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The Aftermath of the Biden-Trump 2024 Debate

Posted on Friday, June 28, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

In Thursday night’s presidential debate, it became even more clear why the Democrats have resorted to trying to put former president Donald Trump in prison to stop him from becoming president. It was inevitable that the scope of the fraud of the Biden presidency would become known in this campaign season. Biden’s performance, behavior, and comments during the debate revealed the extent of Biden’s cognitive issues and, consequently, the dangers our country continues to face.

In the days leading up to the event many friends and colleagues approached me expressing concern about how Trump would handle the debate. My comment was always the same: “Trust him. Americans know him, and his commitment to the country has been clear despite everything the system is throwing at him. Trust him, he knows what’s at stake.” To that point, President Trump delivered a strong and impressive performance that proved he belongs back in the White House, while a confused and rambling Joe Biden proved he never should have been there in the first place.

During an appearance on “Fox and Friends”, I made the point that the Joe Biden Americans saw during the debate was the same man in 2020 but without the basement. This was the man that Democrats elevated,protected, and gaslit the American people about. And now they clutch their pearls that their fraud has been exposed? They got away with it in 2020, and their own hubris and greed for power convinced them that they could do it again. Their shock wasn’t the exposure of Biden’s lost cognitive abilities; their shock was that they couldn’t hide it anymore.

Biden’s handlers have done this country a great disservice, not just through his disastrous presidency, but by this worldwide display of their cheap fake president. It was a debacle confirming to terrorists and tyrants that they can do as they please until January 20, 2025.

In the meantime, Trump displayed a determination, focus, and demeanor indicating there was one president on that stage and it wasn’t Biden. This helped Trump as many Americans were looking for permission to vote for him as the nation suffers through the economic, border, and crime catastrophes crippling our futures. Yes, he was Trump, and he was presidential.

Trump’s approach reflected the man who is known in private, and likely eased the minds of Americans who were unsure about what to do on November 5th. So, while most of the debate stories have been about the alarming revelation of Biden’s condition (many of us have been warning about this from the beginning of his term), the real story is the strength and determination of Donald Trump. Despite everything that the establishment charlatans have done to him, his discipline and focus, combined with the success of his first term, should be bringing some peace of mind to Americans everywhere.

As the catastrophe of Biden rolled out in real time around the globe, several news organizations reported that a Biden campaign source said the president was “suffering from a cold“, accounting for his hoarse voice that made him difficult to understand. But a cold couldn’t explain Biden’s meandering answers when he repeatedly lost his train of thought and babbled nonsensically.

Even the liberal media and Biden supporters alike couldn’t deny that Biden’s performance was a disaster. 

“Biden bombs and Trump pounces,” Politico headlinedA headline in the New York Times read: “Biden failed to ease worries about his age, Trump forcefully made his case.” Biden’s former White House communications director, Kate Bedingfield, who is now a CNN commentator, said: “It was a really disappointing performance from Joe Biden.”

Biden’s strategy of pressing for an early debate before being nominated for a second term by the Democratic National Convention in August has now placed his nomination in jeopardy. This leaves some panicked Democrats wondering if he could be persuaded to end his campaign and let convention delegates select a more capable nominee.  

Throughout the debate, Biden had a hard time defending his indefensible record of disastrous failure upon failure in office, which contrasts dramatically with the many successes of the Trump administration.

Biden focused on trying to raise hysterical fears of doom and gloom that would befall our country and the world if Trump returns to the White House. This is in line with what has become a standard practice on the left to weaponize fear to control our lives, as I detail in my new book “Fear Itself: Exposing the Left’s Mind-Killing Agenda.”  

The debate, staged by CNN, was simulcast on broadcast networks, cable, streaming channels, and websites. It was expected to draw an audience of tens of millions. The only other scheduled presidential debate is set to be staged Sept. 10 by ABC, but if Biden stays in the race, he may pull out of that contest to avoid another knockout by Trump. But the Trump campaign should be prepared that the September 10 debate could still continue but with a different Democratic nominee.

Despite the concerns of many and to their credit, CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash didn’t try to fact-check Biden and Trump. But it could be the result of sunlight being a terrific disinfectant. Their histories, particularly Tapper’s unhinged partisan bias, were widely discussed leading up to the debate.

Even considering Democratic lawfare being waged against Trump with baseless criminal and civil charges in an effort to derail his candidacy, some polls are already showing the impact of the debate on the standing of the two men. The New York Post’s headline announced, “Biden’s odds of re-election plummet after dismal debate performance, betting markets show.”

The RealClearPolitics average of polls gives Trump a narrow lead of 46.6 percent to 45.1 percent over Biden — a statistical tie within the margin of error. Look for Trump’s lead to grow in the wake of Biden’s disastrous debate performance.

It’s clear in the aftermath of the debate, that the Democratic establishment, from the New York Times to the cable and broadcast legacy media to party leadership, want Biden to step away from the nomination. Regardless of what he decides, this historic debate will be remembered as the event that sank his candidacy, the way an iceberg sank the Titanic.

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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8 months ago

Lying Joe Bidens, Time in office was a continuation of Obama’s Time in office, it was a time hope and change, and it worked it left the American people with NO HOPE AND ONLY LOOSE CHANGE, but if the American people wakeup, we can get the country back on track, but they cannot falter and they cannot waiver, we must re-elect President Trump, anything else and the country will be lost for good!

John Bass
John Bass
8 months ago

Everyone with half a brain knew this was going to happen if the two candidates were ever to debate. Now the question is who are the Democrats going to put in old feeble Joe’s place? My money is on sleazebag Gavin Newsom, and I wouldn’t be surprised it Hillary wasn’t somewhere in the mix…God help us.

Trump 2024

Buddy Eoc
Buddy Eoc
8 months ago

President Biden is suffering from what appears to be a form of dementia. When you look at him he seems confused and disoriented.
Our enemies saw what we saw during last night’s debate…and his follow-up visit to NC this afternoon.
Biden’s handlers say he “has a cold” that caused his problems. Really? I promise you that our enemies are not going to send him any vitamin C to help him get better…
With Biden as President, our country is in trouble, and they know it, And now so does most of the American Public.

Irv C
Irv C
8 months ago

This whole show of what America has become is very sad. Biden wasn’t in 2020 anymore competent to run our Nation than he is today. I find it so sad that the Democrats put their party and gaining power ahead of our Country. Trump has said this all along and although I saw Trump once again getting off topic he still shows America what we need and he is the man to once again deliver. I pray Trump wins otherwise the Democrats will drag us to the bottom and all in the name of personal power. How about America first? MAGA

Jan C
Jan C
8 months ago

Does anyone else wonder if all of this was a setup of some sort? The Dems/Media knew what Biden was like years ago and still allowed this debate to go on. To what end? I’ve ceased to believe that anything in the political arena is as clearcut as it appears. I lost the ability to trust the government along with it. I tried very hard to believe in them and the media as a young person. I got my eyes opened very quickly. Such a disappointment. This country is better than that. The American people need to keep their eyes and ears open. This stuff ain’t going away easily.

8 months ago

I would like to see Town-hall like debates…let The People ask the questions, with a non-partisan host.

8 months ago

Biden proved that he is a lying, decrepit old geyser that belongs in “Happy Valley Nursing Home ” and NOT IN THE WHITE HOUSE!

8 months ago

Joe biden is as likely to be suffering from a cold as I am of a snakebite. Or maybe he received the terrible news that his Corvette won’t start or that Commander bit yet another Secret Service officer. The dog ate my homework. You name it; they’ve got an excuse for everything.

What can never be excused is biden’s performance as president these last 3+ years. Everything he touched turned into disaster. Nothing good came out of this presidency. One fact I wish someone would check is biden’s claim that 800,000 manufacturing jobs have been created while he’s been president. Checking the Bureau of Labor Statistics website, I saw that one of the charts indicated the number of job openings in that sector is the same as it was when President Trump left office. (800,000 jobs might have opened, but roughly the same number were lost.)

Biden bragged about no troops being killed while he’s been president. Did he forget about the 13 killed in Afghanistan during the botched pull-out? Or was he too busy checking his watch to notice? Weren’t a few people killed in Jordan and in Africa? But, what about the hundreds of thousands of Americans in their prime killed by fentanyl crossing the unguarded border? Or the tens of thousands of Americans–including little girls–raped, tortured, or killed because of that open border?

As I wrote in response to another AMAC post, if biden was the best the DNC had to offer, how well will the public accept their number-two candidate? … … Did I just feel a tectonic shift toward the right?

President Trump did a great job last night. Doing a side-by-side comparison of all the issues addressed by biden and by Trump in their respective presidencies, there’s no room for doubt as to who was the better president and who is better equipped to serve another 4 years.


8 months ago

Now to see what the “pearl-clutching” Democrats do at the DNC convention and what word salad will they use to explain. I also would like to hear Jill Biden’s reasoning to continue this farce.

8 months ago

biden claims to have created so many jobs, but it is a play on words. He didn’t create any jobs nor did many new people enter the work force. The reality is, because of his dismal economic policies, many people were forced to get second or third jobs to survive. Shame on biden.

8 months ago

The Biden Administration’s failure to shed light on Biden’s mental incapacity could have resulted in horribly dangerous security breachesand other disasters, given the sheer and utter lack of transparency. This, at minimum, constitutes nothing short of the most criminal form of negligence in American history.
Given what I’ve watched Democrats do in my lifetime, I’ve never expected decency…. but, I did expect something other than depraved negligence and criminality having taken over.
Every member of the Biden Administration and White House staff should be detained and interrogated, in order to know the depth of every national security breach that, no-doubt, took place during Biden’s non-feasant, non-cognizant, disasterous presidential term.
There should never be another Democrat in office…… ANY OFFICE….EVER, AGAIN.

Wally Phair
Wally Phair
8 months ago

Tammy, you hit a home run with this great article. We agree, Biden is just a plain disaster. His team have no hope of rehabilitation this year period. They are just losersand you have exposed them so well. Go Donald Go!

8 months ago

funny how biden had a so called cold at the debate and his voice was foggy – but i heard some of the rally he had and he was yellin as usual. hmmmm

8 months ago

President Trump was ubeat and spot on while the idiot biden was a deadbeat and lied lied lied

John Riley
John Riley
8 months ago

We can banter with our opinions but does the money still back Joe? If he loses the big money the Dems have a big discission to make because it is all over for Joe.

8 months ago

Joe Biden has become an embarrassment to the Democratic party. Anyone who would prefer him to President Trump must have their head examined.

8 months ago

We all know that Biden is a puppet for Obama and the DNC. He has always been controllable and agreeable to their will. Last night was the end of their Minion and it was clear to see the “feeble old man” Hurr talked about in his report about Documents Biden stole while a Senator and VP. The Dimocrats will now make up all kind of excuses and reasons for Bidens performance but make no mistake, we saw it with our own eyes! No slight of camera editing, no photo shop fake. What we saw is the real Biden, confused, mumbling and lying consistently. He is demented enough to think he is in charge( not his puppeteers) and dangerous enough to make a serious mistake on the World Stage. There is zero rational reason to support this man as our President. Karma is a bitch and Obummer and the DNC are about to find out! TRUMP 2024!

8 months ago

If Joe had a cold why didn’t he have a mask on and why did he go to the Waffle House?

8 months ago

Tammy is spot on. Biden is toast.

8 months ago

I don’t understand Biden and Trump polling so closely. Who in their right mind would vote for Joe? Good analysis as usual, Tammy.

Nancy Petticrew
Nancy Petticrew
8 months ago

I really look forward to Tammy’s commentary in every venue. She brings a unique, educated perspective that I, personally, do not possess. I appreciate her openness and the reflections of her past relationship with the left that give me new insight. Thanks Tammy!

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

Was there ever any doubt which way it would go? Makes me think dems put him out deliberately because they have something up their sleeve

8 months ago

Joe spent a week learning how to say “You are a liar”.

8 months ago

There must be something about wrong with Hillary that makes her think that she should never give up despite the fact that she was rejected not once, but twice. I don’t understand it. Take a hint, Hillary. You are not likeable and you are not electable.

8 months ago

When Democrats talk about Climate Change , Republicans should say that they will back Climate Change when Russia, China and India buy into it and pay their fair share otherwise stick it!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

Biden loses

8 months ago

Ever since Jughead Joe came to national prominence as a Senator and 1988 candidate for President forced to withdraw for plagiarism, it has been known that he was never suited to the highest office his ambition aspired to. Additionally, in that time he suffered 2 brain aneurysms from which he obviously never recovered.

8 months ago

the aftermath of the debate pales to biden’s death and destruction. biden can’t undo the gross calamity of the last 1256 days. in the debate you didn’t see the death and destruction biden has HEAPED upon people all around the world, but based on what he’s done so far he’s got to go to save the world. they say arsonists will stick around to watch their destruction and chuckle. biden wasn’t missing and WAS chuckling all night. this guy is all wrong for the world. he could go down as the worst “leader” in the history of manking.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

“You answered all the questions right, Joe!” I wonder if Jill posted Joe’s debate responses on the refrigerator with four gold stars, a smiley face, + “Good job!” written on it?

Gale Miller
Gale Miller
8 months ago

One thing I haven’t seen mentioned is Senior retirement savings…401K and IRA savings. Senior Citizens have seen no earnings since Biden became President. I feel it’s a attack on middle Class American’s who saved to have the Money to do things and supplement Social Security . The left is saying the market is performing great , but what has it done the last three years…nothing but lost value.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

Dems in panic they seeded this during Joes campaign day 1
Its on Them & voters for Joe

Kevin Brooks
Kevin Brooks
8 months ago

Again this debate shows the MSM has lied to us again and again. Trust your eyes not what you read and hear from opinion media. This needs to be rectified, I admit to not knowing how. But along with academic institutions pumping out left wing sheep, these are in need of cleaning up. Trust is hard to gain and I have none in either.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

CNN referred to Joes performance as “lackluster” today; they’re ignoring the senility and focusing on the actions of a “sympathetic grandfatherly figure”! The gaslighting is not over… that is until they start hyping up RFK, JR.! Everyone forget him?

Larry Miller
Larry Miller
8 months ago

Having had relatives who suffered with Alzheimer’s and dementia, it was sad to see how far down the mental ladder Biden has slipped. Anyone with a dispassionate point of view knows he’s had issues, but the true tragedy is that his family and puppet masters allowed him to still be on public display. Lying constantly about his condition. Now Democrats are faced with a decision. It doesn’t really matter who they replace Biden with – he or she will still be a Leftanista zombie, and I can’t vote for that.

8 months ago

I liked the analogy of the Titanic. The only problem is that the Titanic took a long time to sink and 90% of them died with dignity.It’s funny to see the Corrupt Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party Comrade’s dressing up as women so they can exit on a life boat, that doesn’t exist.

8 months ago

I’ve heard numerous times how Trump is a danger to our democracy (even though it is a republic). Nonetheless, when Trump was president I felt free. Under Biden, I’ve witnessed the weaponization of the DOJ going after political opponents, pro-life advocates, the Catholic Church (which is ironic since Biden claims to be a devout catholic), and other groups that goes against the progressive ideology. I’ve witnessed Biden issue executive orders going against Supreme Court rulings (classic case of forgiving student loans). I’ve witnessed Biden forcing auto makers to increase the manufacturing of electric vehicles even though a plurality of citizens do not want electric vehicles. There are probably many other issues that Biden has executed by fiat that goes against Supreme Court rulings and the will of the people. So ask yourself who is more dangerous to our democracy (republic), Donald Trump (who didn’t demonstrate any effort to destroy our democracy/republic while gaining respect from other countries) or Joe Biden (treating this country as a banana republic and making this country appear weak).

Neil Glenn
Neil Glenn
8 months ago

Despite Joes (and more likely, JILL’S) desire to remain in the WH, I believe the Dems will pull the plug on him and propose another candidate at the Dem Convention. THis WON’T be on the first vote, many delegates are sworn to vote for Joe the first vote! It remains to be seen just WHO will wind up THE nominee. Even the dutiful and subservient Dems have seen the REAL Joe in the last debate with Donald!
The evidence is undeniable! Joe’s mental condition is NOT what we need as a President in the future. Even now, his condition is questionable, as occasionally he has flashes of comprehension and intellect. Sadly, these are now fewer, and farther apart!
During the debate, Trump said that had Biden been of more mental comprehension and leadership, he never would have been needed. I concur. If Biden had been a real President, not just a ‘fixture’, and had made better decisions for the border, oil production, withdrawal from Afghanistan, Putin and the Russians wouldn’t have had monetary backing to invade te Ukraine! If Joe hadn’t followed the bidding of Obama and given MORE billions to Iran, they couldn’t have supplied all the Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthi attacks on Israel and Red Sea shipping! Iran was then BROKE, in international buying!
As well, Iran couldn’t have had so many potential terrorists slipping in with all those ‘sanctuary-seekers’now infesting our nation, purporting to be ‘fleeing persecution! In truth, 99% of these are males of military age now, actually only seeking employment in the ‘land of riches’! Or being shock troops for terrorism!

Mike L
Mike L
8 months ago

biden doesn’t have a cold, he has Lewy Body Dementia, and possibly starting of Parkinson’s Disease. Just my observation by turning off the sound, and watching joe’s facial expression and body movement.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
8 months ago

All the drugs and a solid week of preparation by 16 drill sergeant “experts” and this is the result. Imagine what this Puppet is like day to day, normally.

8 months ago

As I watched Ol’ Joe struggling to put words together with so MANY bald-faced lies, I was constantly reminded of a phrase Joe and the Dumbassocrats threw at us “Common Trash” through the years; “This NOT who we are!”

8 months ago

if you vote for biden, you probably gave your car keys to your teenager immediately after they wrapped your car around a tree and said, “Gee whiz, kiddo! never seen that kind of death and destruction before! can’t even tell it’s a car. here are the keys to the new car i just bought for you.Have fun! see you tonight, or whenever,right!”

8 months ago

“Biden 2020 without the basement.” Perfectly stated Tammy! They will do something big to try to stay in power.

8 months ago

If there is one vote for JOE BIDEN after the debate . That person would be Anti-American . A traitor to the USA & as mentally unstable as Joe .

8 months ago

Maybe an “emergency” will keep Biden away from the next debate. When he “solves” the problem, the media will say, see he’s such a good president, you must vote for him.

Laurie Dinerstein-Kurs
Laurie Dinerstein-Kurs
8 months ago

As so many agree. Biden did not come off well. Many had high hopes…or wishful thinking. I just hoped that some of his despicable efforts would be highlighted… helping a world renown terrorist country like Iran….and furthermore – by NOT pressuring HAMAS to let the AMERICAN hostages go (in particular)), …but pressuring Israel to bargain with the enemy. America- no pressure on terrorist enemy org Hamas….but pressure Ally Israel!! HUH??? WHY??? The hunger in Gaza was evident before Oct 6th. No one cared then!
How is it all these protestors who know nothing take such an active stance??? Whose funding all those similar tents, posters, food?? Neither the war in Ukraine nor Israel happened under a strong leadership watch.
I was so disappointed that these key points were NOT addressed.

8 months ago

Some questions that need to be posed and answered: Who is actually running this country? For how long? Under what authority? The WH press corps and other “journalists” should be asking daily!

8 months ago

I’m sorry, but, how can the democrats possibly put someone else in at this late date? Oh right, they can do anything they want and get away with it! Bend the rules, obliterate our Constitution, make up lies and fairytales. We are less than 5 months away from the election and they are going to launch a whole new campaign. It might work, they didn’t really run a campaign for the last election, why should they for this one?

8 months ago

Just a footnote: I happened to see a Biden Campaign commercial this morning (6/29) that positioned “President” Biden as “more honest” than President Trump…. and I almost fell off my chair. As I seem to recall, within the last month, Biden saying that consumer prices were not increasing, and that closing the border is up to Republicans – because they must “approve funding” to close barriers that Biden opened, and complete building the wall that Biden sold the materials for (that were already staged at the border). I have followed Biden for 35 years, and he has been the most dishonest President AND Vice President in my lifetime. The fact that Biden’s dishonesty is even more noticeable than Obama’s is nothing short of stupefying. The only type of legitimate voter who would vote for Biden is one that simply does not understand the purpose of governance in this Constitutional Republic (no, this is not a “Democracy”).
I would suggest that any registered voter who is confused by that statement has some catching up to do before before they should ever be allowed to go anywhere near a polling place. Time to put down the bong and the coke spoon, and peek through the haze of cerebral idleness.

Jeremy I
Jeremy I
8 months ago

I don’t understand many of you. I’m a lifelong conservative republican and have voted straight ticket republican in every single election. I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 because of his policies and will vote for him in 2024. I was kicked out of my republican club because I stated that Trump didn’t win the 2020 election and do not believe that election or any other presidential election was stolen and was called a RINO, a liberal, and a loser. It’s gotten ridiculous.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
8 months ago

It is too bad for AMERICA that the two parties can’t get together to solve our problems.It will never happen,the leftists are intent on destroying the normal AMERICA that worked for many years.Now we have the left,the imported criminals,a fake president with some bunch of leftists with there hands up joeys you know what,we,the world have wars that should not and would not have happened if the manufacturers of weapons had not been pert of the democrats agenda.The economy of our country will NEVER get better with the war monger leftists ruining AMERICA.

Abortion law in USA concept. Pregnancy termination ban. Judge gavel and Abortion Law book on US flag, close up view
Back to school. Image of teacher s desk with a pile of textbooks and apple
Flag of Maine USA state on a textured background. Concept collage.
WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 5: Jayanta Bhattacharya, U.S. President Donald Trump's nominee to be Director of the National Institutes of Health, speaks at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on Capitol Hill on March 5, 2025 in Washington, DC. A Stanford University professor, Bhattacharya spoke out about shutdowns and vaccine policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)

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