
Elections , Newsline

Democrats Planning an Insurrection?

Posted on Monday, October 14, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Public reports – including in Axios and MSNBC – confirm Democrats, such as Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Joe Morelle (D-NY), are actually preparing not to certify a Trump victory. What does that tell you?

First, they have no respect for the constitutional process, whatever they may say. When those obsessed with impeaching Trump – to block his running again – completed that disgraceful, undemocratic process, damaging our Constitution, they got a big surprise. It did not matter.

“We the People” decide who we want – and have since the Republic’s start – not “they the rulers.” We make the decisions about who will run, who will be elected, and who will be certified – not they.

Next, this show of utter disrespect for the People and process, pre-election audacity to threaten us, is just a naked attack, a bold threat not to be lawful when that is required, not to accept losing if they lose, not to accept a democratic outcome, not to respect the core principles of the nation.

Their uncontested statements, which other Democrats find fine, tell you how little Democrats respect our Constitution. They see it – as with abusing impeachment – as means to an end, power.

Third, what does it tell you – in a way that no conservative voter could – when you hear this kind of attack, this preload for political defiance – so early in the process? Before early voting in many places, before ballots are cast, collected, counted, way before election day? The goal is to intimidate voters, set the table for political violence, preemptively delegitimize Donald Trump – all over again.

Despicable behavior is one phrase for it. Dark, disingenuous, dangerous, and anti-democratic is a better one. That leading Democrats, quietly supported by others, dare to push preemptive delegitimization is scary. They have allowed their respect for law to die, hate and power to win.

Fourth, the obvious question – beyond these Democrats’ lack of respect for our constitutional process, being the hypocrites they claim not to be, and this awkward attempt at public intimidation, sowing public fear, and preloading their agitating followers for anti-Trump violence – is this: Why?

The answer seems fairly obvious, but let’s say it:  Democrats watched as every effort to stop Americans from being heard failed. The 2016 lies to stop Trump’s election failed, because he spoke to the American heart, spoke about individual liberty, national security, economy, families.

The mindbogglingly expensive and distracting Russia collusion allegations, which showed abuse of power by Justice, FBI, FISA, Clinton campaign, and Obama White House, roundly failed.

The two impeachments failed to slow the American people from trusting Trump – to reign in a runaway government – an open border, suppressed energy, socialist power-consolidation, heavy–handed mandates, attacks on free speech, worship, self-defense, morally indefensible attacks on parents, overspending, debt, inflation, major damage from illegal drugs to unaffordable housing.

The breathtaking abuse of power by the Democrat Department of Justice, going after the former president with false charges on documents and a speech, open violations of the 4th amendment, surging on his house with 30 armed intruders, trying to get him bankrupted, jailed, and somehow dirtied up enough to stop his election victory – even pushing illegal voting – are likely all to fail.

What is left? After two assassination attempts, which this former president miraculously survived, after trying to delegitimize everything about him, they are still left with the truth: People want him.

In short, The People have had it with this Democrat debacle, a hopefully fleeting experiment with Marxist-Maoist power concentration. They want their liberties back, their public safety, economic security, families, kids, schools, safe streets, place in the world, and lives back.

What this attack – preemptive threat not to certify Trump – really means can be put into one sentence:  Trump is likely to win, possibly win big, ending the Marxist run – which terrifies them.  Their last idea? One they invented to attack Trump: Go with the insurrection, don’t certify his win.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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5 months ago

This election cycle, I’m afraid that democrat puppeteers have already usurped the will of the people. They skipped the primary process and appointed an unqualified DEI hire as their presidential candidate. Yet the sheeple liberals seem to have no problem with this and just follow blindly along…

5 months ago

Hey RINO Republican 427 – Trump is the one President who did what he ran on when elected in 2016. The “Democratic party” dictatorship is over! Get a LIFE!

5 months ago

Since 2008 with the election of O this country has been so divided. That their plan to have power from then on was drafted. To make America into the country O’s father had envisioned. O the man from the community organizing fame with Axelrod. That is when the plan was hatched for them to keep the power forever. And shoot Trump won in 2016. The people spoke and they didn’t like it. And from day one they worked on destroying Trump. Everything he said he did was called a lie. They went so far in 2020 to commit fraud to install Biden as president. H went to work to get him implicated with Russian collusion, election interference. But then Trump was an excellent president. With no wars. We were safe and happy the only ones screaming were the dems with H and S and P disrespecting the office of the president forever. 2 attempts to kill him with a third attempt thwarted before a shot could be fired. And what do dems do they clap applaud and giggle over what was done. They have more respect for Xi and don’t forget Zelensky, a former comedian, who is living high on the hog with our tax money. You never hear a word about the failures of Biden Harris the past 4 years. Why not? MSM is brainwashing those who only watch those channels and blame Trump every time. I have talked to many of these dems. They don’t know nothing about trans, mutilating of children, the people being called domestic terrorist, fascist or Nazis by our president. It is amazing that there are still people in this world that have never heard of Soros. The WEF or Klaus Schwab. I could go on. VOTE TRUMP VANCE unless you want to have the zombies to vote in the communist Harris Walz.

James DeBona
James DeBona
5 months ago

Planning this ahead of a national election? – They should all be charged with conspiracy!

5 months ago

The major Democrat financial donors have already bankrolled 4 or 5 so-called documentaries featuring how they would carry out a coup to stop Trump from ever getting back into office again and how the MSM and the intelligence agencies would be running 24×7 so-called reporting and phony content streams to blanket the airwaves to keep the American public pacified until it is all over. This is hardly news at this point RBC.

5 months ago

RBC, interesting article. The Democrats have been running the SMEAR CAMPAIGN ever since Pres. Trump announced his running for the President of the USA. The final tally will come on 6 Jan 2025 when the results of the Electoral College will be announced. Since VP Harris is the presiding official over the announcement of this count, WILL SHE TELL THE TRUTH IF SHE LOSES OR START THE INSURRECTION. The Adversary will fight to the end.

5 months ago

So, if they refuse to accept the outcome, they must stand the same trial scrutiny, Trump has endured for the past 4 years, right? Or, is that pack of laws only against Republicans?

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
5 months ago

New word: HYPERCRITS!!!!! The latest filing by that jackass Smith demonstrates that they have no idea what kind of dangerous precedent they are setting. They are turning the discussion of whether or not voter fraud in an election into a crime. When Trump wins, the DOJ should arrest the first Democrat who claims he is an illegitimate president. Hopefully, that will be Hillary.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

Laws for thee, not for me…. its the Democrat Way as we’ve already seen after Nancy’s hair blow appointments to Gavin’s French Laundry. Don’t know if they’ll try this ploy since doing so would make them hypocrites after all the “J6 insurrection” hoopla… but then when did being hypocritical ever shame a Democrat. Count on rioting aka “protests” that day though.

Michael J
Michael J
5 months ago

Planning? As far as dems are concerned, it’s ongoing. Nothing is off the table.

5 months ago

They may do whatever they want, long as they remember they paved their own way into the Washington, D.C. Gitmo with what they did to the Jan. 6th protesters. They can rest assured they will likely now be provided with exactly the same type of consideration they afforded those innocent victims of democrat plotting, cheating, and conniving since 2021. They shouted insurrection into their media echo chamber to amp up the volume, may it now reverberate at them with increased volume when they actually will be guilty of what they falsely accused others of.

Jim W.
Jim W.
5 months ago

This presents us a rare opportunity to highlight just how irrelevant the platform of the ‘Democrat’ Party is. Their Party continues to alienate a large percentage of U.S. citizens.
‘Obummer’ started us on this path to Socialism starting in 2009; and, except for Trump’s first term, has continued ever since. This is UNACCEPTABLE and has placed our Constitutional Republic in great danger.
This is a great opportunity for the ‘Democrat’ Party to decide if they are with us or against us.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
5 months ago

All I’ll say is the demoncraps better be ready to face the consequences of their traitorous actions.

Rick M.
Rick M.
5 months ago

I have but one question. Since madam Harris is the sitting VP, is she still the one who’s responsible for certifying the results of this presidential election?

5 months ago

As this article suggests, we have already been living through a “Democrat”- driven insurrection since before the 2016 elections. FBI emails provided rock-solid evidence of Hillary Clinton’s request of the FBI to spread “Russia Collusion” dis-information about Candidate Trump, and also the false FBI Surveillance Warrant that the FBI presented to the FISA Court. (courtesy of Judicial Watch).
Since that time, we have seen a variety of other conspiracies, including ballot-counting fraud, false prosecutions, assasination attempts, and fraudulent media reporting.
The “Democrat Party represents the bottom of the humanitarian barrel… and they are no better than any of our present day foes, or those we fought two world wars against to keep our country safe and free.

William Hodge
William Hodge
5 months ago

These democrats had better be careful what they wish for. I’m already at the point where I see democrats as an enemy to our country. These people are not relatives or friends they are a detriment to our way of life.

Jeff Gaynor
Jeff Gaynor
5 months ago

What we are witnessing is a simultaneous. ”progressive” (actually regressive) Marxist “Revolution from the Top” a government sponsored and funded insurgency.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
5 months ago

This is treason, pure and simple. These people are oath breakers, traitors to the United States citizenry. They should be arrested, tried for their treachery, and when convicted of their treason, hanged by the neck until dead, then drawn and quartered and their remains burned and their heads placed on a pole in the public square. This is the old method of dealing with traitors to the sovereign, I. e., the people of the United States.

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
5 months ago

THE HIDDEN FACTOR: Many conservatives like me refuse to participate in polls. Candidates should be running and ruling by their own morals and principles… not BY WHICH WAY THE WIND IS BLOWING. And if they lose their re-election campaign… so be it!

John Shipway
John Shipway
5 months ago

Apparently Mr. Charles scribbled this prior to assassination attempt number 3, that occurred less than 36 hours ago and I bet the arrest of the perp gets MAYBE a minutes worth of airtime and then only on outlets like OAN.
What amazes me is that someone in the Trump camp has seemingly bought into the “Iran is plotting an assassination” line of crap spewed by the demonic Christopher Wray, I hope this doesn’t portend more examples of President Trump making more and more very poor personnel choices should he regain the White House. His first term was plagued by numerous awful choices from Bolton to Pompeo to,,,,,,,,,,,,anything Kushner. As of writing this there have been 3 assassination attempts and NONE have had anything to do with Iran but a lot to do with the American left. My guess is that the entire “Iran assassination plots” have little to do with reality and everything to do with propagandizing Americans into yet another endless war using money we don’t have on credit we can no longer establish. Whenever FBI director Chris Wray says one thing President Trump and indeed the entire US population should believe the opposite. The man and his agency are demonically corrupt. President Trump, who was that barging into Mara Lagp? They weren’t Iranian sir.

5 months ago

I’m very much afraid that trying to not certify the election is mild compared to the insurrection, I think, they have planned.

Bernard Paul Giroux
Bernard Paul Giroux
5 months ago

Everyone should read the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. They should also focus on this excerpt from the 1926 speech given in Philadelphia on the anniversary of the Declaration: “About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful. It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning cannot be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction cannot lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers.

Papa Grouch
Papa Grouch
5 months ago

Typical of leftists when they don’t get their way: throw tantrums and lose their collective minds, call everyone else a racist and start a riot.
Raskin and Morelle, like most of the rest of the left are traitors, bigots and hypocrites all in a sloppy, stinking package.
I’d really like these Marxists to suffer from the same radical ideology they want to pile onto everyone else. Wake up, America. 11th hour

5 months ago

A promise for President Trump and we who support him that has stood firm for 8 years: Isaiah 54:17 – “…’no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,’ declares the Lord.” The Democrats are blind to the fact that nothing they have done–nothing–has stopped President Trump. Biden was allowed to win so that Americans could experience just how evil that party has become. Now watch their downfall as we vote them OUT. We and DJT will be vindicated.

5 months ago

Do they want an insurrection or civil war? Bring it on.We need to get rid of the evil in this country.

5 months ago

at that point i think the patriotic Americans need to”recall” all those politicians who refuse to adhere to the constitution. try them for their crimes(treason?) and punish them as required by the law.

5 months ago

Hey, Republican 427, thanks for telegraphing your plans.

5 months ago

Very insightful read and points to just how little respect the Communists have for the electoral process.

5 months ago

Campaign finance reform is a must – way too much money is spent on ads and campaigns wastefully and that money could do so much more good if not put into politics!! Then, as for the insurrection and Democrats – they have already planned that, already tried that, on Jan 6 and it didn’t work like they had predicted or wanted. They have tried to murder Trump on at least three occasions!! Why do they feel so threatened by Trump?? He is doing what they are supposed to be doing – working for the people, unlike Democrats!!! So, Democrats feel threatened by Trump because he is better than them. But now they must feel more threatened than ever because they are already planning an insurrection, planning to cheat, planning to murder Trump (by the very fact that they aren’t speaking out against these assassination attempts)!!! Never will vote Democrats, any of them!!!

5 months ago

Republican427, what’s the difference between a Conspiracy Theory and the truth? About 6 months.
if in fact the left is carrying out an insurgence and Camel Harris does not certify the election if she loses there must be a revolution and a complete dismantling of our current government and have a complete new one installed. Today’s current democrats and republicans are both corrupt as hell. They are both wings of the same bird. I still believe in what the Conservative Party Philosophy, it’s just the characters are not in good faith. Mitch McConnell has freeze moments and is just as bad a Joey B. Why is Mitch better than Joey?
in less than 4 weeks America will either make history or will be history.

5 months ago

that scumbag raskin survived cancer, but it took my beautiful sister. it’s the good that die young. I’ll say this, we may not have f-16’s, but if they want a war we’ll surely give them one.

Judith La Montagne
Judith La Montagne
5 months ago

I want to thank you in behalf of all sufferers from age-related mcaular degeneration for writing this newsletter in large, easily readable print! Thank you! I pay attention to your views on everythihg.

5 months ago

While the democrats plan a insurrection, the republicans should plan on evidence of treason for the democrats for allowing this country to be invaded by criminals, terrorists and supposedly thousand’s of murderer’s and rapists.

Allen Hockaday
Allen Hockaday
5 months ago

I hope there isn’t quote “blood in the streets” but, if it starts I believe it won’t get as bad as the riots we all had to watch the first couple years biden was President. People are tired of the mistreatment this administration has put them through these almost 4 years and maybe will stand up against liberals, er looters that enjoy vandalizing, stealing, murdering and harming people.

5 months ago

That will be seriously the start of the next civil war. And we have the guns.

5 months ago

First and foremost if said Dems go against the Constitution they should immediately be called traitors and dealt with in the military fashion of the past. Find a wall and an open pit.

5 months ago


5 months ago

It’s obvious they rigged 2020, more than 3 million votes than registered voters. They got away with it and will be emboldened this time. Soros (the main player/instigator) should have been jailed for life decades ago with full asset forfeiture along with his stooges Pelosis, Clintons (part of the Soros crime family by marriage), Schmuck, Zuckerbutt, etc.

Red Hawk 1
Red Hawk 1
5 months ago

I fully expect the political shenanigans, but we will deal with those. My concern is how we deal with the BLM, Antifa, and other paid rioters that are going to hit the streets when Trump wins. I am afraid that the Democrats/Communists/Leftists are going to burn America down. Hopefully, the people will have the backbone to fight back and not allow what happened during the last Trump Administration to repeat.

5 months ago

How can a group of democrats hate Trump so much that they will subvert the will of the people should Trump win the 2024 election? I have little doubt the 202 election was rigged if not outright stolen by the democrats. Most saw Biden was failing mentally back in 2019 but he made a deal with the party to garner SC in exchange for the party hacks telling him he had to pick a woman of color.
As someone who survived 8 years of Obama’s destruction and 4 years of Biden I see a turning point now to restore American Greatness. I believe the voting public also recognize the damage done and will not only give Trump an Electoral College win but a National Popular Vote victory also.
Should these democrat jackals subvert the will of the people, all bets are off on a PEACEFUL and PATRIOTIC march on DC.

Elwood P Sugens
Elwood P Sugens
5 months ago

We will be waiting!

Mike TerBush
Mike TerBush
5 months ago

Traitors are to be hanged!

5 months ago

TRUMP is our SAVIOR . I cannot see GOD , letting this evil prevail in this country . I cannot see God letting ISRAEL& the USA die , If the DEMS win , we loose all our freedoms , speech , religion etc. Criminals will take over the town’s & we will be the 3RD world country they have been striving for. I also find so many totally blank human beings that haven’t a clue what is going on . Trump over hauling the school systems is also a must & boy they are not going to give back the children to the parents without a fight . What a sick world they have made . Every one has to VOTE TRUMP . TO BIG TO RIG !

5 months ago

and the moronic left calls us deplorable – there are so many words i have for them but many i can’t say bc i’m a lady! they have a jack ass for their symbol and it fits them to a T. the dems are real dumos

5 months ago

I always look forward to Robert B. Charles’ articles!! Thanks for featuring him, AMAC!

5 months ago

If the democrats carry through with their threats it will only prove what we have known all along: they are traitors to the ideals of our country, and should be treated as such.

Jim Wharry
Jim Wharry
5 months ago

Maybe we will see another set of impeachment trials, this time against the democrats for trying to subvert the constitution and overturning an election. It’s called karma.

5 months ago

Again, their cowardice is showing…

5 months ago

Encounter angry, fed-up, sick of this BS from a public that will no longer allow this! From word on the street and from all segments of the citizenship, you will not believe the extent to which people are threatening to end this and your selfish and evil ideology. They are no longer willing to seek sensible resolution, it is hammer down time. The end of sensibility is here.

5 months ago

“Axios and MSNBC – confirm Democrats, such as Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Joe Morelle (D-NY), are actually preparing not to certify a Trump victory.” Hillary, Stacey (“governor of GA”…remember her), the “ladies” of The View, that “actor” Deniro & other such Democrat Jackasses, REFUSED to call Trump POTUS; they went on radio, TV, magazines, etc. I wonder, why is it when Jackasses do that it is “to SAVE Democracy”?? If a Republican says they don’t accept a result in the vote we are called insurrectionists and the call to hang, draw & quarter them is heard throughout the streets! The Dems all run around the streets, calling for them to be tried & thrown in Prison;  Jan. 6th mean anything? It is perfectly OK to ask for a recount…..I remember Al Gore asking for 5 or 6 recounts, hanging chads, etc. in Florida between him & Bush! No Democrat accepted Bush as POTUS….but that was OKAY; Democracy was at stake!!! EVERYTHING EVIL that has happened in the world is “ALL Trump’s fault”….Obama says he caused all the medical insurance woes; Clinton, he of the bent member, is telling lies to help the MARXIST Kamala win the election!! They put Tim out in the field with 20 hunters to try to shoot one pheasant, all standing around watching the clown try to load his gun just to prove what a manly, man he is!! Kamala wants to use taxes to turn trans men into “women”, who are also in PRISON, and don’t forget the illegal “men” who want to be “women”….she wants to line them up and cut them off, using taxes!!! People call her “very bright and a good leader”, & they are serious!!

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