” effect from a triumphant Trump showing.
Things are just getting better and better.

8 months ago

It looks as if the scandal surrounding the incompetence of the current president and his administration is about to reach the point of no return—-until this evening it looked as if leaders of the Democrat Party were going to keep the support of the liberal MSM in the cover-up of Biden’s physical and mental deterioration and were going to allow Biden to remain as the nominee of the Party and remain in office to the end of his current term—-as of Tuesday p.m. this is no longer true.
Thank goodness for President Trump allowing Biden to talk and demonstrate his lack of awareness of reality and severe impairment in last Thursday night’s debate—up to this first presidential debate only Fox News, Newsmax, the Epoch Times, Amac, “X” and the courageous commentators and politicians continually beating the drum of how impaired Biden is and showing video proof to counteract the lies of the biased MSM and Democrat Party. The country deserves a free and apolitical press to remain a free country for all of us. A couple of cable and network “celebrities” have destroyed any credibility they had in their statements of hatred for Trump and what his reelection would mean to the country—they should be fired.
When big donors, elected officials and leaks from WH staff are being made in public, politicians down ticket realize they will be defeated in their own reelection bids if Biden is not removed from office.

Ed J
Ed J
8 months ago

When is Bidense leaving? Should have been 3-1/2 years ago and he should have taken Harris with him then. But then again, we would have been stuck with Pelosi ascending to the “throne” of the Dark House on Pennsylvania Avenue (with gourmet ice cream being the main course at state dinners). Thus, tolerating Bidense has probably been the least worst choice among these dystopians. Still, any of these three would constitute, perpetrate and continue to perpetuate our current National Nightmare.

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
8 months ago

Rats in a maze with no exit, no entrance, no one caring, and these lying anti-Americans are useless and on the way out. You have screwed Americans enough and the only way it is still in place, we are more civilized, but , , , , ??? Hurray!!

Bedford Clothier
Bedford Clothier
8 months ago

The Democrat’s are in the mud big time here. The factions behind the scenes don’t like each other. Biden did not want Kamala Harris as VP but Obama pushed the issue. Now we are stuck with the kackling jackal. Jill does not want to give up power, Hunter does not want to give up power with the tax evasion still over his head, and there are no viable candidates who can step forward backed by party unity. The Obama’s and the Clintons do not like each other, and the Gavin Newsome/ Nancy Pelosi/ Diane Feinstein wing of the socialist party don’t stand a chance with eastern voters. Here is what is being floated. The Biden Administration has been pressuring Sonia Sotomayor to retire, apparently she has health problems due to diabetes. Then Kamala Harris is offered the Supreme Court position. She won’t have to speak much and someone will write her decisions for her. Personally, I do not think she would get through the confirmation process because she is terrible at everything she does. Biden selects another VP, perhaps Hillary Clinton, or Gavin Newsome. Then Joe Biden resigns and the VP who ever it is picks their running mate prior to the Democrat Convention. Sounds like something out of the Twilight Zone, but do not forget what the Democrat, Liberal Progressive Communists did to us during the Covid lockdown and the 2020 election. These people are ruthless when it comes to holding on to power. But not to worry, Trump will prevail no matter what the Swamp comes up with.

Donald King
Donald King
8 months ago

To answer your headline, Joe’s not leaving until Dr Jill tells him he can, and not a moment sooner!

WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 28: U.S. President Donald Trump takes a question from a reporter before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump spoke about his contentious Oval Office meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.
WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 26: Demonstrators, some of them former PEPFAR and USAID employees, protest to demand that Congress stand up to President Donald Trump and Elon Musk's "Department of Government Efficiency" and reinstate lifesaving programs in the Cannon House Office Building on Capitol Hill on February 26, 2025 in Washington, DC. Organized by ActUp's Health Global Access Project, the protesters temporarily occupied the floor of the rotunda before U.S. Capitol Police arrested 21 of the demonstrators. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
COXSACKIE, GREENE, NEW YORK - FEBRUARY 28: New York correctional officers and sergeants continue their strike for a second week outside of the Coxsackie Correctional Facility on February 28, 2025 in Coxsackie, Greene, New York. The prison workers say they want to roll back the 2022 HALT Act, which has reduced solitary confinement because it caused assaults on them to rise. While it's unclear if the strike has played a role, two more New York inmates have died during an ongoing strike. The Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) has presented a tentative agreement to the New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA) to end the ongoing strike, but many guards say their demands have not been met and they won't show up to work on Saturday. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

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