I would nominate the essential workers including the heathcare workers and the farmers, truckers and grocery store employees and all other employees who risked their lives every day to help the rest of us make it through an extremely rough year.
(Also, a shoutout to the research and development teams at the drug companies who have produced Covid vaccines at warp speed.)
3 years ago
I would really love to hear from either one of the two people who have voted for Joe Biden in this survey so far. I want to hear the reasoning behind your vote, if you have the guts to respond. I simply want to understand how you can to the choice you did. I would really appreciate hearing the rationale for voting for someone, who essentially did nothing of substance in 2020 except hide out in his basement, has obvious early to mid-stage dementia, held a few rallies where less than a hundred people ever showed up and who completely signed onto, or at least his handlers did for him, the Sanders / AOC socialist agenda in order to get the Democrat nomination and their support.
I hope you’re not voting for him because he managed to “win” the presidency via either massive fraud or the successful dumbing-down of the American population to the point where critical thinking is dead in this country. That is less a testament to Biden, than the success of decades of relentless leftist indoctrination accomplished via the DNC, the MSM, our public education system dominated by the left and the substantial funding of the likes of Bloomberg, Steyer, Soros, Gates and other billionaires, as well as China, who want a “return to business as usual” where they can operate unimpeded. None of the credit for that should go to Biden, as he was merely the empty suit selected to play a figurehead role. So again, I would love to hear the rationale behind why you voted for Joe Biden.
3 years ago
The year 2020 is not over yet. It might turn out that Rudy Giuliani should be.
Tom M
3 years ago
These polls are beyond silly. Who cares? For me, I am the person of the year this year and every year. If I didn’t care about me, I would succumb to the Commies. Anyone who disobeys government, the fake pandemic nonsense and the irresponsible fake medical expert community is the person of this year and every year. 1,000 years from now, none of this will matter except for Caesar Obama will still be revered in the fake history books.
Warren frazier
3 years ago
Brutal attacked endlessly for 4 years, still did more then any President.
3 years ago
Essential workers have done what no politician could ever do. Many of them left their families to keep them safe and would visit from a distance. Too many politicians tested positive for covid and had no concern who they may pass it on to. The list of essential workers may be extensive but each one deserves praise.
Tessa Batchelder
3 years ago
No one in my memory has done more for this country than our current president; and all while facing a ridiculous amount of adversity.
Bethel Larsen
3 years ago
Ben Watson is certainly worthy of recognition, though he has no votes. He is a steadfast advocate for our preborn citizens, and he leads by word and example in standing up for fatherhood and the family. Much of the brokenness in our society is a result of father absence, especially in minority communities. We need many more men like Ben Watson who cherish their families and show other men how to do the same.
Glennis Hogan
3 years ago
President Trump who is unstoppable and has more energy than most people I know. No other President has had the drive this man has and the accomplishments he has done in the 4 short years in office all the while having to fight the left wing extremes trying to run him out of office. For all his faults we hear about I think he has grown into a very mature man and has anchored his faith. I applaud him unconditionally.
3 years ago
I voted president Trump, he has accomplished more in 4 years than any previous president. Less burden at all levels for most people to strive to take care of themselves.he did exactly what I hoped disruptive to system, unpredictable to friends and foes.stood up to anyone that went against agenda.in my 40 years as small business owner I am proud of what he did. Was everything perfect of course not he learned what dc is (garbage hole)his style was brash,good We had so called style with Obama was fake to the bone.. our country is in culture war people better wake up quicker before its to late.thank you mr president Well done sir????????
3 years ago
Donald Trump- the greatest President in my lifetime-76 years- and the last hope for America- I love the man…….
Daniel Patterson
3 years ago
Quite possibly the most idiotic poll AMAC has ever posted.
3 years ago
He has worked tirelessly for the American People while being brutally attack by the media and the members of the Democratic Party.
3 years ago
Amy would be my second choice. but response to a comment, Yes rudy could be included too.
lea e lindstrom
3 years ago
why is not sydney powell in this poll??????
Alfred R D'Arpe
3 years ago
At 71, I can make the statement, that in the time that I have been paying attention to what has been going on in the world around me;no one has made a bigger impact on it, than this President. Despite the unimaginable amount of adversarial pushback from ALL entities, this man has done more for OUR COUNTRY than I can remember ANY other President doing in my lifetime. The DOGS have continued to hound him even into the election, which We The People ALL know was FILLED with FRAUD, and he continues to fight. GOD’s Hand will determin the winner in the end, this I am certain of, but for what President trump has done and what he has endured, he in my opinion deserves, “Man of the Century”.
Stephanie Baker
3 years ago
President Trump has done a good job despite the odds against him.
Art A
3 years ago
3 years ago
I think he is the best President we have ever had. Despite being prosecuted for his whole time in public office by the Democrats and yes, some Republicans, he has done more for our Country and other countries than any President. He Loves this country and all Americans . He has never taken a paycheck for his position as President, but instead has had the amount countributed each quarter to aid different needs in the country as when he gave the money to the Veterans. Truly appreciate all he has done for our country and I truly believe he won the 2020 Election. God Bless America and God Bless our President, Donald J. Trump.
3 years ago
Actually everyone is surprised at the question, Joe Biden really!!!
The truth of the matter I am done with the Republican party, no one has come out and defended Trump then just moved on.
Floyd Pryor
3 years ago
President Trump, assailed and plotted against for 4 plus years, stayed strong, he loves this country, he will always be the greatest
President in my lifetime. God Bless President Trump and his family TRUMP PENCE 2020! KAGA
3 years ago
Economy. Foreign Affairs. Border protection. Sanctity of life. President Trump has done more to win my vote than any other since I voted for Reagan in 1980. If all the haters would truly consider all the good he’s done for the American people, we wouldn’t be waiting for the results of the election fraud investigations and court proceedings. Regardless of what the final result is, President Donald J. Trump will always be the Man of the Year!
3 years ago
What a sad list to select from. Surely you could have come up with a better collection of choices!
Ervin Hajek
3 years ago
Donald Trump has done more for this country and the people than all the last 5 democratic presidents put together. AND under the circumstances that were perpetrated by the Democrats lack of desire to work with the president, rather against him. Mike Pence deserves a tremendous recognition and thanks for his resolve also. Mike Pompao for his strength and knowledge in development of foreign affairs and agreements completed for America and its future. Thank you, ALL.
Ann Colucci
3 years ago
I feel there has never been anyone in history that has done more for the people of this country then anyone else. I feel lucky to have witnessed it.
3 years ago
Many of the people listed need recognition…but, President Trump has done more for the country, helped our economy and corrected many wrongs that has been done to the people over the years…
3 years ago
Sidney Powell…..
Glenn Lego
3 years ago
The runner up should be AC Barrett!
3 years ago
President Trump without a doubt. I’m worried about what’s in store for this country in the next four years. It won’t be pretty.
Steve Clinton
3 years ago
I can’t believe five people actually voted for Joe Biden!
Edward Koch, Jr.
3 years ago
Ha!, most everyone has missed the boat. Now, I think about that Q, and, say to myself, “Who is going to do the most to save the U.S. of A. from a failed political system, Socialism, which gets recycled periodically?” And, now, I have to think about what is really going on, in present time. And, here it is: We are being told that a criminal, demented, empty suit from Delaware has won the 2020 presidential election. Well, I have carefully analyzed this matter, and have concluded that the election, so called, does not even rise to the level of a bad joke. Mail-in balloting has created a farce, which exceeds all rationality, relative to this matter. Now, is there anyone, who is exhibiting the intestinal fortitude and legal wisdom to overcome this situation? There are several individuals, who are working the problem, but, my bet is on Ms. Sidney Powell. Ms. Powell is, first of all an American Patriot, and, additionally, she is a razor sharp attorney. There ain’t no grass growing on this lady! It is my humble opinion that.
when all is said and done, Ms. Powell is going to expose a vast conspiracy, which might have destroyed the U.S. of A. And, she will be instrumental in cleaning it up!
Nancy Jo Serna
3 years ago
Our President, hands down. He is our only saving grace right now. God Bless him, we are in the fight of our life, and we need him more than ever.
Susan Koecher
3 years ago
As the current leader of the US he is the only President who has constantly done so much for our country while having to fight off opposition from all sides. And through all the negativism, back stabbing, eager attempts to destroy him, his family and anyone else who joins forces with him and his fight for the betterment of the United States… he and his followers are and God willing still continue to fight for the United States and it’s citizens.
Sue Whited
3 years ago
I wish Sydney Powell would have been nominated. I think she deserves to be.
Rosanna Pulido
3 years ago
President Trump has given so much to turn our Country around. I am thankful for his Leadership and enduring spirit!
3 years ago
This is no longer the USA. The country we had hope in no longer exists. The integrity, moral character, decency, and hope, is gone. How President Trump held up throughout the 4 years of socialist take over is admirable. However, socialism has been destroying this land long before Clinton, Obama, and the other non American terrorists.
Lynn Olson
3 years ago
Essential workers? We’re all essential workers – even those of us who are retired. We still feed the economy, don’t we? Ask the IRS and your state and local governments next April.
Ed Barry
3 years ago
He fought for us while being bashed and humiliated and then donated his salary. He unearthed the corruption in DC.
3 years ago
As an essential healthcare worker, I vote for President Trump. Besides being the greatest president, he came through and helped hospitals and states with manufacturing respirators, having a task force get us supplies. Superb leadership and the hardest worker ever seen in the White House. He has also helped to preserve life, brought religious freedom back and more peace in our world. As a military mom and Christian, no president has come close to all he has done.
Dale Larsen
3 years ago
He is the only leader who has shown us what government is supposed to do. Even the democrats would know it if they opened their eyes to the truth and stopped being blinded by the lies.
Julia Parker
3 years ago
I think My President should be chosen for this award because he gave Americans hope for a greater future in every way. I can’t think of anyone more deserving! He has given more mentally, physically and financially to the United States than any other person, ever! He deserves this recognition and so much more!
3 years ago
If I could add a name I would vote for Russell M. Nelson.
Eileen Dickerson
3 years ago
Everything in our lives have been better with our President. The Swamp is running scared and ruined the election. We, as patriots, need to protect the Constitution, the Supreme Court, the borders, and our freedoms. Pray for our country and President Trump.
3 years ago
I wish you would have included Gary Sinese, Jon Voight and James Woods
Thomas R. Violante
3 years ago
Trump created the best economy we’ve ever had. He reacted quickly to the pandemic and pushed the development of vaccines for us. His Supreme Court appointments will survive the leftists and decide cases according to the Constitution. He made us energy independent and deregulated industries where needed. His battle to fight election fraud and overturn this illegal election may be his best work yet. God bless Donald Trump!
Gary Willert
3 years ago
President Trump, this year alone, has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize four times proving he is a peace loving President and again proves himself to being an outstanding negotiator bringing adversarial people or people of different cultures together.
Marie Casey
3 years ago
President Trump has been sent by God to rebuild,restore,reunite,strengthen and return our nation to the principles we have always had in this country. He was assigned by God to unveil the evil that dwells in this world that have been attacking him since he began his presidency and are trying to destroy our country. The power and strength to stand in every situation that the evildoers planned for him only comes from a higher authority not through flesh alone. God put President Trump in office to return God to our children,schools,society and our government. He is truly a man of the people and for the people. This election scam was to try to prevent another 4 years but God controls everything and evil will not overcome good. He has been the best president in the history of our nation and it is in evil times that now exist in our nation that God sends leaders like him into power. I thank him for all he has done for our nation and what he will continue to do in his next 4 years in his elected next presidency.
Rhonda Holder
3 years ago
If Our President had not won in 2016
I dare to think what these immoral monsters on the left could have gotten away with if The Demon Hillary had been elected!
No God- no faith – no jobs- no economic
Keep Praying for our President n our Country ????????????????❣️
Jim R
3 years ago
President Donald Trump has shown what a true leader and statesman is. He has faced opposition and hatred every day for nearly four years and donates his pay to worthy charities. He is certainly not in it for the money. He seems to truly love America and is doing his best to save our country. Can’t think of any other person whose contributions even come close.
3 years ago
I think Trump is doing what we voted him office for, and it is great that he is doing what he said he would. The esential workers however are doing above and beyond what they were hired to do.
Thank you to all those that understand the republic and their duties in the republic, and God bless America
Let’s leave the politicians out of this.
I would nominate the essential workers including the heathcare workers and the farmers, truckers and grocery store employees and all other employees who risked their lives every day to help the rest of us make it through an extremely rough year.
(Also, a shoutout to the research and development teams at the drug companies who have produced Covid vaccines at warp speed.)
I would really love to hear from either one of the two people who have voted for Joe Biden in this survey so far. I want to hear the reasoning behind your vote, if you have the guts to respond. I simply want to understand how you can to the choice you did. I would really appreciate hearing the rationale for voting for someone, who essentially did nothing of substance in 2020 except hide out in his basement, has obvious early to mid-stage dementia, held a few rallies where less than a hundred people ever showed up and who completely signed onto, or at least his handlers did for him, the Sanders / AOC socialist agenda in order to get the Democrat nomination and their support.
I hope you’re not voting for him because he managed to “win” the presidency via either massive fraud or the successful dumbing-down of the American population to the point where critical thinking is dead in this country. That is less a testament to Biden, than the success of decades of relentless leftist indoctrination accomplished via the DNC, the MSM, our public education system dominated by the left and the substantial funding of the likes of Bloomberg, Steyer, Soros, Gates and other billionaires, as well as China, who want a “return to business as usual” where they can operate unimpeded. None of the credit for that should go to Biden, as he was merely the empty suit selected to play a figurehead role. So again, I would love to hear the rationale behind why you voted for Joe Biden.
The year 2020 is not over yet. It might turn out that Rudy Giuliani should be.
These polls are beyond silly. Who cares? For me, I am the person of the year this year and every year. If I didn’t care about me, I would succumb to the Commies. Anyone who disobeys government, the fake pandemic nonsense and the irresponsible fake medical expert community is the person of this year and every year. 1,000 years from now, none of this will matter except for Caesar Obama will still be revered in the fake history books.
Brutal attacked endlessly for 4 years, still did more then any President.
Essential workers have done what no politician could ever do. Many of them left their families to keep them safe and would visit from a distance. Too many politicians tested positive for covid and had no concern who they may pass it on to. The list of essential workers may be extensive but each one deserves praise.
No one in my memory has done more for this country than our current president; and all while facing a ridiculous amount of adversity.
Ben Watson is certainly worthy of recognition, though he has no votes. He is a steadfast advocate for our preborn citizens, and he leads by word and example in standing up for fatherhood and the family. Much of the brokenness in our society is a result of father absence, especially in minority communities. We need many more men like Ben Watson who cherish their families and show other men how to do the same.
President Trump who is unstoppable and has more energy than most people I know. No other President has had the drive this man has and the accomplishments he has done in the 4 short years in office all the while having to fight the left wing extremes trying to run him out of office. For all his faults we hear about I think he has grown into a very mature man and has anchored his faith. I applaud him unconditionally.
I voted president Trump, he has accomplished more in 4 years than any previous president. Less burden at all levels for most people to strive to take care of themselves.he did exactly what I hoped disruptive to system, unpredictable to friends and foes.stood up to anyone that went against agenda.in my 40 years as small business owner I am proud of what he did. Was everything perfect of course not he learned what dc is (garbage hole)his style was brash,good We had so called style with Obama was fake to the bone.. our country is in culture war people better wake up quicker before its to late.thank you mr president Well done sir????????
Donald Trump- the greatest President in my lifetime-76 years- and the last hope for America- I love the man…….
Quite possibly the most idiotic poll AMAC has ever posted.
He has worked tirelessly for the American People while being brutally attack by the media and the members of the Democratic Party.
Amy would be my second choice. but response to a comment, Yes rudy could be included too.
why is not sydney powell in this poll??????
At 71, I can make the statement, that in the time that I have been paying attention to what has been going on in the world around me;no one has made a bigger impact on it, than this President. Despite the unimaginable amount of adversarial pushback from ALL entities, this man has done more for OUR COUNTRY than I can remember ANY other President doing in my lifetime. The DOGS have continued to hound him even into the election, which We The People ALL know was FILLED with FRAUD, and he continues to fight. GOD’s Hand will determin the winner in the end, this I am certain of, but for what President trump has done and what he has endured, he in my opinion deserves, “Man of the Century”.
President Trump has done a good job despite the odds against him.
I think he is the best President we have ever had. Despite being prosecuted for his whole time in public office by the Democrats and yes, some Republicans, he has done more for our Country and other countries than any President. He Loves this country and all Americans . He has never taken a paycheck for his position as President, but instead has had the amount countributed each quarter to aid different needs in the country as when he gave the money to the Veterans. Truly appreciate all he has done for our country and I truly believe he won the 2020 Election. God Bless America and God Bless our President, Donald J. Trump.
Actually everyone is surprised at the question, Joe Biden really!!!
The truth of the matter I am done with the Republican party, no one has come out and defended Trump then just moved on.
President Trump, assailed and plotted against for 4 plus years, stayed strong, he loves this country, he will always be the greatest
President in my lifetime. God Bless President Trump and his family TRUMP PENCE 2020! KAGA
Economy. Foreign Affairs. Border protection. Sanctity of life. President Trump has done more to win my vote than any other since I voted for Reagan in 1980. If all the haters would truly consider all the good he’s done for the American people, we wouldn’t be waiting for the results of the election fraud investigations and court proceedings. Regardless of what the final result is, President Donald J. Trump will always be the Man of the Year!
What a sad list to select from. Surely you could have come up with a better collection of choices!
Donald Trump has done more for this country and the people than all the last 5 democratic presidents put together. AND under the circumstances that were perpetrated by the Democrats lack of desire to work with the president, rather against him. Mike Pence deserves a tremendous recognition and thanks for his resolve also. Mike Pompao for his strength and knowledge in development of foreign affairs and agreements completed for America and its future. Thank you, ALL.
I feel there has never been anyone in history that has done more for the people of this country then anyone else. I feel lucky to have witnessed it.
Many of the people listed need recognition…but, President Trump has done more for the country, helped our economy and corrected many wrongs that has been done to the people over the years…
Sidney Powell…..
The runner up should be AC Barrett!
President Trump without a doubt. I’m worried about what’s in store for this country in the next four years. It won’t be pretty.
I can’t believe five people actually voted for Joe Biden!
Ha!, most everyone has missed the boat. Now, I think about that Q, and, say to myself, “Who is going to do the most to save the U.S. of A. from a failed political system, Socialism, which gets recycled periodically?” And, now, I have to think about what is really going on, in present time. And, here it is: We are being told that a criminal, demented, empty suit from Delaware has won the 2020 presidential election. Well, I have carefully analyzed this matter, and have concluded that the election, so called, does not even rise to the level of a bad joke. Mail-in balloting has created a farce, which exceeds all rationality, relative to this matter. Now, is there anyone, who is exhibiting the intestinal fortitude and legal wisdom to overcome this situation? There are several individuals, who are working the problem, but, my bet is on Ms. Sidney Powell. Ms. Powell is, first of all an American Patriot, and, additionally, she is a razor sharp attorney. There ain’t no grass growing on this lady! It is my humble opinion that.
when all is said and done, Ms. Powell is going to expose a vast conspiracy, which might have destroyed the U.S. of A. And, she will be instrumental in cleaning it up!
Our President, hands down. He is our only saving grace right now. God Bless him, we are in the fight of our life, and we need him more than ever.
As the current leader of the US he is the only President who has constantly done so much for our country while having to fight off opposition from all sides. And through all the negativism, back stabbing, eager attempts to destroy him, his family and anyone else who joins forces with him and his fight for the betterment of the United States… he and his followers are and God willing still continue to fight for the United States and it’s citizens.
I wish Sydney Powell would have been nominated. I think she deserves to be.
President Trump has given so much to turn our Country around. I am thankful for his Leadership and enduring spirit!
This is no longer the USA. The country we had hope in no longer exists. The integrity, moral character, decency, and hope, is gone. How President Trump held up throughout the 4 years of socialist take over is admirable. However, socialism has been destroying this land long before Clinton, Obama, and the other non American terrorists.
Essential workers? We’re all essential workers – even those of us who are retired. We still feed the economy, don’t we? Ask the IRS and your state and local governments next April.
He fought for us while being bashed and humiliated and then donated his salary. He unearthed the corruption in DC.
As an essential healthcare worker, I vote for President Trump. Besides being the greatest president, he came through and helped hospitals and states with manufacturing respirators, having a task force get us supplies. Superb leadership and the hardest worker ever seen in the White House. He has also helped to preserve life, brought religious freedom back and more peace in our world. As a military mom and Christian, no president has come close to all he has done.
He is the only leader who has shown us what government is supposed to do. Even the democrats would know it if they opened their eyes to the truth and stopped being blinded by the lies.
I think My President should be chosen for this award because he gave Americans hope for a greater future in every way. I can’t think of anyone more deserving! He has given more mentally, physically and financially to the United States than any other person, ever! He deserves this recognition and so much more!
If I could add a name I would vote for Russell M. Nelson.
Everything in our lives have been better with our President. The Swamp is running scared and ruined the election. We, as patriots, need to protect the Constitution, the Supreme Court, the borders, and our freedoms. Pray for our country and President Trump.
I wish you would have included Gary Sinese, Jon Voight and James Woods
Trump created the best economy we’ve ever had. He reacted quickly to the pandemic and pushed the development of vaccines for us. His Supreme Court appointments will survive the leftists and decide cases according to the Constitution. He made us energy independent and deregulated industries where needed. His battle to fight election fraud and overturn this illegal election may be his best work yet. God bless Donald Trump!
President Trump, this year alone, has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize four times proving he is a peace loving President and again proves himself to being an outstanding negotiator bringing adversarial people or people of different cultures together.
President Trump has been sent by God to rebuild,restore,reunite,strengthen and return our nation to the principles we have always had in this country. He was assigned by God to unveil the evil that dwells in this world that have been attacking him since he began his presidency and are trying to destroy our country. The power and strength to stand in every situation that the evildoers planned for him only comes from a higher authority not through flesh alone. God put President Trump in office to return God to our children,schools,society and our government. He is truly a man of the people and for the people. This election scam was to try to prevent another 4 years but God controls everything and evil will not overcome good. He has been the best president in the history of our nation and it is in evil times that now exist in our nation that God sends leaders like him into power. I thank him for all he has done for our nation and what he will continue to do in his next 4 years in his elected next presidency.
If Our President had not won in 2016
I dare to think what these immoral monsters on the left could have gotten away with if The Demon Hillary had been elected!
No God- no faith – no jobs- no economic
Keep Praying for our President n our Country ????????????????❣️
President Donald Trump has shown what a true leader and statesman is. He has faced opposition and hatred every day for nearly four years and donates his pay to worthy charities. He is certainly not in it for the money. He seems to truly love America and is doing his best to save our country. Can’t think of any other person whose contributions even come close.
I think Trump is doing what we voted him office for, and it is great that he is doing what he said he would. The esential workers however are doing above and beyond what they were hired to do.
Thank you to all those that understand the republic and their duties in the republic, and God bless America