
Economy , Newsline

Biden-Harris Inflation Legacy Will Haunt Americans for Decades

Posted on Wednesday, September 25, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

Last week, the Federal Reserve announced that it would cut interest rates for the first time since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, citing low unemployment and lower inflation rates. While Democrats and the corporate media are hailing the news as a major victory for the Biden-Harris administration, it will do little to alter its legacy of record inflation and economic failure that will continue to plague American families for years to come.

The timing and scale of the rate cut itself – 50 basis points rather than the expected 25 – immediately drew accusations from some economists and conservative commentators that the move was motivated more by politics than economic reality.

As noted by CNBC, other than emergency rate reductions during COVID, the last time the Fed cut interest rates by 50 basis points or half a percent, was during the 2008 financial crisis. Now, with the increased cost of living under the Biden-Harris administration emerging as a major liability for Kamala Harris’s bid for the White House, the Fed, which is controlled by liberal economists, voted in favor of the cut with just under seven weeks to go until Election Day. The timing seems suspicious at best.

Nonetheless, the rate cut and the fact that inflation has now dropped to 2.5 percent from a high of 9.1 percent have given Democrats and the corporate media all the justification they need to claim that “Bidenomics” has been a roaring success and that the country has finally rounded the corner on inflation. Biden himself said that the rate cut is a “declaration of progress” on inflation. CNN touted the news as evidence of the “soft landing” Democrat economists have been predicting. The Associated Press assured readers that the cut “signals end to inflation fight.”

But while the Fed and corporate media outlets may indeed believe that the inflation fight is over, it is only beginning for everyday Americans. What Democrats and the media have conveniently ignored as inflation rates have come down is that people are still dealing with the effects of mounting price increases throughout the vast majority of Biden’s presidency.

Cumulative inflation since Biden and Harris took office has now topped 20 percent, and Americans are still stuck paying those higher prices even though the current inflation rate is lower. Inflation has far outpaced wage increases, meaning that Americans’ paychecks aren’t going nearly as far as they were four years ago. Things aren’t getting expensive as fast anymore, but they aren’t getting cheaper, either.

While Biden, Harris, and congressional Democrats are patting themselves on the back, they have no answers for families who are still struggling to put food on the table or keep the lights on. Harris’s only idea to bring down grocery prices has been to resort to all-out communism, a strategy she refers to as a “ban on price gouging.”

Unsurprisingly, according to Newsweek, 39 percent of all Americans have taken on a second job to meet basic needs because of inflation. That figure has more than doubled from 2017 when just 19 percent of respondents in the same poll reported having more than one job. A Wells Fargo report from earlier this year also found that the “personal savings rate hit 3.6 percent, marking the lowest rate at which households saved in 14 months.” The pre-pandemic average rate was six percent.

Democrats’ other big economic talking point, supposedly strong returns in the stock market, is also undercut by cumulative inflation. The S&P 500 is up roughly 48 percent since Biden took office – well above the index’s average yearly return of 10.73 percent. But when 20 percent cumulative inflation is factored in, those returns become much less impressive, and Americans’ investments are worth far less in real terms. The same is true for the DOW Jones and other indexes that track the overall performance of the stock market.

Regardless of how Democrats try to rewrite history and eschew responsibility for the problems they created, the reality is that Biden’s economic legacy will always be defined by inflation caused by trillions of dollars in wasteful spending. For the vast majority of Americans, their financial situation today is worse than the pre-pandemic boom times of the Trump years.

For Kamala Harris, this is a major problem, which is why the corporate media is working so hard to convince everyone that the economy is actually very strong and that it’s all thanks to the current administration. Harris owns the economic record of the last four years as much as Joe Biden. How voters judge that record will go a long way toward determining the next incumbent of the White House.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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4 months ago

ANYONE who votes for Harris/Wanz ought to have their head examined. Harris is a socialist and Wanz is a Communist Chinese sympathizer. I just hope people will not vote either for race or gender but vote on past results. If not, hold on for a rough ride to the bottom.

4 months ago

They are killing us with their failed policies. I pray Americans wake the heck up!!

4 months ago

Subjects like the overall economy and inflation in particular should be left to authors with an actual background in economics or finance to explain to the average person in a clearer fashion. AMAC certainly has had a couple of real economists write some excellent articles on the subject in the past, so AMAC should try to leverage them for better articles on the subject. Just a personal suggestion. Take it as the constructive criticism it is meant to be to try and suggest ways to improve the quality of the articles being presented here.

Yes, the negative effects of the additional inflation that has been intentionally re-introduced back into our economy by incredible bad Democrat policies over the last 3 1/2 years, after being successfully purged from our country’s economy for over 40 years, will linger for years to come. Absent a return to more sane and rational economic policies and some significant spending restraint (meaning actual, real cuts to the federal budget to return us to at least pre-Covid spending levels, if not more), Americans will find the future very painful in terms of a steady decline in their standard of living.

The choice of which presidential candidate should be chosen by the people is painfully obvious. President Trump has already shown he was able to govern in a much more rational manner in terms of not only the economy, but just about everything else than either Obama or Biden. So what that Trump spoke his mind too directly sometimes. That’s what you do in the business world at times to get things done and the results Trump achieved should be all the matters anyway, because that is what we have to live with.

The American people claim they want results that are beneficial to them, which is what Trump delivered. Look at what Biden / Harris delivered for you in the last 3 1/2 years. The highest inflation in 40 years, with prices still escalating, just at a somewhat slowly pace of acceleration. An open boarder where 10 to 20 million illegals, which we will have to support indefinitely, have been allowed in with more on the way. Illegals are being registered to vote in at least 20 states documented across the United States. Higher crime, a completely corrupted DOJ / FBI and justice system that has been weaponized against American citizens and so much more. We are rapidly moving towards becoming just like every other authoritarian country around the world, with little to no resistance from the populace. Again, the choice for president should be obvious and overwhelming for the vast majority of the country and yet amazingly it isn’t. Half the country makes its voting decisions based solely on emotion versus facts or based on who the MSM tells them to vote for like lemmings racing off a cliff to their deaths. That is why the election remains a statistical toss up today.

4 months ago

Prices have not come down and are at an all time high and still climbing. Try to fill a grocery cart for one person under a 100 dollar a week. You can’t. Gasoline just went up 50 ct the past week. My rent has risen by 20 percent from 2020. Going out to eat cost now 3 times as much as 4 years ago. Try to buy a new car. It cost 50% more. You pay for a used car what it usually cost for a brand new one. Try to buy clothes for like back to school. Thrift stores are the store of choice for many. You can shoot a cannon off in Macy’s or other upscale dept store. If they haven’t closed. So many chain stores have closed under ole Joe and Kameltoe. They are not running about what is good for America no they are running to eliminate Trump. Their Satanic hate toward Trump is more evident every day. It has nothing to do with political differences no it is a hatred so deep that even after 2 assassination attempts and others being thwarted before they could take place the left blames Trump self and they keep saying he has to be eliminated. Even today ole Joe keeps at it by saying Trump will destroy democracy. Yet ole Joe you were in charge the past 4 years and you failed. You ruled by mandate and edicts the past 4 years. You tried to control social media and take freedom of speech away from us by calling it mis or dis information. No Joe if Trump wanted to take democracy away he would have done it when he was President. You have tried for the past 8 years to eliminate Trump and now you realize you failed in that but you also failed America. You were pushed out by your handlers and told the world yesterday at the UN you DECIDED to step down for the good of the country. BS they committed a coup and you decided to get even by endorsing Kameltoe. She is incapable of governing America or in the free world. They tolerated you because you were old and feeble. In K they see a weakness. Sorry Joe your hatred for a man who saved America once from communism will do it again. We are a constitutional Republic. Which you destroyed.

4 months ago

no need to worry. the USA will cease to exist if the dumb arses elect harris. jim’s jones’ suicide pact with his followers will be nothing compared to the millions will parish under harris’s socialism. so fools, avoid the rush get gone now.

4 months ago

Correction, this is the Obama/Biden legacy and if Harris is elected we can add her name to that as she will continue the road to Marxism/Socialism. The American people need to wake up as to what her policies will do to US. Argentina is a great example of the pain one must go through to come out of Marxism morass. It will take Javier Milei a good 6 years to right that ship providing the people give him a second term. That he has reduced inflation by half in such a short time has not come without pain to the masses.
Fortunately we can learn from Argentina’s errors and boot Harris to the unemployment line in January!

4 months ago

I agree that the timing and amount of the Fed rate cut is politically motivated. Too little, too late. The damage has been done from higher interest rates and skyrocketing inflation, and it’s only going to get worse if “comrade kackler” steals the election. VOTE TRUMP!!! MAGA!!!

4 months ago

this is why politicians should not be in charge of anything especially the economy let the people decide by their dollars……..

4 months ago

Somebody else is going to suffer that debt because they did not pay attention to their business.

B. J.
B. J.
4 months ago

I can’t understand how or why they believe anything coming from the democrat party. For the past five decades it has promised free things for some people ‘Just Vote for Me’. The party in power in the senate and sitting president have showed those who look that they are of power and to heck for the rest of citizens. It seems that they want a socialist system and they are well on their way to accomplish that. What have they accomplished? 1) High inflation where more of the citizens. 2) Directed the invasion thru our southern border. 3) Had established an air invasion of illegals via flights directly from other countries without being vetted? 4) Refused to bring criminals to justice. 5) Took law a binding citizens for protecting themselves or others. 6) Let convicted criminals out and provided bail to those violent offenders out. There are more but I am too depressed to add more but I want to add this last item that will burden our present and future generations **** THE TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT *** . Aren’t we all happy now.

4 months ago

harris/walz running for our 2 highest offices should tell intelligent Americans America has some very serious political problems. Both of these people are human trash from the bottom of the swamp barrel. harris is an anti-American, anti-capitalist tax and spend socialist. walz is a chinese communist piece of garbage. Why aren’t the MSM telling voters the truth about these two pieces of human trash?

John Shipway
John Shipway
4 months ago

Sooo……..inflation has been cut to 2.5% right? That must be some sort of metric measurement because I sure can’t use American measurements to get 2.5% out of, 1}groceries, 2) insurance both auto and homeowners, 3) Property taxes, 4) amount of my medical bills that Medicare doesnt cover and I could go on and on. Is that 2.5% some sort of “gram” metric? “Meter”?

Joanne4 justic
Joanne4 justic
4 months ago

Biden’-Harris and radical Comrades have and CONTINUE to do serious damage to the financial/ commercial. Political and social infrastructure of America. Double digit inflation is a HUGE OBSTACLE. AS WELL AS ABETTING AND FUNDING HUMAN TRAFFICKING SABOTAGING THE LEGAL/ PENAL SYSTEM , CRIPPLING WH and CONGRESS AND MUCH MUCH MORE! IF anyone votes or supports this evil group ; they deserve to be further VICTUMIZED!!! I just read a notice of Wikipedia asking for donations to stay in business! Reality check ; many businesses. Stores. Restaurants especially small businesses are filing 11 or closing!! Lies PROPAGANDA and FALSE PROMISES WILL NOT SAVE AMERICA!!!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

Simple: ooen up public lands to fracking and oil leases and rollback income and the capital gains tax. Wa-la! Problem solved: less cost, more money. And I don’t even have a college degree…

heil biden
heil biden
4 months ago

BUT BIDENOMICS IS WORKING1 working on everyone going broke

4 months ago

So far, all I’m hearing from Dems is that Trump is a felon and a rapist. Dem voters aren’t smart enough to see past that fictional hype so they’re still voting for Harris.

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
4 months ago

Since Biden became president, I have measured inflation by the cost of a rotisserie chicken at one of our favorite grocers. At the beginning, it cost $5.99 for a small chicken that we could use for several meals. Today, it costs $10.99 for the same little chicken. I don’t know if there is price gouging involved, I just know that no matter what the current inflation rate is, that chicken is costing me $5 more every time! How stupid do they think we are?

heil biden
heil biden
4 months ago


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