Retirement should be about freedom, security, and enjoying the life you worked so hard to build—not stressing over whether your...
For more than a half century the welfare state has waged war on marriage. This assault occurs for two reasons:...
The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was the most consequential tax legislation signed into law since the 1980s....
During the Vice Presidential debate on Tuesday night, Kamala Harris running mate Tim Walz endorsed the re-imposition of the Obamacare individual mandate...
As a U.S. senator, Vice President Kamala Harris had a remarkably slim record of accomplishments, shepherding only a handful of minor resolutions...
Retirement planning involves navigating complex calculations and forecasts. From determining an appropriate withdrawal rate from your investments to reducing your...
An income tax audit is defined as the examination of a business or individual tax return by the Internal Revenue...
Do wealthy Americans pay their “fair share” of income taxes? If “fair” is defined as a reasonable equilibrium between someone’s...
President Joe Biden keeps lecturing corporate America to "pay your fair share" of taxes. It turns out he's right that...
Annuities serve as insurance products tailored to guarantee a consistent income stream primarily for retirees. By incorporating an annuity rider...
Sensible people seek ways to be financially fit. Read on to benefit from these tips! Now that we’ve entered a...
The latest Census Bureau data on population changes in America should have been a wake-up call to lawmakers in blue...
The big question Many people understand that they are likely responsible for their spouses’ taxes upon the death of their...
President Joe Biden has repeatedly tried to distract Americans by calling for Republicans to keep their hands off Social Security...
AMAC Exclusive - By David Lewis Schaefer With the breakup of its patron, the Soviet Union, more than three decades...
Joe Biden's name has never been synonymous with factual accuracy or intellectual integrity. True to form, his 2023 State of the Union address pitched...
Over the last few months, President Joe Biden has been lauded by the liberal media over his alleged successes at...
When conservatives lament the many ways in which the U.S. welfare system discourages marriage and family formation, it’s usually large-scale...
Cartels are groups of organizations that collude with each other to drive up prices, crush competition, and ultimately extort huge...
Dear Rusty: I retired on February 1st of this year (2022). I collect a pension from my employer plus a...
Alexis de Tocqueville opened Democracy in America by pronouncing, “among the new things that attracted my attention during my stay in the United...
Democratic politicians across the U.S. are pushing for guaranteed monthly cash handouts to the poor. No strings attached. No work...
Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen. New polling data from Gallup show Americans are not having an easy time through...
Creator: Alex Wong | Credit: Getty Images Key Point: At least $20 billion of the revenue Democrats hope to collect from taxpayers with a supercharged IRS would...
Facing a tight budget? You are not alone. Did you know that many people live paycheck to paycheck? Per CNBC,...
Dear Rusty: I am wondering what the income limit is for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) eligibility. My in-laws are in...
Dear Rusty: I do not recall the rules on my income tax obligation for Social Security benefits. Can you please...
WASHINGTON, DC, May 20 – They’re called the “invisibles”— the homeless elders in hiding. These seniors may have a fear of...
Dear Rusty: Is it possible for you to go over how the Federal withholding tax is computed on Social Security...
Dear Rusty: I'm 63, married, and we file a joint tax return. If I claim Social Security now and keep...
We’ve all seen the headlines and we've been to the gas pump and grocery stores. The cost of goods and...
Dear Rusty: If we take our Social Security at our full retirement age (66 years and 6 months for both...
Democrats continue to kick around various spending proposals which could end up costing taxpayers as much as $5.4 trillion over the next...
Dear Rusty: I am 66 years plus 8 months old, am still working making six figures, and can support myself....
WASHINGTON, DC, Dec 17 -- Gee, that’s funny. It doesn’t feel “transitory.” People are hurting, and President Biden says, hang...
Dear Rusty: I am a 74-year-old veteran enrolled with the VA. I have never had Medicare Part B. Should I?...
Dear Rusty: Social Security is deducting $297 per month for my Medicare Part B coverage. I have what's called a...
AMAC Exclusive - By Andrew Abbott President Joe Biden has consistently billed himself as the champion of the poor, promising...
AMAC Exclusive A prominent liberal think tank has discovered a glaring red flag at the heart of Biden’s $3.5 trillion...
Are you having trouble keeping up with the growing list of tax increases being proposed? We don’t blame you. With...
Dear Rusty: I started Social Security about 2 years ago, and I thought that the monthly benefit amount stated to...
Democrats may impose a national plastic tax to finance their $3.5 trillion ($3,500,000,000,000) tax and spending spree, according to a...
Dear Rusty: I am getting hammered with taxes on my Social Security (SS). I am retired and draw a meager...
WASHINGTON, DC, July 28 -- There is a consensus that Social Security and Medicare are in desperate need of a...
AMAC Exclusive Earlier this month, left-wing internet publication ProPublica revealed that it had obtained “a vast trove of Internal Revenue...
President Biden's budget lays out an ambitious tax and spend agenda that Democrats are currently having a hard time passing...
A plethora of bills are routinely introduced in every new Congress, mostly by Democrats, promising higher benefits, whether in the...
AMAC Exclusive In his Address to Congress last week, Biden announced two new spending packages with multi-trillion-dollar price tags. The...
AMAC Exclusive Tomorrow is April 15--traditionally known to hardworking Americans everywhere as the dreaded Tax Day. It’s the time when...
WASHINGTON, DC, Feb 12 – “We’re not giving up on our efforts to eliminate the unfair income tax on Social...
News reports indicate that the Biden administration wants to dramatically expand the welfare state, starting with an increase in the...
The costs of the incoming Biden administration’s climate change policies could fall on the very people liberals are trying to...
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is the cornerstone U.S. anti-poverty program, typically lifting over 5 million children out of...