
Elections , Newsline

Trump Inaugurates a New Era

Posted on Wednesday, January 22, 2025
by Outside Contributor

Breathtaking: There’s no other word for the sheer ambition and scope of Donald Trump’s second inaugural address.

President Trump is back with all the confidence of a man delivered from death for a purpose.

Voters save his political life and legacy, too, by reelecting him in the face of every accusation and criminal charge against him.

Trump has been given a second chance — by God and the country alike — and his address left no doubt he intends to use it to transform America.

“The future is ours, and our golden age has just begun,” he promised.

Other presidents have struck optimistic notes, but Trump also laid out an agenda bolder than anything since the New Deal.

John F. Kennedy pledged to take America to the moon — Trump says we will “plant the stars and stripes on the planet Mars.”

The president backed down from nothing he vowed on the campaign trail or in the weeks since his reelection.

He described the immigration crisis in the language supporters and opponents alike have come to expect, but probably no one guessed he’d invoke 1798 legislation regarding “alien enemies” as authority for a new push against foreign gangs and criminal groups operating in our country.

And cartels ferrying drugs and human beings across our borders will now officially be designated as terrorist organizations.

Trump reiterated his belief that Panama has not lived up to its obligations to America concerning the canal, overcharging our ships for passage and giving China too much influence over the critical strategic waterway.

Yet “fire and fury” wasn’t the theme of Trump’s address — quite the contrary: “My proudest legacy will be that of a peacemaker and unifier,” he said.

Trump’s plans for the military include expunging “radical political theories” and “social experiments” imposed on service members, and he intends to reinstate, with back pay, anyone expelled for refusing the COVID vaccine.

“Our armed forces will be free to focus on their sole mission: defeating America’s enemies,” he announced, along with an aim of rebuilding and strengthening the military.

Yet diplomacy received equal emphasis:

“We will measure our success not only by the battles we win, but also by the wars that we end, and, perhaps most importantly, the wars we never get into.”

The speech had terrific turns of phrase reflecting the turnarounds in policy and results of Trump promises:

“Instead of taxing our citizens to enrich other countries, we will tariff and tax foreign countries to enrich our citizens,” he said, heralding the creation of an “External Revenue Service” to collect tariff revenue.

Can Trump achieve all this with the House of Representatives barely under Republican control?

For that matter, will the GOP Senate give Trump the backing to follow through on what he sees as his popular mandate?

While the president still peppers his prepared remarks with casual asides, there was no improvisation in the substance of the speech:

Trump has a plan, and he told the nation exactly what it is — in detail.

Experience has taught him powerful lessons: Unlike in 2017, this time there will be no waiting on Congress to help set priorities.

Trump feels the wind at his back, and his enemies haven’t yet regrouped from the rout he inflicted on them last November.

The very words of this inaugural address could change Washington, drawing new battle lines and scrambling old playbooks.

Republicans have long criticized gender ideology and DEI, the identity-based policies euphemistically branded as “diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

But Trump declared full-on war against these core progressive commitments of the 21st century.

He reads the election as a referendum on the protection of women’s spaces against intrusion by biological males.

And although the president didn’t use the words “affirmative action,” his address signaled the entire system of racial preferences and dogmas that identity politics depends on is up for dismantling.

Before Trump spoke, administration officials briefed reporters on background about how the president’s executive orders would put his vision into effect.

They won’t leave any doubt about what it means to be a woman, for one thing:

For purposes of government documents, including passports and visas, and for the protection of “intimate spaces,” from now on federal agencies will recognize only two innate sexes, not a plethora of socially constructed genders.

There’s even an order to redefine birthright citizenship so the children of illegal immigrants won’t automatically be considered American.

These orders will be contested in the courts, of course.

But they’ll also be contested in elections, and Trump seems certain his agenda will win at the ballot box just as he has.

This was the address of a man who dares everything, which is what Donald Trump’s supporters want and what his critics most fear.

Daniel McCarthy is the editor of Modern Age: A Conservative Review. To read more by Daniel McCarthy, visit the Creators website.


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Carol A Arroyo
Carol A Arroyo
2 months ago

So many prayers answered! I am so proud of Donald Trump and the way he gave his speech, whether it was on purpose or just a coincidence, he stood with his back turned toward the rat-pack of Bidens, Obama, Clintons et all, and told the truth to America. How he was persecuted, attacked, harassed and forced by every means possible to try and remove him from running for the office that was stolen from him was a disgrace! His supporters could do nothing but PRAY, watch and PRAY HARDER. His entire family was put through this ongoing harangue for all those years as well! PRAYERS ANSWERED to the degree that no one expected. God protected his rightful place in history with the “glory” that no man can take away from him. The truth will still be told of the extent of taxpayers dollars spent, and the evil exercised by the slimy, smirky snakes that were part of all of the inexcusable treatment of a man running for office, and a past President no less, Let us never forget the strength, love and determination Donald J. Trump has for America and stand proudly in support of his agenda to recover decency and dignity to this United States of America. Keep PRAYING people for our 47th President and all those who will be working with him for justice and restoration for this nation.

Ed J
Ed J
2 months ago

“Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!” Go President Trump! And continue until all those dystopian Demshevik thinkers get “Right thinking!”

2 months ago

And how about Schumer the shlepp calling DJT’s pardons of the J6 prisoners “unpatriotic” but says nothing about Joebama’s preemptive pardons of traitors Fauchi and Milley and the Biden crime family?

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
2 months ago

Hooray For President Trump!!!! Now what I would Love to see is for the News Media to slam everything that the Democrats have done to destroy this Country. And for the News Media to tell the truth and for once in their LYING, MISERABLE, lives to tell the truth about Who the Democratic Party really is !!!! And for once stand behind our New President instead of trying to tear Him down !!!! I know I’m dreaming but the Democrats and the News Media has done that to every Republican President we’ve ever had !!!!And they the Democrats & News Media are. the One who have divided this Country !!!

2 months ago


2 months ago

We, as a nation, had been “tanking” at a very rapid rate while Biden was making hideous decisions, and relinquishing the remainder his decision-making duties to who knows (?) whom? How very uplifting it is to have the rational, clever and passionate President Trump in office to correct so much damage done by the “democrats”. We needed a life-preserver, and, he showed up.

2 months ago

Liberal heads are exploding and the lamestream media is already displaying their Trump Derangement Syndrome. MAGA!!!!!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

I don’t understand why left should be upset, President is not forcing his will on anyone, he is only following the existing law, which has been ignored and broken for ages .Anyone entering the country illegally is not an immigrant, anyone born here to a foreign mother can’t be an American automatically What is it about the law that “Democrats” don’t get it or are afraid of . They were sworn to uphold it not to tamper with sex and be obsessed by it.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

CNN is still crying over J6 and the police assaults while ignoring the 19 people killed, hundreds of millions in damage, and police killed and assaulted in 2020. Never a mention of the 5 officers bushwhacked in Texas. Nothing about the CBP agent killed in Vermont yesterday… TDS is alive and well!

Doug Weise
Doug Weise
2 months ago

May God be with President Trump and make his policies successful, even if under attack from those espousing MALA, Making America Less Always. You know who you are.

2 months ago

Did Trump bring up anything about Ukraine & Russia war ? That was the major promise I was waiting to hear. The invasion of any country is not right in the eyes of God.

2 months ago


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