Dog Days Of Summer
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Hint: This term refers to an extended stretch of time characterized by unusually high temperatures and, often accompanied by high humidity.
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I had a fine bird-dog. Point, bang and retrieve. When my first wife left she took him with her. I miss that dog.
I’m a cat person! But I got the dogs’ names correct with a little help from Google. 4:28
1:57, but I misspelled Weimaraner
I never heard of #4…. I must be out of touch with the dog world now!
In South Central Washington we’ve had 100+ heat for over two weeks. Tomorrow will be 108. But we have only 20% humidity
I never heard of #4?
#s1,2,and 3 were easy! #4 I’ve never heard of.
1:04! Best yet.
Usually, I don’t get enough letters for the last scrambled word. Luckily, I can sometimes guess from the clue. Today, I was given enough letters but the wrong letters for the word, but I knew what it was from the clue. Heat wave – I was given the letters ETEVHUUW.
3:38 Also a cat person. Had to look up the spelling for Weimaraner
It took me awhile to figure out it was a dog theme. I was looking for weather words. I used a lot of hints on the last one. I’ve never heard of that dog and have no idea how to say it.
1:13 Dogs and weather. Weird mix.