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AMAC Members Choose Senator Tim Scott to be Trump’s Vice President

Posted on Tuesday, May 14, 2024
by AMAC, Jeff Szymanski
tim scott and trump

AMAC asks its members to weigh in on a variety of topics related to politics, policy, and news headlines each week in an unscientific on-line poll.  Members can even write comments after their selection, which offer valuable insight into their thinking.  This past week’s question was this:   Who would make Donald Trump’s best vice-presidential candidate and bring the most to the ticket?

As of this writing, the poll received over 28,400 responses. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina carried the day, though with a plurality of only 20%, given the 13 choices that were offered.  Scott was followed by Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida with 18% and Dr. Ben Carson with 11.3%. Curiously, “Another Name Not Listed” came in at 11.7%.  The other choices were Tom Cotton, JD Vance, Elise Stefanik, Byron Donalds, Tucker Carlson, Kristi Noem, Doug Burgum, Marco Rubio, and Vivek Ramaswamy.

Picking a Vice President is an important decision for any candidate.  The political science literature is replete with articles on strategically “balancing the ticket.”  You can balance ideologically by trying to win over support from a different wing of the party, as when Liberal Michael Dukakis picked Conservative Lloyd Bentsen in 1988.  You can balance geographically by trying to garner support from different regions, as when John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts selected Lyndon Johnson of Texas in 1960. 

Other presidential hopefuls have selected former rivals, as when Ronald Reagan selected Geroge H.W. Bush in 1980 in an attempt to unify the party.  Donald Trump’s pick of Mike Pence in 2016 was widely viewed as an overture to evangelicals, an important voting block among the GOP where Trump sought to solidify more support.

Occasionally a choice can confound nearly everyone.  George H.W. Bush’s pick of Dan Quayle of Indiana in 1988 and Richard Nixon’s selection of Spiro Agnew of Maryland in 1968 come to mind as there appeared to be no balancing there.  Presidential candidates may also have an eye toward being a “first” in history, as Walter Mondale seemed to want with Geraldine Ferraro of New York, the first woman on a major party’s ticket.  Perhaps Biden felt the same way in picking the multi-racial Kamala Harris, though there’s always a danger of appearing to signal “checking a box” over selecting one on quality, experience, and aptitude.

As important as vice presidential selection is, though, does it actually make any difference in attracting additional votes to the ticket?  That’s where pundits are more unsure, suggesting any difference may be minimal, perhaps 1%.  People vote for the name at the top and have said as much in poll after poll over the decades.  However, with polls as close as they are in 2024, the selection may matter more this year.

Kristen Welker of NBC News noted it matters more in 2024 due to the ages of both Biden (81) and Trump (77) and the legal challenges of the former president.  Welker also stated, “It matters because polls show that Harris is even less popular than Biden, and Trump’s allies are already airing TV ads targeting her.”

Of course no one knows who’s in and who’s out but Donald Trump himself.  The so-called “list” is likely real, but it may exist only in Donald Trump’s head rather than on printed paper.  The reality of any choice is the president must feel comfortable with his vice presidential pick and feel a combined sense of loyalty and honesty from the person.

Back to Tim Scott.  Well known for his calm demeanor and congenial nature, Scott is highly regarded by his Senate colleagues.  He’s viewed as a solid conservative who strives to make good legislation.  And he’s also a keen political operative to boot.  Scott endorsed Donald Trump right after dropping out of the race himself earlier this year and appears to be playing the “auditioning game” for V.P. quite well.  Scott has appeared with Trump at events numerous times.  There is now speculation he will attend Trump’s trial.

Who else might AMAC members like if not Scott?  Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump’s former press secretary, was mentioned by many in the poll comment section as was former Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democrat.  Could Gabbard be part of a Trump unity ticket?  Abraham Lincoln did as much with Democrat Andrew Johnson in 1864.  While possible, many pundits see Gabbard more as a solid Cabinet choice than vice president. 

The name game and waiting game will continue, with the only other mystery as to WHO will be named is WHEN the number two will be named.  Stayed tuned. 

Jeff Szymanski works in political communications at AMAC, a senior benefits organization with over 2 million members.  He previously taught high school social studies for 15 years.

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Jerold Patchon
Jerold Patchon
4 months ago

Great article President Trump really needs to pick someone for vice president that can carry the torch when his term is up. In hopes that if he does get elected and turns, this sinking ship around. They would be able to follow his footsteps and continue on the right path. this country needs to get God centered again. We have so lost our way.

David Merrifield
David Merrifield
4 months ago

Don’t do it!!! He’s a member of the Uniparty and is owned by the pharma industry. Do your research!!! The ONLY reasonable choice in J.D. Vance.

4 months ago

I think he would better staying in the Senate were he can be more help to the Republican party.
Kristi Noemi would be a much better choice as she will draw the woman vote and be the first republican female VP.
Also she would be a shoe in for the first female President in 2028 and has risen through hard work, integrity, honesty.
Not a token woman who has earned the opportunity through her deeds and common sense administration for the people who have elected herin the past.

4 months ago

I never saw the poll, but Tim Scott would NOT be my choice. Ben Carson is my choice.

4 months ago

Scott appeared to have RINO leanings early on. I don’t know if his ‘astute politics’ were what drove him to an early endorsement of DJT or a true America First/MAGA orientation.
As you suggest, Tulsi Gabbard might be a unifying influence, having been a Democrat at one time. She is certainly a patriot, military, and would not take away any senators or house representatives…people we really need to retain for DJT to carry out his platform.
I still like Byron Daniels, although I understand the limitations of having both Pres and VP from same state.

4 months ago


Barbara Charis
Barbara Charis
4 months ago

This is supposed to be a nation founded on the Judeo-Christian ethics. How many ask our Creator for guidance? I believe many were guided to vote for DJT in 2016…and I was guided to vote for President Trump, too. We should all pray for guidance, before we vote for anyone. Only our Creator knows the mind of every person. I have not asked, yet. However, the Vice Position is, a very important position.

Brenda G
Brenda G
4 months ago

I’m OK with that. Oh, by the way, “Nice Socks” Mr. VP

David D
David D
4 months ago

A South Rinolina RINO? No thanks! Being surrounded by Deep Snakes (my term for Deep State swamp dwellers) is what swamped (pun intended) Donald Trump’s first term. “Fool me once; shame on you. Fool me twice; shame on me.” MAGA only vice presidential candidates, please.

4 months ago

Tim Scott is NOT the right person for this job….Vivek Ramaswamy is a good choice or JD vance.

4 months ago

Well, Lord, I hope not. I hope it’s anybody but him just about it.

John Shipway
John Shipway
4 months ago

Thats right. Choose a running mate using DEI as a determinate. Scott is correct on a number of issues but the man is at heart or pocketbook, just another war whore. My guess is if one examined his contribution list one would find numerous defense contractors and of course everyones favorite baby killing promoter………AIPAC
Can we for once get as far away as possible from the forever war nature of not just our foreign policy but America is now at the point where its only successful export is death from instigating conflicts in other nations which allows us to hand pick some successor government and then fill its arms cache with American made items of warfare. Sounds outrageous? Look around the globe and one finds conflict after conflict initiated usually by our “Intelligence”agencies and then firmly backed by troops dispatched from one of the 800 foreign military bases American taxpayers have to fund across the globe.
I truly hope Trump can choose a true outsider, one not tainted by DC politics. The pickings are slim but there is one very Trump like person available. A true outsider, smart as hell and a great speaker and has always been loyal to MAGA, His name is Vivek Ramaswami….a younger slightly darker version of President Trump himself.

4 months ago

I was ‘an other’, in the polling and thought Tulsi Gabbard’s Conressional and current Military experiences uniquely qualified her to shore up two ‘worK’ needed areas for a President.I remember how another ex-Democrat, who became President often said he didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the Party left him. President Trump has also got to answer the burdensome question about who will be ready to suceed him in 2028.
Compare this bright woman with the brighest woman EVER, who lost to President Trump in 2016…….For Heavan’s sake, I’m just saying. :-).

Debra Hurst
Debra Hurst
4 months ago

I believe Vivek Ramaswamy would be the best choice.

4 months ago

Bad choice

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
4 months ago

Sorry bad choice by membership. What we need is a true proven conservative who has government management experience, a military veteran, federal government service,and the stones to do what is right not what is popular. We also need someone who is a virtual shoe in for an additional 8 years of a conservative in the White House. Ron DeSantis is that person and would support the President while wouldn’t be just a seat filler in the senate.

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
4 months ago

I like him, and I hope he’s strong enough to stand his ground when needed.
I much prefer a man to do a mans job.

4 months ago

NOT ME! What a terrible choice.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

I confess I do not know Tulsi Gabbard’s position on such issues as abortion, the border, and the 2nd Amendment but her as VP as a “former Democrat” (not no mention once Vice Chair of the DNC!) definitely adds an “FU” factor to the ticket!

Mike DA
Mike DA
4 months ago

Tim is a good man, it difficult to find people if good characters to wade in the swamp water and fight for our Republic!

4 months ago

Nope, we can do a lot better than that!

4 months ago

Scott is good but I’d have to give the vote towards Donalds.I think Donalds would be better dealing with the nasty crats. IF,… Trump insisted on a woman I’d go with either Noem or Gabbard.

D Hamilton
D Hamilton
4 months ago

It is silly to include at least 3 VP choices living in the same state as President Trump. The Constitution clearly does not allow this. I’m glad Mr. Jeff Szymanski didn’t teach any of MY kids High School level Social Studies or Government!!

4 months ago

Personally I would like to see Kari Lake be VP but Tim Scott is a good pick also

4 months ago

Why ruin a thoughtful article by including an opinion from NBC news? It was typical NBC response -Trump allies already “targeting her.”

Ken Pepper
Ken Pepper
4 months ago

I believe he is a very good choice. I think his being on the ticket will be an advantage.

4 months ago

My pick has always been Kristi Rheom h still is, 2nd Kari Lake

Bob K
Bob K
4 months ago

Mike Flynn for VP!

4 months ago

I am very comfortable with Senator Scott as our Republican Vice-Presidential Candidate. He has demonstrated his understanding of the heart and sole of this nation, and how we need to restore policies that have been desicrated by the current administration… all for self-serving and even vindictive purposes.
Hopefully, this nation will have a very long memory of the conduct and resultant destruction caused by the current and filthiest “President” of my 65-year lifetime.

The one black guy
The one black guy
4 months ago

His black friend? I hope he like a shining shoes lol

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