![biden-confused-TB biden-confused-TB](https://static-asset.amac.us/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/09165138/biden-confused-TB.jpg)
Yes, it has been a very bad, no good few days for President Joe Biden. Many analysts are saying that February 8, 2024, was the worst day for Joe Biden and his presidency. An obviously skeptical Supreme Court heard oral arguments regarding Colorado’s malevolent effort to keep Donald Trump off their ballot. But the surprise shocker was how Special Counsel Robert Hur characterized Biden in his report on the now-president’s mishandling of classified documents.
We’ve watched now for years Joe Biden behave in a way indicating severe cognitive dysfunction. It’s been dismissed as either partisan rhetoric or just simply not true. But now, through Biden’s own Department of Justice, Hur’s report implies that Joe Biden has such significant cognitive issues and memory problems that he would not be fit for trial. And if there were a trial, a jury would not convict him out of pity due to his mental feebleness.
The special counsel found that Biden did, in fact, willfully retain classified documents. He won’t be charged. This is despite the fact that former President Donald Trump is being charged for that exact crime. What Americans see on the face of this drama is a stinging and unfair double standard. None of us are surprised at Biden being off the hook, and it will likely provide Trump’s lawyers more evidence to argue that Trump is being subjected to a “selective and vindictive prosecution.”
Hur’s honesty about Biden’s condition has now upended the presidential race. It was recognized throughout social media and with analysts on television remarking that we have a man who is so dysfunctional that he could not participate in a trial but can still be president of the United States.
We know that is not possible, and yet that is where we are.
It has been an absurd suggestion that Biden has been operating as president, but now we know, under Hur’s questioning, he was unable to remember when he was vice president and even when his son Beau died. Yet, Biden was elected in part because of his experience. He encountered world leaders as a senator and as Obama’s vice president, participating in that administration through domestic and international situations. As a result, we were reassured he had a background and experience that would help him bring us back to “normal” and inform his presidency.
But experience only matters if you remember it. If what you did and even when you served is out of reach of your memory, how can it inform the decisions you make now?
We all forget things, like when we bought the couch around 5 years ago, how long the grapes have been in the refrigerator, and what time our daughter’s ballet lesson is. But we don’t forget when we get a big job or when a child passes away. The ramifications of Biden’s condition are serious. What is he forgetting day-to-day? Does he remember phone calls with other world leaders? Decisions he made about national security? He’s in charge of the nuclear codes; does he know that? Does he know how that works?
Many of us have been saying, including yours truly, that Joe Biden has not been running the country. That isn’t rhetoric for television or radio; it’s a genuine concern. The constitution does not allow for a place-holder mascot to be elected, only to have anonymous, unelected bureaucrats run the country. That’s not how this works. That’s what they arranged, and it’s a fraud on the American people. No wonder George Santos thought he could lie his way into Congress.
Many people have felt that there was nothing that would drag Joe Biden away from his reelection campaign and then attempting to win the presidential election for a second term. But even prior to this debacle and the revelation by the special counsel confirming what we have thought to be the case about Joe Biden’s mental health, it is now undeniable that it’s dangerous for him to serve as president now or in the future in a second term.
So what now? Technically, he could be removed via the 25th Amendment. That would make Kamala Harris the president of the United States. The other option would be to wait until the Democratic Party convention in Chicago during August to have Biden step back for the sake of the country and there they would announce the new team.
It would behoove the GOP to ramp up their opposition research and strategies against people like Robert F Kennedy, Jr., Gov. Gavin Newsom, Rep. Ro Khanna, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Sen. Mark Kelly, Rep. Rafael Warnock, Gov Phil Murphy, Harold Ford Jr., Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Susan Rice, Jill Biden, James Comey, Sen. Joe Manchin, Dean Phillips, etc.
Some of those names may seem crazy to you, but the last thing the GOP needs is to be surprised. Anything is possible—look at what we’re dealing with right now. The people running Biden do not want to let go of power; they like it. Yet, in Biden’s bizarre post-DOJ report press conference, he insisted, “I know what the hell I’m doing,” while then confusing the president of Egypt with the president of Mexico.
The Democrats running a man who could not be president and campaigning on fear and loathing of Donald Trump has placed our country in existential danger at home and abroad. Like everything else they’ve done, their reckless frenzy for control is now manifesting into an extraordinarily dangerous time for our nation.
Everything looks horrible to us, but imagine how it’s looking to our enemies. Our national security is at significant risk, yes, because of the economy, energy dependence, and the open border; now add to that the public chaos that is being telegraphed by the White House to the world.
Consider, if Biden remains the nominee, there’s chaos. If Biden is removed via the 25th Amendment, there’s chaos. If they switch him and Kamala Harris out at the convention for a different team, there’s chaos. No matter what the Democrats do, they have destroyed our credibility and stability so severely that every option inspires and encourages enemy nations, terrorists, and criminals. China, North Korea, Iran, Russia, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Mexican drug cartels, South and Central American gangs, you name it, are laughing at us and making plans.
While all the options are bad, the one that would provide a transition that would be the least chaotic would be for the Democrats to make their change at the convention. Also, expect another summer of riots courtesy of the left’s BLM/Antifa assets. None of that will help the Democrats, but it also does not help the country. We need to make clear to the Democrats, and whoever it is that’s been running the Biden Theatre of Puppetry that their little game is over, and what matters now is to mitigate the damage that they do. Only honesty, admitting the dangerousness of our situation, and the GOP coming together for the good of the nation will get us through this bizarre and unacceptable theatre of the absurd.
Biden is only fulfilling obama’s dream of ‘fundamentally transforming’ America into their version of bringing down America into another failed socialist nation.
I think it’s already too late to bring our country back. Too many illegal aliens have been brought in. Too many unconstitutional acts have been committed that have changed our daily lives. And, too many ‘democrat’ voters don’t think anything is wrong.
The marxist democrat party and Washington bureaucrats once again fail American Citizens and get caught in their sociopathic dishonesty!
Beware America, they knew joebama was a pathetic puppet and they relished using him to attack America and destroy its Greatness!
Now this slimy group of immoral,traitorous, self serving criminals will have to find another path towards America’s destruction!
DON’T make the mistake of believing they’re going away easily, they won’t.
It will take an OVERWHELMING REJECTION of ALL OF THEM, their failed policies,hatred and immorality to save OUR COUNTRY from their evil intentions!
Biden has been an evil POS since I started following politics in 1978. He was loud and wrong, but didn’t care. He lied about literally everything and still does. I have no sympathy at all for him and his current position. He is probably the most selfish turd ever in public life. He’s a crook, a real one, and has most likely committed treason. He wasn’t cognitively diminished when he stole all those documents he had NO RIGHT TO HAVE. He and his handlers have worked hand in glove to destroy our nation.
demokrats have always gotten a pass. The only way to fix the problem is to vote them out of office and never ,et another one in
The man is deemed not competent and cohearant to stand trial but he is competent to be President?
Trump has been on trial for the past 7+ years and hes deemed not worthy to be President.
REALLY! I really hat to think the citizens of this country are that brain dead and the media is so ignorant to ignore.
And wouldn’t you know, at a time when the GOP has a real opportunity, the chances are great that they will fumble the ball somewhere short of the goal line. I am a lifelong Republican, but I have little confidence in the current team of bumblers. They look like the Keystone Cops, and half of them are just performing to get hits on X.
WOW how easily they sweep all the evil under the rug. If he was a republican he woul dbe behind bars.
It is outrageous that fake president Biden is not charged with illegally obtaining and holding classified documents, he obtained intentionally, before he was impacted by dementia. He still committed a crime and must face full prosecution, along with all persons involved, and whatever country, or governing body (example EU, China, etc.), or law enforcement body (Attorney General, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc), and found guilty, and all individuals, organizations need to be stripped of all power and assets, and given back to the injured parties.
The very problem with our country is we elect the same people to congress over and over again expecting a different outcome, term limits is the only answer to bring our country back from the brink of disaster. If our congress people had to live under the laws they create I think things would be very different. We also need a balanced budget amendment added to the Constitution spending is what has caused 99% of our problems.
The Bidens are a crime cartel. It is obvious that Joe has stolen millions of dollars from the American people. It should be THEIR choice if he is prosecuted, not someone in high places. I say freeze all the assets of everyone involved.Make them pay it all back. And put Joe in prison or a firing squad. He has committed traitorous acts all through his tenure in our government.
Put the Bidens on trial. If a jury might be too sympathetic, do a bench trial.I personally think a jury is smarter than that unless it is fixed. This was done to ALL of us including those who would serve on a jury. To not do so is totally unfair to the American people.
After all, they are prosecuting Donald Trump with no real proof, just what they make up as they go along! What is good for the goose is good for the gander!! Get real!
Most Americans just don’t get it. America was hijacked during 9/11 as everything began to change rapidly. We quickly saw a fascist security state arise and then we entered a ongoing crisis environment. I learned day one in Counter Insurgency training that “crisis creates change.” Information Dominance always follows as the media in collusion with the political insurgents are controlling the narratives to such an extent that they can overcome any double standard. Of course prior to these events deep infiltrations had taken place and now combatant insurgents are now pouring across our borders. You can’t make this stuff up. What do you think is getting ready to happen? We’ve been undone! Time is now against us and most conservatives are still relying on an election. That won’t change anything but the face in the White House.
If the concern is his mental state, is the Special Counsel a Physician as well to determine the president’s mental health? The President should be examined or face charges. Bidens’ mental state has been a question since before he ran for office. What is so sad and cruel, is that the liberals including his wife, a doctor herself allowed or made Biden run for office. “We reap what we sow.” The saddest part of this, is the Legislative Branch of our government. The do little to nothing for the people of the country.America’s worst enemy is our federal government.
Many people mix up names but saying on more than one occasion that his son, Beau, died in Iraq seems like he is bragging about a military sacrifice for his own glory. If he has normal brain function, he has a big ethical problem. This man has a lot of nerve saying Trump is a threat to democracy.
Thank GOD, OUR President Trump is as resilient as he is! No man on the face of this earth has been as capable as he’s been of withstanding the criticism, hatred and false accusations. Perfect? Far from it. Nobody is. And no one human being is capable of totally fixing the mess our country is in. Only God has the plan and the means to forgive and repair our brokenness. However, I do believe that He chooses His vessels wisely. 1Corinthians 10:13…”God will not let you be tempted beyond what what you can bear.” Fearless, President Trump is our modern day ‘David’. I am thankful we have such a warrior on our side!
Americans must demand a minimum A&Ox3 mental status in POTUS. POTUS must 1) Be alert___ 2) Know who he is and the name of a close relative_____ 3) Know where he is and where he was 1 week ago ____ 4) Know current month/year and personal month/year of birth._____
Can/has Biden meet/met those requirements at all times?
Its been Dble stds since Trump was in office day 1 to Now
ALL damn politics
& Trump had a SCIF in Mara Lago
Where Biden used his garage for documents.
Make Uniform OR NOT AT ALL
I will continue to beat the same drum I have been pushing for TERM LIMITATIONS are one huge way to clean up more of the Swamp people.
I have been putting this out every chance I get.
There are now 25 States that stand with Texas, and the Border Crisis. Get out the VOTE, and make sure you also push for TERM LIMITATIONS.
Obummer and his minions and sycophants have been in charge ever since the crook Clyburn drug Joe across the finish line in SC. Every single decision and move has been orchestrated by the Obummer cartel. Joe has been a useful tool for the corruption of the Dems, and he is totally unaware of anything that has been done in his name. He is an empty shell and a puppet for the Obummer gang. The hope for a change to communism is almost complete thanks to the MSM and all the demoncratic operatives in congress and the white house.
Double standard. Of course, Biden is in physical and mental decline and an eyelash away from authorizing the nuclear codes. Makes you feel good, right. Where is the Surgeon General or the doctor that medically cleared JB? I am sure the Secretary of Defense is deeply involved if anyone knows where he is. As far as retaining classified information that could affect our National Security, JB took them like Pence did illegally and claimed no responsibility when they got their hand caught in the cookie jar. Both were quick to pass the buck. There are laws for the protection of classified documents. Both men were younger, apparently screened by doctors and yes supposed to be responsible. They failed at the proper protection of these documents. With JB and his family taking money from our enemies, who is to say that some of this information didn’t end up in the enemies’ hands. As an old Vet, I can’t help but think this could have got our troops injured or killed. If you have the security clearance to view such documents, you do it in an authorized secure area and afford them the proper protection. Neither JB or Pence were the President at such time and were not afforded the right to have these documents at their residence. They did not fall under the Presidential Act. I would think other Congressional members residences need to be checked as well for such an act, as well as those in the chain including those who moved the classified documents. Who is protecting these criminals and putting our troops, and legal American citizens in harm’s way? Here is the answer: Crooked JB, his staff, FBI, Judicial system RINOS, et al. Who the heck voted for JB anyway? I still can’t believe Mayorkas did not get impeached, are you kidding!
Hus’s report is a play out of their handbook. The Dems know Biden is not going to be their candidate…they are just laying the groundwork to explain why, at the last minute, they throw him out and bring in Michele Obama to give Barack his 4th term. Don’t fall for their schemes.
Who’s running the country ?
Well here’s the gist of all our leaders in congress and all over this nation. My ancestor, Benedict Arnold, was declared a traitor during the Revolutionary War by supposedly giving the English information to win the war even though they still lost. It’s been indicated that a woman he was involved with was the actual traitor but still he was striped of everything and his name was removed from monuments that recognized his accomplishments. He fled the country to Canada and then England where he was further treated badly because they didn’t trust him either so he returned to Canada. Well if he can be labeled a traitor and be treated in the way he was so should everyone else that is and has been selling out our people to foreign countries, stealing elections, getting rich off the citizens, letting our borders open up to every American hating fascist group around the world and putting all citizens in jeopardy of being attacked from all outside entities while our protecting forces are scattered else. Their names and anything short of a monument in their honor as well as the Presidency should be stricken from all that entails as if they never existed as they did to Benedict Arnold. No one person or class of citizen should be above the Constitution of the United States of America and We The People need to start banning together to stand up to these people, they work for us we pay their salaries not the other way around.
Various verdicts: “Not guilty by reason of insanity”, “guilty but insane”. Now we have a new one “guilty but senile”.
Since it appears that Biden and his staff insist he, is competent, he needs to be brought to court and charged with mishandling of confidential documents. At that point, the court then could assign a qualified psychiatric profession to assess his mental fitness to be tried as per normal court procedure. This assures that the assessment is done by an appropriately trained individual rather than a lawyer.
If found fit to be tried, they could then proceed with a trial where he should be treated like any other regular citizen and judge by his peers. If found to be unfit for trial due to mental incompetence, proceedings need to be undertaken to invoke the 25th amendment and remove him from office.
When will everyone wake up? They are saying that Harris can become president of USA. She is NOT eligible to be president. Just like Halley is not eligible to be president, but she is still campaigning and no one speaks up. Neither one is Natural Born. You have to be Natural Born to be president according to the US Constitution. Robert F. Kennedy Jr is Natural Born he is the answer at this point.
The Democrats and their Media partners have successfully demonized Donald Trump and protected Joe Biden. If the American people only had the common sense to see through this charade and vote for the candidate that has the best policies for the future of this country we’d all be in a better place. I could care less about the personal attacks on Donald Trump from the Democrats and Media. We were in a much better place as a country when we were energy independent and morally strong.
I would add to that last line, seeking God in repentance for how we’ve ignored and defied Him. He is more than capable of working things out to His glory and for our good.
this clown is the worst thing to happen to this country, along with borack nobummer ,hillary cliton, ….
What Biden and the DemonRats have done to our country is absurd and traitorous. We will not ever completely recover with 10,000,000,000 illegal alien dependents here to stay. There has to be many terrorists, criminals, and gang members within our “borders” now. Biden needs to be tried as a traitor. He was in possession of classified documents and he was not authorized to possess them as he was not President at the time of his theft. He has singlehandedly made America the laughingstock of the world.
I think the DNC realizes that Joey needs to be removed as ‘their guy’. The problem is…how are they going to convince his self-centered, shrew wife that this is necessary? Her only concern is being FLOTUS, no matter how much her husband is made a fool of.
you know if we had honest elections most of the politicians could not be elected
I KNEW IT!!!! And I also said if he’s not fit to stand trial, He’s not fit to go back into that white house empeach him immediately and her with him. He’s only trying to fulfill Obama’s dream of making America equal to Africa In a sense of poverty ,demoralizing of US citizens, And economically poor and starving.
Biden and all his minions have publicly stated that he’s mentally competent so if that’s all that’s holding up indictment… Ask the President of Mexico, El-Sisi. Or the President of France, Mitterand. Or Corn Pop.
Biden did not have cognitive issues when he took the documents years ago and, as far as I know, hasn’t taken any since becoming feeble and a cognitive mess. Why isn’t that being taken under consideration?
Biden is not running the country GET RID OF HIM
DOUBLE STANDARD! I find it SO amusing that anyone would expect anything else!
The report is justification for Democrats invoke the 25 amendment to make room for Michael Obama. They will wait until the last minute to force Biden to resign for medical purposes. Having him resign at the last minute will keep Harris from being in that position for a minimal amount of time. Keeping Biden in until the last minute won’t matter because Biden has had nothing to do with running the country since he was anointed. It’s all been done by his administration led by primary by Obama. Waiting until the last minute will keep Harris from stepping into the position. I heard a well known political strategist speak on a Sirius radio show say that he has information that several billionaires are in talks with the Obamas in attempts to convince Michael Obama to run. The DNC is not going to allow Biden or Harris to be their nominee and there is nobody in the country who has a chance to beat Trump. Michael O. is the only one that might have a chance when you add in the fraud that will be rampant.
Democrats vs. Republicans, this is our choice every four years. Heaven help us
After this recent debacle of a border bill, don’t expect the Republicans to ride in on their white horses with lances raised to save the day. If the Progressive-Socialists carry the day in November by hook-or-by-crook(mainly crook, I suspect), then there just might be a real insurrection by the masses to save our country from looming catastrophe.
Biden is controlled by someone that wants the USA destroyed.
Lots of people think term limits is the answer. Problem is, how many good, honest people want to get into politics? Would you want to? It’s a dirty business; your life, your spouse’s life, kids, relatives…everybody you’ve ever known will be under the microscope, and anythin you’ve ever said or written will be dug up. How many people could stand that kind of scrutiny? So while term limits sound good, I don’t know if there’s enough people willing to run.
He’s just a doddering old fool with the nuclear “football” under his left arm. So what if he accidently tries to destroy all life on earth? Do you really think he remembers the password? He only wants to destroy people that love America, the rest will be mere collateral damage. He will only use F-15 with nukes, he has told us. He only gets angry whenever he speaks, after all.
Tammy, you are right on all counts, especially as to national security. Other countries must see us as weak and ineffective, and we are a target for malevolence on the part of many. By the way, are you interested in heading the RNC? I heard Ronna is stepping down, finally.
Apparently, with the exception of modelling designer clothing and parading it, the formality, protocol and decorum, that have distinguished the most public of government officials from the bourgeois workers of the world, have been lost with the cultural changes of the past 35 years. This could be a result of, let us never require of others that which we do not require of ourselves. “In order to” is a natural occurrence.
Did not care for Trump’s comments this weekend on NATO. He bashed NATO when he was first elected in 2016 & I thought he came around later on how important they are to peace. Trump thinks NATO is all about money, but then it seems like he pardoned someone that was convicted for income tax evasion in US. Is it okay with Trump if people cheat & do not pay their fair share of taxes to support this country?
“And if there were a trial, a jury would not convict him out of pity due to his mental feebleness.” So, not only will he not be tried for this offense, but he also gets to keep his job??!!
This is lunacy, and Tammy Bruce laid it out so well.
Well folks we may have to dust off the 2nd.
The problem with what matters is that they don’t care. This destruction is deliberate, planned and executed. We don’t know who is tweaking Biden’s strings, Nevertheless, nothing would surprise me! Surprise is gone, trust is gone. Thank God that we have good people and institutions and groups fighting for us.