The Double Standard for President Biden

Posted on Friday, February 9, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

Yes, it has been a very bad, no good few days for President Joe Biden. Many analysts are saying that February 8, 2024, was the worst day for Joe Biden and his presidency. An obviously skeptical Supreme Court heard oral arguments regarding Colorado’s malevolent effort to keep Donald Trump off their ballot. But the surprise shocker was how Special Counsel Robert Hur characterized Biden in his report on the now-president’s mishandling of classified documents.

We’ve watched now for years Joe Biden behave in a way indicating severe cognitive dysfunction. It’s been dismissed as either partisan rhetoric or just simply not true. But now, through Biden’s own Department of Justice, Hur’s report implies that Joe Biden has such significant cognitive issues and memory problems that he would not be fit for trial. And if there were a trial, a jury would not convict him out of pity due to his mental feebleness.

The special counsel found that Biden did, in fact, willfully retain classified documents. He won’t be charged. This is despite the fact that former President Donald Trump is being charged for that exact crime. What Americans see on the face of this drama is a stinging and unfair double standard. None of us are surprised at Biden being off the hook, and it will likely provide Trump’s lawyers more evidence  to argue that Trump is being subjected to a “selective and vindictive prosecution.

Hur’s honesty about Biden’s condition has now upended the presidential race. It was recognized throughout social media and with analysts on television remarking that we have a man who is so dysfunctional that he could not participate in a trial but can still be president of the United States.

We know that is not possible, and yet that is where we are.

It has been an absurd suggestion that Biden has been operating as president, but now we know, under Hur’s questioning, he was unable to remember when he was vice president and even when his son Beau died. Yet, Biden was elected in part because of his experience. He encountered world leaders as a senator and as Obama’s vice president, participating in that administration through domestic and international situations. As a result, we were reassured he had a background and experience that would help him bring us back to “normal” and inform his presidency.

But experience only matters if you remember it. If what you did and even when you served is out of reach of your memory, how can it inform the decisions you make now?

We all forget things, like when we bought the couch around 5 years ago, how long the grapes have been in the refrigerator, and what time our daughter’s ballet lesson is. But we don’t forget when we get a big job or when a child passes away. The ramifications of Biden’s condition are serious. What is he forgetting day-to-day? Does he remember phone calls with other world leaders? Decisions he made about national security? He’s in charge of the nuclear codes; does he know that? Does he know how that works?

Many of us have been saying, including yours truly, that Joe Biden has not been running the country. That isn’t rhetoric for television or radio; it’s a genuine concern. The constitution does not allow for a place-holder mascot to be elected, only to have anonymous, unelected bureaucrats run the country. That’s not how this works. That’s what they arranged, and it’s a fraud on the American people. No wonder George Santos thought he could lie his way into Congress.

Many people have felt that there was nothing that would drag Joe Biden away from his reelection campaign and then attempting to win the presidential election for a second term. But even prior to this debacle and the revelation by the special counsel confirming what we have thought to be the case about Joe Biden’s mental health, it is now undeniable that it’s dangerous for him to serve as president now or in the future in a second term.

So what now? Technically, he could be removed via the 25th Amendment. That would make Kamala Harris the president of the United States. The other option would be to wait until the Democratic Party convention in Chicago during August to have Biden step back for the sake of the country and there they would announce the new team.

It would behoove the GOP to ramp up their opposition research and strategies against people like Robert F Kennedy, Jr., Gov. Gavin Newsom, Rep. Ro Khanna, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Sen. Mark Kelly, Rep. Rafael Warnock, Gov Phil Murphy, Harold Ford Jr., Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Susan Rice, Jill Biden, James Comey, Sen. Joe Manchin, Dean Phillips, etc.

Some of those names may seem crazy to you, but the last thing the GOP needs is to be surprised. Anything is possible—look at what we’re dealing with right now. The people running Biden do not want to let go of power; they like it. Yet, in Biden’s bizarre post-DOJ report press conference, he insisted, “I know what the hell I’m doing,” while then confusing the president of Egypt with the president of Mexico.

The Democrats running a man who could not be president and campaigning on fear and loathing of Donald Trump has placed our country in existential danger at home and abroad. Like everything else they’ve done, their reckless frenzy for control is now manifesting into an extraordinarily dangerous time for our nation.

Everything looks horrible to us, but imagine how it’s looking to our enemies. Our national security is at significant risk, yes, because of the economy, energy dependence, and the open border; now add to that the public chaos that is being telegraphed by the White House to the world.

Consider, if Biden remains the nominee, there’s chaos. If Biden is removed via the 25th Amendment, there’s chaos. If they switch him and Kamala Harris out at the convention for a different team, there’s chaos. No matter what the Democrats do, they have destroyed our credibility and stability so severely that every option inspires and encourages enemy nations, terrorists, and criminals. China, North Korea, Iran, Russia, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Mexican drug cartels, South and Central American gangs, you name it, are laughing at us and making plans.

While all the options are bad, the one that would provide a transition that would be the least chaotic would be for the Democrats to make their change at the convention. Also, expect another summer of riots courtesy of the left’s BLM/Antifa assets. None of that will help the Democrats, but it also does not help the country. We need to make clear to the Democrats, and whoever it is that’s been running the Biden Theatre of Puppetry that their little game is over, and what matters now is to mitigate the damage that they do. Only honesty, admitting the dangerousness of our situation, and the GOP coming together for the good of the nation will get us through this bizarre and unacceptable theatre of the absurd.