
Elections , Newsline

In First Rally Post-Presidency, Trump Lays Out Republican Midterm Argument

Posted on Monday, June 28, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive


If Republicans win majorities in the House and Senate in 2022, they may well look back to a warm summer evening in June 2021 in Wellington, Ohio as the turning point—the day when former President Trump reignited the spirits of the base, laid out the case for the party to prosecute in the midterms, and set Republicans on a course for victory.

On Monday, Trump returned triumphant to rural northeastern Ohio for his first rally since leaving the White House, speaking for more than an hour and a half to an estimated 25,000 people. The setting was Lorain County, which Trump noted had not been carried by a Republican presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan, until Trump won there in 2020.

In his remarks, Trump vowed that his movement would “send Biden and the media and big tech tyrants a message they cannot ever censor, cancel, or ignore…We will take back the House, take back the Senate and we will take back America.”

In the clearest sign to date that Trump and other Republicans view the issues of crime and border security as the keys to next year’s elections, the former president opened his speech with an extended attack on the Biden administration’s record on “law and order.”

Trump castigated Biden’s “open borders fanaticism” saying, “It is insanity and it is destroying our country.” Trump argued that “the radical left Democrats are doing everything possible to put your family in grave danger: releasing criminal aliens, defunding the police, abolishing cash bail.” “Crime is through the roof,” he said. Yet, Democrats want to “take away your guns.”

“Biden and Democrats are weak on China, weak on trade, weak on the economy and weak on everything else, except on weaponizing law enforcement to go after Republicans. That’s the only thing they are strong on,” Trump said, presumably referring to the numerous politically motivated investigations into those in his orbit both during and after his presidency.

In addition to kicking off Trump’s return to campaigning, the rally was also designed to promote the Congressional candidacy of Max Miller, a former Trump aide who is challenging Rep. Anthony Gonzalez, a Republican who voted for impeachment, in the primary next year.

Trump ripped into Gonzalez, calling him “bad news, a grandstanding RINO” who “likes Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden.”

He noted that earlier this year, Gonzalez voted to grant amnesty to illegal aliens, and that “after he voted for impeachment, the Ohio GOP censured Gonzalez. They demanded he resign.”

In another potential preview of an argument he will be making in the runup to the midterms, Trump detailed the slew of media falsehoods that dominated the nation last year. Trump said that “the media and the Democrats are now admitting that I was right about everything” noting they are acknowledging that the “virus came from a Chinese lab.” On hydroxychloroquine, Trump said, “[n]ow reports are coming out that say that it works.” “Lafayette Square was not cleared for photo op.” “The Russian bounty story was a total fake.” “The first vaccine was known to be effective before the election.” “Blue state lockdowns don’t work.” “And our children should be back in school.”

“Everybody knew this during the campaign but the fake news media refused to talk about it because they will say and do everything to destroy our great MAGA movement, which is a movement based on strength and peace and law and order, and above all else, is a movement based on common sense,” Trump said.

After slamming Critical Race Theory and calling on Republicans to ban it, the former president then went into an extended discussion of the 2020 election, which he said was “rigged.”

Finally, Trump laid out the early building blocks of what he suggested would be the party’s platform in the midterms, pledging that Republicans would fight for more domestic manufacturing, “make China pay trillions in reparations,” secure the border, “break up big-tech monopolies,” and “restore the right to free speech in America.”

Reprising a popular line from his 2020 rally speeches, Trump also vowed to “restore patriotic education to our schools, and we will teach our children to love their country, honor our history and always respect our great American flag.”

In a rousing conclusion that brought the crowd to its feet for continuing applause, Trump declared that “No matter how powerful the sinister forces we are up against [may be]… We must never forget this country does not belong to them, it belongs to you, the American people.”

“This is your home. This nation is your heritage, and our magnificent American liberty is your God-given right,” he said. “The people of this land will not be ruled and talked down to by corrupt politicians, petty tyrants, and socialist bureaucrats in a place called Washington, DC.”

“My fellow Americans,” Trump declared, “our movement is far from over. In fact, our fight has only just begun.”

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3 years ago

The Trump rally was refreshing especially after Whispering Joe and his creepy performance last week before the Washington Press Corp. Of course only Newsmax and one or two others bothered to cover the Trump rally live, while the rest of the mainstream media (FOX included) was still fawning over the prospect of Senile Joe signing off on Bernie Sanders’ $6 trillion dollar socialist wish list to “stimulate the economy” (right into third world status).

Todd Wagner
Todd Wagner
3 years ago

President Trump is correct on all points and we need to keep pushing back on all fronts Local, State, and Federal. Let these Tyrants know who this Great Country belongs to.

3 years ago

Finally we see a plan by some one who has proven he will walk his talk. We need to get rid of the politicians who always check the direction of the wind before they make their talk.

3 years ago

We have an opportunity to save our country from the elitist, Socialistic, Trump hating individuals who have taken control over our government. Thanks to President Trump for his ‘take America back’ way of thinking. We CAN do this people. Think long and hard before you vote! The people we voters put in office, on every level, CONTROL us and if you like our Democratic Republic just the way it is vote for only those who share your morals and values!

James Kelly
James Kelly
3 years ago


John S.
John S.
3 years ago

I agree it’s important to take back the House and Senate but Mr. Trump, with all due respect, is endorsing people who don’t have a chance in h-*-l-l of winning just because they have sucked up to him, or in other cases because the incumbents p-*-s-s-e-d him off. This is not a strategy for winning, it’s a strategy for one man’s ego.

3 years ago

Patriots, The speech by “President Trump” on a national level was very inspiring. However, the States need to take control on the issues that affect them ie. Borders,Crime, WOKE BS and others.
With strong patriotic States we have more leverage in Communist Washington DC and the corrupt Media,
Stay strong,,,,and stay armed.

3 years ago

President Trump can boast a uuuge list of successes achieved during his administration. Securing a large percentage of the southern border is on that list.

Late at night/early morning, I sometimes listen to talk radio (“Red Eye”), and switch to NPR during commercials. It’s a given that NPR will never say anything in support of Trump or other prominent Republicans. But when I heard someone say that “Biden inherited the failures of the Trump administration” on border issues, I just laughed. Do they not hear what they’re saying?! How can they look in the mirror and not say, “You’re an idiot.”

NPR, CNN, and all the other fools continue the lie that the enormous number of illegals crashing the border since Biden and Guakamala went to the White House was Trump’s fault. Hah! And, of course, there was no one there to challenge the falsehood. Cowards.

President Trump’s policies obviously were and are great for this country. Too bad the liberals are too stupid to realize it.

3 years ago

Who cares about ego? When this strong and capable of MAGA man will demolish all the wrong of the current administration, ego doesn’t even come into play.
To condemn someone because you don’t care for is ego is sense less and petty when such heinous acts of the current admisistration exist!

3 years ago

I have been wearing a Trump 2024 hat for several weeks now. to date I have gotten 1 person that glared at me with disrespect, but did not say a word. However I get good comments by a lot of people and I believe I get more good remarks from women than I do men.

3 years ago

Bravo Mr. President Donald Trump!!!! I pray this will work and we will win the House and the Senate in November.
Can anyone tell me what makes the socialist, communist Dems tick? Why do they want to ruin the USA. They will suffer just like the rest of the American people because power and money never wins!
Sick of it all and hope they all go to hell! They’re on their way.

3 years ago

We love you President Trump. You most certainly did Make America Great Again! We plan on keeping it that way too

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

The Trump rally in Lorraine County Ohio, was indeed a huge breath of fresh air considering the other alternatives all of us are dealing with, with respect to the Manchurian candidate installed in DC…Both the crowd & the President were clearly enjoying themselves…
Trump attacked Biden & his handlers for all the harm they have brought onto this nation in such a short time span…The President was sharp as a tack as I expected nothing less…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

RINO’S must be exposed, harassed (via non stop contacts to their offices demanding their resignation) and removed via the ballot in 2022, provided there is a true conservative available to replace them.

3 years ago

Amen Love President Trump the greatest President wver.

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