In early February, former President Trump offered to debate the issues – “immediately” – with President Biden. He just offered again, anywhere, any time. Biden dismissed the idea. What are Trump’s options? He has many. They are almost as entertaining as debate(s) would be.
First, recognize incumbents usually tend not to want debates, since the sitting president is viewed as “in charge,” competent, typically ahead in the polls, and able to use incumbency’s power to put off a challenger.
None of that works for Biden this year. His challenger is a former president, a leader who – whether you like him or not – has been in charge, whose objective data on the economy, military, border, crime, and public confidence stood him in good stead when he governed and looks better today than back then.
Public polling for Biden is stunningly negative and continues to trend down, with 86 percent of the nation assessing he is too old for a second term, more than half deeply unhappy with him, many personally embarrassed at his penchant to miss cues, forget basics, misstate facts, mentally stumble, live in a fog.
Competence is even in question now, with a special prosecutor assessing criminal charges for taking and mishandling classified documents could not be proven – not because Biden did not do that, he admittedly did, but because “specific intent” cannot be proved, as Biden cannot remember taking them.
Think about that assessment, it is damning. If he cannot recall taking them, why he did, why he stored them as he did, when it happened, or even when he started and finished as vice president, is this who you want handling the nuclear football, taking us to war? Who would want him even sitting with their kids?
So, Biden’s incumbency advantage – like most of what he touches – is underwater, a negative, not helping. So, Trump could pull a Sun-Tzu move, and point this out, then say he wants to give Biden a chance to get himself back above water, a chance to outdebate him. Even Biden folks might say do it.
Second, if that does not work, Trump could pick a good Biden surrogate, a real lefty Democrat, or just a stand-in, a kind of fake Biden, and then forcefully debate him, roll the issues out, and show the contrast.
Third, Trump could set up a life-sized video projector and roll through several dozen Biden clips, the ones that show Biden hardly getting ideas out or contradicting himself, but also stating his absurd positions on Afghanistan, China, the economy, border, crime, police – the lies, and then respond to each.
Fourth, Trump could buy an hour of time, the way Ross Perot once did in 1992, and put a chair out on the stage, the way Clint Eastwood did at the Republican Convention a while back, and then debate the chair, introduce some humor, have some fun, mock Biden’s incompetence and implicit cowardice.
Fifth, Trump could just roll an hour of competing clips, what he thinks, said, and did, then what Biden thinks, said, and did. This would probably boost the US economy, and trigger a popcorn sellout. Then Trump could hold a rally, in front of the White House, but make clear no one was to show up as a buffalo.
Sixth, Trump could offer to debate on any terms, make it a more public and specific offer, to debate in Biden’s basement, in Afghanistan (oh no, that will not work anymore), in front of Biden’s Corvette, at the Lincoln Memorial, at the Reagan Library, in Ukraine (oh no, that won’t work anymore), at the US border (no, Secret Service would not allow that), maybe just at Hunter’s favorite bank, or at a Trump Hotel.
Seventh, Trump could allow Biden to use cue cards, read a teleprompter, have a chair, allow Jill to stand at his side, and put occasional calls into advisors, to President Macron, President Zelensky, President Putin, or President Xi (Oh no, Xi is not taking his calls now, although he might help him win the debate).
Eighth, Trump could give Biden a 20-minute head start, let him debate himself, slur affectionately with the audience, shuffle about sniffing kid’s hair, talk with dead congressmen and French presidents, roll out a string of his best lines, “come on man,” “we take stuff seriously,” “hell no,” “what documents?”
Ninth, Trump could throw down, forget the debates, and challenge Biden to an hour’s Jeopardy game, a rolling mental health test, categories like business, law, borders, security, leaders, art, math, or just maybe quick recall of the alphabet, geography, couple subtractions on the spot, and the nuclear codes.
Tenth, Trump could just shrug, and keep winning. One thing is for sure, a debate between Trump and Biden would be entertaining, if embarrassing, at least for one of them… don’t you think?
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.
My question is…. Why can’t Biden be charged for stealing confidential documents, etc, when he was Vice President, and DID AT THAT TIME KNOW WHAT HE WAS DOING!!!
Ask Jeff Dunham if he can borrow “Walter” the puppet. The resemblance is uncanny!
Debates between Presidential candidates should be mandatory. Incumbent or not, we need to know where these people stand. Most important position in the world – yes we need to have a debate. No teleprompter, no cue cards, no helper. End of Story.
If Biden doesn’t debate with a teleprompter or note cards and gets re-elected, I will give up on the average American as too frigging stupid to qualify for anything better. When Trump is elected, his AG should begin proceedings to prosecute Biden on the documents he had at least a senator.
The President of the United States “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”. That is at the bottom of Section 3, Article II of our Constitution.
Biden has failed in his primary Presidential function.
The next Section 4 of Article II of our Constitution says the President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, treason,Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. Congress (the House of Representatives) should initiate articles of impeachment against the President but have not done this.
Biden, Congress and a large segment of the federal bureaucracy are guilty of not carrying out their Constitutional functions and should be fired and removed from office. This probably won’t happen because the Department of Justice is extremely corrupt and additionally America has a large percentage of voters who are very stupid, do not know America’s or world history.
Our Founding Fathers gave us a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy.
The internal and external enemies of the United States Constitutional Republic have managed to make a lot of weak minded Americans think we are a democracy. There are close to 100 federal welfare programs, and every one is unConstitutional.The 16th Amendment (February 3, 1913) and the Federal Reserve, also created in 1913 when Wilson was President have done severe damage to The United States and nearly destroyed the value of our monetary system.
Keep voting for the same crooks folks. Unless American citizens (and not illegal aliens) wake up and demand Constitutional excellence from every elected official you can kiss our great country America goodbye.
Biden is just a brain-dead, clueless, big-mouthed, child-sniffing anti-American criminal and traitor to the United States of America! He should be arrested immediately upon leaving office in January of 2025, indicted and prosecuted for his crimes against the constitution and this nation! He likes to call Trump an insurrectionist even though he has never even been charged with this crime let alone convicted of it. He (Biden) does not believe that Trump should have immunity for acts while in office, GREAT!!! Then neither does he! In January of 2025, arrest this criminal and traitor for the laundry list of crimes he’s committed while in office. The damage that he has done to this country over the past three years may indeed be irreparable.
I would even pay to see this.I don’t think that joeys drugs would last long enough for a full debate,kind of like the state of the union towards the end.
Was that a debate in ’20 with Kristin Welker ? Seemed like she leaned waay left, helping O’Biden and calling “time ” on Trump a lot But, there were Covid rules and sloppy staging. It might be interesting, if it isn’t past Dementia Joe’s bedtime, unless Dr. Jill shoots him up with whatever she used for SOTU speech (that had him revved up through the week-end !!.
Would like to see a debate between these two. So far, they have not been asked hardball questions on the big issues as they both have been speaking to groups that already support them no matter what they say & do. I would like to hear them say what they plan on doing to USA is they are elected POTUS in 2024.
LMAO … you are one funny and delusional snowflake!!
Prove it. Give me half of everything you own. Meh.
My friend… Having spent real time in communist dominated Russia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and Yugoslavia… having witnessed firsthand where centralized, ideologically communist power leads… With friends and relatives with close relatives executed by the communists, I think you are well served, unless you are an AI troll (and maybe even then) to relook your history. Trump favors individual liberty and the core elements of the Bill of Rights – you might take a moment and reread that beautiful distillation of God-given rights too – while the American left, for which Mr. Biden and his shameless handlers are apologists, has methodically undermined them all, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5the, 6th, 8th, 9th, and 10th amendments. My friend, if you care at all about others, about this country, or even just about yourself… pause. You are fundamentally off base. With hope… for your thoughtful, unhurried, and genuine self-enlightenment. RBC
In 2020 Joey his in his Basement in Delaware. Now in 2024 Joe would never debate with some one under indictment.
Biden knew the fix is in like in 2020. He believe the fix is in again in 2024 no matter how much he screws up.
So why take the risk of really screwing up with a debate against President Trump?