Get ready to be bombarded with ghoulish paid ads and Democratic politicians warning about grandmothers dying, children denied needed cancer treatments, and pregnant women suffering. The demagoguery is in full swing against Republicans’ efforts to control federal spending on Medicaid and stabilize the nation’s debt.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul screamed last week that “House Republicans just voted to rip health care away from up to 1.8 million New Yorkers — all to bankroll giveaways for billionaires.” Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) parroted the message (“tax breaks for their billionaire buddies”) and warned that “moms and babies will lose health care coverage.” Rep. Delia Ramirez (D-Ill.) shrieked, “People will die.”
These are lies. Helpless children, the elderly, pregnant women, and the disabled are not going to lose their health care. And the Medicaid changes are designed to help all Americans, not just billionaires.
The economic impact of Congress not containing Medicaid spending is what’s truly scary.
If the demagoguery succeeds and the Republican majority gives up on achieving a budget bill that curbs spending, everyone will suffer. Inflation will rise. Interest rates on car loans, credit cards and mortgages will likely go up. President Donald Trump’s tax cuts probably would not be renewed, and some companies, suddenly facing unfavorable tax rates, would leave the U.S. for lower-tax locations, possibly taking your job with them.
But first, here’s why the fearmongering filling the air waves is untrue.
Since 1965, Medicaid has provided a safety net for those in medical need, and no one is proposing “gutting” it.
A decade ago, then-President Barack Obama and Congress expanded Medicaid to cover healthy adults, whether they were willing to work or not. Rep. Nancy Pelosi boasted that everyone should have the freedom to pursue “your own happiness”, for example, being a writer, or “whatever you want to do,” without having to hold down a job and pay for health insurance. Pelosi’s promise made working people into patsies supporting the freeloaders.
Now congressional Republicans are calling for a “work requirement” for healthy people who don’t have to care for a child or elderly dependent. “Work” overstates the toughness. Anyone who is employed for 80 hours a month, or attends school, a training program, or a drug recovery program, and is low-income will still be eligible for free care. Just not moochers.
House Speaker Mike Johnson tweeted last week, “Medicaid is for single mothers with small children who are just trying to make it. It’s not for 29-year-old males sitting on their couch playing video games.”
The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates the “work” requirement would save $140 billion over the next decade.
Republicans are proposing another $100 billion in savings by allowing states to check eligibility for Medicaid more than once a year. The Biden administration put into effect a wacky rule in 2024 that barred states from checking eligibility more frequently, allowing some people to stay on Medicaid after their income was too high or they were no longer disabled or caring for a dependent. Let’s spend Medicaid dollars on the truly needy.
As for Hochul’s bombast that changes to Medicaid will bankroll billionaires, the truth is that current federal spending is “unsustainable,” per the nonpartisan General Accounting Office. Without changes, everyone in the U.S. will be clobbered with higher inflation and interest rates.
Take it from Javier Milei, Argentina’s president, elected in 2023. He campaigned with a chainsaw, pledging deep cuts to his government’s out-of-control spending. At that time, his country had one of the highest inflation rates in the world. A year later, inflation is coming down fast.
Congress isn’t taking a chainsaw to Medicaid, but Republicans are looking to slow spending growth. That will allow Congress to renew Trump’s 2017 tax cuts, which are about to expire.
Before 2017, the U.S. was losing 10 multinational corporate headquarters a year to countries with lower corporate taxes. After Trump’s 2017 cuts, the exodus stopped. Renewing those corporate tax cuts is essential to save American jobs. Possibly yours.
Hochul doesn’t get that. Like several Democratic governors before her, she’s oblivious to the damage done by uncontrolled spending and high taxes — a major reason swaths of upstate New York are wastelands.
When you hear the demagogues oppose Medicaid “cuts,” remember that not making these changes is what is dangerous to you — your job security and your ability to afford necessities and even to buy a home. Don’t fall for the phony sob stories.
Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York State and co-founder of Save Our City at Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
Once again the democrats will bring out their fake concern for grandmothers, children and pregnant women, but wait, I thought we weren’t supposed to use the words, grandmother, or pregnant woman. The children they pretend to be concerned about are aborted daily, and those they encourage to make a long dangerous journey and enter our country illegally are sold into all kinds of slavery. So their fake concern is just that, FAKE otherwise known as LIES. Thank you Betsy for the article.
The Democrats are searching desperately for something they can fear monger on and get some much-needed traction with the public or at least with the segment of the public that is still dumb enough to believe anything they have to say.
Falsely claiming that Republicans want to “throw granny off the cliff” via Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security has been a standard go-to strategy from the Democrats for decades. Only a complete moron would still believe anything these Socialists and Marxists have to say.
The Democrats are still lying with every word they say. How can anyone possibly believe anything they say when they proved very convincingly how much they lie from the results of the last election? How do these evil liars sleep at night knowing they are spreading false narratives about President Trump and his actions? Actually, I hope they keep lying and spewing hate about him and we followers because that will give us another big win in 2028!!
Thank you Betsy, for telling it like it is. The Democrats do not like the TRUTH. They prefer to live in their own universe. The USA is BROKE! President Trump is trying to fix it. PLEASE GIVE HIM A CHANCE.
Just apply the if their lips are moving rule. All they know how to do Shriek and lie. They just spent 4 years trying to destroy this country they are absolutely freaking because of adult is in charge now and he is fixing what they attempted to destroy. Just ignore them
Overdose death rate is 40x more than under Reagan. Restart Reagan’s War on Drugs if Dems really care.
We are $36 trillion in debt. Tough measures need to be taken.
It wouldn’t surprise any one with at least two working brain cells, that close to 50% (if not more)of Medicaid payouts is fraud – people receiving it that should NOT be eligible to receive it (just like welfare parasites).Those that are TRULY in dire straights and need help should receive it. BUT, WITH MEDICAID’S AND WELFARE’S MAIN GOALS SHOULD BE TO HELP ALL RECIPIENTS GET OFF OF BOTH PRROGRAMS.
Pardon my skepticism regarding the dims’ empathy. Yeah…the same dims that wouldn’t even acknowledge a young child with cancer the other night.
The dims care about ONE thing…lining their own pockets which is achieved by keeping as many as they can on the gubment plantation. A demographic hugely composed of faithful dim voters.
Democrats=the Trojan Horse as the greatest country in the world slowly crumbles….May President Trump and his cabinet be successful…..
Standard procedure for the demonic rats! Keep the money rolling into our pockets, fear being one of their main weapons. Why oh why do people keep voting democrat?
Somehow in the sixties the idea has taken root that government is here to provide the care from cradle to coffin, regardless of circumstances. incapacitated, old, very young, able bodied and strong, but not working, “single” mothers, drop outs, layabouts, old and sick, all under the same umbrella .All under the care of mighty and benevolent government, financed by working taxpayer .Bottom of that cradle has fallen out decades ago, somehow it went unnoticed , except the taxpayer had to cough up even more, now it all came to a screeching halt,. time of reckoning for dems, who for years were generous with taxpayers money while piling up their own. Reform will not be easy and painless. Rude awakening of many who for generations not ever woke up to an alarm clock to get ready for work. Democrats don’t like it because that was their livelihood and “poor” their crutch
Hochul does get. She’s just more than willing to lie about it because she is truly the Wicked B*tch of the West!
The dems like Hichul don’t want programs that work. They almost succeeded under Biden to drive the country into bankruptcy and they sure as heck will not allow Trump to get us out of that. Which will happen if they keep voting down all of Trumps proposals. You think inflation was bad under Biden. If nothing is done inflation will double. Pelosi and dems that think the same way, and their are many of them, will destroy this country under Trump. No matter what he does. Trump’s speech Tuesday night was a caring speech a common sense approach to make America a flourishing country again. Safety and wellbeing. Living to the fullest. Industry coming back to America, creating jobs, tax cuts for tge poor and middle class. Pelosi,s plan to provide for every human being in the country, including those who don’t want to work, is not possible. Pelosi you are using tax money from hard working people to pay for this, who resent working for these moochers. May I suggest that all the millions you made from all the investments you made while in congress with access to inside information. You pay these mooches wages. Let us know how you feel about that. The dems are destroying America and what for. For the power.
I agree that everyone has the right to pursue their happiness; but, not at the expense of the working American Citizens. If ninny piglosi wants to pay for lazy people who don’t want to work and illegal aliens, I say lets take her money and pay them. I’m sick and tired of seeing people who shouldn’t be on social security, Medicaid, or any welfare, driving around in new cars and dressed to the nines, AND, bragging about how they’ve gained the system. If someone truly needs assistance, then we should help them. We’ve made welfare a way of life that perpetuates down to the next generation. It needs to stop!
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
” I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.” ~ James Madison, 4 Annals of Congress 179, 1794
“[T]he government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.” ~ James Madison
Medicaid will NOT be hurt and people in need of receiving medicaid will continue to receive it. The democrats have to lie and stir the pot because they are useless and self-serving. The DEMs help themselves and now they are very scared. How else would Liz Warren be worth over 10 million dollars when her husband is a teacher. She gets her money from BIG pharmaceutical companies. Power and money is what they care about.
I remember well when President Johnson signed medicare into being and with that told the American people that you would not pay for medical care when you retired because you are paying into it as a trust. In so many words. Now you pay for it twice and out of your social security reducing your total social security. This should end.There should be no penalties for signing up for medicare late you already paid for it.
New York State has been chasing manufacturing businesses out of the state for decades with high taxes. I worked for a company that bought a couple manufacturing facilities located in New York State. In both cases our company closed up those facilities and relocated the production to more tax friendly states. Governor Hochul wants us to continue moving business out of the country as well.
The sky is falling shouts the Democraps. Their fear or lie is grandma will die if they cut her Medicare. Don’t they realize that WE WILL ALL DIE ONE DAY. A priest friend of mine says none of us are going to get out alive. This is their fake persona that they really care. Just remember Trump’s speech the other night. I rest my case
The sad reality is the LEFT never makes a coherent argument on policy. Lies and fear mongering are their hallmark. Through their efforts the programs become corrupt and hurt the groups cited. The benefits needed are wasted on healthy people and illegal aliens. Conversations that should take place in the Legislative branch are taken to corrupt media outlets. The LEFT sole purpose is to garner votes by deception to gain control.
You can be sure that most of the Dems crying the loudest are the ones getting rich off Big Pharma kickbacks. Between the over prescribing of unnecessary overpriced and often unsafe drugs and doctors stealing every penny they can get out of government subsidized insurance and taxpayer financed programs the workingman doesn’t have a chance.
My wife passed away from cancer 6 years ago and she would fume every month when she received her “This is not a bill” statement from Medicare /Medicaid. She would say, “I couldn’t pay this if I wanted to, but our grandkids will be paying this off forever!” Look over your monthly statement folks and see how much these self-serving greedy health “professionals” steal from all of us for every single thing they do!
Wow, great article! The problem is the power dems have to spread their lies and the millions of people who really believe them.
I don’t take anything Democrats say seriously.
If a DemocRat or a Rino’s mouth is moving: They are lying! I would rather not even see them in the news because I could care less what their opinion is.
I believe the greatest driver of US insolvency is those who cheat and game the system, of whom there are too many. Of course, people will die. That’s a fact of life. The population needs to be educated on taking care of themselves. Young people shouldn’t need doctors except for emergency.
Why did our 25 year old grandson (who has a form of autism and is on medication – having received benefits since his diagnosis) have his Medicid stopped the day after announcement?!
Sorry I’m a Democrat just wait and see Trump’s only been in the office for a short time
Where does the Constitution authorize Congress to establish and fund programs like Medicaid?
Think about this: A Billionaire does not have to worry about paying their medical bills like the Middle and lower class faces. Do they have compassion for others?
Regarding Social Security, I cannot believe that Trump spent time at State of Union to tell stories about all of the people +100 years old on SS & made it sound like they were getting benefit checks. Elon Musk brought this up with a knee jerk action & said that a person 150 years old was getting a check. Neither Trump nor Musk has explained the real truth about recordkeeping & they should. Trump must have known this was not true & so why does he do stuff like this, as it only makes him look bad.