
Economy , Newsline

Democrats’ Great Jobs Scam

Posted on Monday, July 22, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

Someone not named Joe Biden will now appear atop the Democrat ticket this November following the president’s announcement Sunday that he will no longer seek re-election to a second term. Right now, the favorite appears to be Vice President Kamala Harris, whose campaign will likely follow the same playbook as the Biden campaign – including dubious claims that the country has seen a great jobs renaissance under the Biden-Harris administration.

While there have not been many positive economic metrics throughout the Biden administration, the jobs reports issued by the Biden Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) have been one supposed bright spot for Democrats. But new data has undermined that narrative and raised serious questions about a potential effort by the administration to deceive the American people.

According to The Kobeissi Letter, a leading market research firm, “Jobs report numbers have been revised DOWN in 4 out of 5 months of 2024” – a striking pattern that suggests the administration may be willfully misleading the public about the actual state of the economy with a pivotal election just four months away.

In total, from January to May, the initial jobs numbers have been off by nearly 250,000. After originally reporting 353,000 new jobs in January, that number was revised downward by 97,000 to 256,000. February saw a 39,000 downward adjustment, while April and May were revised down by 67,000 and 54,000, respectively.

Of course, only the higher initial reports made headlines, with media outlets claiming they indicated a strong job market. When BLS quietly released the “revised” figures weeks later, there was little coverage of the fact that the numbers were significantly worse than initially claimed.

So far this year, the only month where the jobs numbers actually increased from the original to the final report was March, and that was a comparatively small revision of less than 20,000 jobs.

Moreover, many of these supposed “gains” aren’t more Americans entering the labor force, but rather people with full-time jobs taking second and third part-time jobs to make ends meet amid dramatic increases in cost of living. As Kobeissi also noted, “Over the last 2 months, part time employment is up by +336,000 workers. But, full-time employment is down by a MASSIVE -653,000 workers over the same amount of time.” In total, more than 8.6 million people now hold multiple jobs, a new record.

This glaring discrepancy between the Biden-Harris administration’s narrative and the actual reality Americans are experiencing in the jobs numbers has not been limited to 2024. Overall in 2023, initial employment reports were revised down by a cumulative total of 439,000 jobs.

Moreover, a significant portion of the job growth that has actually taken place has been in the federal bureaucracy. During the final three months of 2023, the federal government added an average of 50,000 new employees – all of whom will have their salaries paid by the American taxpayer. For the 12-month period from March 2022 to March 2023, while private sector job creation also was adjusted lower by 358,000, government payrolls were revised 52,000 higher.

Even worse for Democrats, many of the 14 million jobs the Biden-Harris administration claims to have created are actually people returning to work following the COVID-19 pandemic. In total, even if the administration’s dubious jobs numbers are taken at face value and the impact of second and third jobs is ignored, the administration has only “created” about five million new jobs – a relatively modest number compared to past administrations. (The Trump administration, for reference, created about seven million new jobs in three years before the pandemic.)

The apparent deception from Biden’s BLS is particularly concerning given the amount of public trust placed in the agency to provide accurate facts on the economy and the labor market. Given that these figures are often used by institutional investors to make decisions that affect entire industries, even the appearance of biased data could have a destabilizing effect.

Democrats’ eagerness to use the jobs numbers as a key pillar of their 2024 campaign creates even more reason for skepticism. With stubbornly high inflation still eating into Americans’ paychecks, the jobs report and strong stock market returns (which are also largely due to inflation) have been the only economic arguments Democrats can rely on. It is difficult to imagine a more powerful incentive to fudge the numbers.

Unfortunately, however, as much as the Biden – and now Harris – hope to create an alternate reality using statistics and math, it has become increasingly difficult to sell that reality to the public. For the millions of Americans forced to take a second job to put food on the table or facing a skyrocketing cost of living, Biden and Harris patting themselves on the back for fake jobs numbers will only drive them toward candidates who acknowledge the real struggles everyday people are going through.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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7 months ago

Again, the DEMOs are still relying on deception and misdirection against the public as they try to dig themselves out of a hole. The DEMOs will continue to use every trick in the book to retain their POWER BROKERAGE.

Michael J
Michael J
7 months ago

Misleading the public? It appears that the only jobs being added are the bureaucracies of the federal government.

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

The only job government can create is something supported by and payed for by a taxpayer . Not government itself, unless they forgo their lavish salaries and perks in order to pay those workers. In order to create a job there first would have to be a need for it. It can only be done by business .If government implemented policies conducive to business that would be good .

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

Democrats taking credit for job creation is like an arsonist firefighter taking credit forputting out the fires they started.

7 months ago

The key to winning this election is to get the DECEPTION of the dems out in the media, including the MSM! One would think that the MSM after being duped/lied to/misled for the whole Biden administration, they’d be wanting to “correct” America’s opinion about them…but, alas, they are more likely to move on with Kamala. Every single conservative news media outlet MUST start listing and publishing all the untruths, that is the only thing that will guarantee that anti-Trump voters will, in fact, swallow the bile and vote for him-to save America from the lying Democrats. Otherwise, I predict we will see a Presidential election with the lowest numbers of actual votes in modern election history.

7 months ago

This administration continuously throws lies @ us, gaslighting us with claims of what great things they’ve done while our economy plummets, & our Americans struggle financially. But if you are an ILLEGAL ALIEN, YOU’LL BE GIVEN CREDIT CARDS, ID. FREE TRANSPORT TO A CITY WHERE THEY WILL GET FREE HOUSING & FREE MEDICAL CARE, & MEDICAID & WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE. This is what this administration is so proud of, FORGET THE AMERICAN CITIENS!

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
7 months ago

there is absolutely nothing the leftist media and dmeocrats do not lie about. Remember none of them even know what a woman is The do not knwo that a human woman carrying a baby is actually carrying an human.

7 months ago

Never mind all the Research Agencies, Market Reports, and the LIES from the Cadaver Joe administration, one “Research” Agency we can rely on are OUR OWN EYES. We SAW how food was affordable before Biden took over, we SAW what we were actually paying for a gallon of gasoline. And, above all, we can see what we are paying today.

7 months ago

Only jobs I see added was the IRS….87000….

7 months ago

what a shame.

Laura Bentz
Laura Bentz
7 months ago

Yes, I was retired but now interviewing for jobs thanks to the terrible economy. Most of our savings has evaporated and we are still young seniors, so we don’t want to spend all of it and completely run out… Soc. Sec. is just a supplement at this point…

Deputy Dawg
Deputy Dawg
7 months ago

I’m going to vote for Kamala Harris for president even though I’m a republican. I’m a pro choice republican so she’s ahead on social issues. The republicans used to represent free markets and a bright future but the current GOP has strayed from that into some weird nationalist party and I can’t vote for that. What cemented it for me is the vile language the GOP has used against everybody who does not completely support them including on here when my reasonable posts were repeatedly downvoted. If the GOP wants my vote in future elections they better clean up their act and show some maturity.

Leslie Tarlton
Leslie Tarlton
7 months ago

The Democrat goal of adding government jobs is being reached. At the demise of non-government jobs. The more jobs under their control means we can be controlled. That is why they allowed Blackrock, Vanguard, and Statestreet to own most of the stocks on the market. They are in on the Democrat game to control you. The whole cabal needs to be broken up to restore the country.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
7 months ago

There is one thing upon which one can depend when it comes to the demonicrat party, and that’s dishonesty! The recent Secret Service “hearing” is a complete joke! Traitor CHEATle refusing to answer! Why isn’t she being locked up???

David Shingledecker
David Shingledecker
7 months ago

Isn’t it strange that during democrat administrations the employment figures are almost always revised down on a later date with no news reporting the adjustment yet almost every employment figure during Trump’s presidency was revised upward with little to no fanfare from the MSM? No, not strange at all! Damn liars will always be damn liars.

C Murphy
C Murphy
7 months ago

We need to fight the lies. Vote! Vote! Vote! ????????????????????????

Gale Miller
Gale Miller
7 months ago

In reality the democrat’s dont want people to work . They want them on government subsidied housing, food stamps and the government supplied cell phones. That’s just the start of it all in the name of VOTES.

Jon Merchant
Jon Merchant
7 months ago

More lies getting to the Point there isn’t much you can believe anymore. We need some honest politicians.

7 months ago

I’m confused about how a terrorist organization wants to wipe out a population of people. And Queers for Palestine. Oh my you don’t know they would love your support. As they throw you off a cliff if you last that long. Comment sense please. What happened to that? Ask Grandma or Grandpa and you might learn something!

7 months ago

Why, I ask, just why would anyone vote for a demon-communist-cRAT (aka: democRAT)?

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
7 months ago

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum wouldn’t lie. Kyle L.

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