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Durham Reveals Democrats Behaving Like the KGB; Is More Coming?

Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2022
by Outside Contributor

John Durham, the man chosen as special counsel by former Attorney General William Barr to unearth possible malfeasance before and during the Trump–Russia investigation, is a sly fox, in the best sense.

Just when people, including Donald J. Trump, have written him off, complaining he wasn’t doing anything, that it was a sham investigation, he quietly dumps information that creates a political earthquake.

That those known Trump–Russia liars The New York Times and The Washington Post have, as of this writing—and it’s been a few days—not even dared to report Durham’s latest is a sure sign that it’s indeed a serious quake, with potential aftershocks to come.

But before I go further, I would like to call attention to the principle of jurisprudence “Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” (False in one thing, false in all). Although written in Latin, it is English common law from the early 17th Century, stating “a witness who testifies falsely about one matter is not credible to testify about any matter.”

While this may not always be true, it frequently is and most people apply it in their daily lives. When someone lies to us, we cease to trust them. It’s common sense from common law.

So back to Durham’s latest. Jack Phillips reported right here in The Epoch Times:

Special counsel John Durham’s team alleged on Feb. 12 that a tech executive aligned with the Democratic Party spied on former President Donald Trump’s residences and the White House when Trump was president.

Durham said in a court filing that the spying took place in order to establish an “inference” and “narrative” to tie Trump to the Russian government.

Electronic spying on the White House at the behest of the Democratic Party? It’s what you would expect from Chinese or Russian intelligence. And we thought the Mueller investigation was bad!

And talk about strange cases of projection. The Democrats were always accusing Trump of colluding with Russia while they were behaving like the KGB.

Trump himself responded that this is worse than Watergate, and he surely is correct. Watergate, it will be recalled, was about a small-time break-in at Democratic National Committee headquarters during an election that Republicans won by a historic landslide. Although not to be excused in the slightest, politically, it couldn’t have been more irrelevant.

All this recent eavesdropping occurred during the tightest of elections (2016) and afterward during an actual presidency. It was clearly aimed at destroying that presidency, sabotaging from within—a genuine insurrection, instead of the phony one we know about. Nothing remotely like that has happened in our history.

And it was all instigated by people close to Hillary Clinton or, quite possibly, by Hillary herself. We don’t know yet. One of those involved we do know was Jake Sullivan, currently our national security adviser, charged with overseeing the conflict on the Ukraine–Russia border. Think about that. What a disgrace to our country that is. If you and I know about it, every nation in the world knows it.

This evolving scandal—atrocity might be a better word—has most probably eliminated Clinton from the Democratic presidential sweepstakes. It may even sweep up President Joe Biden.

But wait, as they say, there’s more. Or could be.

Let’s go back to English common law—“falsus in uno” and all that.

The Washington Examiner’s Byron York writes in his influential Daily Memo:

”One of the most contentious claims Donald Trump ever made was his insistence that he had been the target of spying. He made the charge in several different ways. For example, in March 2017, Trump, just two months in office, tweeted, “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” [Actually, it’s something worse than that.]

York goes on to say:

“Each time, all the usual anti-Trump voices rushed to accuse the president of lying. But over the years, a series of facts emerged that, while they did not support some of Trump’s most specific charges—Obama did not wiretap Trump in Trump Tower—did support the larger idea that Trump was indeed the target of spying.”

Wait a minute, Byron. How do we know that Barack Obama had nothing to do with this? The investigation is far from complete and, well, “Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.” (We could also include Hillary’s missing emails on that “omni-bus.” And a lot of other things.)

Did you ask Trump if he had evidence of this, Byron? He well might. His track record isn’t bad.

I don’t mean to pick on York, someone I know and who is a fine journalist, but he’s also sure that the 2020 election was fair and Biden won.

Falsus in uno again?

I would like to ask him a question: Are people capable of breaking into the computer servers of the president of the United States—a national security issue of tremendous implications—capable, morally and practically, of fixing an election?

Regrettably, they are. That doesn’t mean that it happened, but it does mean that it’s worthy of investigation—an investigation that has been blocked at every turn.

Whether Durham’s work will tell us more about that, I don’t know. But he appears to be opening the door on a lot of things. We will see if he walks in. It certainly won’t be easy.

But maybe, just maybe, after more than 2,000 years, Diogenes has finally found his honest man in John Durham.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

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Steve G
Steve G
2 years ago

Everyone thinks that the coming elections will get rid of the demoncrats power, but will see, with the elitists & tech giants working feverishly to subvert the voting machines, the influx & spread of illegals throughout the country being paid to vote democratic, chief satanist Soros spending billions across the country to spread poison to our justice system & support a false racism in our country, the spread of hatred for America in our schools, the spread of cancel culture & wokism. I see the only way this country remains free is a revolution by the grassroots of hardworking Americans & forceably getting rid of the illegal media & the groups mentioned above. A large concentration camp in the desert of Nevada is where they can all be sent to of those that survive the bloodshed that is coming!!!!!!!

2 years ago

Steve. I totally agree. But us freedom loving conservations just complain

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Get ALL involved in Russia gate scandal prosecuted

2 years ago

Democrats emulate the regimes they respect and admire. Democrats LOVE both the old Soviet Union and modern day communist China. So why wouldn’t they emulate the tactics of both. That this comes as a surprise to anyone at this point is utterly amazing. How deep have you had your head buried in the sand?

As for Durham, at pace he is going, it will take him another 20 years to finally present his entire case. All the key players will be long dead and no one will be left to hold accountable. I heard some apologists for him on TV last night saying he’s probably the slowest moving federal prosecutor out there. That’s NOT a good thing, but perhaps the reason why Barr appointed him and not someone equally good but substantially faster.

Ron Skulas
Ron Skulas
2 years ago

Nothing will happen as the Democrats must fall on their swords to protect Hillary and the other criminals, or face oblivion.

2 years ago

My question… since it took so long for Durham to start releasing what his investigation has found so far…is there a time limit on prosecuting those guilty? If the delay can be shown due to the lack of providing the records he requested during his investigation..would this extend any time period?
And with the proof being released with the methods used against Trump…it leads to why is it not believable these same individuals and tactics were used to steal the 2020 election? Want to see investigation using information gathered so far to begin proving the election was stolen instead of the media and Dems, far left constant denial of proven facts of just the opposite.

P Carroll
P Carroll
2 years ago

Per Emerald Robinson: “What Is Durham Really Doing? He’s going too slowly and charging the Russia Hoaxers too lightly to be taken seriously. Durham Appointed A Democrat Nora Dannehy To Be His #2 …..(Nora Dannehy has since confirmed her liberal credentials;by being named General Counsel to Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont (D). It looks like Dannehy signed up for an investigation that would do nothing, and then resigned publicly when the American public demanded an update on her activities. Needless to say, there was no reason for Durham to name someone like Dannehy to help investigate the origins of the Russia Hoax when everybody knows that the Russia Hoax leads back directly to Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
Remember that Durham and Dannehy and the rest of the Justice Department sat around and did nothing about the Russia Hoax through most of the Trump Administration — an inexcusable lapse that should never be forgotten. Their boss, Attorney General Bill Barr, played a heavy hand in the stolen 2020 election— and it was to ignore election fraud. Getting rid of President Trump has been the overriding goal of the FBI and the CIA and the DOJ since 2016 — and Durham is an employee of the DOJ. He’s not Clint Eastwood and the Lone Ranger rolled up into one superhero”.– Emerald Robinson

It’s worth reading Emeralds article on substack I have little faith in this so-called “justice” department.

Patriot Bill
Patriot Bill
2 years ago

The Marxists are now well dug in. NOTHING still happen. 2022 will see a socialist landslide from election fraud.
As with everything else, nothing will happen.

2 years ago

I didn’t read the article, I don’t need to, to answer the question. THE ANSWER IS: ABSOLUTELY YES!

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
2 years ago

One thing that has bothered me about the 2020 election is the fact that Biden received so many popular votes, enough to win the Electoral College, but did not have much impact on the congressional vote. He did not win the Senate outright and democrats actually lost seats in the House. If he had as many legitimate votes as is claimed, it seems to me that millions of Republicans voted for Uncle Joe and then voted for the Republican senatorial and House candidates. That seems to me a bridge too far! I hope that Durham exposes enough of the Democrats’ one form of cheating so the Republicans win huge majorities in both houses that they can then take a deep dive into evidence that has come out so far regarding what they did to ensure that President Trump would lose the election, even if it meant installing the senile Joe Biden into the Presidency.

Dave Haamilton
Dave Haamilton
2 years ago

We all know Clinton, Obama and the DNC were involved in targeting President Trump. Clinton may well be the catalyst to bring down those that did her bidding with the help of the Obama administration. We need Special Prosecutor Durham to have a rock solid case against her and ALL of those involved no matter how high up it goes. America demands answers and Americans deserve better than Clinton, the Obama`s and what this DNC have done to us.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Someone had to pay the people to do this, so you know very well that Clinton, herself did it. No one else would have done it. She more than likely had Soros’ dollars to do it with as well. However, in the book about him, he didn’t even see Trump coming, so maybe she had to beg him for money to do it with. I wouldn’t know. I’m not devious enough to write or think about these types of plots.

2 years ago

Very confuse, what is next?

2 years ago

Why is it taking so long for indictments to be served????
Michael Flyn, Rudy, Manafort, Roger Stone and others, didn’t take long to be arrested?????????????

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

The FBI and CIA had to know all this because we have gotten bits and pieces over the last 5 years. Also There are congressmen more Democrats than Republicans on both sides that had to know what was going on, and said and did nothing. This is all Treason and hundreds of people should be hung. The FBI letting this happen has made theirselves a joke. Right now if you read a lot of different forums you will find out we are close to a Civil War in this country brought on by Democrats. I believe there will be blood shed not only over this but over the socialism the Democrats are trying to input!

2 years ago

Absolute disgrace on the socialist democrat party but I can promise you NOTHING will be done to these people who took millions of tax payor dollars to tell lies about President Trump. I truly pray and hope the American people wake up before it is to late. We are losing our freedoms and will never have a fair election as long as these crooks remain in office.

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago

I hope a whole bunch of democrats go to prison.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

Our local newspaper, the Tampa Bay Times, has not yet considered this report from Durham to be worthy of mention in its’ esteemed pages. The TBT is owned by a widely acclaimed nonprofit journalistic organization called the Poynter Institute. The Poynter Institute lists one George Soros as a major contributor. I wonder if that has anything to do with their blackout of potentially the biggest scandal in American history.

2 years ago

This investigation reveals to anyone who pays attention to it, just how all encompassing and corrupt the beltway swamp is. DJT took a stab at clearing it, but was reviled and ridiculed for his efforts. The left should remember that nothing is permanent and just as it has in the past, the tables could be turned on them.

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
2 years ago

If there was any doubt as to why they want to disarm Americans, well, let there be doubt no more.
Come and get them, b**ches…
I am all in favor of that good ol’ Cuban Beach Vacation via slow, high altitude, depressurized air transport. Makes the life guard duty at the beach much less complicated.
Let’s Go Brandon
Buck fiden

Have a lovely day

Mark Newton
Mark Newton
2 years ago

All should be charged criminally charged with treason. Upon conviction receive jail time AND loss of citizenship.

2 years ago

DICTATOR Beijing biden, HUSSEIN Obama who authorized SPYING, HILLDOG Clinton, CRYING Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, Feinstein, LOUDMOUTH Waters, and SWAMP QUEEN pelosi are ALL GUILTY of TREASON.
There IS PLENTY of EVIDENCE and NOT the FAKE Evidence that SWAMP QUEEN pelosi made up with Watermelon Head SCHIFF.

2 years ago

The Statute of Limitations does not apply to high treason.Look no further than the Clinton’s and Obamas.

2 years ago

Some low level “associates” of the involved democratic party will be indicted and probably given suspended sentences but Clinton, Comey, Brennan, Obama, et al will never, repeat, NEVER be touched in any way by this scandal. It just will not happen on Merrick Garland’s watch.

2 years ago



2 years ago

I pray that your assumptions of Durham being an honest man and someone we can count on to bring out the truth/conspiracy that has been going on in our government, intelligence agencies

2 years ago

Lock the bitch up.

Tim Michael Holt
Tim Michael Holt
2 years ago

How can Our so called journalist ignore this too ! This is a huge deal , trying to take down our Nation . They don’t call her ” Crooked Hillary ” for nothing . Why is she still not in jail Now !

2 years ago

Yet, we still do not see any action. Why is Hillary Clinton not in prison for having her computer wiped clean when she knew it was required as evidence? We can hear all these stories but until someone higher up is actually charged, and at the minimum tried in front of a jury, it’s all still just window dressing.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

What is this really??
We don’t yet know, but my gut tells me that this just might really bloom into something miraculous. God says in His word that He does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked. And in other scriptures, that if a nation turns to God from their wicked ways, and prays for His forgiveness that He will repent Him of the evil He would do to that land, and send a blessing instead….another
about the unjust Judge who said though he feared not God, would
avenge the woman of her enemy for her continual pressing upon him.
And God told us to ‘listen to what the unjust Judge saith.’ Because of this, I have hope regarding this information come to light.

At this point, however, what we really need to see and hear are the ACTIONS taken produced from the EVIDENCE collected to have ALL INVOLVED arrested for their crimes, which should be determined to be ‘TREASON AGAINST THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND ITS CITIZENS’ which are true and believable, and which is punishable by death!! So, until indictments are handed down…….
we wait, and pray and see.

Dear Lord God, you raised this nation up, you blessed her to be the defender of Israel and other nations which suffered from the tyranny of evil regimes. I thank you Lord for our freedoms, and your guidance for our men and women in our Military who bravely fought and died for. You made this nation what She was, and I pray through your mercy that She can be that great nation once again to your glory and honor. In Christ’s blessed name I ask it, and for His namesake I pray, Amen.

2 years ago

We need a revolution. Destroy the permanent government.

Dave Smith
Dave Smith
2 years ago

Durham needs to publicly announce he is happy with his life and not at all suicidal before hillary gets to him! This guy appears to be the biggest threat she’s ever faced and we all know what she’s done to threats in the past!

2 years ago

I had a neighbor from Russia that told me the police in the US were acting more like KGB and the government(national, local, etc) were acting like the politburo in his old country. THIS WAS 25 YEARS AGO PEOPLE!!!

2 years ago

I watch alot of “Hogan’s Heroes” episodes on TV with my 96 y/o WWII purple heart father. I’m amazed at how much Commandant Wilhelm Klink is like joebiden and Sargent Schultz is like kamala and General Burkhalter (Gestapo) is like pelosi….and more!

2 years ago

Someone said something about removing citizenship. Sounds great to remove Omar, AOC, Nadler, etc. etc. citizenship. They hate our great country and the American tax payer. Over 190 countries on the planet. LEAVE, PLEASE, LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

They (Marxist Dem Progressives) are reading from the KGB playbook!

2 years ago

Trump was dead wrong to equate Oboma to McCarthyism in regards to the spying. Because the good senator McCarthy was totally right in asserting the fedgov had communists throughout in 1952 –and certainly does today!! We should be applauding the correct legacy of the senator and not constantly denigrating him.

2 years ago

Just what this country needs, is another diversion from the past. The American people have a lot more important things on the table this year, and Washington DC needs to start dealing with them. Most are growing bigger because Biden group is trying to ignore them. Congress needs to step up to the plate.

2 years ago

Who is Azra Turk?

2 years ago

God is allowing this year to be the year Reckoning. The Lord as had enough, and like the Bible, (Gods word) says the truth will set you and me free. As John Henry. Said in 1777, Give me Liberty or give me death!!
America has always chosen Liberty, and was built on this belief, and always will be, Amen

Gene Brown
Gene Brown
2 years ago

What they did in Secret has come to the light. It shall be revealed and brought into the light for all to see. You cannot hide anything from God, he will reveal all their Sin and evil deeds. They have tried to do away with our History. Yet what they have done and perpetrated on the American people will be brought to the light and seen by all the World! They have tarnished the image of the American People and disgracefully committed Treason against this Nation. May all their deeds and crimes be exposed and those who committed the be fully prosecuted to the fullest!

Richard Minetti
Richard Minetti
2 years ago

Looks like Durham is quite an honest guy!!!

2 years ago

Will anything be done about Durham’s findings or will everyone get away with it? We’ll see.
Donald has always been right! Durham should do right by Donald.

David F
David F
2 years ago

Clinton’s are up to 54 or 56? Might be more dead might be added soon.
We’ve had a good 240 year run, it might be over.

2 years ago

Democrats are behaving EXACTLY like the Communists they have become!

2 years ago

Tyrants, Traitors, Imposters, their stooges, and their suck-ups must be hunted down, fully exposed, severely prosecuted, and punished accordingly making an example to others in shadows like them. Fearing them is not an option. Being silent is not an option. Speak up loudly especially where the ignorant are being further mislead. Draw out the haters and wicked. STAND FIGHT WIN

2 years ago

My hope is that Durham gets everything on the record before he meets one of Killary’s hit squads.

2 years ago

Will not mean a thing unless she is arrested and prosecuted and sent to jail or execution for her treason.

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
2 years ago

It makes sense that as Democrats become more Socialist they would behave much more like Communist organizations. Unless we can get control of and reduce the size of government, more and more Socialists will be behaving like Communists.

2 years ago

Mr Durham best be careful. We don’t want him committing suicide like so many others who have had dirt on the Clinton gang.

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