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How Republics End

Posted on Tuesday, February 20, 2024
by Walter Samuel

AMAC Exclusive – By Walter Samuel

donald trump

“Welcome as the death of Nero had been in the first burst of joy, yet it had not only roused various emotions in Rome, among the Senators, the people, or the soldiery of the capital, it had also excited all the legions and their generals; for now had been divulged that secret of the empire, that emperors could be made elsewhere than at Rome.”

Thus the Roman historian Tacitus reflected on the events of 69 AD, the Year of Four Emperors, where first the Praetorian Guard, then the armies on the Rhine, and finally the armies in Judea foisted emperors on the Roman Senate and people. It was a year when the unthinkable became thinkable.

As Tacitus notes, there had been no physical force that could have stopped a Roman army from marching on Rome and installing its own emperor other than the actions of a different Roman army. But prior to 69 AD, it never occurred to the soldiers that they could dictate orders to Rome rather than the other way around, and generals sent to the frontiers saw it as exile from the center of political power rather than an opportunity.

From 69 AD onwards, however, every Roman general would view marching on Rome as a possible contingency, and every emperor would have to consider that possibility whenever appointing, removing, or managing military appointments. Once the “secret of empire,” as Tacitus termed it, was out, there was no going back. A psychological Rubicon — not a legal or geographical one — had been crossed, and the  actual balance of power within the Roman state had shifted forever.

On February 16, Donald Trump was found guilty of fraudulently inflating earnings by Judge Arthur Engoron, barred from doing business in the state of New York for three years, and ordered to pay $354 million. Because of a quirk of New York state law, which allows for the penalty to begin accruing interest from the time charges are brought rather than from conviction, the actual sum may be closer to $450 million.

Notably, Donald Trump was not found guilty by a jury of his peers. There was no jury, and the judge sat on his own. The charges themselves were not brought by wronged parties as is typical in a civil suit, but by the Attorney General of New York State, Letitia James, who had campaigned on a platform of explicitly targeting Donald Trump.

For many Americans, the politicalized nature of the proceedings is self-evident. For others, the trial represented a long-overdue act of justice and a recognition that ‘no one is above the law’. Whether that justice relates to the technical charges behind the case or a more cosmic desire to punish Donald Trump for winning in 2016, and everything they blame him for that followed, varies from person to person. The irony is that if there is one point almost everyone agrees upon, it is that the entire process of prosecuting Donald Trump is an inherently political act.

In a certain sense, the American judicial system has always had a political element. Prosecutors have always been elected, and the concept of prosecutorial discretion about what crimes to prosecute and which to let slide is not only a long-accepted part of the American justice system, but a requirement given the often incoherent web of rules and laws which have never been repealed.

This has been almost universally understood when it comes to offenses such as traffic violations, noise complaints, or misdemeanors in small towns, and much more controversial when it has been applied ideologically, such as refusals to prosecute entire categories of crimes or offenses.

The latter scenario, perhaps best encapsulated by the rise of “sanctuary” cities pledging to refuse cooperation with U.S. immigration laws, set the stage for the election of “progressive prosecutors” who would refuse to prosecute misdemeanors and drug offenses. This escalated into effectively refusing to punish shoplifting, open-air drug markets, and a host of other “minor” offenses.

The rise of a prosecutorial class which views itself as agents of a certain political party rather than neutral enforcers of the law shows the dangers of normalizing this behavior. When selective enforcement is driven by electoral incentives, the electoral bidding process will create pressure to escalate in order to outbid rival candidates.

Hence, defenders of not enforcing federal immigration laws found themselves challenged on the left by those advocating “rehabilitation” instead of prison for non-violent crime and drug offenses, who in turn were charged with racism for prosecuting shoplifting.

This thereby proves Tacitus’ point. While extreme prosecutorial discretion in order to advance a partisan agenda has always existed in theory, the justice system relied on the integrity of prosecutors and that this power would remain “secret” from political activists. Once it became public knowledge that what laws are enforced and how depends on the whims of an elected prosecutor, prosecutors became elected on the basis of what laws they would not enforce.

It was only a short step from electing prosecutors on the basis of what laws they would not enforce to electing them based on what laws they would. When it came to this secret, the Founding Fathers were well aware of what horrors the legal concept of proscription had produced in Rome, and they explicitly prohibited bills of attainder in the Constitution.

Bills of attainder are a type of bill in which a legislature, bypassing the courts, merely declares an individual guilty of a crime, usually treason, and prescribes the punishment. A means of regular judicial murder for the Tudor monarchs, the British Parliament had turned them against Charles I in the lead-up to the English Civil War, passing bills of attainder to execute his ministers and advisers for treason.

It has taken two centuries, but the successors of these Parliamentary schemers have figured away around the U.S. Constitutional prohibition, by embracing selective prosecution. Having been at the forefront of winning office by promising not to enforce laws because they supposedly targeted favored groups, New York prosecutors and their urban Democratic counterparts were well equipped to grasp the “secret” that they could also win office by promising to enforce laws against disfavored persons.

What followed illustrates another secret as old as Rome: While criminal convictions require extensive evidence and a crime, the dispute-based nature of civil law is a different matter. Almost everyone has done something that may have harmed another person, and with a lower burden of proof, sufficient resources can generate a case on-demand.

This is precisely why many states, including New York, enacted anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) statutes, banning a practice in which wealthy individuals or corporations would file lawsuits not with the intent of winning, but of overwhelming the defendants with legal bills sufficient to force them into bankruptcy.

In short, if Donald Trump was the victim of a series of well-funded private lawsuits aimed at bankrupting him in order to prevent him from public participation, it would be illegal, and he could counter-sue for damages.

However, thanks to Letitia James, the “secret of the republic” is now out that anti-SLAPP statutes do not apply to SLAPPs launched with taxpayer money by public officials.

The case against Donald Trump is almost a textbook definition of a SLAPP, with the motive being Donald Trump’s public participation rather than any offenses he may have committed. Donald Trump was a well-known figure in New York’s business and real estate worlds, and something of a mascot, as evidenced by his appearance in Home Alone 2. It would not be far afield to suggest that ostentatious shows of business success were part of his brand, and precisely what endeared him to New Yorkers and then Americans thanks to his show The Apprentice.

Democratic district attorneys and attorneys general had no issue with this as long as their voters did not, and it is almost impossible to credibly claim they ever would have taken action if Donald Trump had never been elected president.

As such, these lawsuits are not an effort to uphold any standards of business conduct. If they were, they would have been launched decades ago. In fact the perception of a political motive in the Trump case would undermine any legitimate objective to uphold business standards by sending the implicit message to other “offenders” that they are safe if they stay away from politics. Instead, the lawsuits have a clear motive: to destroy Donald Trump, and if that’s not in the cards, hurt him as much as possible.

The precedent set here is not just about Donald Trump. As with the left’s efforts to disqualify him from running in 2024 using Section III of the 14th Amendment, a coalition of partisan Democrats, MSNBC liberals, and Never-Trump ex-conservatives seem to have created an alternate universe where everyone else is willing to agree with them that Donald Trump represents a phenomenon unique in history, and that any precedents set in the left’s treatment of him will not be applicable to anyone else.

That is how they can argue that Donald Trump can be disqualified from the ballot for insurrection under Section III of the 14th Amendment without a conviction or even a trial for insurrection based solely on their claims that he engaged in it, yet dismiss the possibility of Biden being disqualified for failing to control the border because they say that doesn’t constitute an insurrection. It is akin to arguments 2,000 years ago that legal precedents only applied to Julius Caesar, and that Rome’s leadership could act with no consideration for the future. As Tacitus would note, “Caesar” soon became a family and then a title.

The “secret” that is now out is that anyone running for DA or AG anywhere in the country can win by promising to use taxpayer resources to target a politician or public figure unpopular in the locality. Provided that figure is unpopular enough in the state, they can be ruined through the state court system with few opportunities to appeal in the federal court system.

At a time when Democrats and Republicans are so polarized that merely being a member of the other party who believes differently gets someone charged with being a “traitor” or “genocide,” the idea that this won’t be used to target Democratic politicians is delusionally optimistic.

Worst of all, the left doesn’t even need to win in court. There is a good chance Donald Trump will end up paying nothing to New York in the end, but in the meantime, he has been forced to spend enormous amounts of time, and tens of millions of dollars in legal fees, all of which, as Democrats gleefully brag, undermines his campaign. If Democrats and Republicans realize they can deplete their opponent’s campaign resources with taxpayer-funded SLAPP lawsuits, then we will see large numbers of such suits filed merely to cripple the resources of the minority parties in states.

Trump critics will say this is an alarmist, slippery slope argument, but as Tacitus observed, if ever there was an emperor who deserved to be deposed by a military rebellion it was Nero. The problem was that the “secret of empire” was not that emperors could be made elsewhere than Rome when the government in Rome was bad. It was that emperors could be made elsewhere than Rome, whenever anyone with an army felt the emperor was bad, or that they could do a better job.

Voters in New York wanted the legal system used to ruin Donald Trump, and they wanted him ruined because of his political activity. The “secret” that is now out is that voters who want to see someone whose politics they don’t like, but cannot defeat in an election nationally, ruined in local courts can get what they want.

We should expect them to demand their due, with the American Republic set to reap the whirlwind. In the end, it may not be Trump that is ruined.

Walter Samuel is the pseudonym of a prolific international affairs writer and academic. He has worked in Washington as well as in London and Asia, and holds a Doctorate in International History.

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11 months ago

The author kind of meanders around the central point he was trying to make about how easy it is for republics, or any sort of governments really, to fall IF those trying to do so are NOT stopped early enough in the process to prevent the corruption from taking hold. There are usually limited windows of opportunity that are available, where if acted on in the appropriate manner, would allow for the negative outcomes to be completely avoided. Such windows of opportunity are usually brief and require clear and decisive action to stamp out the threat. Failure to act in a timely and decisive manner is what ultimately led to Rome’s demise and what has led to the now well-intrenched corruption within our own government and the country’s legal system that allows for the selective targeting of not only political opposition, but also the complete disregard of existing laws in our country today with zero accountability.

There is no point in going through all the factors that led up to the fall of the Roman empire, as most people have, at best, a very poor understanding of history in general. Plus, most have no real interest from learning from the mistakes of the past in order to prevent similar occurrences in either the present or the future. Our nation seems fixated on “living in the moment” and NOT thinking about anything that is NOT immediately impacting them directly at the moment. Thus, most people are endlessly surprised by each new tactic or distraction the left puts forth and the collective response seems to be endless wring of the hands and calls for “someone else” to rescue them from their own failure to stand up for themselves and their rapidly vanishing rights and freedoms.

As for the “lawfare” that is being used against President Trump, none of the cases filed against him are based on actual laws broken. Every single one is simply based on using the legal system to find a way to punish the man and his allies or associates for simply daring to stand up against those intent on transforming the United States into a variation of what communist China looks like today. Today its Trump. Tomorrow it will be someone else. Eventually it will be you and me and everyone else that doesn’t adhere 100% to the whatever the dogma of the left is preaching on any given day or that the left needs to “send a message” to the masses to just shut-up and accept whatever they are pushing at the time. That is direct as I can state it without the AMAC censor constantly flagging my comments as “Awaiting Moderation” for simply stating the plain truth.

11 months ago

This is so blatantly illegal. It’s beyond comprehension. If conservatives, not Republicans or rhinos, conservatives, get power, I don’t care about being nice. We need to go after every single Democrat that was party to this, which would probably constitute about 98% of their party. What people think I don’t care about us playing by the Marcus of Queensbury rules. We’ve always played nice. Now it’s time to play down and dirty and get rid of these people once and for all. The Democrats are pure evil. To hear that stupid AG from New York talk about what happened with Trump in this farcical trial where the judge found him guilty before the trial even started is pure evil. Hopefully this judge and that AG get what they have coming to them in this life. For sure it’ll happen in the next life.

Mark Anderson
Mark Anderson
11 months ago

Please be aware that your articles generally refer to the Democrat Party as the Democratic Party. There is nothing democratic about the party.

11 months ago

If the Republicans can ever get their act together and consolidate a dominance in Congress and the White House, I have no doubt they will try the same tactics on their political enemies as are now being used by Democrats. The barn door has been opened and politicians are seeing what is possible. What others have feared to attempt since the birth of the republic is now obviously possible and may well happen regardless of what party is in control. Ben Franklin was right when he warned us that we had a republic if we could keep it.

11 months ago

This is too easy an explanation to what is going on. They use the SLAPP to get rid of Trump as a political opponent. For he is standing in the way to destroy America and the left’s power forever over America. H is already getting her next hoax against Trump ready. She said yesterday Trump is going to be a dictator on day one. He is going to kill everyone whose face he doesn’t like. Then she added this. Trump has a think tank going where bright minds are working on a plan on how to eliminate his opponents. The way she was talking it sounded more that she has put together such a think tank. Because everything she said was a lie. If Trump wanted to get rid of people he would have done it already when he was in the White House. No we know who has a reputation of getting rid of people around her she doesn’t like. Trump loves the average persons. He has nothing with the dem leaders. Who does. Trump wants the NATO countries pay what they signed up for. He told them that when he was president but not all followed it up. So this time he added America will not support you should you get into a war. See what the war in the Ukraine has brought us. Then the war in the Middle East and a war threatening to break out in Taiwan. We don’t have the equipment or the money to fight everywhere. Only O and ole Joe jump on Trump for what he said. It is better to know where he stands than ole Joe waiting and waiting and then not tell us nothing as to what is going on. Then you wake up one day and a spy balloon is flying over our country. But don’t worry it is just a weather balloon. We should try that and fly a so called weather balloon over China. The left has been busy to destroy America. And the biggest perpetrators are ole Joe, H, O, Gates, Soros and the other billionaire elites. They are scared to death should Trump win in November that they will be charged with a crime. They are running scared. Their takeover of America is in jeopardy. Eliminate Trump and they see a chance to push Gavin Newsom into the White House and they will have 8 more years to finish the job and make America a dictatorship. WAKE UP AMERICA.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
11 months ago

Dems want the END or the DC Estd wants this
If Dems can abuse so can GOP Goes Both ways

11 months ago

The only thing I disagree with is that the left need fear these techniques used on them. Republicans are willfully crippled by their own supposed moral superiority. To paraphrase our dear former president obama, the Republicans chronically bring pocketknives to gun fights. The pretense is that somewhere, somehow, their moral purity will be recognized by the left and a general spirit of bonhomie and ‘live and let live’ will prevail. If history is any judge that will never happen. The spirit of the Bolsheviks lives on in our lefties. They know no natural stopping point.

11 months ago

There will be no pay-back unless the Republicans get as ruthless as the Democrats in manipulating “Ballot Harvesting” and mail in ballots. A good start would be getting rid of Ronna McDaniel.

11 months ago

All of the above is both shocking and entirely true. Of course, another well-established, self-evident truth is also rapidly gaining recognition:
Nothing says you’re stupid like your Democrat Party yard sign.

11 months ago

The fall of Rome has been attributed to these factors: monstrous debt, devalued currency, destroyed public morality, opening of borders. Sound familiar? (Paraphrased from Jeff Minnick in Epoch Times).

11 months ago

Russia has shown that to eliminate the competition, they seek out and murder the opposition.
In America, Democrats bring false charges to bankrupt the opposition.

11 months ago

We are no longer following the law. People have elected political people with weird ideas to run the justice system in so many counties and cities. Look at California and even my city. Real criminals go free to repeat their crimes over and over. To put small business out and of business. Things are upside down. I have some friends and family believing wanting law and order but they do not believe the people they have elected is the problem. Everyone are still in their corners. I thought a term of Biden would change that but many still believe the lies.

11 months ago

This phrase struck me: .”….the justice system relied on the integrity of prosecutors…” We are at a point where there is a lack of integrity almost everywhere, the substitute of which is self aggrandizement.

11 months ago

This article did not offer much in the way of history of Fall of Rome, but centered on court cases of Trump. I think that the fall of Republic is getting deeper when we keep increasing National Debt by +$Trillion per year. Both parties need to quit jockeying for power & start working together to save this Republic for all Americans & not just for their party . It seems obvious to me that no country can keep increasing the debt without facing being broke someday.

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
11 months ago

What is fooling the people of this nation is the left’s use of the term “progressive” to describe their brand of politics. It is an innocuous term that does not alarm the general public. It is past time for those who care about the future of the republic to expose these wolves in sheep’s clothing for what they are. The definition of the word ” progressive” when applied in a political sense is Socialist/Communist. That should be enough for voters to away from them whether or not they are Democrat or Republican. Unfortunately, the vast majority are found in the Democrat Party. The party, one of whose founders was Thomas Jefferson, is no longer Jefferson’s party. Neither is it the party of my grandfather. If we do not change the direction of this country in the next election Ben Franklin’s answer when asked what type of government did the founders create his response was “a republic if you can keep it”. The next election will answer that question!

Ed Thomas
Ed Thomas
11 months ago

How prescient was the author’s suggestion that SLAPP lawsuits may become prolific. It was reported on a conservative news outlet just this morning that “copycat” lawsuits, similar to the one brought against Donald Trump, have already been filed in other venues. The balance of justice is becoming heavily – if not irredeemably – corrupted by the non-judicial weight of politically-based calumnies. Wealthy, politically-motivated elites, as well as governments, can use such means to destroy anyone they target who lacks the resourcefulness and courage to fight back; which, I dare say, is most of us.

11 months ago

First of all he said for one day in one way. The fact that you stretch it out to the whole thing when the clown in there now has done nothing but ignore. The Constitution shows your ignorance.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

Sorry about the same old cliche’ comparisons but this is how Hitler retained and increased the power of the office: put your judges in office, manipulate the courts, bastardize the justice system, and enforce its laws through fear of arrest. And with the press willing participants heralding “justice”.

Amber Asher
Amber Asher
11 months ago

The article was interesting, the title negative,
A better title would be, We can’t let them get away with it, or
Stop the criminality, or Stop the injustice that would be perfect
Stop the injustice !
GOD FORBID The Republic of The United States of America to ever end in The Name of the Lord Jesus Christ Amen.

11 months ago

As an American citizen, my vote represents my most important ability to change the governance when I disagree with it. Unfortunately, our elections have been manipulated in a way that has negated the ability of my and your vote to impact elections.
There is a clandestine selection process to decide who will fill a specific governmental role regardless of which candidate you or I prefer. Therefore even though you might have voted for the current officeholder, your vote was not what led to their election victory.
The person holding the office is selected and serves just as surely as if no election was held. As Joseph Stalin so accurately noted, “the people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do.”
Think about that quote in the context of who countsthe votes in every metropolitan area of the United States, particularly in the key swing states. Amazingluy enough, it isthe same folks who demand modem equipped machines, mail in ballots, extended voting periods, and exclusion of voter identification cards.
The willingness of the American people to allow one group of people the ability to both collect and count the votes without adult supervision is appallingly apparent.
A perfect election indeed. Thanks to the intentional machine vulnerabilities there is no viable audit trail, there is only a facsimilie. The machine creates and stores a facsimilie of everyones vote. A printer will produce an exact copy of a vote that can be held and counted. A facsimile stores a digitized copy as data that is manipulated by software to enable it to be printed out.
Stalin might have said “the people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who manipulate the software in the machines that count the votes do.”
The entirety of the American experience has become a software manipulation.

Pat R
Pat R
11 months ago

I read yesterday there has been a GoFundMe set up to help Trump with the financial burden of that $354Million ‘fine’. Hopefully it is allowed to stand as there have been incidences where GoFundMe has shut down fund raising for something they feel is wrong.

11 months ago

Ronald, when you make these kinds of statements, please provide the evidence of where and when Mr.Trump stated his intention of using the constitution. If anything, in many of the podcasts I’ve listened to, Mr. Trump believes in the Constitution.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
11 months ago

There has never been a republic with such a well-armed citizenry.

les Tarlton
les Tarlton
11 months ago

27 February 1933 the Reichstag building, home to the German Parliament, was burned down. The communists were blamed for the fire. Hitler used the fire to the Nazi Party’s advantage:
He expelled the rival party from Parliament and imprisoned their leaders. This stopped them campaigning prior to the March elections.
He announced that the country was in danger during the election campaign and sought emergency powers. A state of emergency was declared using Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution. This resulted in newspapers being censored and personal letters and phone calls being checked. Sound familiar. In 20 months Hitler went from nobody to dictator of Germany.

Dennis Neil Simmelink
Dennis Neil Simmelink
11 months ago

Anyone ever heard the phrase “going to hell in a hand basket”? on our way.

11 months ago

I disagree with PaulE. This piece is a well reasoned warning. Many may not instantly realize what is being done to Donald Trump. Most of us do know that when Rome fell, never to rise again, a long slow process had caused the destruction. Therefore it is a perfect way to predict what could be happening (or already happened) the country we love.

11 months ago

I hope Trump is elected and that the ugly judge is sent to Gitmo under the patriot act.

11 months ago

It is way past time that the position of prosector is NOT an elected position. Our nation’s cities are a horrific mess due to elected prosecutors and the prejudice under which they are elected is staggering: Letitia James is just one example. Gaston is another and the list is long. Time to change the process is now!

Charles Ray Jones (Technidigm)
Charles Ray Jones (Technidigm)
11 months ago

Another well-written description of the problem, but still lacking any solution. This is why I came up with a universal solution, a solution detailed at great length but with shortcuts for those unable to appreciate the solution, even if it is based on a modern version of “common sense” in the form of what I call The Technidigm Protocol. Totally new and unique, my solution is contained in my (Amazon) book titled “What Every Good Citizen Should Know” about common sense.
While this AMAC article is historically educational and fully appropriate as a description of “the problem,” there is apparently no real solution offered as to how to rebuild and enforce common sense, such as in the use of the Technidigm Protocol. Read my book and then start the grassroots uprising envisioned by the Founding Fathers, an uprising that demands integrity and involves the 98 percent of the population that is “on-the-level,” unbiased, and smart enough to know how to apply the 12 elements of common sense!
Does anyone else have a “solution” or am I the only one??

Noemie Romaguera
Noemie Romaguera
11 months ago

Your wisdom shines through in your writing.

11 months ago

This fiasco was a “Bench Trial”. One man ruling on what was a major case with very obvious flaws in its content and definition. New York based corporations should be heading for the exits as fast as they can. A well-qualified commercial real estate appraiser and an attorney who understand ad valorem taxation could have hit this one out of the park. Please define “fraud”? In my corporate real estate experience [17 years], no one “inflates” values. I never heard of fraud in any case I reviewed during those years. This “trial” was clearly a set up to hurt Donald Trump’s pollical campaign. We should either be afraid and worried about these left-wing judges, or, we should remove them from the bench, forcibly, if necessary. We need to take back America.

11 months ago

Sad to see what America is becoming with Socialist Democrats who will do anything they can to stop freedoms, one sided justice, to remain in power and wipe out the American dream of freedom. What they are doing to our great President Trump is what they do in Russia to their political opponents to remain in control. This is not America. Pray Trump 2024.

Red Hawk1
Red Hawk1
11 months ago

The result of the 2020 election was WRONG! All of the lawsuits are WRONG! As our RULE of LAW has been turned on its head, there is no non-violent method to correct what has happened, and is, happening in America.

11 months ago

The left keeps doing what they want and getting away with it. Years from now someone will ask, where were you when the country fell, all we’ll be able to say is “we stood by and watched”.

mike s
mike s
11 months ago

walter samuel writes a entire column filled with hate and lies with the intent to rile up far right extremists but he isn’t really walter samuel because that’s only a pseudonym, which he uses because he knows he writes absolute crap

11 months ago

If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything, as the song says.

David Godby
David Godby
11 months ago

If Biden was president during WWII,we’d all be speaking either German or Italian, depending on who gave him the most money.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

Yes, God forbid Trump do anything Biden is doing right now like exploit the DOJ ir write Executive Orders… maybe this time the Keystone XL will FINALLY get finished and the border under some semblance of order, huh?

Kris Howe
Kris Howe
11 months ago

Experience the difference of personalized attention at our Visalia dental office.

many shell casings from bullets of different caliber in the background chaos concept in the world
President Donald Trump delivers remarks before signing the Laken Riley Act, the first piece of legislation passed during his second term in office

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