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Employee Payroll Tax Deferral Guidance Released by IRS

Posted on Wednesday, September 2, 2020
by Outside Contributor

guidanceLast Friday evening the Internal Revenue Service released a three-page guidance document to implement President Trump’s Executive Action to defer employees’ payment of payroll taxes in an effort to increase take home pay. This payroll tax deferral affects an employee’s 6.2% portion of payroll taxes that go towards funding Social Security, the deferral is also limited to employees making less than $4,000 on a bi-weekly basis, or $104,000 per year. Many business owners have been waiting for this information on how to implement the deferral since it was announced on August 8. President Trump has said that if he gets re-elected, he will ensure the deferred taxes are forgiven along with a campaign promise to cut payroll taxes permanently in the future.

For businesses that choose to participate in the payroll tax deferral, the deferral begins on September 1 and runs through the end of 2020. IRS chose to implement this deferral by delaying the deadline for withholding the employee portion of payroll taxes until the first four months of 2021. This means that if a company chooses not to participate in the program they simply can continue to withhold and remit to the IRS the employee share of payroll taxes. There was no guidance released if companies are allowed to participate on an employee-by-employee basis if some employees choose not to participate, however the basis of the guidance is that the deadline for withholding is delayed, but no requirement that no withholding take place was included.

Only employees making less than $4,000 in gross wages or compensation on a pay-period by pay-period basis can receive this deferral, meaning that an employee’s share of payroll taxes are deferred only if their gross wages does not exceed $4,000 for that pay-period (or equivalent threshold based on other pay-periods), this is not based on the annual salary exceeding $104,000. This will be most confusing for commission employees that may have large commission during one pay-period over the $4,000 threshold, but under for another pay period.

Unless Congress forgives the deferred payroll taxes, IRS expects employers to collect and remit the payment of these payroll taxes by withholding a double share of employee payroll taxes from January 1 to April 30, 2021. If the deferred amount is not paid by April 30, interest and penalties begin on May 1, 2021. This means the employee share of payroll taxes paid in the first four months of 2021 will be 12.4%.

The guidance does allow for business owners to make arrangements for employees to pay deferred taxes in a different arrangement, however this is likely reserved for employees that change jobs between September 1, 2020 and April 30, 2021. Initial public statements by Trump Administration officials made it sound like the employee would be responsible for repaying the deferred taxes over period of years, however there was also a public disagreement between the White House and Treasury Department over who would be responsible for paying back the owed taxes. This guidance makes it clear the employer is responsible for withholding the owed taxes in early 2021 while the economy may still be in recover. This timing is likely a political decision to push Congress to forgive the owed taxes.

So far Congress has not made any indications that it plans to forgive the deferred payroll taxes, however not forgiving the owed taxes will likely be an unpopular move that requires employees paying double payroll taxes for the first four months of 2021. With 2020 also being a Presidential election year, Democrats will be unwilling to give President Trump a political win this close to the election, and possibly try to hang the albatross of increased payments around his neck if President Trump wins reelection. No guidance has been released providing information on what will happen to any withholdings paid for the rest of the year if Congress does forgive the deferral, further complicating any decisions made by business owners whether to use the deferral.

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Dan W.
Dan W.
4 years ago

Aside from the administrative burden on employers of trying trying to implement this proposal on the fly, neither this Congress nor the next Congress will have the votes to forgive the deferred taxes.

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