
National Security , Newsline

Pelosi Calls Biden’s Bluff on Taiwan

Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2022
by Daniel Berman

AMAC Exclusive – By Daniel Berman


Next month, in what will likely be among the final acts of her career on the international stage, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is scheduled to visit Taiwan. With her life in politics coming to an end, it is possible to see her desire to include Taiwan on the itinerary for her final Asian tour as an act of personal principle, rather than diplomatic calculation. That fact – that Pelosi, in a break from the norm from the last 18 months, has decided to act on principle – perhaps explains the reaction of the Biden administration to the news, as everyone from the President on down has made clear they don’t like the idea one bit.

For all the charges which can be levied against her domestic record, Pelosi has been more or less consistent when it comes to maintaining pressure on the Chinese Communist Party, even going so far as to visit Tiananmen Square in 1989 to show support for the pro-democracy protestors. But when asked about Pelosi’s planned visit to Taiwan last Wednesday, President Joe Biden told reporters that it is “not a good idea right now,” no doubt alluding to the fiery Chinese response threatening “strong measures” should Pelosi follow through with her visit. At least six sources who could only be close to the administration have leaked that Beijing has expressed even stronger opposition in private, while some even suggested that the CCP had threatened “a possible military response” to a potential Pelosi visit to Taiwan.

We have long since learned that leaks are the favored method of communicating bad news from this administration. This was evident in the case of Ukraine, where officials denied in public that they had any doubts about Ukrainian prospects or wished Ukraine to make concessions while privately briefing the New York Times and Washington Post that they felt Ukraine was misleading the U.S. about its military prospects and needed to be prepared to withdraw from the Donbass. The past week witnessed the same sort of passive aggression when it came to Pelosi’s trip.

John Kirby, the Director of Communications for the National Security Council, denied that the administration was pressuring Pelosi to cancel her trip, insisting that the NSC team provided “context, facts and geopolitical relevant information” and that the Speaker “made her own decisions.” Yet, “two sources familiar with the debate” informed the Financial Times that “US national security adviser Jake Sullivan and other senior National Security Council officials oppose the trip because of the risk of escalating tension across the Taiwan Strait.” Even the President joined in, noting that it was not he, but the military which did not think it was a good idea for the trip to proceed.

Pelosi, to her credit, was dismissive of this effort to coerce her by leak to back down. She suggested that perhaps the military was concerned that her plane might be shot down, but fired a shot across the bow of the administration, noting “I’ve heard it anecdotally, but I haven’t heard it from the president.” In effect, Pelosi was telling Biden that if he wanted her trip cancelled, he should do it himself.

Without a doubt, there are reasons to be concerned. The Biden administration seems to lack a coherent strategy for Taiwan, as it did for dealing with Ukraine and Russia. Superficially, the position of the Biden administration is to adopt a hardline position rejecting “appeasement” of Sino-Russian demands, combined with belligerent rhetoric about human rights abuses against Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang Province and the domestic behavior of both governments. Unlike the Trump administration, which tried to mix a hardline approach on trade or arming Ukraine with a willingness to discuss issues if Moscow/Beijing made concessions, the Biden administration has maintained there is nothing to discuss. Yet at the same time, the administration made few efforts to actually prepare for war and seemed surprised when it occurred.

In the case of Taiwan, Pelosi is serving a useful function. She is not only demonstrating American solidarity with Taiwan, but calling out the dangerous double-game the Biden administration is playing. It is not the House Speaker who is risking conflict in the Taiwan Strait with a single act, but rather the Biden administration by failing to prepare for one while pursuing rhetoric making it more likely. If Nancy Pelosi cannot safely visit Taiwan because the United States cannot protect either her or Taiwan from the anger of Xi Jinping, then China has already all but won, as it is an admission that the United States cannot protect Taiwan from anything which makes the CCP mad. And with China’s “Zero-COVID” policy leading to the country’s worst economic performance in fifty years and Chinese soldiers opening fire at Chinese citizens seeking to recover their savings from failing banks, Xi Jinping has a whole lot to be angry about.

There is a fundamental dishonesty at the heart of our approach to Taiwan. In much the same way that relations with Putin’s Russia became a proxy for grandstanding in U.S. domestic politics rather than a serious effort to formulate a policy to deal with one of the world’s largest nations and leading energy producers, denouncing the CCP and expressing support for Taiwan has become a way for American politicians to toot their own horns rather than engage with the challenges of defending the island or managing the CCP. Taiwan has become a justification for spending billions in subsidies for chip manufacturers just as almost any foreign aid can be justified as “countering the Belt and Road initiative.” Yet for all the money and rhetoric, when Beijing says they will be bad, the Biden administration too often panic and falls back on appeasement.

No greater demonstration of this exists than that in the same week the Biden administration was fretting over whether the Speaker should be allowed to visit Taiwan – an ally Biden has pledged to defend militarily – the Pentagon produced five different targets for the number of ships in the U.S. Navy, three of which are below the 2016 number of 355, and all of which are at least 30% below the final Trump administration target of 500 ships. Beyond the raw numbers, the chaos betrays not just a lack of vision, but the lack of any urgency to settle upon one defined course of action to counter China.

There are many marks one can lay against Nancy Pelosi’s career in politics, but this month she is performing a valuable service to her country, even if she is doing so unintentionally. She has highlighted exactly how bankrupt U.S. military planning is when it comes to China. For all the blustering rhetoric and hundreds of billions spent, the White House still feels that it cannot effectively deter Beijing. Nor is it even willing to admit this weakness. Pelosi, by indicating that unless and until she hears from the President himself that her trip is off, is forcing Biden and his team to do something they have consistently resisted during their entire tenure in office: publicly confront tradeoffs and take responsibility for the choices they make – or refuse to make.

Daniel Berman is a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics. He also writes as Daniel Roman.        

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2 years ago

Whether Pelosi and Biden are having a momentary tussle is completely unimportant in the grand scheme of things. It really is. Pelosi will do what she wants and Biden will continue to shake hands with non-existent people. Neither is good for the country nor represents the best interests of this nation abroad.

As to Pelosi’s trip, maybe she is scouting potential investment opportunities that she and her husband can benefit from in future congressional legislation she sheperds through the House. Why not do this activity on the taxpayer’s dime at this point, since no one is going to investigate this collusionary activity. The Paul Pelosi streak of amazing winning performance, via perfectly timed stock options trades that just happen to coincide with congressional legislation Nancy brings forth at just the right time in the House, continues to draw no scrutiny from either the DOJ or the SEC. Just another example of the double standard that exists for high-level Democrats versus the rest of us.

Anyway, a cute little article, but seriously that is about it. The rest of the article is just a re-hash of what has been covered in other articles, by other authors, in a better way.

2 years ago

A picture is worth a thousand words except in this case where it it worth millions of $$$$$ that I won’t get prosecuted for. Take that to the bank.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

GO to Taiwan & make China lose face

2 years ago

NOTHING that the POS pelosi does is good for this country. NOTHING , except to LEAVE OFFICE. imo

Margaret Kreier
Margaret Kreier
2 years ago

If Chins is against it we should be for it. Biden leaves us sitting ducks strengthening China, as with our precious gas reserve.

2 years ago

Principle my arse! You can bet she and her drunk a** husband will benefit $$$ from this trip some way somehow as they have done since she was elected. Her entire family is more corrupt than Biden’s

2 years ago


2 years ago

communist dog-and-pony-show; subterfuge. lost on intelligent people. go sell crazy somewhere else. she’s no fighter of communism.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

Thank you for a timely piece clarifying the issues. I hope the speaker cannot be intimidated by the vacillating double speak of the administration. I think she won’t hear a word from the president.

Joey Mize
Joey Mize
2 years ago

I agree with Paul on most all of his remarks. Yet I say AMAC is doing anything and everything to shed light on the Disastrous policies of this administration and how much we have lost in less than 2 years of their reign. It seems no one is willing to take them to task on anything they do. Same as the CCP, no one wants to confront the CCP no matter the topic or how horrible they are invading our homeland . I suspect one day we will have armed Chinese at our front doors asking for our weapons and ammo. And Old Biden will act as if it were an everyday normality.

Tom P
Tom P
2 years ago

Please, please, please, I hope that woman goes there and never comes back. She is the most vile and corrupt woman on the planet. Nancy only does what’s good for Nancy. She has a lot of nerve investigating Trump and others for fake crimes while she and others should be in prison for their real crimes. Just go!

2 years ago

I can understand why China is upset about her coming. Would you want her to drop in to visit you? That is why California keeps sending her to Washington, they don’t want her in their state either.

2 years ago

If she’s going on her own dime, please go, and please don’t come back.
If she’s going as a member of Congress that we, the taxpayers are paying for, then what the F is she going there for? What’s her mission/objective? Shouldn’t that be public knowledge AND cleared/vetted thru the state department? Since when does a member of congress get to take matters of diplomacy into their own hands? Joe needs to grow a pair and simply tell her to sit her corrupt a** back down and stay home.

2 years ago

I disagree with the entire conclusion of the article. True – she is making Biden look bad and exposing the duplicity of the left but he (they) hardly need help doing that as their approval numbers have been in the tank for a long time. If she does touch off some negative response from China, how will that help us as a nation since, as is pointed out in the article, we are neither ready nor committed to follow through with Biden’s ridiculous tough talk? It will only be another grand failure of our nation under Biden. As far as Pelosi, she is NOT making some principled stand. Whatever Pelosi does is only good for Pelosi. Always.

Edward Lombard
Edward Lombard
2 years ago

Pelosi, Hillary and several other female politicians have demonstrated world-class selfishness at every turn of the wheel. The Taiwan trip is no different. It’s a stunt designed to appease her ego and possible investigate Chinese/Taiwanese investment potential. She’s delusional and criminally insane. ‘Has been for years. Her ‘career’ was likely financed by drug cartel money or some other source of financial vice. Pelosi is the rot that continues to decompose what used to be The People’s House. She deserves zero respect or trust from the American taxpayer. San Francisco hookers have more credibility and are far more honest.

Bob Charles
Bob Charles
2 years ago

When China says don’t send Pelosi or we’ll plan on the Invasion, then don’t let her go !!! People in Taiwan don’t deserve to die because an a person who is raking Americans over the coals while she and her husband bought 5 Million worth of Computer Chip Company Stocks a week before the Government is giving them Billions to grow the business so their 5 Million will be worth 50 Million next year but that’s OK She’s a Democrat. So if Millions in Taiwan are put to death due to a China Invasion it will be OK with the Democrats and will reflect on America which Cuba is more Respected to the World then America…

2 years ago

Pelosi is probably going to see if she can buy into the evil that way she will have a place to go when all this killing ,stealing and lies comes out in a book or movie. I believe pelosi,Biden,the Clinton and the Obama should be run out of the United States for being traders.

2 years ago

There should be an investigation into Nancy Pelosi and her husband for all of the insider trading they have done over the years. That’s how they became SO RICH! She is a corrupt person who never tells the truth. An awful person and liar!

zoe frost
zoe frost
2 years ago

Here’s the Schiff paragraph: Joe’s rapidly declining in health…HELLary’s hoping to be chosen as V.P., but Pukelosi’s 3rd in line…what if succession could somehow edge her out? What timing…hearing the military was concerned that Pukelosi’s plane might be shot down, HELLAry giggles, then gets Nanc on the phone and urges her to go.

2 years ago

Every day reveals what a smart man our previous president is. Regardless of what one thinks of him personally, he knew what he was doing. He does know how gamesmanship and long term views.

Gray Guy
Gray Guy
2 years ago

I don’t like Pelosi; but, she seems to be the only democrat with balls to tell the Chinese government what it can do with itself.

2 years ago

I would not believe a single thing pig losi is doing. She does not have pure motives in this by any stretch of the imagination. That said, the Biden administration is worse than the worst three previous administrations put together. We could not be led by a worse group of people in any department in our government than we are right now. The fact we’ve spent probably close to 60 billion on Ukraine, allegedly, shows how pathetic we are. They could not be Russia. Why would we prolong the death and destruction by giving them weapons and money? But then this numb skull of the White House slows down weapons going to Taiwan when they could protect themselves or at least try to protect themselves prior to being attacked. Pig losi, Biden, and all Democrats are worthless feces.

Larry Mace
Larry Mace
2 years ago

Pelosi definitely should NOT skip Taiwan on this trip. Indeed, the United States should formally recognize Taiwan as an independent country, and should (politely and quietly) tell Xi to shove it. However, I don’t expect anything other than capitulation from the Hunter-compromised Buyden team.

2 years ago

Don’t let Pelosi fool you she only gone there to try to make a name for herself or perhaps she has money hidden there and wants to get it out before it’s too late. She just may want to be there when the Chinese Troops arrive so she can give a shout-out. HEY (Chinese) GI ME LOVE YOU LONG TIME! that would be enough to send them back to their main land.

Old Silk
Old Silk
2 years ago

Maybe hubby is looking to grab some last-minute pocket lining. I am not so sure that she is calling anybody’s bluff, but she wants the American people to remember her as a greedy, calculating, selfish…and paranoid individual. I would not be surprised if China drops some intel after she goes, just to make the sendoff really special for her. They never threatened Secretary Pompeo.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

I think pelosi should parachute into Taiwan. I’ll pack her chute.

Hey, does anyone know where I could get an anvil?

2 years ago

Whatever her actual motivation, we can be sure it’s something selfish even if its in order to be written about favorably in history books.

Jim Simpson
Jim Simpson
2 years ago

‘@AMAC – Heads-up … Malwarebytes is blocking your domain.

John W. Hancock
John W. Hancock
2 years ago

Obviously Nancy is going to the celebration. She and the chipmakers are celebrating the huge rise in the stock prices and the 52 billion that the Senate is sending them to add to their bottom line profits. Ol’ Chuck doesn’t care that it is going to add to inflation and taxes. Her reward for a successful career screwing the American public.

2 years ago

Madam Speaker does as Madam Speaker wishes. Do not cross her. The Pelosis, including Paul, Jr., have investments and business dealings in China. Unless Taiwan has something to offer, Nancy may just throw it under China’s bus. Why does Pelosi feel she has any business going to Taiwan herself?

2 years ago

Let her go. We are always backing down to other countries. About time the USA showed some guts.

2 years ago

I love watching groups, in this case the dimwits attack and fight each other.

mamas spit
mamas spit
2 years ago

 have respect for other countries laws. If like them or not. Pelosi has no respect to anyone other than her self interest. Not sure of paperwork she personally has to bring to Taiwan. Must be really criminal not to wire it. Or trust anyone else with it. Hope China intercepts the mission. Like to know what she was bringing. That would put us in a world war.

2 years ago

There’s money to be made somewhere for the Pelosi family in all of this! That’s the only reason she does anything! With any luck, her plane goes down somewhere in the Pacific. Someone ask Hillary for pointers!

2 years ago

The Chinese has blackmail on the Biden’s and it must be some pretty nasty stuff. M

2 years ago

Please drop her off and leave her. So glad to read that this is the end of her career. She will not be missed.

2 years ago

China does not dictate to us which allies we can visit or not visit. If Pelosi backs down, China wins and we are weakened to the point of becoming irrelevant on the world stage. Obviously, if we can’t visit Taiwan because China says so, we aren’t capable of defending Taiwan as we have promised to do.

2 years ago

Pelosi smells a buck, thinks she’s smarter than Biden and isn’t going to pass up an opportunity to turn a crisis into a bank deposit.

2 years ago

Go for it Pelosi

Tim Tobin
Tim Tobin
2 years ago

Nancy does “good?.”

Robert Aughenbaugh
Robert Aughenbaugh
2 years ago

The Biden Administration’s foreign policy is even more feckless than Obama’s. Barack mostly traveled around the world telling everyone how bad the United States was, and how wonderful he is, and everyone seemed to love him.
Occasionally Barack would take his staff down to the Situation Room to kill a terrorist. Biden would object for whatever reason, Barack would ignore him then have his staff schedule another trip around the world to tell everyone how awful the United States has acted, and how wonderful he is. This soon became his foreign policy.
Biden, being both senile and mentally unfit to run a coffee shop, has decided that hollering, then whispering and keeping Kamala away from him is the framework for his foreign policy. His fellow heads of state have decided that that works for them so they point him at a problem, tell him to provide any needed weapons, and let him go back to shouting, whispering, avoiding Kamala and frequently napping.

2 years ago

What a disgrace of a United States Senator. She should travel to Taiwan on her own dime and NOT represent the USA … What a joke she is. She has done nothing in her career but bilk the USA taxpayers out of millions. She should be imprisoned for all of her fraudulent Insider Trading deals and fraudulent midnight bills she’s pushed through over the years.

2 years ago

What a fraud … insider trading hack needs imprisoned. Resign winch!

Animal Chiro
Animal Chiro
2 years ago

What a disgrace to the United States.

2 years ago

Good bye you old washed up hag. You’re a disgrace to the United States.

2 years ago

Maybe the Chinese will follow through on their threats and shoot Pelosi’s plane down! That would be one way to have forced term limits.

W. Lee
W. Lee
2 years ago

Indeed one of the few useful things that Pelosi is doing for my US of A, and her true Allies.
Previously, only Barry Goldwater stood up for the folks who stood alongside us aboard the USS Missouri, across from the Japanese.

2 years ago

Don’t be surprised if you start hearing “rumors” that Pelosi is intending to run for POTUS in the next POTUS election. She is now trying to put herself in the image of being “tough”, which I guess might be also having a purpose of disguising her stupidity and self-gratification habits. Just think … can you really think of a better example of the need for Congressional term limits? Maybe so and maybe no, but she is definitely in the running for that title!

2 years ago

She is pure evil!!

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