Imagine if, during the Cold War, politicians not only allowed the Soviet Union to build factories on American soil but actually paid them millions of taxpayer dollars to do so. It’s an absurd idea, yet this is precisely the situation we face today with companies controlled by the Chinese Communist Party eligible for tax credits thanks to President Joe Biden and the Democrats in Congress.
In 2022, Biden and the Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which included massive taxpayer giveaways for “green” energy. Now, Gotion Inc., a company affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party, is building factories in Michigan and Illinois that would qualify for the tax credits. That’s on top of more than $700 million in incentives funded by state and local taxpayers.
Gotion is undoubtedly a threat to U.S. national security. According to the bylaws of its parent company, Gotion is required “to carry out Party activities in accordance with the Constitution of the [Chinese Communist Party].” Sadly, China often forces its own citizens to participate in industrial espionage against their will.
Gotion has also hosted Iran’s minister of industry at one of its facilities in China, and it is linked to companies that have participated in the genocide of Uyghurs in northwest China.
It would be an abomination of national security principles, sound public policy, and moral responsibility to allow tax dollars to flow to this company through the Inflation Reduction Act or any other legislation.
Former President Barack Obama’s defense secretary, Leon Panetta, along with former President Donald Trump’s secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, recently testified that Gotion poses a significant risk to American sovereignty and security. Both of these leaders understand how the Chinese Communist Party operates and how it exploits America’s freedom and openness to hurt our country.
That is why it is time for Congress to pass the NO GOTION Act, which was introduced last year by Rep. John Moolenaar (R-MI). It is a simple, three-page bill that would prohibit CCP-affiliated companies such as Gotion from receiving federal tax dollars from hardworking families.
Only a fool would fund his adversaries, and Biden and the Democrats have put every member of the public in this horrible position. The NO GOTION Act would restore common sense and stop our country from being exploited by the CCP and the companies it is using to undermine our national security.
The NO GOTION Act represents a rare opportunity to safeguard our national interests, strengthen our economic resilience, and send a clear message that America will not tolerate CCP interference in our critical industries. It would also boost American companies that want to develop carbon-friendly energy instead of ones that are owned by the CCP.
In many respects, the Chinese Communist Party poses a greater threat to the United States than the Soviet Union ever did, yet today, Biden and the Democrats are poised to fund its ambitions. Congress must pass the NO GOTION Act and end the madness.
John Moolenaar is a U.S. representative for Michigan and a member of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party. Paul Teller is the executive director of Advancing American Freedom, a think tank in Washington, D.C.
Reprinted with Permission from Advancing American Freedom – By John Moolenaar & Paul Teller
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
In other words Biden is currently financing the downfall of our country right smack into the hands of China. I wonder how much he and his likes have profited off of this one? At same time, it’s high time for a thorough investigation of the Department of the Treasury. It’s high time to begin kicking A$$ and taking names. I hope every darn state will begin closing their land to foreign buyers, frauds, and the very rich. The rich act like they own the county. Truth is this country was built by mostly by hard working citizens. Now look at the payback we are getting? Let’s get the hell back to the basics which have never been a worry to the haves. The truth is there is no telling of the depths of misuse by our very own government. Look what one man has done in less than three years. We seem to be no longer a country of truth, but one of deliberate mismange for no other reason than simply power and astonishing lie-laced greed.
The CCP-run companies should NEVER have been allowed to set up in our country in the first place. They’re also buying up farmland to control our food supply and spy on nearby US military bases. As for the NO GOTION Act, Congress is so useless, it couldn’t even pass gas.
Zero for CCP state companies
Thanks to clinton he bowed down to Communist China in ‘93 and also gave them most favored nation status in the U.N. and has been giving OUR MONEY and JOBS to Communist China since. Then obama even gave them more of OUR MONEY, MANUFACTURING JOBS, and MORE OF OUR JOBS to Communist China with him (Wasting Over $786 Million of OUR MONEY for his apology tour to appease Communist China) bowing down to Communist China.
Then Dictator Beijing biden following obama’s policies has been giving MORE of OUR MONEY, JOBS, and SELLING NATURAL GAS to Communist China (Communist China continues to build 10 Coal Power Plants every week) including committing espionage by SELLING OUR OIL from our National Strategic Oil Reserves to Communist China and still hasn’t replaced the oil he ILLEGALLY and INTENTIONALLY SOLD to Communist China. Then playing politics using the oil from our National Strategic Oil Reserves to lower gasoline prices because of him KILLING OUR ENERGY INDEPENDENCE making us rely more on Communist China and OPEC not to mention DIRTY OIL from Venezuela when we have clean oil and DON’T need foreign oil. Let’s not forget that he wouldn’t even call the China Virus the China Virus since it would offend them. Communist China ATTACKED the world releasing their virus and Dictator Beijing biden is still protecting Communist China. The CDC continues to lie and protect Communist China just like WHO does.
Let’s not forget the $BILLIONS both obama and Dictator Beijing biden have given to TERRORIST and TERRORIST Iran while BOTH
SURRENDERED TO TERRORIST in Iraq and Afghanistan giving TERRORIST $BILLIONS of OUR MILITARY EQUIPMENT and WEAPONS to TERRORIST to kill AMERICANS. ISIS and other Terrorist are back after President Trump got rid of them thanks to Dictator Beijing biden and his continued failed policies.
Dictator Beijing biden Pardoned 2 Terrorist last year and released an Illegal Alien Terrorist who was convicted of murder. Meanwhile, Americans keep being ATTACKED, PROPERTY DESTROYED, and KILLED by Dictator Beijing biden’s ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION. One last thing..INFLATION and CRIME are OUT OF CONTROL.
Shall I continue?
No American taxpayer funds should be going to any communist nation, including China. Bide must go.
This is just downright sick!!!! Using our taxpayer dollars for CCP companies!! The WH and Congressional Commies are laughing at us, all the way to the Banks!!!
Michigan resident. Would your AMAC PAC consider creating a fill in the blank letter for Michigan residents to support John Moolenaar, and for citizens of other states to encourage their representatives to support John Moolenaar.
Thank you
Unfortunately we will never get this legislation passed until we vote the majority of the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party comrades out of office.Only than can true American Patriots fix and repeal all of the laws that came from the evil party.
But will the democrats help pass this bill? Doubtful, they have to vote the party line.
We live in Michigan.Thats all we are starting to see is our Governor going overseas trying to drum up business with communist countries.We need to stay true to the U.S and build a future for the next generation.
Miss halfwhit whitmer is a marxist democrat that follows everything joebama and the anti American democrats lie about and shove down Citizens throats. Specifically the destructive policies, infringement on Our GOD given Rights, killing babies and stealing from taxpayers!
We have American Citizens, Veterans, Seniors, Mentally challenged individuals who are IGNORED while the democrats give away BILLIONS to our enemies. WHO would ever support this FISCAL INSANITY???
Our U.S. Pork is being exported to Communist China’s Military compliments of Dictator Beijing biden. While here at HOME we pay outrageous prices thanks to his CONTINUOUS RISING INFLATION while we get Half Size Food Products and Other Products while he is giving Aide and Comfort to our enemies by Building Up Their Military with OUR FOOD at pennies on the dollar.
That is Deliberate Espionage and High Treason by the Book.
Business with our enemies? I’m more concerned that the majority of our national debt is owned by China. We’re basically paying for THEIR military build-up while ours is learning all about proper pronoun usage.
Mr. Moolenaar and Mr. Teller, thank you for the informative article.
SO relieved that Michigan still has some leadership in its ranks, the current governor, secretary of state and attorney general are loathsome, partisan,dishonest and immoral. Exactly the WORST traits aby politicians could posess. They MUST have cheated to get into office, no clear thinking, God fearing American could EVER support such immoral and self serving traitors!
What has happened in this state and nationwide to American patriotism and pride, how can people like these gain office – so sad if Citizens can’t see through their lies and deception.
NO $$$$ from taxpayers to Our ENEMIES, what idiocy to even contemplate anything so STUPID.
“Russia like all the other countries we have tried forcing social justice on, has kicked our asses like Afghanistan, Iraq, numerous African nations along with several South American nations and heck, lets venture back to a really good backside kicking we got from the good ole Vietnamese.
So, lets go get our asses handed to us by the Chinese. Little yellah evil folk, how dare they compete with our dead industrial base.