The Better for America Podcast

Threats to Fair Representation: Electoral College vs. Popular Vote | Save Our States | EP 231

Posted on Thursday, August 17, 2023
by Rebecca Weber
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“Sometimes, people desire simplicity, but freedom is not a straightforward matter,” remarks Michael Maibach, a Distinguished Fellow specializing in American Federalism at Save Our States. Maibach recently joined AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber for an exceptionally informative episode discussing the significance of the electoral college in elections and the ongoing debate about its elimination. One of the major concerns associated with adopting a national popular vote to determine the presidency is the potential for a few heavily liberal cities to sway the entire election outcome. Have you ever considered the idea of disaggregating your electors? Maibach refutes this point and proposes that we “move past this argument,” drawing upon his extensive knowledge of the electoral college’s historical context. Tune in to discover why the current electoral college system is, in fact, a democratic method for selecting our president.

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1 year ago

Today’s Democratic Leadership wants dictatorial power to FOREVER DOMINATE the American People! This is why America was founded in the first place! The American People DON’T SERVE the Government, the Government SERVES US!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

What isn’t “under attack” by the left? Seems I remember them scoffing the idea of socialism/communists in office and now they serve OPENLY. They are the enemy, foreign and DOMESTIC! Of course they want to eliminate the electoral college so California and NYC can decide!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

The Founders thought “democracy” was MOB RULE! Look at any large city and you can see the truth in that!

1 year ago

The genius of our founding fathers has been negated by the corruption of the Democratic Communists. Their control of key districts in key states can swing the entire states delegates to their candidate and can’t be contested because they control the courts in said districts. See the 2020 election as the prime example.

1 year ago

The rabid dems are pursuing this with extraordinary intensity. They know that this is the ultimate game changer for them. Zombielike dem robots in the big cities vote left. This guarantee dem rule in perpetuity.

1 year ago

The concept of the Electoral College is simple. It is meant to mitigate the power of a concentrated voting populace with that of a more rursl and relatively weak voting populace.
Works great, when there is no corruption.

1 year ago

I heard a good way to explain [don’t remember where or who]. In Baseball and Basketball how is Series winning team determined ? Not by team scoring most points but Team winning most games. So in election, not person getting most votes nation-wide but who won most states.

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