The Aftermath of the Biden-Trump 2024 Debate

Posted on Friday, June 28, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

In Thursday night’s presidential debate, it became even more clear why the Democrats have resorted to trying to put former president Donald Trump in prison to stop him from becoming president. It was inevitable that the scope of the fraud of the Biden presidency would become known in this campaign season. Biden’s performance, behavior, and comments during the debate revealed the extent of Biden’s cognitive issues and, consequently, the dangers our country continues to face.

In the days leading up to the event many friends and colleagues approached me expressing concern about how Trump would handle the debate. My comment was always the same: “Trust him. Americans know him, and his commitment to the country has been clear despite everything the system is throwing at him. Trust him, he knows what’s at stake.” To that point, President Trump delivered a strong and impressive performance that proved he belongs back in the White House, while a confused and rambling Joe Biden proved he never should have been there in the first place.

During an appearance on “Fox and Friends”, I made the point that the Joe Biden Americans saw during the debate was the same man in 2020 but without the basement. This was the man that Democrats elevated,protected, and gaslit the American people about. And now they clutch their pearls that their fraud has been exposed? They got away with it in 2020, and their own hubris and greed for power convinced them that they could do it again. Their shock wasn’t the exposure of Biden’s lost cognitive abilities; their shock was that they couldn’t hide it anymore.

Biden’s handlers have done this country a great disservice, not just through his disastrous presidency, but by this worldwide display of their cheap fake president. It was a debacle confirming to terrorists and tyrants that they can do as they please until January 20, 2025.

In the meantime, Trump displayed a determination, focus, and demeanor indicating there was one president on that stage and it wasn’t Biden. This helped Trump as many Americans were looking for permission to vote for him as the nation suffers through the economic, border, and crime catastrophes crippling our futures. Yes, he was Trump, and he was presidential.

Trump’s approach reflected the man who is known in private, and likely eased the minds of Americans who were unsure about what to do on November 5th. So, while most of the debate stories have been about the alarming revelation of Biden’s condition (many of us have been warning about this from the beginning of his term), the real story is the strength and determination of Donald Trump. Despite everything that the establishment charlatans have done to him, his discipline and focus, combined with the success of his first term, should be bringing some peace of mind to Americans everywhere.

As the catastrophe of Biden rolled out in real time around the globe, several news organizations reported that a Biden campaign source said the president was “suffering from a cold“, accounting for his hoarse voice that made him difficult to understand. But a cold couldn’t explain Biden’s meandering answers when he repeatedly lost his train of thought and babbled nonsensically.

Even the liberal media and Biden supporters alike couldn’t deny that Biden’s performance was a disaster. 

“Biden bombs and Trump pounces,” Politico headlinedA headline in the New York Times read: “Biden failed to ease worries about his age, Trump forcefully made his case.” Biden’s former White House communications director, Kate Bedingfield, who is now a CNN commentator, said: “It was a really disappointing performance from Joe Biden.”

Biden’s strategy of pressing for an early debate before being nominated for a second term by the Democratic National Convention in August has now placed his nomination in jeopardy. This leaves some panicked Democrats wondering if he could be persuaded to end his campaign and let convention delegates select a more capable nominee.  

Throughout the debate, Biden had a hard time defending his indefensible record of disastrous failure upon failure in office, which contrasts dramatically with the many successes of the Trump administration.

Biden focused on trying to raise hysterical fears of doom and gloom that would befall our country and the world if Trump returns to the White House. This is in line with what has become a standard practice on the left to weaponize fear to control our lives, as I detail in my new book “Fear Itself: Exposing the Left’s Mind-Killing Agenda.”  

The debate, staged by CNN, was simulcast on broadcast networks, cable, streaming channels, and websites. It was expected to draw an audience of tens of millions. The only other scheduled presidential debate is set to be staged Sept. 10 by ABC, but if Biden stays in the race, he may pull out of that contest to avoid another knockout by Trump. But the Trump campaign should be prepared that the September 10 debate could still continue but with a different Democratic nominee.

Despite the concerns of many and to their credit, CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash didn’t try to fact-check Biden and Trump. But it could be the result of sunlight being a terrific disinfectant. Their histories, particularly Tapper’s unhinged partisan bias, were widely discussed leading up to the debate.

Even considering Democratic lawfare being waged against Trump with baseless criminal and civil charges in an effort to derail his candidacy, some polls are already showing the impact of the debate on the standing of the two men. The New York Post’s headline announced, “Biden’s odds of re-election plummet after dismal debate performance, betting markets show.”

The RealClearPolitics average of polls gives Trump a narrow lead of 46.6 percent to 45.1 percent over Biden — a statistical tie within the margin of error. Look for Trump’s lead to grow in the wake of Biden’s disastrous debate performance.

It’s clear in the aftermath of the debate, that the Democratic establishment, from the New York Times to the cable and broadcast legacy media to party leadership, want Biden to step away from the nomination. Regardless of what he decides, this historic debate will be remembered as the event that sank his candidacy, the way an iceberg sank the Titanic.

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.