
Elections , Newsline

New Research Sounds Alarm Bells on Noncitizens Voting

Posted on Tuesday, October 29, 2024
by Shane Harris

New research from the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) has provided more alarming evidence of noncitizens being registered to vote – underscoring the importance of efforts like those from AMAC Action to ensure only eligible voters can access the ballot box.

“For all their breathless concerns about foreign interference in American elections, the progressives have no interest in fixing federal law which allows foreigners to get registered to vote,” PILF said in a press release last week, detailing multiple instances in which noncitizens were registered to vote in swing states.

In Pennsylvania, for instance, 139 cases of noncitizen voter registrations were reported between 2006 and 2018 in just Allegheny County, where Pittsburgh is located. Of those, 27 percent had previously cast a ballot. Election officials blamed a “glitch” in the county’s Department of Motor Vehicles online system which automatically registers individuals to vote.

In Michigan, election officials have removed more than 1,400 noncitizens from voter rolls between 2011 and 2024. In Phoenix, Arizona’s Maricopa County, authorities have canceled more than 400 noncitizen voter registrations since 2015. Another PILF investigation in North Carolina identified 1,454 registered voters who did not appear to be legal U.S. citizens.

Notably, these findings only detail instances where authorities or watchdogs like PILF caught noncitizens registering to vote. In many cases, states only reveal such information following protracted legal battles that mask the full scope of the problem.

Much of PILF’s research extends back a decade or more, highlighting that the issue of noncitizens voting is nothing new. However, changes to election laws since 2020 and the unprecedented surge of illegal aliens across the U.S.-Mexico border over the past four years have dramatically increased the danger to election integrity.

In total, at least 10 million individuals have illegally crossed the border since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office in 2021 – bringing the total estimated number of noncitizens in the United States to 24 million. According to a study conducted earlier this year, anywhere from 10 percent to 27 percent of those noncitizens are likely registered to vote. Even on the low end of 10 percent, that would mean that up to 2.4 million noncitizens could illegally cast ballots in this year’s election.

Another academic study from 2014 estimated that, in 2008, 6.4 percent of all noncitizens illegally voted in federal elections – with 81.8 percent reporting having voted for Barack Obama. If those same percentages held true this year, that would mean Kamala Harris could expect up to 1.2 million noncitizen votes.

With swing state polling showing close races in all those states, even a few thousand votes could tip the election. Georgia, which was decided by less than 12,000 votes in 2020, has more than 787,000 noncitizens. North Carolina, which Trump won by 74,000 votes four years ago, has 726,000 noncitizens. Arizona, with 611,000 noncitizens, went for Biden by less than 11,000 votes in 2020.

As AMAC Newsline has previously reported, there are several glaring loopholes in both state and federal election laws that allow noncitizens to gain access to the ballot box. In addition to requiring no form of ID to register to vote, 14 states also don’t require a photo ID to actually cast a ballot. 28 states, including Michigan, Georgia, and North Carolina, allow voters to use a student ID – which does not distinguish between citizens and non-citizens.

At least 19 other states and the District of Columbia have also passed bills allowing noncitizens to obtain driver’s licenses, which again do not say whether someone is a citizen or an eligible voter. Some cities, including the nation’s capital, now even allow illegal aliens to vote in local elections.

AMAC Action has made noncitizen voting one of its top priorities in its voter outreach efforts this year, while AMAC members have made their voices heard in state legislatures and on Capitol Hill, demanding lawmakers take action to bolster election integrity.

Along with supporting various state-level measures, AMAC Action strongly backed the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which the U.S. House of Representatives passed in July. That legislation would amend the National Voter Registration Act to require states to obtain documentary proof of U.S. citizenship and identity when registering an individual to vote in a federal election. It also would require states to establish a program to remove noncitizens from their existing voter rolls.

AMAC Action has also launched get-out-the-vote campaigns in key states targeted at informing AMAC members about critical issues, including election integrity and the threat of noncitizens voting. Notably, six states are voting this year on constitutional amendments that would prevent noncitizen voting, with AMAC members expected to be engaged in every state.

AMAC Action’s efforts will continue through Election Day, with a specific focus on early voting in the final week of the campaign.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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USN Retired
USN Retired
4 months ago

Every vote from those not of American citizenship needs to be subtracted from the Democrats count. It is sad how we let this kind of thing happen right in front of us.

4 months ago

Let’s dispense with the politically-correct term of “non-citizens” and call it for what it is for the most part: ILLEGAL ALIENS! It’s a numbers game for the communist liberals, and unless there is a surge of conservative leadership, both federally and at the state level, it’s only a matter of time before red states flip to blue

4 months ago

Every one of those votes by illegal aliens should be destroyed before they are counted. This is unconstitutional and although the liberals do not recognize that we have a Constitution. I believe another fraudulent election will cause another civil war.
We are sick and tired of the criminal administration that has been screwing the American people for the last four years. They are evil, they are un American and they want to sell us out to either Russia or the Chinese.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

Never mind alarm bells, handcuff jingling will do. Starting at the WH

4 months ago

This illustrates the Democrat plans to slowly nibble away at everything and anything keeping them from permanent control and power. Give illegals IDs and drivers licenses. That then gives them the ability to register to vote. Then give them access to voting in local elections, but oops, federal elections and local elections are on the same physical ballot, so now they can “accidentally” vote in federal elections as well.
And Eric Holder should be tried for treason as he and the Biden regime are filing lawsuits across the US against every state attempting to remove non-citizens from the voter rolls. Which is exactly what the laws require them to do.

4 months ago

Still voting Democrat in 2024 you are?
A) Uninformed
B) Clinically Braindead
D) All of the above

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

Watching Trumps Palm Beach conference, CNN “fact-checked” his claim of unaccompanied children being “lost” by ICE saying they weren’t lost but “lost track of”. Bet Biden’s Labor Department counts those minors in the sex industry as “Biden jobs created” as well… I read a CBP website report of approximately 32,000 of these children who are “lost track of”. Where’s our media? Oh yes, too busy fact-checking cats being eaten!

4 months ago

18 U.S. Code § 611 – Voting by aliensIf they vote in a Presidential election they can be arrested and jailed for up to a year. How about posting this and have police on site to arrest them. These ballots should never allowed by anyone at the voting sites and should be validated during the counting process. Is this not checked at the voting sites?

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
4 months ago

Why does anyone think the democrats threw open the border? It was not out of compassion. If democrats don’t cheat, they can never win. They will fight to get every illegal vote counted and let the corrupt courts sort it out later. If Harris wins and the courts throw out the illegal votes, the courts will never overturn the results of the election. democrats always cheat and play the long game. They know they are doing it, we know they are doing it and we let them get away with it . . .

4 months ago

Those invaders voting when they know they are here illegally should decide for themselves not to vote. The law is clear on this even legal immigrants can’t vote for 5 years till they pass the citizenship test. There is not a country in the world that allows migrants to vote when they cross their border. Speeding up the tests or thru amnesty is not the way to go. It is even dangerous because you don’t know if that person that votes is an Hamas soldier or a criminal or deranged individual. If you let people by the thousands into the country and have no plan for them. And have the citizens pay for there stay is a disaster in the making. It is dividing the country. The Biden Harris regime have perpetrated a coup since January 2021. And are continuing it today by calling those opposed to their policies Nazis. They don’t know what they are saying by using that word. Those who lived through the Holocaust or felt the wrath of the Nazi soldiers are angry and feel betrayed. VOTE TRUMP VANCE. Make America Great Again.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
4 months ago

Non-US Citizens caught voting in any of our elections MUST immediately be arrested, heavily fined, and thrown in jail until they pay their fine. They should also have all their information entered into a database, including DNA and fingerprints. Once they’ve paid their fine, they should be immediately deported, along with all their family members. If they get caught in the US, illegally, again, they they and all DNA-related family members should be black-listed from ever entering the USA legally. Make the penalties harsh and far-reaching and perhaps they will think twice before illegally entering our Country. They should be treated as criminals. They are breaking our laws and they are cheating law-abiding immigrants out of their place in our Country.

Dr P
Dr P
4 months ago

These cheating Communist Dems will all answer to God in Eternity. They forget that Hell is real, God is the Just Judge and Eternity is forever.

4 months ago

You can just bet that if the Republicans were the party of “freebies” to illegals, this would have stopped cold a very long time ago. The liberals KNOW its happening, want it to continue and will fight to the end to keep illegals voting. I do not believe that the average Democratic voter, however, supports this. So, key is getting these facts out in whatever media is available to counteract the “facts” from libs that it just isn’t happening.

4 months ago

Every state should issue driver’s licenses (or IDs) with a picture of the person and, in bold print, the statement “US Citizen” or “NOT a US Citizen”. The license or ID should be presented when registering to vote and when actually voting. Voter registration should not take place automatically when the license is issued.

4 months ago

“IF” a nation allows illegal aliens to vote, they no longer have a nation.

4 months ago

If they are allowed to vote, it only seems right they be allowed to defend freedom, by sending them to Ukraine fight.

4 months ago

Voting by illegal aliens (Election Interference) is the reason Bidum and Harris invited mass immigration by illegals from all over the World. It isn’t just poor from Columbia, Cuba or Venezuela, it is from China and everywhere on planet Earth! This is unsustainable it will cost you and all of us more than we have or can afford, which will be even less when illegals take most America’s jobs! To support the illegals, Bidum/Harris just keep adding to Americas 35 Trillion dollar debt, which will cause another depression, then many Americans will be unable to afford food, clothing and housing for themselves let alone also paying for illegals. Bidum/Harris have put America’s future in jeopardy, to get reelected with illegals votes. That is Fascism! To get elected at any cost and by any means!

4 months ago

They’re Crooks. They know it’s the ONLY way to get votes. Americans won’t accept fraud this time I don’t believe.

William S. Klocek
William S. Klocek
4 months ago

which is why I donate to Judicial Watch. Here in East California (aka Colorado), Judicial Watch successfully sued to have non-citizens removed from the roles. Polis & Co have been so slow to do so, we’ll still be killing ourselves by sending water to CA, having non-citizens still voting, and having our cities, see the news on Aurora CO, being over-run by Venezuelan gangs while Polis pushes for the Dem 2024 prez candidacy.

David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

Arrest and Deport ALL Illegal Aliens including those that help Illegal Aliens vote Illegally.

Dr.Sam Adams
Dr.Sam Adams
4 months ago

The narrative, Non-Citizen is misleading, these are enemy implants by this evil Regime designed to get votes for the Demonic rats. They have no business being here, more or less voting. Impound all ballots void these false voters and bodily remove these invaders and their sponsors.

4 months ago

and the left has nerve to call us good Americans ‘ garbage” when they are trailer trash and lower than dirt!

fred smith
fred smith
4 months ago

I really hope that the 600 or so lawyers that President Trump and JD Vance have lined up already have a system in place to catch these leftist demonicrats at their game of cheating the election again, only this time, using illegals that they’ve brought into our country and enabled them to register to vote. Joke Biden even admitted in 2020 that they had created an organization designed to fraudulently cheat the elections by voter fraud and that’s exactly what they did in 2020! Biden never was presidential material and that’s why they had to cheat to steal the election! They’ll do anything at all for the power they crave!

4 months ago

The DMV IS the MAIN PROBLEM we are facing in Elections! another Dem Ploy to deceive Americans. We were TOLD that ‘giving illegals driver licenses’ would HELP US with illegals driving so badly and carelessly. Whoever (Dems) decided it was then a good idea to put ‘Voter Registration’ in the hands of the DMV was either STUPID or a devious GENIUS!
But what we failed to realize was that it doesn’t TAKE a ‘driver’s license’ to make a ‘good driver’ – most still aren’t! But all it takes is people ‘reading and learning’ the ‘rules of the road’, that DMV supplies for free to anyone who enters any DMV bldg. Anyone can read them and learn them! and be a ‘good driver’. There is NO EXCUSE to NOT be a ‘good driver’ just because you don’t have a ‘license to drive’. But nobody TELLS ILLEGALS that they MUST READ THAT to drive the roads in America.
Instead of goodies handed out to Illegals at our Border, they should be handing out ‘Driver Manuals’ to all Teens and Adults!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 months ago

So Dems can WIN

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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