
Elections , Newsline

The Unseen Debate

Posted on Monday, July 1, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

“No, no, no, this whole attack on Joe Biden about his debate performance is a crock. He did a great job, you just did not see it. This was – don’t you get it – a deep fake, replacing the real man with a cardboard cutout, putting all those muddled, muddy, messed up answers in his mouth with a fuzzy mic. Republicans did this, probably with the Russians, same old same old, a big set-up.”

“It was?”

“Yeah, yeah, it was. Be smart, jeez these Trump people will stop at nothing.  Biden was great, but no live audience, so you didn’t see it. Think about that. I think Trump wanted no audience and convinced CNN to offer that, like Br’er Rabbit, you know ‘Don’t throw me in the briar patch’ sort of thing, but that’s what he wanted. So no one saw the good stuff, no audience.”


“Yeah, Biden did a great job. It was the Republicans like they invent everything and start businesses, they used AI to pretend Biden got messed up. But speed up the clips and he’s there.”

“He is?”

“Oh yeah, come on, they used Artificial Intelligence, and pulled the wood over everyone’s eyes.”

“Wood? You mean wool?”

“Yeah, no, maybe, whatever … you know it’s just words, then they pretended Biden was using amphetamines, Botox, photoshopped his eyes to look weird, did freezeframes, and turned the volume down, remixed his words, made him sound, you know, like a moron, a MAGA insurrectionist sort, like he was just ‘an elderly man with a poor memory’ or something.”

“They did that?

“Yeah, yeah, then the post-debate spin-room… Didn’t you see how Trump people were there, but no Biden people? Not even one pro-Biden person to talk with the media … did you see that?”

“Yeah, not good …”

“No, it was good… Get real. They obviously locked the pro-Biden folks in a closet, didn’t let ‘em out, gotta be that, just the way Trump wanted to lock up Hillary and the other good guys.”

“Was she a guy?”

“What? Oh no, I don’t think so, just saying they stop at nothing to bring Biden down. Gosh, what a leader he is, takes it all, everything they throw at him, and keeps going. Did you see how he stood there for 90 minutes… now, there’s a man.”

“But Trump did too, and he had lots of energy, remembered stuff, didn’t he?”

“Bub, come on, don’t let ‘em fool you, that’s the other side of AI. They did voiceovers, obviously. No one is that good, not even Trump, I mean they delayed transmission or something, to tan his face, insert good lines, and calm him like a real president… too good, another a deep fake.

“Man oh man, are the Republicans that good?”

“Oh yeah, they are sneaky good, good like a fox, probably had moles at CNN, put stuff in Biden’s coffee, made him look so goofed up and old and nutty, you know?”

“But I thought he was cardboard, all that other stuff you said?”

“Well, one way or the other, it was their fault, not Biden‘s. I mean, right down to it, Biden isn’t Trump, and that’s what matters? This was just a debate. Biden had a cold, maybe COVID, overprepared, but did a great job, even with that speaking impeachment.”

“You mean impediment?”

“Yeah, that too… He was the best, George Washington, George Floyd. They tried to make him look stupid, look void, but he was a dynamo, [big giggle], you know.”

“I don’t know Kamilla … He didn’t seem to have the old coal miner’s daughter, Neil Kinnock, ‘vote for me or you ain’t black,’ ‘enemies of the people’ or Uncle Cannibal punch …”

“Yeah, maybe, but it’s still their fault… I mean AI is a kind of fancy thing …You have to know what you know about what you know, and Joe knows, it’s time for us to be doing what we have been doing, and that time is every day. Gosh, he was great. Say, had your blue pill?”

“Nah, think I am done with that, gonna go red, not go to bed and wake up blue. How ‘bout you?”

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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John Bass
John Bass
8 months ago

Ha ha, funny. Nobody is talking about how Jill should be locked away for elder abuse. If she really cared about her husband as she claims she does she wouldn’t allow this to continue. It’s gone on two years too long the way it is.
I believe Rush Limbaugh got it right when he said “liberalism is a disease”.

Avoid liberals like the plague, and Vote Trump! America is depending on it.

8 months ago

A nice humorous article.

8 months ago

Still laughing! Great article!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

When ppl say Biden lied that “no one died in war on my watch” they are incorrect, he WAS telling the truth: because during the Afghanistan withdrawl he wasn’t watching at all!

8 months ago

“President” Biden has been nothing but a puppet – installed to act on the behalf of those who have been thinking through issues as THEY see them, and giving him orders. He lacks the focus and the mental wherewithal to comprehend and manuever effectively through that labrinth of political and organizational issues on Capitol Hill. I’ve heard him prefix many statements while televised with… “They tell me to ….”.
The truest irony is how foolish his most ardent fans and many others are about both his superficial function, and his complete capitulation to those who control him. He is a disoriented head of state who has been regressing since he took office.
If there’s a way to ensure a world War, then, that would be leaving Biden in office.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
8 months ago

Around 1970,or thereabouts, I saw a paperback book at a bookstore with the title “Custer Died for Your Sins ” by someone named Vine De Loria. Thinking it might be something with some historical views from the American Indian. perspective I decided to purchase it . One chapter in it is called Indian Humor and figured that would be something worth reading — prior to that time I did not know much about the topic of American Indian Humor. One sentence in it I found easy to remember is — ” Satirical remarks often circumscribe problems so that possible solutions can be drawn from the circumstances that would not make sense if presented in other than a humorous form.”. Reading this article ” The Unseen Debate ” brought to mind that Vine De Loria statement about satirical remarks . What you wrote Robert has some genuinely humorous parts in it and it helps to have some understanding of the whole idea of what Presidential debates are all about, what they should be about . So, good work , well done, this article will contribute to seeing things clearly from a humorous perspective and that has a great value .

8 months ago

What the handlers or Barry or Jill don’t realize or won’t realize is what Cadaver Joe has won’t get any better, it only gets worse with age. No one can beat Father Time.

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

To think that the world has seen the president of the USA in that fiasco but then it is used to it He does not perform any better no matter where he is It is what it is Disaster

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
8 months ago

The burning question is what drove this self-delusion and the betrayal of the public that Democrats have?
65.7% of america says Democrats are full of schiff. 

8 months ago

People, no, we really didn’t see and hear what you think you saw and heard because lying, Geriatric Jackass Joe Biden really “performed” excellently and really “won” the debate! WOW! We all know that Trump won the debate but the real winner is the American Constitution!

8 months ago

Funny article! So much for the Cringe Jean Pee-you’s claim that conservatives are guilty of “cheap fake.”

Lover of America and GOD!
Lover of America and GOD!
8 months ago

Ha! HA! laughed all the way through!

8 months ago

Funny, but you need to be careful writing sarcasm like this because now some left wing propaganda rag, ( like CNN or MSNBC) will print it or report it saying it’s true and we’re admitting to it.

8 months ago

I would say let the games, but guess it already started

Hugh Johnson
Hugh Johnson
8 months ago

The thing is that it’s not funny. Biden could have died right there on stage and the Dems. would have taken his corpse placed it on ice and taken it to Camp David or placed it in his basement in Delaware and said he was just feeling ill. Trump could say that man is dead and the media would say he’s lying. The scary thing is people would still vote for Biden. Remember weekend at Biden”s.

james carlyle
james carlyle
8 months ago

Sad, but accurate, commentary on an ongoing disaster for the USA

8 months ago

In the meantime the Social Security Act of 2024 chipped away at Social Security benefits without a fight from AMAC, AARP or any of the other organizations that defend Social Security benefits important to Senior citizens. For those of us who planned our retirement this act was a major blow that came out of nowhere to reduce benefits that had been to help the surviving widow after the death of their spouse for decades. Since this was allowed to occur without any resistance what’s next? Why did those dedicated to protecting us do nothing to stop this from happening?

8 months ago

For the next debate, they should get that wax Biden model from the Hall of Presidents at EPCOT to stand in for him. I’ll be it would do a better job than the “real Joe.” At least it moves! Even the old time Charlie McCarthy, (the Edgar Bergen lap-dummy) could have done better, or even the dumb one named Mortimer Snurd. Essentially that’s all Joe is, anyway. We just don’t know who the ventriloquist is, maybe B.O. or even Jill!

8 months ago

Would be humorous if it weren’t so very sad. Still praying for America! I know a dear man who still believes Joe is the way to go. How can this be???

8 months ago

The debate being live prevented CNN, MSNBC, ABC from editing out Biden’s mental and physical lapses. CNN and the Biden campaign couldn’t edit it to favor Biden. America saw his condition with its own eyes instead of thru an edited version of what they want us to see.

8 months ago

Great job brother Charles. I really appreciate the humor in your article. Made me feel good to have people like you. Joe got to go. Kamala got to go. Forget the several suggested replacements to old Joe, please you all go away. We have had enough already.

8 months ago

You ignored the point of how both evaded answer to question asked by moderator. And that is intentional to not answer questions that voters want to know position on.

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