
Elections , Newsline

BIDEN DROPS OUT: What Might Happen Now

Posted on Monday, July 22, 2024
by Barry Casselman

I began writing this over a week ago, before the Trump rally in Pennsylvania, and before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. My intention then was to speculate on the possible consequences of Democrats in Congress and other liberal-progressive leaders pushing their president and putative 2024 nominee off the ticket only weeks before the election.

My speculative thoughts then were that the risks of changing their ticket with an unwilling Joe Biden were very great—although the president had chronically unfavorable polls, and these poll numbers were deteriorating, especially in key states. 

Now, Mr. Biden has officially stepped down from running for re-election. He was forced to do this by his party’s establishment, caused by the public reaction to his debate performance against Donald Trump, and a sudden realization by many Democrats of how frail he really was. Mr. Biden has also now endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him.

Because Biden’s withdrawal came so very late, the selection of his replacement has many potential complications and risks.

Mr. Trump has now not only survived a very serious assassination attempt, but also demonstrated remarkable poise and grit under fire. Within a few days of nearly dying, he triumphantly appeared at his party’s well-organized and smooth-running convention, chose a vice-presidential running mate, and returned to his national campaign.

His poll numbers continue to improve, suggesting not only an Electoral College landslide, but even a Trump popular vote victory. And now the poll numbers of Democratic candidates in competitive House and Senate races are also falling.

This alarmed Democratic candidates and the party’s strategists, and in the past few days, more than thirty leading elected Democrats publicly called on President Biden to retire. Several party strategists from past presidential campaigns warned of political disaster in November (less than four months away), and important major donors were withholding large campaign contributions. Finally, the establishment media, long hostile to Mr. Trump and protectively biased toward Mr. Biden, were in a panic, and turned savagely on the president.

President Biden, however, initially refused to quit the race. He was skeptical of the polls and felt he was physically and mentally able to do the job for another four years. Now, his delegates who overwhelmingly control the upcoming Democrats’ national convention only three weeks away in Chicago, must make another choice.

Vice President Harris, with Biden’s endorsement, is a heavy favorite, but her low polling numbers and poor campaign track record could tempt major opponents to contest the nomination at the party convention.

There are many procedural and legal hurdles yet to overcome. If the convention does coalesce around Vice President Kamala Harris, whose own 2020 presidential campaign was a failure, and who has had even worse polls than Mr. Biden as long as she has been vice president, they might be bypassing a stronger candidate. A lackluster campaigner in the past, Harris has been widely criticized for her role being in charge of the southern border crisis and the consequences of millions of undocumented illegal immigrants entering the U.S. over that border. She will also have to defend the rest of the Biden administration record.

If the Democrats choose someone other than Kamala Harris, the question is who that might be. Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Governor Gavin Newsom of California, and Transportation Secretary Peter Buttigieg have been frequently mentioned, but their poll numbers have been even lower than Mr. Biden. They also remain mostly unknown outside their home states and have no national campaign organizations. With the DNC convention in Chicago only a few weeks away, do they have sufficient time to woo the delegates? 

Some might say the Democrats have brought this dilemma on themselves by hiding from view Mr. Biden’s frail condition and making it virtually impossible for a major candidate to challenge him in the primaries.

Considering this election cycle’s tendency for surprises and breaking precedents, the final outcome in 2024 is still difficult to predict.

Many conservative commentators are warning conservative voters about overconfidence, citing 2022 as an example. A campaign cycle in so much unchartered territory defies easy predictions.

Nevertheless, Republicans and conservatives came out of their national convention energized and united, with their nominee significantly enhanced in favorable stature. Their young vice presidential nominee is likely to help the ticket in the vital Rust Belt states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. The party has also recruited much stronger candidates in competitive U.S. Senate races than they did in 2022.

The formidable challenge for Democrats now is to somehow overcome these Republican advantages and inspire their voters to go to the polls. With an incumbent president no longer at the top of the Democrats’ ticket and a former president at the top of the GOP ticket, the Republicans gain one more advantage.

How the voters finally assess all the political drama, surprises and choices in this cycle will be the rest of the story of the elections in 2024. The only true surprise now would be if there were no more surprises.

Barry Casselman is a writer for AMAC Newsline.

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7 months ago

All the Democrats did was replace one puppet, that has outlived his usefulness to both the party and its socialist agenda, with another puppet that will now support the EXACT same socialist agenda. Net change is literally ZERO in terms of what changes on a day-to-day basis in the Democrat controlled White House. The same people that told Biden what to say and do will now be doing the same with Harris. Harris will be brought out in public under the most controlled circumstances, just like they did with Old Joe. The last thing party leadership wants is Harris blowing up the carefully crafted PR that the MSM is in the process of feeding the ignorant public that watches them.

As for how swapping out Biden impacts the Presidential race, the Democrat contingency game plan for this particular event is already in motion. Biden will be praised universally across the MSM as a great POTUS, that was under-appreciated by the ignorant peasants who didn’t know how lucky they were to have him for 4 years. Harris will be hyped up to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. A champion of every progressive value and a real super star going forward. In the meantime, the real power brokers of the Democrat Party are picking who will be Harris’s VP and writing the PR spin that the MSM will endlessly parrot between now and the election. All the other Democrat planned ballot manipulation projects already under way will of course continue.

Should the Democrats “win” this next election, expect Harris will step down from the Presidency within the first year (thus checking off that identity checkbox to placate the Democrat voter base), so her VP can be elevated to POTUS and he or she will select whoever the Democrat puppet masters want as their dream team for the next 8 years to 16 years.

How does this impact Trump and Vance. Well, the MSM and the Democrats are already back to portraying Trump as Hitler and “an existential threat to democracy” a week after the attempted assassination, so we’re back to business as usual in terms of Democrat messaging to their ignorant voter base. I expect we’ll be seeing a steady stream of negative attack ads on Vance hitting the MSM by Wednesday or Thursday of this week. The MSM was going to attack anyone Trump selected, so the Democrats just had to wait for the VP choice to be named.

In terms of any debates going forward, I expect the MSM will of course provide the questions ahead of time to Harris and whoever is her VP choice. The questions will of course be centered around issues the Democrats want to exclusively focus on. So, if anyone is hoping for a real debate of the issues important to most Americans, they will be as disappointed as the last debate. Harris will be coached as intensely ahead of time on the answers to give, just like Biden was but was incapable of performing on stage. I expect both Trump and Vance to be able to handle whatever is thrown at them, but I also expect any debate will also be obviously tilted to favor the Democrats in terms of how the events are moderated.

Dan W.
Dan W.
7 months ago

While it may be counterintuitive, the Dems have actually strengthened both their presidential (anybody but Biden) and vice presidential (anybody but Harris) candidates.

It will be interesting to see if either Trump or Vance will agree to debate their opponents after the Democrat Convention.

In any case, this makes the race which was slipping away from the Dems a little tighter. We need to keep the pedal to the metal if we are to succeed in November.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
7 months ago

Full disclosure: I am a republican. That said, I don’t want to hear another word from democrats about threats to democracy because they have ZERO credibility on the issue. It is the DEMOCRATS who tried to get Trump kicked off the ballot in several states. It is the DEMOCRATS who invoked lawfare to Get Trump off the campaign trail. It is the DEMOCRATS who pressured Biden to drop out of the race only because 1. Their lies about Biden’s cognitive condition were exposed at the debate in June. 2. Donor money was drying up. and 3. Democrats were in danger of losing down-ballot races. If it weren’t for those three factors, Biden would still be on the ballot and the primary votes of 14 million democrats would actually matter.

Duluth Tom
Duluth Tom
7 months ago

The Dems have this election rigged. I listened to Tucker interview someone who explained how they will cheat with harvested ballots and drop boxes. They’ll use illegals who were automatically registered to vote and then file mail in votes in their names.
Our only chance is to get a massive show of R voters out to the polls to overcome their cheating. Four more years of Obama will destroy this country.

7 months ago

I am not feeling perfectly safe these days. If ever there were an opportunity for the USA to be attacked, this would be it. No one in charge.

7 months ago

I did not want to see this. Sleepy Joe was the easiest to beat. Dems like to vote solely on race and sex. They are going from an old white guy they didn’t really like to a woman who is not black but claims to be a black female. That’s all the low IQ leftist voter needs to hear. This is not good. Keep Praying for our great President Trump. MAGA

Chuck S
Chuck S
7 months ago

My bet is they pick Hillary as VP. She has the “experience”. As despicable as she is, there are people that still support her and will vote for her.
If that happens I guarantee Kamala will have a short presidency.

7 months ago

Watch for harris to surge in post convention polls as the commie media reconstructs her into abe lincoln circa 1860. He was not popular and widely ridiculed but went on to greatness. They will paint her with the same brushstrokes as the did with bho, a transformative figure poised to fix every problem. The dopes who vote dem will swoon. Folks, dont listen to pundits on our side predicting inevitable victory for trump. This will be uphill all the way. Talk of landslides is just what we dont need now.

7 months ago

I will very surprised if Trump is able to pull it off. There is just too much evil influence in the electorial process today. There is nothing fair and legitimate in any federal election anymore. The liberal elites have too much power and control and nothing to counter their obvious lies and betrayal. The Republicans are like beat down children afraid to open their mouths, much less actually do anything. I really admire Trump for his perseverance and determination but he just dont have enough good sane people of power to help him right the ship. I hope and pray that i will be pleasantly surprised come November 6.

7 months ago

Conservatives must not become overconfident! The MSM and the far-left democrats will not retreat, but will be even more spinning the “greatness” of Joe Biden and all his accomplishments, and how whoever replaces him will carry on to finish his “Build Back Better” platform! Thet rhetoric is only going to get more intense to Donald Trump’s age and against “Making America Better Again”. The next couple of months are going to be very unbelievably more crucial to keeping our Republic. FIGHT – FIGHT – FIGHT!!!!!

7 months ago

Quite a few states have ballot access laws that will allow for whomever the democrat party overlords select for their serflike following of voters only to be running as a write in but not as a printed option opposing Donald Trump. Meaning in effect whomever the shadowy democrat overlords select to run with, or without consent of their Marxist political club following, should they be printed by name on the ballot in these states, many of which are democrat run, it will be a violation of their own voting laws and another mockery of the democratic values of our constitutional republic.
That said however, when has that ever mattered to “democrats”, who ignored the very principles on which our country was founded, and pushed the country into an abyss of civil war over the abhorrent matter of slavery?

7 months ago

You watch. All of a sudden Harris will be presented as the most competent of all. She’s done less than nothing, will sit on Biden’s incompetent policies, talks in circles, but the left media will have no choice but to follow her around like lap dogs.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
7 months ago

Kamala “Kackler” agreed with EVERY Biden failure plus supported a bail fund for the BLM and Antifa TERRORISTS. Let’s get those commercials running ASAP!

7 months ago

How much $$$$ did it cost the DNC?

George M
George M
7 months ago

The real surprize would be if the democrats put forth a couple of real choices and let voters decide.

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
7 months ago

so the dmeocrats are runnign cackles the laughing clown.
Is her campaign slogan going to be: “I’ll go heels up in front of every man”?
Maybe her campaign slogan going to be: “I laugh at danger, I laugh at heartbreak, heck I laugh at everything”.
Perhaps her campaign slogan going to be: “I don;t take things too seriously”.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

This is a gift. Kamala is a mental midget. At least Joe can blame dementia but Kamala just IS! My question is: if Biden is so diminished he can’t RUN for POTUS, when’s the Art. 25 because he can’t BE POTUS?

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
7 months ago

We as a country are doomed,joey screwed AMERICAS economy up so bad that it might not repairable.Now that joey has”flamed out”,next inline is”word sally kammy”.No matter,the democ rats will cheat,lie and I would not be surprised at ANYTHING they would do to destroy their opposition.Do patriots play like we are,mild and somewhat weak,or do we toughen up and play as rotten and nasty as they are.This person couldn’t take care of our border,why does think that she can run the country.

Charles Palumbo
Charles Palumbo
7 months ago

14,465,519 Demoncrats voted for snifferjoe at Demoncrat primaries.
How nice the Demoncrats made their votes meaningless

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
7 months ago

O LORD ! ! What are we gonna do without Tweedle Dee. ??? Kyle L.

7 months ago

I may not like choosing the lesser of two evils to vote for, but I find the issue of abortion (rights) to be sexist and unconstitutional. Why can a woman have the RIGHT to murder an innocent human as their RIGHT and CHOICE, but a man cannot ? ? ?
Contraception is a legal, moral CHOICE and RIGHT regarding women’s health.

7 months ago

I’m thinking that this delay in Biden to withdraw is very likely strategic. I believe with less time for the public to properly vet and alternative candidate, and get to know them other than how good they look on camera will be the greatest bait and switch hustle in the history of the United States. They’ll put in someone that is well like but does not have a record to run on or a past to research!.

Leslie Tarlton
Leslie Tarlton
7 months ago

The Democrats already have the elections set up to win, but cannot explain the discrepancies with Trump still in place, so must find a candidate who they can say had the votes to beat Trump.

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

She’ll be only a regent .The real power will be in the hands of her handlers. Maybe in the hands of vice president depending on who it is. Biden outlived his usefulness , is allowed to stay in the office. A lot can happen between now and Nov. Who will be taking care of business if he’s been deemed feeble?

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
7 months ago

Harris will have a brief moment in the sun, then will be replaced with a more serious candidate.

Lori Wolff
Lori Wolff
7 months ago

My 25-year-old daughter just said, “how come every Democrat they put up is second-in-command to Satan”? My children make me proud!

7 months ago

A couple of week ago I wrote in the comment that Biden family was shaking down the DNC just after the return of the family from camp David. I said Biden would step down & a family Parden was coming. Well, Biden has now stepped down from running. I also said Kamala would finish as “the first Black Female President” for the history books. So we can still expect Joe to hand over the Presidency. I still hold to that. But we will see. I went on to say, the new ticket would be Gov. Roy Cooper – Prez & MI Gov. Gretchen Whitmer- VP it would be the ticket because that would give them 2 swing states for which they could use to justify their cheating numbers with.
Gov. Roy Coopers name just popped for the first time that I’ve seen publicly. The News and Observer in Raleigh, NC posted an article dated July 22,2024 called “If Harris picks NC’s Cooper for VP, would that hand the Governor’s job to Mark Robinson?” by Kyle Ingram
Cooper is planning on making a run for President in 2028 no matter what. I heard 2 very prominent Democratic men discussing it. They are part of Coopers private team. I heard this with my own ears at a meeting at the golf club that I was working at a while ago. It was just a side gig for extra money.
I said this was not over until the fat lady sings, well I hear her warming up. I received a lot of flack from another sight for saying the same thing. Now time is starting to play it out. I grew up with Senators and government people at my dinning room table, my mother was a major union president back in the late 1970’s and 1980’s. I understand the way it all works, you just can’t take it for granted that we will win. We have to fight, fight, fight as Trump so bravely said.
FYI: I am a Republican. #TRUMP2024.

7 months ago


7 months ago

Abe Lincoln is alleged to have said :”You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time”… Then a wise person changed the end of the quote…
When you fool all of the people it usually lasts for four years.

7 months ago

If there was a Venn Diagram showing HORNSWAGGLERS, SCALAWAGS, EXISTENTIAL THREATS to Democracy, INCOMPETENT DEI hires, and outright LIARS… which circles would contain Kamala and the elite Demoncraps?

7 months ago

We reps were not surprised that they started to oust ole Joe. Right after every American became aware of Joe’s dementia that they tried to hide since the 2020 presidential election. We found out that their so called promoting democracy was more a dictatorship. Ole Joe tried to hold on to his post against all odds. Only O, P, S, Soros and the other elites on the ultra left wanted him gone. They could no longer maintain him as a smart as a tack, vigorous man that could out do many a 30 year old. We all knew that was a lie, they knew it too. Then the debate confirmed what we had said for years. The dem Cartel got together and devised a plan to throw ole Joe out with the trash and install a Queen. Kameltoe might physically be stronger than ole Joe but their brainwaves wave on the same wavelength. The lights are on but nobody is home. Only the money had stopped coming in and she raised 49 million since ole Joe said he’d stop being a candidate. Excuse me. He should resign the presidency. Just because you can’t win an election you cannot manipulate the election to put forth another candidate who has not received one vote ever. Not in a primary not in any state. This is committing open fraud. O and ole Joe divided this country and brought it down and they are acting like they are the dictator that should rule us forever. This whole election is a sham made by the dems into a disaster. What if Kameltoe cant win the election. Are they going to appoint another person? Maybe one of those invaders from China. They can manipulate all they want. Someone said today the election is getting to be a Barnum and Bailey circus and the clowns are the main attraction. Vote for caring and thoughtful people who will make America Great again. Vote Trump/Vance.

7 months ago

No, Biden was pushed out, to be replaced by DEI complete idiot. All 14 million who voted for Biden don’t count. That is real democracy. Remember what they were accusing Trump of for years? Yes, “he is a threat to democracy”. And now this happens. Soviet style middle finger to the voters and democracy they were crowing about. Every time they accuse the other side of, this exactly what they are doing themselves.

7 months ago

You forgot Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton, who still thinks she should have won 2016. Another obama would make a 4th obama term. Could America survive that? I don’t think so. I believe our enemy nations are just salivating this election; waiting to pounce! China particularly is brazen, has the manpower and is not afraid of anyone but Trump! Iran is brazen and intimidating in their terror tactics and is already invading the U.S. through the southern border (as is China). Soon cells will get together and our country will again be attacked – this time from within. (As if it isn’t already being attacked from within – from our own leaders) Only God know and only God can decide. Pray hard that His decision is not for this to be the end of our nation; but he blessed it once and we forgot to thank Him; dare we ask again?

7 months ago

The elite few Dems, Obama, same people will now tell Harris what to do, and Harris was Willie Brown’s squeeze in California for how many years? Meanwhile any other strong choice to run for president on the Dem side is ruled out by the elite few who are bent on destroying our country. Kennedy and Truman are turning over in their graves/

7 months ago

Don’t be surprised if the “cackeler”pickes an Obama as her VP running mate.Barack or his husband Mike! I can find nothing in the Constitution to prevent that and I wouldn’t put anything by the democommo party.

7 months ago

One question: Trump had four years as president. If he gets elected again can he get eight years?

7 months ago

He we go. Another four years of Republicans vs. Democrats, B.S. vs. B.S. This hasn’t worked for at least 50 years. ELECT A KING! One crook compared to the thousands of crooks we have now. If we stay with the bad choices we have now, our only hope is with Donald Trump

7 months ago

Anyone that would vote for that cackling ho needs their head examined.

7 months ago

The Democrat party’s establishment is really an oligarchy.

David W Spade
David W Spade
7 months ago

Buttigieg could be the most inept Cabinet member to ever serve in the United States. To consider Mayor Pete as a contender for President is just absolute folly. He could not even fill a pothole in South Bend when he was mayor.

7 months ago

Cannot stand Kamala. Who remembers her “Wizard of Oz” comment during the 2020 primary? (Followed by that laugh that makes everyone uncomfortable). Hope she goes away.

Joanne4 justice
Joanne4 justice
7 months ago

Biden made a good decision. His big supporters, ie Pelosi. Schumer Schiff and Bernie have deserted him.!!

Irv C
Irv C
7 months ago

We’re set to win and win we will. President Trump is a shoe-in and America needs it. The Democrats and their evil agenda was bound to fail at some point and I’m sorry it took this long. I would love to see Trump win 2 more terms. Roosevelt did it in the 40’s.

Old Silk
Old Silk
7 months ago

They’ll be throwing everything they can come up with at Trump, from looking for judicial assistance where they can grab it to age and more.

7 months ago

NEWS FLASH ! ! ! Anthropologists have just announced the detection of two new species of sub-humans. Home pinocchio mendax and Home stolidus fatuitas. Both species appear to primarily consist of Demoncraps. The first group are foul liars and the second group is made of doltish followers, WARNING: Beware of either species. They are both OMNIVORES! They sacrifice and eat their leaders, think of what they might do to you.

7 months ago

Here’s something I don’t know:
There are states that have not yet had their “official primary.” Can Biden’s name be replaced on the ballot? Michigan and Wisconsin just happen to be two of those states. Some states do have “uncommitted” or “write-in” on the ballot.
I am not eligible to vote in Wisconsin or Michigan (I live elsewhere) but it sounds like some scrambling will have to take place – and these two states are definitely purple states.

Deborah Goodwin
Deborah Goodwin
7 months ago

I sure wish Joe Manchin would run. I thought he would, but he has backed out overnight.

7 months ago

The knee expert is now running! OMG!

7 months ago

The Communists will still see if Dome can make the polling numbers more competitive & if she can’t, there’s still time (albeit a very little) to switch her out with someone like Moochelle Obama.

Kevin Feuerhammer
Kevin Feuerhammer
7 months ago

We think President Biden is dropping out is because the Secret service could imply He was connected to Trump’s assassination attempt.

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President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.
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COXSACKIE, GREENE, NEW YORK - FEBRUARY 28: New York correctional officers and sergeants continue their strike for a second week outside of the Coxsackie Correctional Facility on February 28, 2025 in Coxsackie, Greene, New York. The prison workers say they want to roll back the 2022 HALT Act, which has reduced solitary confinement because it caused assaults on them to rise. While it's unclear if the strike has played a role, two more New York inmates have died during an ongoing strike. The Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) has presented a tentative agreement to the New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA) to end the ongoing strike, but many guards say their demands have not been met and they won't show up to work on Saturday. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

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