
Newsline , Society

Don’t Look – Democrats Reverse Themselves

Posted on Tuesday, February 22, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Life can become suddenly funny, if the only remaining option is disbelief, horror, or acknowledging the absurd. Watching Congressional Democrats face an irate public – sick of socialism, critical race theory, intimidating parents, defunding police, high crime, botched foreign policy, rising inflation, loss of energy independence, and open borders – is like watching a covey of rabbits face an angry dog. Rabbits flee. Democrats are fleeing – their own policies.

Already, Democrat cuts in police – at every level – are terrifying the public, triggering blowback for police demoralization, reduced recruiting, retention, record homicide rates, crime spikes, drug trafficking, overdoses, and attacks on police. See, e.g., When Democrats Defund Our Police, Communities are Less Safe; Suburban Dems flee from ‘defund the police’; As murders surge, Democrats find a new message: Fund the police; ‘It’s just crazy’: 12 major cities hit all-time homicide records; Drug overdose deaths hit record high.

Result? Record public gun-buying (especially among women and minorities), elevated public fear, and now – just in time for the coming 2022 “day of reckoning” – desperate policy reversals. But it is too late. The public knows who did this. Republicans did not push “defund police.” See, e.g., U.S. Bought Almost 20 Million Guns Last Year — Second-Highest Year On Record.

Notably, Republicans did not push the loss of America’s energy independence or bloated federal spending – together creating an inflationary tsunami, a wave of price increases not seen in 40 years. This wave affects all families, squeezing healthcare, groceries, gas, heat, and life. See, e.g., Commentary: Overspending is fueling US inflation; Inflation Continued to Run Hot and Consumer Spending Fell in December.

Republicans did not push stripping parents of control over public education, ending the teaching of real history, real biology, and real math – in the name of revisionist nonsense. See, e.g., Scientific American (and math) go full woke; US proposal for defining gender has no basis in science.

They did not push Marxist theory and racism under the guise of open thinking, did not advocate ending “boys and girls,” and did not push the chaotic, historically jarring, utterly immoral decision to leave American allies to die at the hands of the Taliban – by the tens of thousands, now largely unreported, but still happening.

And Republicans did not push the “open borders” idea, outlaw the term “illegal alien,” vilify border patrol officials, sneak tens of thousands (often at night) into rural and suburban America, create the border-related gang and drug trafficking mess, record homelessness, overdoses, and human trafficking (often leading to the horrific abuse of girls), all traceable back to “open borders” and the plaintiff call for mass “amnesty.”

But now, in what is comic and tragic, the Democrat Party is circling the wagons, pretending they were not the cause of this huge, all-consuming, “social forest fire,” burning down much of what is right, good, best, and legal about America, to promote the reverse, disrespect for the law, security, safety, and families.

In the end, the arsonist is found, trail clear once people look. Last week, the Democrats decided their 2022 reelection calls for pretending they know nothing of these policies. The “social forest fire” is not their doing – they just discovered it themselves and are just mortified. Right.

Leading reports say they are telling each other to deny supporting “open borders,” “amnesty,” “police defunding,” and other controversial issues, from ending fossil fuels to promoting drug abuse, uncontrolled debt to 64 genders, ending Title 9 protection for girls to bullying parents. See, e.g., Democrats warned to deny backing’ amnesty’ ahead of midterms: report.

Oops! Now we see another adage at work – “what goes around, comes around.” Things seem headed back their way. They are scampering, rabbits realizing the angry public means business. 

Apparently, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is recommending strategies – which look like denying the truth – for “endangered lawmakers” who hope they can “avoid a barrage of attacks … on a variety of issues from defunding the police to critical race theory” and “immigration.”

Public reports suggest senior Democrats are advising “deny support” for “open borders and amnesty,” deflect to the idea of “safe” borders. Now, there is a concept; what a thought, sanctity of borders! What a time for an epiphany!

On the sanctity of borders and opposing illegal immigration, as on other issues, the denial is not tinny – it is a total reversal of their position. Democrats literally hollered for these indefensible policies. Now, they forget.

As one report notes, the reversal “might prove to be a tricky task, since Democrats have by and large supported administration efforts to dramatically roll back Trump-era border protections like border wall construction, Migrant Protection Protocols, and Title 42 public health protections.”

At the same time, if the public looks – Congressional Democrats have strongly pushed amnesty grants for illegal aliens or “undocumented persons.” They have framed legislation – even within the last year, such as the US Citizenship Act of 2021 – which offers citizenship to those here illegally.

All this flies in the face of consequences – current social disruptions – created by allowing and encouraging illegal immigration and open borders. Thus, illegal immigrant encounters topped 178,000 in December alone.

Where does all this lead? To a possible 2022 midterm rout, with sharp voters tired of being taken as fools, led by those running from the mess they created. The nub? The American public is angry, and Democrats know it.

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3 years ago

A vote for a Democrat is a vote against America beginning with its open door come one, come all immigration policy placing America and its people in harms way not to mention the 100,000 + lives that have been lost due to Fentanyl!! This admin by its actions, has violated the oath office to defend and protect America and its people! Power and greed the two driving forces!

Ralph S
Ralph S
3 years ago

I agree with the person that said ALL politicians deserve two terms…
One in office…
And, one in prison!
Vote ALL incumbents O-U-T !!! Drain the swamp!

3 years ago

Dems have started flip-flopping. The mandates are going away, they’ll start talking about funding the police, closing the border, but will they? NO! Democrats & rinos only know how to lie, cheat, & steal. Power, control, money, & special interests, are all they care about. DO NOT VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS OR RINOS. Primary the rinos, get rid of career politicians. Call, email, text, respond on social media to everything they do – shine the light on their stupidity. Yes, the trolls will attack, but they are paid to do it, they’re paid to get rid of opposition. We must get our country back.

3 years ago


What I see right now from most Democrats is a change in talking points, not actually reversals in policies under consideration. As an example, in NYC Eric Adams talks tough on the escalating rates in crime, but neither he nor the City Council have chosen to reverse any of the budget cuts to police or rescind any of the Democrat policies put in place that directly resulted in the current higher crime rates.

At the NY State level, the same thing is happening. The Governor, who is up for re-election, is talking tough on crime, but neither she nor the Democrat controlled State Legislature will reverse or repeal any of the bad policies they enacted into law in 2020 and 2021, that have led to the turnstile justice system that now has criminals arrested in the morning and back on the streets by dinner time.

Please don’t confuse talking points, done strictly for campaign purposes, with real actions. From an actions perspective, the Democrat Party has done little to nothing to actually back away from the policies they promote and deeply believe in. The Democrats are relying on the Democrat voter base to continue to believe whatever they are told and ignore the reality that exists all around them. The old tell the voters whatever you need to get elected and then rule as you really are. Which seems to be an amazingly effective strategy, when it comes to dealing with Democrat voters.

Case in point, Eric Adams campaigned as a former cop, who would be tough in crime. The media lapped it up, because he was a Democrat and the limousine liberals, who bankrolled his campaign, bought into the narrative hook, line and sinker. In reality his history in the NYPD was one of a constant troublemaker, who was more of a community organizer, al la Al Sharpton type, than a law and order cop. Now barely two months into the job as Mayor and he is running the city pretty much like a community organizer would and things continue to deteriorate. Crime has gotten steadily worse, major businesses have complained and even the local media has taken to writing less than glowing reviews of him. Yet Adams has made zero changes to address the problem, as he holds daily press conferences to complain about how his bad press coverage is and rant about various social justice memes on the hard-core left cares about.

The same seems to be happening in other Democrat run states and cities across the country. The talking points being used are somewhat different, only because of the upcoming election cycle, but the fundamental policies and actions of the Democrat Party remain the same. Just an observation.

3 years ago

They have no choice. They can not defend their positions. All yak yak and no act act act. What voting fools would believe anything positive about this amount of colossal failure of Democrat Leftist Policies? They can not defend themselves as all of their actions are just begging for mercy. Boot on their throats while they beg for mercy.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
3 years ago

In coming elections, there will be a test of whether voters pay attention and care and can we sort this out in the din of chaos. How Democrats could promote such evil is hard to figure out. Will people push back?

3 years ago

the elections are coming and their democrat duping comments are too. dems are stupid/gullible/naive and believe whatever dem leaders say at election time. that’s why we’re in the mess we are in! forget party talk, rino/dems. VOTE FOR AMERICA AND THE CONSTITUTION. IT”S THE BLUEPRINT OF WHO WE ARE!

3 years ago

All this is very surprising, hope this continues that will not reverse it self, at the same token, must stop these demoncrapts from going forword.

3 years ago

“In the end, the arsonist is found, trail clear once people look.” But will they look or will they just tune in to CNN or one of the other media to receive what they are assigned to think? That is always the concern. In the comments to this article there are even conservatives who are saying they believe the Dems have actually reversed course. They have not and will not. Even those, like Manchin, who parted with the rest of the Democrats for the benefit of the country, are just doing what they do out of self-interest because they know they won’t be re-elected on their current course. Once the election is over, they will line back up to continue their destruction of this country. ALL OF THEM. Do not be fooled and use whatever influence you have to remind the people of the truth – especially as the elections draw nearer.

3 years ago

The problem is that all politics but especially democrat politics is a wild bill Hickok show wide and a millimetre deep.

Folks there is a problem with our police and courts system:.
1, the starting point is qualified immunity.
a. nobody behaves well when there are no consequences for not behaving well.
2, lack of actual knowledge of the law
a. when you do not know the law you will either break the law or enforce laws that do not exist.
3.Prosecutors and police are allowed to lie
a, when you only care about your arrest ad conviction rate you will lie about everything to get what is best for you. yes cops and prosecutors lie about everything
4. judges who play politics and lie on the bench.
a. judges lie and break the law all the time in court. their immunity from prosecution keeps them for being n trouble.
b. judges do not recuse themselves when their personal interests are involved in the case.

So we have issues with are system. Defund the police is the slug hammer version of the solution. What we need are real solutions to the problem. Yes we need to stop the criminals but we also need to stop the legal system from being the criminals, creating hate, and adding to the problem.

People hate it when I say this but most police shooting are a result of years, even generations, of police misconduct. That being said the excessive show of force at police funeral is meant to be intimidation. we look at it as honoring the fallen, but that is not what it is there for. it is there to show there are a lot of police and our gang will screw your gang up.

The hells angels and Mexican cartels do the same thing. why do we want our cops being just like the gangs. I use to live by a hells angels house. they were trustworthy people as long as you were trustworthy. I got sick as heck one spring and they came over and up my yard and brought food over. I was just the neighbor down the street and I am just a little person. I do not even ride motorcycles and I drive ford explorer. Do you see cops doing that?

3 years ago

This is a classic illustration of the Democrat/Communist party’s contempt for the American people!

3 years ago

Dems aren’t to be trusted. They don’t believe they’ve failed anything once elected. They think the public is stupid and failed them. They talk a different line when they want something they are not sure they’ll get. DO NOT BE FOOLED. We need to hold the line and not compromise our values and principles.

Bill T
Bill T
3 years ago

The chickens have come home to roost. And actually these are Turkey’s on steroids. The biggest attack on our country and our freedom loving citizens from the corrupt leftist socialist democrats. These destructive and immoral hypocrites knew exactly what the end results of completely disrupting our infrastructure and purposely driving a false narrative of Covid to control everything. We’ll it’s now nothing more than a common cold and even with a booster and being fully vaccinated your still becoming infected. Yes Covid killed millions of innocent people throughout the world .And the country that’s mostly responsible is just now closing out the winter Olympic Games.It’s just unbelievable that a communist country that in all likelihood Released a gain of function bio weapon is also almost fully recovered and there economy is almost back to full strength . We all know that the BIDEN FAMILY is corrupt and completely compromised and owned by China, so are almost everyone shown in the article walking with there heads down. There a disgrace to our founders and our country. And I truly believe the kingpin is pulling all their strings. He had a huge birthday bash in Martha’s Vineyard over the summer. All these beautiful elites and liberal snobs were there. Flown in on there private jets and partying like never before.Can you guess who that was?

3 years ago

Re-read paragraphs 2 thru 7 in the above article. They describe the things the Republicans should have been doing in response to the pillaging the Socialist Democrat Party has been doing to the country since taking control. I submit that the Republicans will continue to do this once again, ie, take no action with the flip-flopping the SDP is doing. They should be out there beating up on each and every Democrat who tries to make this flip-flop a part of their re-election campaign strategy. Hit them with it again and again and again and again. But the Repubs won’t and, once again, the libs will hope their past success of telling a lie often enough until it’s perceived as the truth to the mindless masses will work one more time. I’ve become such a cynic of the GOP’s lack of leadership and message-cohesiveness that I’m afraid the Dems will pull it off again (& again & again). Sad.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 years ago

When will people learn that FASCIST liberals LIE, CHEAT, and STEAL ELECTIONS?
Our CONSTITUTION has been ABUSED and ATTACKED by DICTATOR Beijing biden and EVERY FASCIST liberal.
Above all, they are COMMUNIST COWARDS.
Ask how the TERRORIST are doing with the $86 BILLION in ASSAULT RIFLES-WEAPONS of WAR, BOMBS, AIRCRAFT, and a FREE MILITARY AIRBASE to go with it.
Where’s Communist harris?
Where’s Hunter?
Where’s DICTATOR Beijing biden? Who doesn’t even know where he’s at at any given moment.

Judy K.
Judy K.
3 years ago

Oh they aren’t done yet! All the radical candidates, nominated by Burden for higher government positions are going on right now in the Senate approval hearings! Every Burden nominee is a Marxist radical. So, no, they’re not done, not by a long shot! What Trudeau has done in Canada, demonizing the ‘Freedom Truckers’ is exactly in the Socialist playbook!
Accuse your opponent of exactly what you’re doing and with the Communist Media to push that narrative, all the brainwashed snowflakes in Canada believe it and are eating it up! Canada is pretty much now a Police State! Don’t think Burden’s handlers won’t do the same to American Citizens. I’m praying that what has come to light regarding Durham’s investigation, will get the push from God Almighty to finally put an end to all of it! But we need God’s Heavenly Army for this one!! Dear Lord God, please send your Righteous Army to help us, and help Israel! In Christ’s Holy name I ask it, Amen.

3 years ago

Everyone better be on guard at the voting precincts this year. I don’t think that they will get away with locking witnesses out again

3 years ago

I wouldn’t trust the Dems. They cannot give up their power and money so easily. Watch the sleaze-bags during the 2022 elections. They’ll try their hardest to cheat again.

3 years ago

As i recall, “for every action there an equal and opposite reaction”. newtons 3rd law ?

3 years ago

Now that the Joebama administration of fools, misfits and social outcasts have ruined the country they’re counting on all the illegals from everywhere outside our country to help them “steal” yet another election by strategically placing them in states and cities to vote for unqualified socialist democrats, let’s see how well that works for them this election cycle!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

Words are cheap & in the Dems case they are worthless… Nothing will change, they will whisper sweet nothings in the electorates ear until the midterms…RINO’s are every bit as bad, in fact they are worse!
I predict no reversal from these sick & depraved people moving forward, trust nothing expelling from their cursed lips…
If anything comes from special council John Durham that took ( 6 ) years to produce a couple of indictments, now that would truly be a miracle…
The traitor Bill Barr knew all along why he picked Durham as special council over ( 6 ) years ago now…
I could be wrong & I pray that I am…
Bill… :~)

3 years ago

The democrats have evolved like most swamp and septic tank dwellers from a party corruption to the party of absolute corruption. They have become the demonicrats that would kill their own young and those of anyone else who don’t value human life. God have mercy on this nation.

3 years ago

Residing in Washington State I can assure you there will be no 2022 rout due to VOTER FRAUD. The combination of providing driving licenses to ILLEGAL NON-CITIZENS, the Motor Voter Bill (ILLEGALS automatically registered to vote) and vote by MAIL-IN-BALLOT (no voter ID) will ensure Democrats win!

3 years ago

The political democrats cheat and lie, when will people stop voting for them? Their policies just hurt American tax payers. The left destroys everything it touches. SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VOTE POLICIES and not PARTY, so easy.

3 years ago

And what did the republicans do?? Nothing. They sat down , turned tail and did nothing.

3 years ago

A vote for a Democrat is a vote against America beginning with its open door come one, come all immigration policy placing America and its people in harms way not to mention the 100,000 + lives that have been lost due to Fentanyl!! This admin by its actions, has violated the oath office to defend and protect America and its people! Power and greed the two driving forces!

Ralph S
Ralph S
3 years ago

I agree with the person that said ALL politicians deserve two terms…
One in office…
And, one in prison!
Vote ALL incumbents O-U-T !!! Drain the swamp!

3 years ago

Dems have started flip-flopping. The mandates are going away, they’ll start talking about funding the police, closing the border, but will they? NO! Democrats & rinos only know how to lie, cheat, & steal. Power, control, money, & special interests, are all they care about. DO NOT VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS OR RINOS. Primary the rinos, get rid of career politicians. Call, email, text, respond on social media to everything they do – shine the light on their stupidity. Yes, the trolls will attack, but they are paid to do it, they’re paid to get rid of opposition. We must get our country back.

3 years ago


What I see right now from most Democrats is a change in talking points, not actually reversals in policies under consideration. As an example, in NYC Eric Adams talks tough on the escalating rates in crime, but neither he nor the City Council have chosen to reverse any of the budget cuts to police or rescind any of the Democrat policies put in place that directly resulted in the current higher crime rates.

At the NY State level, the same thing is happening. The Governor, who is up for re-election, is talking tough on crime, but neither she nor the Democrat controlled State Legislature will reverse or repeal any of the bad policies they enacted into law in 2020 and 2021, that have led to the turnstile justice system that now has criminals arrested in the morning and back on the streets by dinner time.

Please don’t confuse talking points, done strictly for campaign purposes, with real actions. From an actions perspective, the Democrat Party has done little to nothing to actually back away from the policies they promote and deeply believe in. The Democrats are relying on the Democrat voter base to continue to believe whatever they are told and ignore the reality that exists all around them. The old tell the voters whatever you need to get elected and then rule as you really are. Which seems to be an amazingly effective strategy, when it comes to dealing with Democrat voters.

Case in point, Eric Adams campaigned as a former cop, who would be tough in crime. The media lapped it up, because he was a Democrat and the limousine liberals, who bankrolled his campaign, bought into the narrative hook, line and sinker. In reality his history in the NYPD was one of a constant troublemaker, who was more of a community organizer, al la Al Sharpton type, than a law and order cop. Now barely two months into the job as Mayor and he is running the city pretty much like a community organizer would and things continue to deteriorate. Crime has gotten steadily worse, major businesses have complained and even the local media has taken to writing less than glowing reviews of him. Yet Adams has made zero changes to address the problem, as he holds daily press conferences to complain about how his bad press coverage is and rant about various social justice memes on the hard-core left cares about.

The same seems to be happening in other Democrat run states and cities across the country. The talking points being used are somewhat different, only because of the upcoming election cycle, but the fundamental policies and actions of the Democrat Party remain the same. Just an observation.

3 years ago

They have no choice. They can not defend their positions. All yak yak and no act act act. What voting fools would believe anything positive about this amount of colossal failure of Democrat Leftist Policies? They can not defend themselves as all of their actions are just begging for mercy. Boot on their throats while they beg for mercy.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
3 years ago

In coming elections, there will be a test of whether voters pay attention and care and can we sort this out in the din of chaos. How Democrats could promote such evil is hard to figure out. Will people push back?

3 years ago

the elections are coming and their democrat duping comments are too. dems are stupid/gullible/naive and believe whatever dem leaders say at election time. that’s why we’re in the mess we are in! forget party talk, rino/dems. VOTE FOR AMERICA AND THE CONSTITUTION. IT”S THE BLUEPRINT OF WHO WE ARE!

3 years ago

All this is very surprising, hope this continues that will not reverse it self, at the same token, must stop these demoncrapts from going forword.

3 years ago

“In the end, the arsonist is found, trail clear once people look.” But will they look or will they just tune in to CNN or one of the other media to receive what they are assigned to think? That is always the concern. In the comments to this article there are even conservatives who are saying they believe the Dems have actually reversed course. They have not and will not. Even those, like Manchin, who parted with the rest of the Democrats for the benefit of the country, are just doing what they do out of self-interest because they know they won’t be re-elected on their current course. Once the election is over, they will line back up to continue their destruction of this country. ALL OF THEM. Do not be fooled and use whatever influence you have to remind the people of the truth – especially as the elections draw nearer.

3 years ago

The problem is that all politics but especially democrat politics is a wild bill Hickok show wide and a millimetre deep.

Folks there is a problem with our police and courts system:.
1, the starting point is qualified immunity.
a. nobody behaves well when there are no consequences for not behaving well.
2, lack of actual knowledge of the law
a. when you do not know the law you will either break the law or enforce laws that do not exist.
3.Prosecutors and police are allowed to lie
a, when you only care about your arrest ad conviction rate you will lie about everything to get what is best for you. yes cops and prosecutors lie about everything
4. judges who play politics and lie on the bench.
a. judges lie and break the law all the time in court. their immunity from prosecution keeps them for being n trouble.
b. judges do not recuse themselves when their personal interests are involved in the case.

So we have issues with are system. Defund the police is the slug hammer version of the solution. What we need are real solutions to the problem. Yes we need to stop the criminals but we also need to stop the legal system from being the criminals, creating hate, and adding to the problem.

People hate it when I say this but most police shooting are a result of years, even generations, of police misconduct. That being said the excessive show of force at police funeral is meant to be intimidation. we look at it as honoring the fallen, but that is not what it is there for. it is there to show there are a lot of police and our gang will screw your gang up.

The hells angels and Mexican cartels do the same thing. why do we want our cops being just like the gangs. I use to live by a hells angels house. they were trustworthy people as long as you were trustworthy. I got sick as heck one spring and they came over and up my yard and brought food over. I was just the neighbor down the street and I am just a little person. I do not even ride motorcycles and I drive ford explorer. Do you see cops doing that?

3 years ago

This is a classic illustration of the Democrat/Communist party’s contempt for the American people!

3 years ago

Dems aren’t to be trusted. They don’t believe they’ve failed anything once elected. They think the public is stupid and failed them. They talk a different line when they want something they are not sure they’ll get. DO NOT BE FOOLED. We need to hold the line and not compromise our values and principles.

Bill T
Bill T
3 years ago

The chickens have come home to roost. And actually these are Turkey’s on steroids. The biggest attack on our country and our freedom loving citizens from the corrupt leftist socialist democrats. These destructive and immoral hypocrites knew exactly what the end results of completely disrupting our infrastructure and purposely driving a false narrative of Covid to control everything. We’ll it’s now nothing more than a common cold and even with a booster and being fully vaccinated your still becoming infected. Yes Covid killed millions of innocent people throughout the world .And the country that’s mostly responsible is just now closing out the winter Olympic Games.It’s just unbelievable that a communist country that in all likelihood Released a gain of function bio weapon is also almost fully recovered and there economy is almost back to full strength . We all know that the BIDEN FAMILY is corrupt and completely compromised and owned by China, so are almost everyone shown in the article walking with there heads down. There a disgrace to our founders and our country. And I truly believe the kingpin is pulling all their strings. He had a huge birthday bash in Martha’s Vineyard over the summer. All these beautiful elites and liberal snobs were there. Flown in on there private jets and partying like never before.Can you guess who that was?

3 years ago

Re-read paragraphs 2 thru 7 in the above article. They describe the things the Republicans should have been doing in response to the pillaging the Socialist Democrat Party has been doing to the country since taking control. I submit that the Republicans will continue to do this once again, ie, take no action with the flip-flopping the SDP is doing. They should be out there beating up on each and every Democrat who tries to make this flip-flop a part of their re-election campaign strategy. Hit them with it again and again and again and again. But the Repubs won’t and, once again, the libs will hope their past success of telling a lie often enough until it’s perceived as the truth to the mindless masses will work one more time. I’ve become such a cynic of the GOP’s lack of leadership and message-cohesiveness that I’m afraid the Dems will pull it off again (& again & again). Sad.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 years ago

When will people learn that FASCIST liberals LIE, CHEAT, and STEAL ELECTIONS?
Our CONSTITUTION has been ABUSED and ATTACKED by DICTATOR Beijing biden and EVERY FASCIST liberal.
Above all, they are COMMUNIST COWARDS.
Ask how the TERRORIST are doing with the $86 BILLION in ASSAULT RIFLES-WEAPONS of WAR, BOMBS, AIRCRAFT, and a FREE MILITARY AIRBASE to go with it.
Where’s Communist harris?
Where’s Hunter?
Where’s DICTATOR Beijing biden? Who doesn’t even know where he’s at at any given moment.

Judy K.
Judy K.
3 years ago

Oh they aren’t done yet! All the radical candidates, nominated by Burden for higher government positions are going on right now in the Senate approval hearings! Every Burden nominee is a Marxist radical. So, no, they’re not done, not by a long shot! What Trudeau has done in Canada, demonizing the ‘Freedom Truckers’ is exactly in the Socialist playbook!
Accuse your opponent of exactly what you’re doing and with the Communist Media to push that narrative, all the brainwashed snowflakes in Canada believe it and are eating it up! Canada is pretty much now a Police State! Don’t think Burden’s handlers won’t do the same to American Citizens. I’m praying that what has come to light regarding Durham’s investigation, will get the push from God Almighty to finally put an end to all of it! But we need God’s Heavenly Army for this one!! Dear Lord God, please send your Righteous Army to help us, and help Israel! In Christ’s Holy name I ask it, Amen.

3 years ago

Everyone better be on guard at the voting precincts this year. I don’t think that they will get away with locking witnesses out again

3 years ago

I wouldn’t trust the Dems. They cannot give up their power and money so easily. Watch the sleaze-bags during the 2022 elections. They’ll try their hardest to cheat again.

3 years ago

As i recall, “for every action there an equal and opposite reaction”. newtons 3rd law ?

3 years ago

Now that the Joebama administration of fools, misfits and social outcasts have ruined the country they’re counting on all the illegals from everywhere outside our country to help them “steal” yet another election by strategically placing them in states and cities to vote for unqualified socialist democrats, let’s see how well that works for them this election cycle!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

Words are cheap & in the Dems case they are worthless… Nothing will change, they will whisper sweet nothings in the electorates ear until the midterms…RINO’s are every bit as bad, in fact they are worse!
I predict no reversal from these sick & depraved people moving forward, trust nothing expelling from their cursed lips…
If anything comes from special council John Durham that took ( 6 ) years to produce a couple of indictments, now that would truly be a miracle…
The traitor Bill Barr knew all along why he picked Durham as special council over ( 6 ) years ago now…
I could be wrong & I pray that I am…
Bill… :~)

3 years ago

The democrats have evolved like most swamp and septic tank dwellers from a party corruption to the party of absolute corruption. They have become the demonicrats that would kill their own young and those of anyone else who don’t value human life. God have mercy on this nation.

3 years ago

Residing in Washington State I can assure you there will be no 2022 rout due to VOTER FRAUD. The combination of providing driving licenses to ILLEGAL NON-CITIZENS, the Motor Voter Bill (ILLEGALS automatically registered to vote) and vote by MAIL-IN-BALLOT (no voter ID) will ensure Democrats win!

3 years ago

The political democrats cheat and lie, when will people stop voting for them? Their policies just hurt American tax payers. The left destroys everything it touches. SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VOTE POLICIES and not PARTY, so easy.

3 years ago

And what did the republicans do?? Nothing. They sat down , turned tail and did nothing.

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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