
Economy , Newsline

Trump’s Faith in America is Lifting US Economy

Posted on Tuesday, August 25, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

economySometimes indirect evidence is more powerful than direct.  Something good is happening to the US economy, just below the surface.  Easy to miss, it gives the lie to those who believe all is dark, bad and President Trump’s fault.  Evidence is mounting that America is in sync with the President – and right to be optimistic.  Here is why.

On the surface, America is a mass of crashing waves, bold socialist designs on our individual liberties, defunding police versus rule of law (which requires law enforcement), self-reliance versus dependence, class warfare versus unabashed love of country.

Most immediately, President Trump believes the American economy – which is to say, the American People – can outrun COVID-19.  He espouses faith in individuals, families, small businesses, and free markets.  He argues less is more when it comes to government – that Adam Smith’s “invisible hand,” millions of freely-made individual decisions, not a powerful federal fist, is the way forward.

Unlike his political rival, he refuses to consider trouncing states’ rights, resists subverting the 10th Amendment, and will not push federal mandates.  He refuses to urbanize the suburbs, federalize the private sector, or take over healthcare, transportation, energy, or education.  In a phrase, he believes.

In what does he believe?  Among other things, he believes in you, me, and the power of America’s private sector to overcome adversity, even beset by a noxious, slippery, irritating, enthusiasm-sapping coronavirus, recklessly foisted on the world by Communist China.

In short, Trump is an optimist – grounding his sense of the future in an understanding of America’s powerful, arguably irrepressible past. We do not lie down, get rolled over, give up, default to calling each other racists, promote lawlessness, or irreversibly concentrate power, even to beat a foreign virus.

Instead, he seems to think – with a little help from our friends – we will get through this.  More he thinks that the future is defined not by federal control but by private initiative.

As the Democrat Party incomprehensively moves left, pushing fear and loathing over faith and fortitude – blaming Trump for everything to justify federal dependence, Trump pushes back with love of liberty, faith in citizens, common sense, and the lovely “fanfare for the common man.”

You can almost hear Trump summoning Franklin Delano Roosevelt, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” or John Kennedy, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” or Harry Truman, “The reward of suffering is experience.”  None of those Democrats would recognize their party.

So, look at data.  While Democrats claim COVID-19 is crippling us, requiring we go socialist, that is not what Americans think.  America is resolved to rebound, unwilling to be kept down.

Many – if not most – are in lockstep with Trump’s optimism, not Democrat fatalism.  We are on track, on target, and getting back to work with enthusiasm, buying, building, and moving, eyes on the far horizon and reason, not that Democrat’s “dark season.”

Even as virus cases rose in July, Americans leaned forward. They refused to be taken down.  In a surprise, The Wall Street Journal last week reported “the US economy picked up momentum this month, as companies shook off the effects of the pandemic-induced downturn.” How about that!

Data just released shows: “US firms are seeing demand return as they reopen from lockdowns.” Liberal economists marvel the US economy “managed to weather” July’s rise in cases.

Specifically, the “composite purchasing-managers index, a measure of manufacturing and services activity, rose to 54.7 from 50.3 in July, an 18-month high, with both sectors seeing a big increase.”  Note:  Over 50 signals expansion.  As one economist noted, slightly dumbfounded: “The economy seems to be powering ahead.”  In turn, stock indexes are surging.  See, e.g.;

Nor is the composite index the only sign America is in sync with Trump’s optimism, not Democrat “doom and gloom.”  The National Association of Realtors just reported, “sales of previously-owned homes surged 24.7 percent” in July, “propelled by low interest rates and people’s desire for more space.”  People getting out of Democrat-led cities helped the trend along. See,; see also,;

In any event, the bottom line is this: Below a turbulent surface, behind clashing conventions and senseless noise from talking heads and detractors, Americans are moving ahead.

Yes, we have distance to go – for another round of economic gains in every demographic, but we are on the move. We will need to re-find our mojo, that tempo pace, national e ’spirit de corps.  But one thing for sure:  Americans are more optimistic than they are hangdog.

As a group, we are can-do.  So is Trump.  He believes in who we are and what we can do.  Like most of us, he sees little need for a cobbled-together collection of sad-sack socialists. History shows that Americans are hard to stop once started – and we have started.  Sometimes indirect evidence is more powerful than direct.  This is, I dare say, one of those times.

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4 years ago

Very well written article RBC. Yes, the American people can succeed at anything, if they stay focused on the core American drive and values that have distinguished us from almost every other country in the world. Freedom, independent choice and the courage to put our ideas into practical action are what made this country the envy of the world. The only real threat that can take this country down is if the American people themselves decide they no longer believe in any of that and instead opt for a future of being told what they are allowed to do, when they are allowed to do it and meekly surrender their lives and freedoms to those that simply seek the power to rule over them with the empty promises of “social and economic justice”. That all your problems will go magically away, if only you empower these individuals to control all aspects of your lives. Well worn code phrases correctly associated with every failed instance of socialism for over a 100 years.

Our choice this November couldn’t be more stark and crystal clear. On the one hand, we have the preservation of our republic and the freedoms and opportunities it affords all of us. On the other hand, we have the empty promises of “a more just society, where “equality of outcome” is ensured by grinding down the population and economy to produce equality of misery, pain, starvation and eventual death on a scale only seen in other countries that were foolish enough to put socialism into place. If the American people make the wrong choice, they and all those that come after them wil certainly live to regret it. Think America and act accordingly.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

For sure, below projects to rebuild Economy:
Redev riot zones post riots
Man to Mars mission
New ventures: Emrod Tesla wireless electricity
Hyperloop nationwide
24/7 gun & ammo production via automation
& more
Pre virus.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

AMEN! We will not be defeated, nor believe the lies of the left!

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
4 years ago

If we only had a “fair” media, we would not have some of the problems we have now

4 years ago

The silent American has come alive. The majority of citizens see the Democrats and far left as what they are: A small group of anarchists intent on destroying America as we know it. We will go to the polls in November and prove our beliefs that America is the greatest place to call home.

Rex Croson
Rex Croson
4 years ago

Fantastic and uplifting full of hope, thats the way for America.

4 years ago

America has allows risen to the challenge! If we can shake off the ridiculous left wing media who are just a distraction, not truth, we will all be better off! Take it to them President Trump! We are all with you. Keep Making America Great!

4 years ago

Well done. I hope every freedom loving American will vote. That is what it will take not to lose our freedom.

4 years ago

Aggressively seek out and prosecute the leftists for sedition.

4 years ago

On the other hand, Biden is bad news! I can tell by the way he talks, he’s itching to shut down the US economy. The Wuhan Virus is just a convenient excuse! Democrats know they have to destroy capitalism to resurrect socialism! Democrats are scum!

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

Nov. 3 America will crush the ( D ) communist pig’s heads. And may Lucifer take the souls of the Soros family shortly there after.

4 years ago

I absolutely loved watching our convention last night! So great to hear an uplifting message and how great our country and its people are! Great convention so far!!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

Socialist/dems are a small percentage of the population, hollywierdos, moron “journalists”, pro athletes that have never lived in the real world, high-tech billionaires, but they control the “air waves” and so they can TRY to fool “WE THE PEOPLE” with thier constant whining and complaining and LIES, but we see the truth and WILL NOT SURRENDER AMERICA! VOTE TRUMP, VOTE REPUBLICAN, AND. REMOVE EVERY SOCIALIST/DEM!!

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

Our president’s motto is “CAN DO!” The dimms’ is “Don’t even try.” They are NEGATIVE on everything. Remember Jimmy Carter’s “malaise” and Obozo’s “1% growth is all we can expect” without a “magic wand.”

Jeff Roddahl
Jeff Roddahl
4 years ago

After ignoring the talking heads of mainstream media, we desperately need to re-take control of our children’s educations. As we speak, our kids are being indoctrinated to hate the USA and even their parents. Religion and family values are being denigrated, and socialism is being promoted as the only good system of government. The methodology is very much like joining a cult and includes secretive separation and isolation from all dissenting voices like parents and church family. If we do not do this soon, America and freedom will be lost forever. Wake up, America!

4 years ago

Last night the RNC convention program was very uplifting and the speakers were all very good and came from all walks of life// It is sickening to see Juan Williams and Donna Brazil look and sound so pitiful on the comments after the show// Keep it up TRUMPSTER and my hope is YOU winning in a landslide and taking the SENATE AND the HOUSE for 4 more years// Also I think Kellyanne Conway was a distraction more than a plus with her liberal husband and family/ Get a young person in her job full of energy and drive and all will be even better//

Richard Engel
Richard Engel
4 years ago

Blessed is the nation who’s God is the Lord! By His grace we will will be delivered from the trials and evils we face from enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Ralph S
Ralph S
4 years ago

The reason the DEMONcrats hate DJT is because he was formerly one of them. He knows all their plots, ploys, plans, plays, and plagiarized platitudes. The same is true about the FAKE NEWS leftist media… Trump is aware of their flim-flam, flaws, foibles, and fact fabrications.

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

The November election is really a choice between Reality and Fantasy. The Republicans present the “reality” of what America has been, is now and should and will continue to be into the future of our nation. In opposition, the Demsheviks represent “fantasy” with their radical socialistic view of the future which is Orwellian and dystopian. They have been drinking too much Kool-Aid, smoking too much weed, actually believing their own lies. and are guilty of Culpable Stupidity on a grand scale. We can label these Demsheviks collectively as the “nattering nabobs of negativism” (as former Vice President Spiro Agnew once spoke about similar idiots in his day). Trump in 2020!

Barton A Tanner
Barton A Tanner
4 years ago

My thoughts are, how can any normal person or anybody who claims to be a Christian even think of not voting for Mr.Trump. The question is, what hasn’t he done for this country, he has certainly tried to stop the illegals coming across our borders, he has tried to stop the murders of our babies, he has tried to stop this mayhem caused by BLM and Antifa without any help from the city mayors who are Democrat. Then we have the media who do nothing but lie, lie, lie.

Alicia Leaving Liberals
Alicia Leaving Liberals
4 years ago

We can save patriotism! We can restore reverence for the ‘American Flag’. We can remember with love: ‘Our Founding Fathers’; we can say: ‘The Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag’ with feeling and reverence. We can keep our ‘National Anthem’, we can support and stand up for the police force in this country! And, we can keep our faith in God!!…

Juleen A Roszkowski
Juleen A Roszkowski
4 years ago

Go President Trump – we are with you, keeping America the great country it is. We believe in US the USA

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Become a Counter-Revolutionary!  Demand Authority ENFORCE OUR LAWS!!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The Democrats are Communists!!  The RINO’s are also Communists!!  The Republican Party as a whole is useless!!  We need a new Political Party – The Freedom Party founded from!!  Stand-up for America!!  Make the TRUMP Movement grow – Freedom NOW!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN, find an alternative to Public Education.  It destroys individual thinking!!  Charter and Parochial Schools can be OK but Home Education is best although it may require lifestyle changes.  EACH OF US MUST CHOOSE!  “IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN…”

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc. are all Communist Collaborators and are Anti-American!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Stop using Google, Facebook, and Instagram!!!!!  Demand DOJ file Anti-Trust Lawsuits to brake-up the Cabal!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The Democrats are bought and paid-for by the Communists!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

MLB, the NFL, and the NBA have yielded to the Communists and disrespect all Symbols of OUR Country.  To all Patriots, MLB, the NFL, and the NBA are DEAD!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Drain the SWAMP!!.  Increase our Military and reduce the size of the Federal Government!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

It is time to STOP covering-up for the FBI!  How is Antifa, etc. getting organization and logistics support??!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

4 years ago

Go Trump Go 2020

Timothy Appling
Timothy Appling
4 years ago

Good to see so many positive comments. If you listen to any news media besides Fox, you will hear nothing but negative made up news. I am hoping that most of Americans can see through the lies of doom and gloom from mainstream media and vote for Trump in November. Trump is the ticket to our freedom and prosperity for the next 4 years. Great article

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

A President who believes in the people. A President who believes that all can work, earn a living, be able to make their own decisions. Go Trump Go!!

4 years ago

Thanks for the links to the RNC speeches, Mr. Charles. After listening to a few of them, it’s clear that the Republicans present a logical and sensible portrayal of what America is about. The foolish aspirations coming from the mouths of democrats is pure rubbish.

I wonder what Donald Trump, Jr., will be doing a few years from now…?

4 years ago

President Trump Cares and works hard for America. He has done so much with so little help. Actions do speak louder than words. Mr. Biden has been in political office for 47 years-what has he done? A complete medical and psych exam should be done before you let someone like him run for President. It’s sad our health declines as we age, some sooner than others but he doesn’t seem like he is all there to me. God forbid, if he wins and I hope he doesn’t, do you know who is number three on the list-Pelosi I believe would fill in as VP-It makes me sick to think of this. Let’s keep President Trump. He is a hard worker and puts America first. Vote, Vote, Vote.

Jeanette Fenton
Jeanette Fenton
4 years ago

love hearing good news

4 years ago

We re not “America” We are the United States of America. Venezuela and Cuba are “america”. Just call us the
US. Is that hard ????

4 years ago

Covid is a blip. CNN wants us to believe that Covid is the same as the WWII Nazis. What a joke.
CNN refuses to understand that this nation can overcome ANYTHING. They cannot handle it.
If your want to worry , go to CNN. If you want to live out your life’s ambition, go somewhere else.

4 years ago

The left calls our great President Trump a “dictator” when in fact he is the great champion of states’ rights. It would have been easy for him to order states on how to handle the Chinese virus as the left demanded but instead he recognized that each state is unique and has different issues and needs. Why did the left want him to take over? So they could blame him when the Chinese virus did not disappear. Blame, blame, blame is al the left knows.

4 years ago

He’s ONLY interested in the economy picking up so he’s re elected. He did NOTHING to help NJ NY during the covid rush. He brought it in to us. US airports that brought all those in infested countries back thru JFK, Newark, Ohare. So where the virus hit; outside of JFK, Newark, Ohare. When we asked for help, we got none. He said oh this pass quickly, listen its on tape. Listen to what he says about us having to Bid On PPEs. Listen to him. it’s all on tape. Everything he says and does is tapled. He can’t remember from one minute to the next what he said, and he says something else. He rushes treatments thru that are not tested. cause more problems.
All he’s interested in is being relected. he doesn’t give a fig for the people unless they can help him.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
4 years ago

It’s good to know we have a president who has faith in our nation and our citizens; all of our citizens, regardless of ethnicity. In the meantime, Joe Biden is putting his faith in a Progressive Socialist political party that in the past, he has opposed.

Leslie Owen
Leslie Owen
4 years ago

Excellent article! Great one to introduce me to amac… I will be joining as I am almost 65.

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