On Monday, actor Leonardo DiCaprio testified in federal court about an alleged money laundering scheme for then-President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign in 2012. According to numerous reports, Malaysian businessman-turned-fugitive Jho Low informed DiCaprio at a party that “he, or he and a group, were going to make a significant contribution to the Democratic Party” to aid in the reelection of President Obama. “It was a significant sum… something to the tune of $20-30 million. I said, ‘Wow that’s a lot of money,” DiCaprio replied.
Additionally, the New York Post revealed more about the money laundering scheme when it reported the following:
“Low allegedly recruited Prakazrel “Pras” Michel – the founding member of the iconic 1990s hip-hop group The Fugees – to funnel the money to Obama’s reelection bid as foreigners cannot donate to US campaigns under federal election law. Michel took tens of millions of dollars to lobby the government on behalf of Low and the Chinese government as a whole, prosecutors alleged. Much of the money was reportedly stolen. Low is accused of embezzling a whopping $4.5 billion from Malaysia’s state investment fund known as 1MDB. Prosecutors have accused Michel of receiving $21.6 million in payments from foreign accounts linked to Low which the rapper then paid out to roughly 20 straw donors from June to November 2012. Those 20 or so donors were expected to make contributions to the Obama campaign in their names so the money wouldn’t be traced back to Low. Following DiCaprio’s testimony, additional witnesses testified that Michel had wired them thousands and asked them to make shadow donations to the campaign.”
Of the 11 criminal counts Low faces, not all are related to his attempts to influence the Obama Administration, as he is also charged with attempting to influence the Trump Administration. Low allegedly tried to influence the Trump Administration to drop an investigation into 1MDB through a “back-channel campaign.” According to BBC, 1MDB was an investment fund set up by the Malaysian government that was involved in fraudulent activity that resulted in the loss of billions of dollars. “Mr. Low was at the heart of the scandal which helped topple Malaysia’s former regime,” says BBC.
The timing of this testimony is beyond ironic. As this significant development about campaign finance laws was unfolding, the world was distracted with President Trump’s arraignment in Manhattan criminal court which also centered on campaign finance laws, though even Trump’s fiercest critics claim the case against him is extremely weak.
Despite its media cronies working around the clock to paint it in a good light, this is not the first time the Obama Administration has been tied to unethical financial maneuvering. In 2013, Obama was forced to pay one of the largest campaign finance violation fees ever, 375 thousand dollars for “reporting violations.” The difference in coverage of Obama’s situation compared to Trump’s further exposes the current double standard in America, especially considering the former allegation seems to have more incriminating evidence than the latter.
Obama previously violated campaign finance law and was ordered to pay over something far less serious than this current development that is ongoing. A sitting President allegedly receiving over 20 million dollars in stolen foreign money to influence an election should receive significant coverage. especially considering how often the media talks about the “integrity of our elections.”
But of course, that is not the case, though it undoubtedly would be if this allegation involved the Trump Administration. Unlike Obama, Trump was never found guilty or ordered to pay any fines for violating campaign finance laws, yet it was Trump who was arrested earlier this week.
Rules for thee, not for me has long been the standard for Democrats in government. Rarely do we see Democrats held accountable, while Republicans are dragged through the mud for similar allegations. But if President Trump is now labeled as a “disgraced former president” despite exculpatory evidence, wouldn’t it only be fair for the media to now refer to Barack Obama, who is yet to be exonerated in this instance, as the same? As Nancy Pelosi recently tweeted, “everyone has the right to prove innocence.” That’s not how things (should) work in the United States of America, but I digress. As far as Barack Obama being held to the same standard as Trump? Don’t hold your breath.
All about Money,for the troff,not country good!
Nice work!
Henry Hyde railroaded the Clinton impeachment through the house which Henry Hyde cheated on his wife and was wrong about partial birth abortion. A woman has the right to a partial birth abortion.
WHY isn’t Obama charged and in Prison for 200 years for violating the Espionage Act and committing TREASON?
WHY did Beijing biden make a Secret Deal to HIDE his Senate Records?
WHY isn’t Beijing biden charged with TREASON?
Great Article!
Nice work indeed. Now let’s see if anything becomes of it.
We will never see the ‘elite’ pay for their crimes! They are above the law!! Shameful!
Bravo, Leonardo DiCaprio! Your testimony took a lot of courage!
Let us pray that something will come from the proceedings. It would be nice to see some appropriately placed justice. ????????
So are there indictments coming for Obama!?? Better hope so
Yup the GOP corporation VS the DNC corporation 0-3 .The money game they play is making America and Republicans look like kids on a playground and the world stage.
… special laws, for special people. Our seper kewl, soul brotha ex-president, Trevon’s long lost father, gets the hip, affirmative action treatment from the policy community.
… crossfire Leo Nardo DiCaprio –
That was Trumps fault. He told obama to take the money for reelection. ????????????
… according to the ejaculation of the constipation, we gots to chill, cut the soul brotha some slack –
I still don’t believe that Obama was born in Hawaii. And I still don’t believe his original POTUS election was not rigged. And I still believe he made a miserable fiasco in allowing and handling the border incursions that occurred when the border badly overran the border patrol to manage the situtation. IMO …. Obama was a terrible POTUS as well as an illegal one. But Biden is so bad he makes Obismal look good in retrospect. It is more than highly necessary to clean up the election process so that it Cam NOT be rigged as was the case in the Biden fiasco election.
If the claim had been made about Trump rather than Obama, the news media would be pressing the ink in utter criticism against Trump …. but relatively little will be said since it is Obama that is under fire. The news media knows that a Commie form of governance (the trend in the Democrat Party) creates more readable new, so it tends to support the Commies since it provides good topics to up sales in newspapers!
Whew! I guess Decaprio has recovered from his frozen sea water role of the Titanic!
Well, former Presidents are now fair game whether the allegations are real or not so let’s return the favor.
I don’t get it. Why is this a news story? Doesn’t everyone know only conservatives can be accused of crimes?
Interesting to have a wanted criminal donate to Obama. We now have two Jho Low and Joe Low (Biden) criminals.
This is a crime. Will the FBI or Federal Elections Committee investigate these allegations or will they ignore it because it was committed by their idol Obama and their party of choice democrats.
This is a crime and so is what Biden has been doing.
Fact: DiCaprio pretends for a living and has his entire life…that needs to be your point of reference in dealing with him.
Any person running for office should know & follow laws & that person must have a staff that is capable of knowing right from wrong It does not do USA any good if both parties keep pointing finger at each other because one does not get caught or charged with a crime. Solution is, do not break the laws & then you will not have to keep looking over your shoulder all the time.
Where are all the Conservative Republican DA’s and AG’s?
I sometimes despair of our government ever returning to honest behavior (if it ever was). Trying to be optimistic is like slogging thru mud. Still, can’t give up hope entirely.
Republicans need to educate themselves on the numerous underhanded charities that are funded by George Soros. Too many are receiving funds from unsuspecting American donors which is where Soros gets his millions with which he funds Socialist/Communist people to run for DA offices here. These Soros minions then get elected, go soft on crime and criminals and we have mayhem in the streets of our cities. The man is evil itself having started his life assisting Hitler in stealing from the Jews he rounded up for internment. He still enjoys hurting people. That’s what makes him evil,
O’Dummer is nothing but a CROOK! Just like the crazy liberals and Demoncrats!!!
With this evidence – when is he going to be prosecuted??? Oh – I forgot because he’s a DEMONcrat – nothing will happen to him!!! ????????????????????????????????????????
Nothing new under the Sun Our noses are rubbed in the same dirt daily We don’t have a truck or the driver to clean that up
Ok…..more corruption by the left so what else is new? We keep hearing all these allegations now what? Can someone at least have the ba _ _ s to do something about this? Or are we gona jus sit back and watch our free country turn Marxist? I don’t know about you but I’m tired of no one on the left or in this crooked, corrupt Administration being held accountable it jud makes me sick
With every story that brings light to corruption, I read remarks of why? why? why? I’m included as I also ask and wonder why only conservatives are held accountable. I have one answer to why! Because so many Americans are sitting on their hands (unless a new game comes out) instead of taking the time to read the history behind a presidential candidate. If your friends and neighbors are to lazy to do a bit or research, then help them out by telling them what you’ve found. Party voting is what got us here. Start voting for a person, not a party,
None of this surprises me. Next they’ll be telling us that none of the campaign laws applied to Obama because he was not a US citizen…oh wait!
God help the USA.
Please keep us informed of these violations to our elections. Only daylight can help to correct and stop them.
Interesting as in one of Obama’s campaign speeches he opined: “There comes a time in man’s life when he’s made enough money”…interesting as he now owns 3 multi-million dollar mansions….”
Can we say “bought and paid for”?
The corporate media has enormous power to skew public perception. They are the real ‘KINGMAKERS”. by vilifying conservatives with proven falsehoods (Steele Dossier) and expounding half truths etc. and at the same time shielding their chosen candidate, they along with social media and get out the vote ballot harvesting and corruption are impossible to beat. America is lost.
The Democrat Party of America…. They’re forever disgraced and I am continuously sickened by them and anyone belonging to that twisted political party.
You should know by now that the Democrats can do anything they want to and they will always get away with it. Is anyone really surprised? I don’t think they’ll ever take Biden down and they’ll never come back and get Obama. Hillary out of the question
His career in Hollywood is over. He will be blackballed. Just like Bono was when he came out and said the only way to lift people out of poverty is through capitalism.
This is despicable!!! Obama should have to turn that money over to the citizens of the United States!!! He does not deserve it for any reason but maybe he should go to jail because he did take the money!!!
There is one non-violent path to fix these discrepancies in our system, Convention of States. Voters need to get behind this Constitutional movement and promote positions to limit terms and more importantly the reach of government!
We all knew Obama was a thief from the day he announced he was running for president, the first time. He was backed by probably the biggest thief in Illinois. He was embroiled with Pension Fund theft as I recall. So this can’t come as any surprise, except that it did come to the light of day. I predict he will get off free of anytime time to serve or penalties to pay. Biden Inc. can get him off.
It seems like Obama learned enough in law school to become an expert in going around laws.
The double standard is no surprise.
Hey AMAC, how come my comments don’t get posted? What’s up with that?
But this is nothing new. An American millionaire that was fugitive of the law for a long time for tax evasion (forgot his name by now)during the Clinton Administration, was pardoned by him. By ‘miracle’, US$16M were donated by this fugitive’s wife to the Clinton Foundation, which was under investigation for a while.
Oduma is an arrogant race baiter not nearly as smart as he thinks he is.