
Elections , Newsline

Biden Should Not Abandon The Presidency

Posted on Friday, July 12, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

Proving that every day brings something new, I never thought a day would arrive when I would support something Joe Biden was doing. But that day is here. Of course, Biden should not abandon the presidency or walk away from being his party’s nominee.

Why not? Because the people that have done this to us over the last four years deserve to experience a humiliating defeat on November 5th. And the only way that can be achieved is if the Democrats don’t get away with swapping out players with the intention of giving Americans the false impression that the bad guy is gone, when everyone running this scam is the bad guy.

Elections are meant, among other things, to be statements by the American people about what we want and don’t want for this country. The Founders knew that politicians must face judgment by the voters when they have failed and succeeded. This reality is supposed to keep certain people in check, but if you’re able to hold a position which is unaccountable to the voters and grifters, then the corrupt are more inclined to do as they please. And that is the making of the catastrophes we’ve been enduring.

The effort to throw Biden under the bus by the people who created him is a cynical and ugly effort to avoid accountability for the damage these bureaucrats (and a particular former president named Obama) have wrought. Biden became president in name only on January 20, 2021. For years we’ve never been privy to who’s actually running the country, and we have a legacy media that is deliberately incurious.
The disasters that we have been living with, from inflation to crime to wars around the world, are a direct result of Democratic Party policies being implemented by unelected, faceless leftist bureaucrats embedded in the White House and throughout too many agencies. This is made possible by having an empty figure-head at the top…and we know how that has worked out.

The obscene scrambling by “defenders of democracy” to jettison the sitting president and ostensible nominee is a confession that they know that the American people have had enough. It’s not as if Biden’s cognitive issues have only suddenly come to light. Biden is the same man he was in 2019 with COVID providing the convenient excuse to keep him hidden away from the public. Even some in the media acknowledge that if you watched Fox News you knew of the President’s condition, but not if you watched any other outlet. There was a cover-up of Biden’s condition and it continues to this day.

Monday, July 11th was supposed to be President Donald Trump’s sentencing day after the so-called “hush money” conviction by a New York jury. Instead, that was postponed due to the Supreme Court decision regarding presidential immunity. That was a wrench that the Democrats simply did not plan on. They were literally relying on being able to imprison their opponent in order to escape the exposure of the scheme that they had been implementing since Biden was inaugurated.

Democrats were all-in on weaponizing the justice system to kneecap Trump. When that failed, they were suddenly left with the lights on and the curtain pulled back on their entire fraud. Simply put, the Democrats are completely unprepared because they expected Americans to have no choice beginning on July 12th as Trump was being shuffled off to prison. Make no mistake, that has been the point of everything we’ve endured for the last several years.

Remember the conversations about whether or not people would vote for Trump when he was in prison? The Democrats are being reminded every day that human beings make plans and God laughs. Their willingness to put the country through such animosity and division is truly unforgiveable.

The Bidens should be furious and they are. When the Democratic Party’s plan to simply eliminate Trump from the scene failed, all those responsible for the catastrophes we are enduring needed a scapegoat and it’s Joe Biden himself.

Our problem, of course, is that it’s our lives that are destroyed by these schemes. Our loved ones in uniform in Afghanistan were slaughtered at an airport, murder and rape victims of illegal aliens continue to pile up; the explosion of drugs, human and sex trafficking of women and girls continues unabated. Untold numbers of lives lost and ruined because the smug, useful idiots in our bureaucracy decided that the federal government belongs to them alone and that we are all just pawns in their little game. The election is the mechanism for the well-deserved comeuppance, whether the Democrats like it or not.

So when you hear about Obama and Pelosi and the Congressional Democrats all wringing their hands at the shocking revelation that Biden just can’t handle the job, remember, they’ve known that all along, and that was the point! They are the problem, and they don’t want to face the humiliating defeat that they deserve.

Both the Democratic establishment and the legacy media are now desperate to dupe you again into believing they were duped. The Bidens are certainly culpable for agreeing to this charade, unleashing the greatest fraud on the American people by pretending to be someone who could actually engage in presidential duties.

We vote on whether or not the people we elected have done their job as we expected. It’s safe to say that no one, regardless of your party, voted for more war, more death, less money, economic instability, and chaos brought by open and unregulated borders. It’s madness. Nobody wants that. And the Democrats, the very people who arranged this idiotic scenario that has plunged us into disaster after disaster, want you to believe it was just Joe Biden, when in fact it was everyone else in the Democratic Party.

This is why Biden should not be bullied out of the presidency. This is why he needs to stay, and even though elections can be unpredictable, at least the American people will have a genuine opportunity on November 5th to send an unmistakable message about what we think of the past and what we want for the future. Holding people accountable is the point.

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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3 months ago

1) It’s not like Old Joe has actually been running things for the last four years. The senior staff in the White House get their daily marching orders from the same cabal that orchestrated the Obama presidency. This has just been a continuation of that same failed globalist agenda under a different puppet being led around.

2) Our adversaries around the world are more than happy to have Old Joe remain vegetating in the Oval Office for the balance of his first term and even potentially a second term, if they can pull off another “miraculous win” like 2020 via every dirty trick in their playbook. After all, as long as Old Joe or any Democrat for that matter occupies the Oval Office, our adversaries are assured of a weak and inept response to whatever any of them do. Just look at the long history of total foreign and domestic policy FU’s over the Obama and Biden presidencies.

Do you not think we won’t see domestic terrorist attacks again in the United States after letting in literally thousands of known terrorists over the last four years? It’s only a matter of when, NOT if such orchestrated attacks are carried out. Then there is also the issue of the criminals that were imported here by the 10s of thousands from dozens of countries around the world, as they emptied out their prisons and mental hospitals to dump their problems on our doorstep. This all has societal and economic impact here that the American public has to pick-up the tab for and deal with the resulting fallout.

3) While some may be content to allow Old Joe or any Democrat to remain in the White House, just understand there is a real-world trade-off in the hope that the American people can have an actual honest election this November and that the majority of the American people are capable of making the right decision. Every American suffers the consequences daily of Democrat policies being in place that drive up inflation, degrade the overall economy, endanger our national security and allow our adversaries around the world to grow stronger with each passing day as we grow weaker. The rest of the world does not stop and stand still in place while Old Joe or any Democrat POTUS stumbles and bumbles his or her own way around the White House simply doing what they are told to do. All in the hope that we are sending a message of defiance to those that put these puppets in place. I can assure you, those that instigated all this could care less about a message being sent, unless it is of them being tracked down, arrested and held personally and criminally responsible for the acts against this country they have committed. On that point, given our track record, I’m NOT holding my breath.

Just a slightly different perspective on what is entailed by hoping Old Joe or any Democrat is allowed to remain in the Oval Office.

3 months ago

“ elections are about what the people want and don’t want”? Except, when they are rigged, stolen, and the election lacks integrity. Like 2020, Tammy.

Michael White
Michael White
3 months ago

Excellent article, it should be released to the entire nation, honesty & truth are a powerful tool !!!

3 months ago

This is the democrats game plan. Joe Biden is going to lose. Replace him. The Supreme Court issued a ruling the democrats don’t like. Pack the court or issue articles of impeachment against conservative justices. The presidential election did not result in a democratic win. Eliminate the electoral college. In 2020, not sure of a Biden victory. Let’s use the pandemic to extend time limits to accept absentee ballots. Trump is a formidable candidate. Let’s weaponize the court system to bring charges against him. The democrats have sullied the integrity of elections and judicial process. With the democrats in control they are transforming this great nation into a banana republic. We have Obama, Pelosi and Schumer to thank.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Since apparently weaponizing the justice system isn’t working, I’ve no doubt the same day Trump is Inaugurated, the Democrats will file letters of impeachment. Ready for four more years of “Russian collusion”? Adam Schiff still has the “volumes of evidence”!

DJ Wright
DJ Wright
3 months ago

Tammy, you nailed it perfectly! The Dem party and all their minions need to be voted out, not just the puppet at the top.

Rex walker
Rex walker
3 months ago

My concern look what we get if Biden resigned . I also hope and pray Thinking Americans will se his face as a reminder of the damage he and his party have done to this nation and vote for Trump.

3 months ago

Tammy Bruce is SPOT ON! I don’t find a single one of her statements to be untrue. I completely agree with everything she states.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Stay Put Joe so we can Beat U

Forgotten Man
Forgotten Man
3 months ago

Excellent article! Any lib who even has the courage to approach me about my conservative hat or shirt spouts nothing but emotion ( and often vile). There is absolutely zero intellectual thought or accurate fact. Pray unceasingly for our country and promote conservatives!

3 months ago

We’re an absolute debacle of a so-called “free” country. The shame of demrat manipulation and cheating to win at any cost, while admiring themselves in the mirror of fake news. I pray that the Lord God Almighty will provide another chance for us to surrender our lives and very souls to the LORD God Almighty and His captives free. The devil is a LIAR and those who surrender to him cannot live but Will be found in the everlasting burning flames of the place named HELL. Now is the time to surrender to Jesus to the everlasting love and goodness of His sacrifice made on our behalf…. Or not????
I trust Jesus

3 months ago

Well they just tried to assassinate President Trump the ultimate signal that the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party Comrades. ( Government employees)Are scared to death because they know they are going to lose and are going to pay for there crimes against not only Americans but humanity as well.If there should even be a hint of creating in November it will be time to rise up and save the Republic.Ready, able and all in!!!! Just like our founding fathers.

3 months ago

Exactly what I’ve been saying….Biden needs to stay

Linnea Fletcher
Linnea Fletcher
3 months ago

All of this assumes the fix isn’t already in for Joe Bribe’em to miraculously win.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

Billions of dollars are spent on that which is uncontrollable Nature Chaos inside the country is being overlooked Everything from the mess in DC to cartels flooding the country with drugs and peddling children not to mention the “immigrants” could be stopped be applying the existing laws DC is playing three blind mice Those are our leaders ,the fifth column They all worry about the comfy couch and don’t give a hoot about the country I don’t think it really matters who replaces Biden if he is being replaced Jill will have a cow

3 months ago

Biden should not step down and Republicans should stop trying to force him to. If Biden stays in, Trump will for sure win. There is a chance that Trump would lose with a different combination on the Democrat ticket. Democrats MUST be defeated in the upcoming election. From president all the way down ballot.
This is a plea for everybody to PLEASE vote this November. Please do not sit home thinking that President Trump has this one in the bag.
It will make no difference if Trump wins and Republicans do not take a commanding majority in the House and Senate. It’s VERY important that everybody goes to vote so they can vote down ballot.
I rescanned the channels on my TV the other night. When I was going through the channels to see which ones to weed out, I saw some guy already spewing impeachment if Trump gets elected for violating the Logan Act. He said that Trump met with Putin and asked him to release Evan Gershkovich, the Wall Street Journal reporter held in a Moscow prison to help him win the election. Some other guest on the Andrew Wilkow show was also speaking about the Democrats already meeting to find ways to impeach Trump if he’s elected. It’s going to be 2016-2020 all over again.
Please pass this on to all your friends and encourage them to PLEASE go vote. This one matters. Thanks.
PLEASE vote this November. Please do not sit home thinking that President Trump has this one in the bag.
It will make no difference if Trump wins and Republicans do not take a commanding majority in the House and Senate. It’s VERY important that everybody goes to vote so they can vote down ballot.
I rescanned the channels on my TV the other night. When I was going through the channels to see which ones to weed out, I saw some guy already spewing impeachment if Trump gets elected for violating the Logan Act. He said that Trump met with Putin and asked him to release Evan Gershkovich, the Wall Street Journal reporter held in a Moscow prison to help him win the election. Another guest on the Andrew Wilkow show also spoke about the Democrats already meeting to find ways to impeach Trump if he’s elected. It’s going to be 2016-2020 all over again.

Ray Carstens
Ray Carstens
3 months ago

have to disagree with you if you think he should still be president ..personally he should have been taken off the stage immediately , given the test and taken him to a home to be cared for,,..those who knew he was sick should be put in jail

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
3 months ago

They will never face the justice every single one of them deserves! For, if justice truly prevailed, they all would’ve been arrested, tried en masse, and summarily executed for treason.

3 months ago


3 months ago

Well said.

John Shipway
John Shipway
3 months ago

It’s all about the money. If the crooked Dems can figure out a way, illegal or legal as Im sure they would be willing to steal Bidens campaign funds and worry about it in court around the time of the 2026 mid terms, if they can snatch Joe’s funding they will flick away Old Joe like one might a booger,

Gayle Lawrence
Gayle Lawrence
3 months ago

Biden has ruined this country PERIOD

3 months ago

Run Joe Run!
The socialists still need working taxpayers to pay off their gender studies degrees and create more worthless government jobs for them.  The news media, hollywood, and government bureaucracies knew how much of a basket case and crook you were from the beginning, but they were able to cover for you while you hid out and magically got you more votes than any other president in history. They are doing their best now to get the millions of illegal aliens you brought in, registered to vote for you this time. It finally just got too difficult for the socialists to cover for you and themselves.
What are the socialists going to do when Trump and America wins again? They just hate the thought of making America great again after they have driven it into the gutter for everyone but themselves. All their sneaky efforts, manufactured impeachments and lawsuits have just made Trump even more popular while some of their own are waking up to the lies, cover ups, and incompetence.
So please run again Joe. There is nobody else except giggles Kamala and there are still socialists and hostile nations just as whack as you are that still need you!!

C. Rule
C. Rule
3 months ago

You are right on. Have always believed that. It is so obvious. Always have my red hat on.

SC Mouse
SC Mouse
3 months ago

The writer failed to mention that all of Fake News is at fault especially Fox. The best place to get news is Real America’s Voice!!

Lakota tribe
Lakota tribe
3 months ago

Hey Man 2016 called it wants it’s narrow victory by only mitt Romney margins back lol

fort usa
fort usa
3 months ago

tammy bruce deserves to lose her us citizenship

fort usa
fort usa
3 months ago

donald j trump deserves to lose his us citizenship

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kamala harris
ohio state flag
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