April Showers
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You finished the puzzle in 4:50
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 12
Puzzles with the entire scene in focus would be nice.
You finished the puzzle in 6:45
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 1
Reveals Used: 0
8:23 on brain buster with 9 misses.Seemed like about 15 minutes, so I can’t complain. I’m guessing that neither Joe Archer nor George wears glasses or contacts. Some of these are just so hard to see.
3;21, Those lighter pieces are getting harder for me to see.You guys have a blessed day and a great week.
8:35 on bb with 0 misses
2:01…. Good Monday morning! God bless your week….. (-:
2:06 With one miss.
You finished the puzzle in 8:31
Difficulty: Brain Buster
Missed Placements: 2
Reveals Used: 0
7:09 on bb with 1 miss
2:10 but 1 missed piece and no reveals. Slipped up on this one.
Keep ’em comin’!
This kind of puzzle is evidently what I’m a little better at; took just over 3 minutes and no misses. I work jigsaw puzzles online almost every day. I guess my poor eyesight makes me more detail oriented which helps with this matching of color and detail rather than shape or design of pieces.
I just love these Monday puzzles. This one took me 2:30 minutes, no misses. Harder here on the cellphone.
2:44 one misplace
1:45 and one miss.
2:13 no misses. Not bad at all, considering the blurred out part.
138 – No reveals
BB – 6:00, 8 missed placements
Harder muted colors
Couldn’t even start it. The puzzle pieces wouldn’t move.
1:30 Puzzle King…
3:08 no help, no misses.
1:28 and no misses. Today we expect rain.
Wish it would show what pieces were wrong
2:56 Thankful for the rain!
4:06. Irrigation on now growing season begins. . . My bees are happy.
Not that bad for me, 2 misses, 3:36.
Whoohoo! 1:22 with no misses or reveals!
3:23. Rain go away. Have a great week everyone.
2:35 with 2 misses.
3:11, not bad for tis old lady. Great Spring picture.
2:26 no misses yippee.. ha ha
2:16 no misses
1:31 Best time ever for a puzzle!
2:21 no misses. My fastest time for doing a puzzle.
2:17 This one was harder than usual.
2:50 No misses.
1:55, no misses