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The full story of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic starts long before the virus hit America’s shores and involves Fauci’s role in overseeing coronavirus research grants going to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fauci, who is America’s highest paid career bureaucrat, has directed the health agency that approved hundreds of thousands of dollars of federal funding for experiments on bat coronaviruses that occurred at the Wuhan Institute for over half a decade. This funding has continued despite members of Fauci’s own office receiving information in 2016 that the Wuhan Institute did not even know how to disinfect their own laboratory equipment properly. As new emails show, Fauci had direct knowledge as early as 2017 of the bat coronavirus experiments being conducted at the Wuhan lab.
July 15, 2016
According to newly released Fauci emails from Judicial Watch, on July 15, 2016, Wuhan Institute of Virology Vice Director Yuan Zhiming asked members of Fauci’s office for help figuring out which kind of disinfectant to use for their laboratory. The Wuhan Institute did not know what disinfectants to use to clean their protective clothes, to clean the surface of the lab’s doors, or to disinfect “infectious materials indoor.”

A member of Fauci’s staff emailed back:

In March 2020, a member of Fauci’s staff recalled this incident and brought it up with colleagues in Fauci’s office so they could discuss how best to “navigate politics.”

October 1, 2017
Emails recently released by Judicial Watch also reveal that in 2017, more than two years before the pandemic, Fauci knew his health agency was funding research at the Wuhan Institute geared towards enabling bat coronaviruses to infect human cells. The emails confirm that Fauci and coronavirus researcher Peter Daszak have a personal relationship dating back to as early as 2017. The emails provide clear evidence Fauci knew that experiments were being conducted with the Wuhan Institute’s Dr. Shi to determine if “a novel bat origin coronavirus” could “infect human cells in the lab” and that Fauci’s own office was paying for them. On October 1, 2017, Daszak emailed Fauci:

The original version of the paper Daszak sent to Fauci is redacted but there are these unredacted images:

Daszak’s study got Fauci’s attention. On October 1, 2017, Fauci forwarded Daszak’s paper to another colleague:

December 9, 2019
Peter Daszak is listed as the “Principal Investigator” on the grant from Fauci’s agency to the Wuhan Institute. Dazak’s EcoHealth Alliance has received $3.7 million for bat coronavirus experiments and given over half a million of that funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to conduct testing and lab analysis of bat samples, federal records show.

Daszak has publicly boasted about conducting gain of function research on bat coronaviruses. On December 9, 2019, days before COVID-19 overtook Wuhan, Daszak said about coronaviruses: “You can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily.” He noted that some coronaviruses can “get into human cells in the lab[.]”
Given this historical background and Fauci’s extensive knowledge of the NIH grant funding his office had authorized for the Wuhan Institute, Fauci’s conduct over the seven days from January 23, 2020 to February 1, 2020, when COVID-19 began spreading across America, warrants further scrutiny.
January 23, 2020
On the first full day China quarantined the city of Wuhan, newly released emails from Judicial Watch show Fauci immediately wanted to know about NIH funding to the Wuhan lab. One of Fauci’s colleagues wrote:

Another one of Fauci’s colleagues wrote back:

January 27, 2020
On January 27, 2020, Daszak emailed Fauci’s staff and told them to “pass on to Tony” the information that “the Wuhan Institute” is “currently working on the nCoV,” or a novel coronavirus, and that they had previously “[f]ound SARS-related CoVs that can bind to human cells[.]”

January 31, 2020
On January 31, 2020, President Trump issued a travel ban on China, a move Fauci acknowledged helped save lives. That day, Fauci got an email from an NIH sponsored scientist Kristian Andersen telling him the virus looked potentially “engineered” and was “inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory.”

Almost immediately after learning the virus could be “engineered,” Fauci wanted to know more about NIH’s involvement in gain of function experiments on coronaviruses conducted by Dr. Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the infamous Chinese “bat woman.” Fauci emailed his deputy, Dr. Hugh Auchincloss, and attached a 2015 study by Dr. Shi labeled “SARS Gain of function.”

Auchincloss responded:

At that moment, Fauci knew NIH had not only approved funding for the Wuhan Institute but that his office had directly provided funding to Dr. Shi to conduct dangerous gain of function experiments on bat coronaviruses. Ultimately, as recently released emails show, NIH was planning on providing the Wuhan Institute with a total of $1.5 million in funding to continue its dangerous coronavirus experiments. Fauci directly oversaw $826,277 in funding being sent to the Wuhan Institute over a 6-year period starting in 2014.
Moreover, NIH funding to the Wuhan lab persisted under Fauci’s direct purview despite the following obvious safety issues and scandals:
- In 2015, French intelligence warned the State Department that “China was cutting back on agreed collaboration at the lab.”
- On July 15, 2016, Wuhan Institute of Virology Vice Director Yuan Zhiming asked members of Fauci’s office for help figuring out which kind of disinfectant to use for their laboratory indicating that the Wuhan Institute was not prepared to conduct experiments on dangerous pathogens.
- In 2016, Dr. Shi publicly acknowledged she was conducting experiments on “live” bat coronaviruses in a “biosafety level 2” lab at the Wuhan Institute. As scientist Richard Ebright has noted, that is “the biosafety level of a US dentist’s office.”
- In 2017, French scientists were booted out of the Wuhan lab and all cooperation stopped between them and the Chinese. During this time, the State Department found that Chinese researchers at the Wuhan lab were engaging in “classified research, including laboratory animal experiments, on behalf of the Chinese military[.]”
- On December 29, 2017, a video made public by Chinese state-run media shows Wuhan Institute researchers admitting they had been bitten by bats. The footage demonstrates that many were not wearing proper PPE when handling bats.
- In 2018, the State Department found that there was “a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate this high-containment laboratory.”
- On September 12, 2019, the Wuhan Institute pulled offline its public database of 22,000 virus samples and sequences. Incredibly, the point person for Wuhan’s NIH grant, Peter Daszak, would later praise this move saying: “As you know, a lot of this work has been conducted with EcoHealth Alliance… There is no evidence of viruses closer to SARS-CoV-2 than RaTG13 in those databases, simple as that.”
- By mid-January 2020, a team of Chinese military scientists had “set up operations inside the Wuhan Institute[.]”
- In February 2020, it was made public that China had refused to let U.S. CDC experts into the country to observe its coronavirus outbreak for over a month.
- In March 2020, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency updated its assessment of COVID-19’s origin to include the possibility that the new coronavirus emerged “accidentally” due to “unsafe laboratory practices” at the Wuhan Institute.
- In March 2020, Fauci’s staff recalled the fact they’d learned in 2016 that the Wuhan lab did not know how to properly disinfect their equipment and discussed how best to “navigate politics” concerning that issue.
This entire time Fauci’s agency continued approving funding to Daszak and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In fact, it was only after President Donald Trump directly ordered Fauci to cut funding on April 24, 2020 that Fauci “reluctantly” agreed to cancel the grant. Yet, just two months later, in August 2020, Fauci approved a new $7.5 million grant to Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance to conduct virtually the same research Daszak was overseeing at the Wuhan Institute.
The new program created by Fauci’s office now filters funding to a Chinese lab in Beijing. Fauci has for years voiced his public support for conducting gain of function experiments, believing that: “important information and insights can come from generating a potentially dangerous virus in the laboratory.” In 2017, Fauci pushed to lift the federal government’s gain of function research ban. Fauci recently maintained that “if you didn’t pursue that research,” at the Wuhan lab, “you would be negligent.”
February 1, 2020
As Representative Jim Jordan recently noted in a blockbuster hearing, from February 1, 2020 onward, Fauci incessantly pushed the narrative that COVID-19 did not come from the Wuhan lab. Fauci started sending the Trump administration “science” contradicting the lab leak theory immediately after the theory was first floated, emailing an article arguing that COVID-19 originated naturally to Robert Kadlec, a political appointee in the Trump administration.

The article Fauci sent called the lab leak theory one of many “conspiracy theories.” Fauci’s email to Kadlec did not mention that just hours earlier NIH supported researcher, Andersen, had advised Fauci that COVID-19 was potentially “engineered.”
On February 1, 2020, Fauci also met secretly with 11 prominent scientists from around the world, including Kristian Andersen, who had just told Fauci the virus was potentially “engineered.” “I suggested we bring together a multidisciplinary team,” Fauci told USA Today. Fauci said he wanted to “to ensure as many opinions as possible” were on the call. But no one from the Trump administration was invited. Fauci noted that “some on the call felt it could possibly be an engineered virus.” But Fauci said, “I felt then, and still do, the most likely origin was in an animal host.”
By the end of the meeting, multiple influential scientists were not just persuaded to adopt Dr. Fauci’s view that the virus had not leaked from the Wuhan lab, they were poised to participate in a relentless campaign to steer media coverage and control the flow of information away from the idea that the virus could have been “engineered” in the Wuhan lab.
Take the case of researchers Kristian Andersen, Ed Holmes, and Bob Garry who told Dr. Fauci that they all found COVID-19’s “genome inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory” on January 31, 2020. As Rep. Jim Jordan recently noted, these same scientists published a paper in Nature in March 2020 asserting that: “[W]e do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible.” Fauci appears to have been directly involved with the creation of this “scientific” paper. On March 6, 2020, Andersen wrote to Fauci:

On March 8, 2020, Fauci emailed Andersen back:

Fauci would then cite the paper he provided “advice and leadership” to produce in a White House press conference on April 17, 2020. Fauci was asked by a reporter whether he could address “concerns” that the virus “possibly came out of a laboratory in China?” This was the perfect opportunity for Fauci to tell the American people what he knew since January 31, 2020 – that the virus had potentially been “engineered” in a Chinese lab and that NIH had been funding that lab for years.
Instead, Fauci referenced the study he helped concoct that claimed COVID-19 was “not a laboratory construct.” Fauci did not even disclose to the public that he was involved in the drafting and publication of the study. Fauci then shared the study he had helped write with various news organizations, maintaining that it was the “scientific” explanation for the origin of COVID-19. On April 20, 2020, for example, Fauci emailed a reporter with the Washington Times saying:

The media then used Fauci’s manufactured study to castigate claims that the virus had come from a Chinese lab. The Washington Post cited it, USA Today referenced it, and the Associated Press quoted it to push back on the view held by President Trump that COVID-19 may have leaked from the Wuhan lab. In addition, an army of fact-check websites like and Politi-Fact relied on the study contrived by Fauci to slam any discussion of the lab leak theory as “baseless, a “conspiracy theory,” and “debunked.” Facebook then in turn relied on these media fact-checks and articles that were based on the manufactured “science” study commissioned by Dr. Fauci to censor any discussion on social media of the claim that COVID-19 was manufactured in a lab in China.
Fauci did such a good job of diverting attention away from the Wuhan Institute that Peter Daszak emailed Fauci thanking him.

Fauci responded:

While Fauci was obscuring his agency’s involvement in coronavirus research in Wuhan, he was also downplaying the severity of the virus to the American people.
On January 27, 2020, Fauci publicly opposed travel restrictions on China saying: “That would create a lot of disruption economically and otherwise and it wouldn’t necessarily have a positive effect.”
On February 7, 2020, Fauci was asked if he had “any more information about where [COVID-19] came from?” Fauci responded, “No, I mean obviously, if you look at the history of these viruses, we have SARS, which we know, after much experimenting, and epidemiological, molecular epidemiology, it went from a bat, to a civet cat, to a human.” Fauci added: “[T]here’s all kinds of conspiracy theories, as you know, going around on the internet with social media about deliberate or accidental release, etcetera, etcetera.”
On February 9, 2020, Fauci met with former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who asked Fauci about the lab leak theory. Fauci said: “Well, I think ultimately, we know that these things come from an animal reservoir. I’ve heard these conspiracy theories and like all conspiracy theories, Newt, they’re just conspiracy theories.”
On February 17, 2020, Fauci opined that the danger of the coronavirus was “just minuscule” but that Americans should be worried about the “real and present danger” of seasonal flu.
On February 29, 2020, Fauci asserted, “Right now, at this moment, there is no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day-by-day basis. Right now, the risk is still low[.]”
On March 9, 2020, Fauci commented that: “If you are a healthy young person, there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship, go on a cruise ship.”
Fauci’s obfuscation of the potential Wuhan lab leak had real world consequences. One study found that if China had been more transparent with the world about how dangerous COVID-19 was and quarantined Wuhan just three weeks earlier, the number of people infected with the virus would have been reduced by 95%.
Most importantly, if Fauci had come clean and told President Trump in January 2020 that COVID-19 had the hallmarks of being “engineered” and that the NIH was funding the Wuhan lab, imagine how the American government’s response could have changed. The White House would have known before a single American died that the virus was likely manipulated by the Chinese and therefore extremely dangerous. The U.S. could have led a coalition of nations in conducting a comprehensive investigation of the Wuhan Institute, and Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia could have cut off travel more quickly from China. At the very least, American taxpayer dollars could have stopped flowing to the Wuhan lab, which continued receiving U.S. funding until April 2020.
Yet, Fauci intentionally omitted evidence that the Wuhan Institute could be the source of the virus, potentially because an investigation into the laboratory would ultimately implicate him. Senator Rand Paul certainly thinks it does. He recently filed a criminal referral against Fauci. Senator Paul claims Fauci lied to Congress when Fauci said under oath in May 2020: “The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute[.]” Fauci responded to Sen. Paul by saying: “I have never lied, certainly not before Congress. Case closed.” But this case is wide open and there is over half a decade of evidence that appears to contradict Fauci’s claims.
Maybe Fauci is Chairman Mao’s illegitimate second cousin. Maybe the President should have fired him years ago. Maybe the corona virus is no worse than the influenza virus. Maybe, maybe, maybe.
You still need to decide if getting the vaccine is worse than getting (or transmitting) the disease.
Public deception began on 3-20 with lockdowns under Fauci to date
And the weasel Fauci still walks a free man. When are the American people going to see JUSTICE?
The Wuhan Laboratory SHOULD BE RENAMED The Fauchi Laboratory and Dr. Fauchi SHOULD BE REFERRED TO AS “The Batty Two-Faced Doctor of Deception”.
There is absolutely no reason that Fauci is still on the government welfare roll! This man is a liar and a prominent figure within the deep state.
I believe Dr. Fauci speaks the truth. This article pieces together stuff and uneducated people piece together the story they want to tell.
He should be in front of a Grand Jury. Why is he still giving bad advice to Americans?
He should be arrested and convicted of being an accessory to the deaths of millions of people around the world.
Fauci needs charged with first degree murder and locked up. He for sure should no longer be a part of the government operation controlling money and being presented as the “expert”.
Why am I hearing nothing about ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement)? This was a major impediment to the development of coronavirus vaccines in the past. This event involves, after receiving the vaccine, followed by reexposure to the same or similar virus, developing a cytokine storm that makes the patient very sick and has caused death. This event has been noted to kill animals that receive coronavirus vaccines. My expectation was that research would be done before any attempts to make a coronavirus vaccine so as to rule out the possibility of this event occurring in humans. My question: Is there anyone among our brilliant virology scientist that have knowledge of or are concerned about ADE? I heard RFK Jr one time mentioned in a discussion about a vaccine made by the Japanese that when tried on Filipinos killed 600 children in the Philippines. He could have been mistaken, of course, but it is disturbing that I have heard nothing about this since.
Well and good, but the email excerpts are not large enough to read. From what I get on other news media as well,.He is the father of Covid 19. He needs to be tried for his crimes against humanity.
Our minds churn over one item after another. You could look at news 50 years ago and with a few name and location changes have the same lying, cheating, embezzling, etc. stories. Seldom is anyone in these instances prosecuted. Basically, the human race can’t control this country, much less the world. However, the one who can, will soon judge the world. God, through His Son, Christ Jesus. Two thousand and more year old predictions are coming true more and more. The narcissistic human race, wild swings in weather, Israel surrounded by enemies, the true church disappearing, possibly the EU as the revived Roman Empire, etc. There is only one salvation, and that is through the saving grace of God. Grace means something given even though it’s not deserved. Ask Jesus to save you, and if you mean it, He will. He died for you. He rose from the dead and lives. He is one with the Father. If people don’t accept His gift now they will be deceived by Satan pretending to be Christ in the near future to the point where they will instead accept Satan.
“Now is the time of decision!”
Fauci is the scum bag of all times//Directly involved with the Chinese and the Wuhan Lab and spent the money of USA taxpayers for corruption and power/This little midget will and should get his just due/Trump was right about the Chinese creating the virus and Fauci is in with them for the $$$.
No one is asking about the monitory gain Faucci has received. He with others owns the patent on these viruses
Fauci should be charged with negligent homicide of over 600k Americans!
mengele jr. should be rotting in prison as an accessory to mass murder before, during and after the fact.
time for a little jail time!!
Agreed. This elfin nazi, mengele jr. should be facing accessory to mass murder charges. That’ll never happen with garland and this doj around.
Fauci is USELESS. ALL his lies and deception are catching up with him. Why is he still in a position to tell US Citizens the truth when he does not speak truth and I do not trust a word he says!!!!!
Fauci and China are guilty of crimes against humanity. He has no business being the spokesperson for Covid when he was instrumental in its development. Criminal!
Fauci is typical mainstream leftist elitism, a lying political deceptive jerk.
Isn’t it interesting that we are borrowing money from China so we can give it back to China so they can produce viruses to infect our population.
Anthony Fauci is a pathological liar, technically the man is not a doctor…Fauci’s research into weaponizing a bat virus into super viruses to more easily infect human cells goes way back.
The NIH under Fauci funded this research at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. Dr. Peter Daszak of NY Eco Health Alliance rec’d NIH grant monies from the NIH through Dr. Fauci for Gain of Function Research. ( Dr. Daszak’s father was a convicted Nazi collaborator btw for the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. )
Through Dr. Daszak, Dr Shi, aka the Bat Lady rec’d some of this grant money at the Wuhan Institute of Virology Lab.
It should be noted too, this EVIL got started under Obama in 2014. Tedros of the WHO, Big Tech, i.e. Twitter, Facebook & MSM suppressed this info from getting out…
In Jan of 2020 President Trump ended it…Fauci is GUILTY as sin, his removal should be effective immediately…
Bill on the Hill… :~)
What good does it do to have this info if there are no consequences to Fauci or China?! Just frustrating!
No worries America and all other countries, FEAR NOT! I’m DR FAUCI and for years funded GAIN OF FUNCTION research in a CCP Wuhan biological laboratory??? Let’s lie and deceive the people with propaganda constantly changing our story about the TRUTH?? For the last 18 months there is no truth! We’re in a very bad place right now and with the Biden administration it’s going to get a whole lot worse! Hold on for your life
He belongs in prison.
He is a mad man and should be locked-up for life!
Rodent Fauci is a liar, cheat, & fraud. He loves seeing himself on TV news shows. However, he is loved by the liftists because he parrots whatever they want him to say. He’s a puppet for the left. If he becomes no longer useful to them, they will dump him. In the meantime, I believe not one word from the Rodent, the CDC, the WHO, or our satanic government. They are all lying to achieve their own agenda of one-world government, economy, & religion.
This is much bigger than the evil napoleon Fauxi, or the incompetent O’Biden- this is merely one part of a “Great Reset” that is simultaneously occurring around the world. Look at the “social media” working with the leftist gov’t to identify the “Right-wing Extremists” (us?). Look how the gov’t is ignoring all the BLM and antifa violence/destruction. Look how the leftists are hurriedly stuffing this Country with “illegal voters”, while ignoring the fleeing Cubans. Look how our military brass are eagerly lining up to purge the ranks of Conservatives and push CRT down their throats. Look what’s going on in our grade schools- indoctrination to hate their own parents. Look at this recent push for big business to sign up for “ESG” scoring(like in china). Look at the efforts to destroy our currency, then implement going to all digital “money”. Look how they claim men can get pregnant, and trannies can pick their gender at will, and compete in sports accordingly. “They” are tracking you and I, and want you to sit down, shut the F up, wear your mask and obey. Any dissidents WILL be dealt with severely! I do wonder if we can survive ’til ’24? Or will it even matter?
Deception? No. Call it what it is: lies. 18 months of nonstop lies from this member of The Deep State.
Fauci created and had the virus released for democrats to control the election with paper ballots. I received 10 applications in the mail for paper ballots. Voted in person. In September of 2019 they released comments about a world pandemic coming. Killed so many people world-wide for a stupid election. Fauci and the democrats should be in prison for murder!
‘Counting Bats With The Count’ ~ I vant to drink your blood! – Covert Experimentation on twin specimens kept alive with ‘Gain of Function’ research; (they also, probably tried ‘Gain Pods’.) Counting Bats and Millions upon Millions, upon Billions of dollars gained by phony patents on phony remedies; with sharp needles on the very point of it. The point is the patents were there years before the ‘Get-Go’! And of course, the American Public fitted the bill. The Count is counting on you sticking your neck and your arm out… Run from those needles; Josef Jr. vants to drink your blood; and take it to the Blood Bank of Switzerland!
~ George Washington’s Admirer ~
Faucie is a fraud and should not only be fired but prosecuted !
Fauci is grasping for straws and always coming up with the short straw.
Fauci lied and people died.
Another swamp dwelling POS!
The left put a halo on Fauci’s head just like they did to George Floyd.
So, I understand the dems and msm but hey are the republican politicians out there still living under a rock?
“Gain of Function” is a politically correct and euphemistic way of saying the virus was “weaponized” pure and simple. Weaponized pathogens (viruses, bacteria, etc.) have only one purpose – as military weapons – period! Does anyone truly think that the Chinese are truly so inept when it comes to this kind of biological research? Of course not.
My personal view is that the COVID-19 pandemic was just a trial run by the Chinese to “test” this virus by deliberately releasing it into the world. The only question that remains is what else they have waiting in their labs that they can send our way when it suits their purposes.
Thank you, Judicial Watch! Once again you have shined a light on the machinations of the cockroaches in our Deep State government, by bringing “facts” before the entire world to rationally and truthfully understand what has been happening with the COVID-19 pandemic. Keep up the good work!
Thank you, Judicial Watch! Once again you have shined a light on the machinations of the Kockroaches in our Deep State government, by bringing “facts” before the entire world to rationally and truthfully understand what has been happening with the COVID-19 pandemic. Keep up the good work!
Don’t expect anything to come of this with if Biden’s DOJ has any involvement. Just ask Rand Paul what his expectations are.
How much more ___p do we have to take. Just found out that there is a Novavax out there that we could get, non mRNA. The Jan. 6th riots took place because the conservatives thought the other side cheated , and they were afraid socialists communists were taking over our country. Now they’re being slammed for it. Never mind that the other side has been rioting violently with many other people and businesses fearing for their lives. The other side being a Marxist revolution trying to overtake our capitalist government in the guise of racism.
Fauci certainly does sound like a very dangerous, elitist person who would be willing to put millions of citizens in danger of dying from his pet projects. To Fauci, we mere rabble are expendable for him to allow to use as lab rats. Another Dr., one from Germany during WWII comes to mind as more and more of what Fauci has done comes to light.
Sadly n shamefully Americans are no different than other humanoids- we are Sheep and WHOMEVER CONTROLS THE LIBERAL GODLESS FALSE NARRATIVE MASS MEDIA MACHINE controls 50+% of the people’s thinkings. Most humanoids have little n limited discernment for lack of simple Bible Study. The “other side” promotes killing the helpless innocent preborn WORLDWIDE, thats their cornerstone. This vile wickedness easily leads to elitism – cloaked racism – indoctrination in all levels of schooling. Not surprised. SINISTER.
I was looking forward to reading this article, but alas, it is unreadable. Such a shame.
What a great example of thorough journalism. Congratulations.
Excellent… best article yet. I’m sharing it… thank you.
The ONLY thing I am sure of is that when Dr. Faux i [Fauci] comes on stage..
the background music should be Ella Fitzgerald singing…
My question is… should she be singing “Anything Goes” or “Undecided” ????