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Hint: In New England, a large percentage of trees produce a pigment which results in brilliant reds and purples commonly seen around this time; a change that is particularly pronounced in what kind of tree?
Hints Used on Letters:
Hints Used on Words:
Reveal Puzzle Used:
Incorrect Letters after Check:
Incorrect Words after Check:
Check Attempts:
53 seconds. This has to be my fastest time ever for a word scramble puzzle. Fall is my favorite time of the year as the heat here in the desert is finally tapering off.
Why do I feel like I’ve already done this one?
1.32 YESSS!! I’m not as brain dead as I thought….even though this one was pretty easy.
A. Einstein
:56 seconds, I think this is my best time as well, for a word jumble. I love the fall temperatures and the different colors of the leaves and the mums! Such a great season!! Although, the Southeast has been known to have temps in the 80’s in October. I wish it would stay in the 60’s and 70’s. Hope everyone has a great day!!
49 seconds; my best ever (for any type of puzzle)!! The temperature was so cool last night (mid-50’s) that I overslept!!
1:56 with 2 letter hints
2:38 not too bad.
36 seconds. Easy peasy today.
Super easy today. I’m awful at his usually, up in the 3-4 minute category. Today, one minute. I feel brilliant!
1:01 – one of my better times for this type puzzle
1:43not my best, but not too bad..
1:14*** No help.
35 seconds! I’m never gonna beat today’s time.
48 seconds
just over a minute.
41 seconds on my desktop computer!
Oh no! Once again one of the puzzle words had no letters for the answer. And it would have been so easy to make it right.
Really easy today! I usually don’t even try Word Jumble but today’s puzzle made me a fan!
34 sec. and that was with a typo! woo hoo!
30 seconds flat! Fall is definitely on my mind!
1:17 with one hint. Better than I usually do.
0:55 the turtle grew some legs!
:36 secs. Pretty happy with that. Fall is also football season!
48 seconds with one mistake… typing error. 🙂
1:00 flat. Wow, I think a best time for me.
26 seconds with no reveals. I can hardly wait till the leaves begin their color change.
2:23 I did it slow. I was enjoying it. I knew all the words. Can’t believe it’s fall already.
1:52 – no hints, no reveals
I was stumped by Halloween which cost me lots of time: 3:40, partly because I forgot how to stop the clock but still over three minutes to solve abs only after using one letter hint. Still fun anyway.
1:03 for me. I like word jumbles, but these AMAC jumbles are tough for me. This one was real easy
36 seconds
43 seconds
.35 with no help. I guess being in the Northeast, these words are part of my life. Especially the leaves. Surprised the word ‘raking’ was not one of them -hah!
Personal best! 0:52 no hints, no reveals. I usually do lousy on this game.
0:48 with no hints or helps. I got hung up on Halloween. I saw it in a previous puzzle and wasn’t expecting it to be in another.
1:20 2nd one I ever finished