

Which two proclamations by progressives are the most misguided and dangerous in your view?

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Shirley Webb
Shirley Webb
2 years ago

All of the above are hard core issues!!!!!!!

E C Pena
E C Pena
2 years ago

They are all very misguided!!

Freedom Is 1
Freedom Is 1
2 years ago

They are called the far left, because they want to leave the ballpark and play their own game. We (legal citizens) get the privilege to pay for it all.
What do you call a person that “ do as I say, not what I do” ? Surely not a leader.
They are totally misguiding people and people are to lazy to fact check them on what they are saying or see the the situation has gotten out of control and worsening.

Entertainment has taken the place of vigilance.

The Supreme Court since Robert’s leading. Has taken the cheap and easy way out! Not supporting the Constitution, giving away to the woke!
The new justices are running scary of doing their duty. A fish out of water.
They through the health care workers under the bus along with the american people (legal citizens)!
They did not rule by striking down the overreach from the Bidenites. They simply punted, considering the Bidenites would not win in court.

It will come back to the Supreme Court again.
Robert’s is envolved with the FISA warrants.
During the Trump administration he always pushed discussions to the future.

Gary Mercer
Gary Mercer
2 years ago

I don’t agree with any of the above.

2 years ago

Who could pick from that list! All are very bad!

2 years ago

For all their differences, there is one thing that republicans and democrats are fully agreed on. Republicans believe that fraudulent voting helps elect democrats, and democrats believe that fraudulent voting helps elect democrats.

2 years ago

They are all equally misguided and dangerous!

2 years ago

I’m disappointed to see the results of this poll show less people feel abortion is not significant. They are all misguided and dangerous but allowing baby’s to be murdered for the convenience of someone is obscene.

2 years ago

Democrats=Communism=slavery=death of humanity. Anything the liberals and progressives do is counterproductive to humanity.

Robert J Byrnes
Robert J Byrnes
2 years ago

If we listen to less media and talked to eachother more,we would realize we as a people-as a nation have more in common with eachother,share similar concerns and are ALL AMERICANS.
Enough of the African American,Caucasian male;Hispanic this and that- again,we are simply all AMERICANS!! Let’s address eachother as such…..

2 years ago

Everything the left proclaims is both scary and offensive.

J Van Horn
J Van Horn
2 years ago

People with even just one ounce of common sense need to wake up. These progressives/ Democraps will do and say anything to get votes or stay in power. Remember Biden and Schumer were for the filibuster before they were against it. Obama was against gay marriage before he was for it. Biden was best buddies with Robert Byrd, now the entire country is racist in his eyes except him. And last but not least all of them were against illegal immigration before they were for it. One more thing, they all don’t have a problem with killing an unborn baby for whatever reason.

Odins Beard
Odins Beard
2 years ago

This notion that “progressives” are somehow basically good people but are just misguided and have wacky ideas is nonsense. Progressives are evil to their very core. Their wacky ideas are part of their Cloward-Pivenesq machinations to destroy the Republic and install Communism.

2 years ago

Once again, all of the above choice should have been offered. These Progressive Democrats are greedy, power hungry, and Anti American idiots! They have no business holding public office and must be voted out immediately if not sooner!!

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
2 years ago

The democrats are the party of death. No one with an ounce of intelligence would vote for any of their policies.

2 years ago

Truth to a Democrat is like sunlight to a termite … fatal.

2 years ago

until we stop murdering babies in the womb we will struggle as a nation. We need an photo ID for nearly everything important in life in America. It is a must for begging allowed to vote.

2 years ago

DummycRATs are trying to destroy this great country. This November, we need to vote ALL DummycRATs out of office. Not just at the national level, but locally and state wide. DummycRATs are out of their minds, anti-American, and worst of all, socialists/communist

Jamie Martin
Jamie Martin
2 years ago

For just a moment, can we get onto some good news. It is only a matter of time, until All vaccine mandates are erased. The Supreme Court ruling set the precident for this mass depopulation to end. More court cases and lawsuits will follow. Our prayers are being answered and we must continue to pray and to back our real President. Rejoice in this victory and crack a smile on your face. The changes are coming and coming very soon.

Nancy Parker
Nancy Parker
2 years ago

I chose the first one on voter ID, because if voting is not secured only to citizens, then we no longer have a country. I chose systemic racism, because the instilling of this untruth ‘idea’ in our children only promotes division, which is exactly what the leftist communists are trying to accomplish. Divide and conquer.

2 years ago

Should have had a choice of “all of the above”. The anti-American, leftist controlled Communist Dem0cRAT Party needs to swept out of government permanently!

2 years ago

Progressive is a misguided term. They are Marxist communist. Democrat party hasn’t been, for a long time. The only way to save the country is to seal the borders. Then impose a 3 year moratorium on any immigration, until we can actively deport all the criminals that got into our country. Declaring Election Day a federal holiday, so everyone can get to their polling precinct and prove who they are with proper identification and signature . Get rid of the machines and blanket mailing of ballots and drop boxes which caused all the fraud in November of 2020. This way there are no excuses. Covid was used as an excuse for this travesty, but everybody was still in Walmart shopping. If you can’t get to your poll you don’t vote…….sorry!

2 years ago

He is drowning us in illiterate illegal aliens. He is changing our republic into an oligarchy and those with power and wealth will live above the crime, the teeming public housing, the failed educational system and the garbage filled streets. He is a demented evil person guided by the Satanists who surround him.

Cynthia E Wilde
Cynthia E Wilde
2 years ago

I agree with others! All of the above!

2 years ago

It’s sad, I couldn’t pick more then 2.

Linda K
Linda K
2 years ago

My advice to parents is, don’t worry about saving for your kids college. Instead, put that money towards sending them to private school. Keep them out of the public school system.

2 years ago

At this point, I can’t think of any measure that the progressive Democrats put forth furthers the well-being of this Republic or its citizens. In fact, it’s the opposite. If you have watched the British series MI 5, especially Season 4, Episodes 1 and 2, you will be amazed at how closely it resembles the progressives’ agenda including the Jan. 6 uprising.

Tom Johnson
Tom Johnson
2 years ago

There is another proclamation that should be included. “Parents have no say in how their children are educated “. The public school system, controlled by the Federal Department of Education and leftist teachers unions, have been indoctrinating students to believe and support all of the other proclamations given here. Add to that; man-made global warming and Critical Race Theory. We need to put education reform at the top of our list if we want to truly Make America Great Again.

M. Hayes
M. Hayes
2 years ago

Now even worse. Eliminating the filibuster that Dems just used this week. Fed legislation to control all elections.

2 years ago


Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

Another poll that needs an “all of the above” choice included.

2 years ago

All of the above are dangerous and false. I cannot pick just 2.

2 years ago

Anyone who wants to claim discrimination for requiring identification to vote should simply be disqualified from voting AND from receiving welfare assistance. Everyone must do their part to validate citizenship, especially now America is being glutted with illegals! Dems don’t care because unverified identity offers them illegitimate voters as well as unverifiable welfare recipients so the welfare budget can be “flexible” for misappropriation.

2 years ago

All of the above! Each one of those choices removes a basic building block of our moral character as a nation. Without basic morality I don’t see how this country can exist.

2 years ago

All the above!!

Tommy Molnar
Tommy Molnar
2 years ago

I cannot believe the “Mass Formation Psychosis” I’m seeing in our country. It’s all over the world, of course, but it’s here that I’m most concerned about. We used to be the beacon of hope for the entire world. Now we’re just another country overrun with illegals, political correctness, America hate, brainwashed kids and indoctrinated millennials. The government has pummeled us with non-stop fear-mongering about the plandemic, with the mainstream media in full force helping to spread this misplaced fear. Illegal mandates telling us we must do this and we must do that – or you lose your job. The government has bankrupted thousands of small businesses, and thousands of individuals. But then they show up with millions of dollars (that don’t exist, as they run up the national debt that will never be repaid and turn our once strong dollar into pesos) to “save us” and pay millions of people to not work. Meantime, businesses cannot find people who want to work. So more businesses teeter on the brink of failing. Even large businesses. I don’t think there is an easy solution to this. It just could be that we’re doomed as the once-great United States of America most of us grew up in.

2 years ago

Dems have become the most divisive, anti-America elements in our nation; BLM & Antifa are their version of Brown Shirts

Howard Kingsbury
Howard Kingsbury
2 years ago

All 4 are equally insane and violations of America’s founding values and documents.
Such surveys are insulting equivalents of political parties efforts to raise funds for the swamp. Unbecoming.

2 years ago

They are all critical issues. Unfortunately the media isn’t doing their job or we would even know more crooked things going on like treatments for COVID. How these people even get voted in makes more of an issue with voting rights. We need much better representation for all of us and not these far leaning wackos….vote them out and keep out all the illegals.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Please add an “All the Above” option to these polls.

Douglas Anderson
Douglas Anderson
2 years ago

The Voter ID requirement would be required for EVERYONE! How can that be construed as targeting individual groups for racism?? The ONLY factual and truthful reason for obstructing Voter ID requirements is that Voter ID would make it very difficult to falsify votes, which is how Democrats have been getting elected.

2 years ago

Marx’s and Engel’s Ten Steps to Communism
It’s not appropriate, of course, to look at the famous Manifesto of the Communist Party of 1847 as a guide to the conversion today of the capitalist state to a communist state. The progressive and social democracy movements of the US and Europe at the end of the 19th century enacted some of the communist party’s demands as pre-emptive measures to defang the radical movement, and of course out of a charitable desire to mitigate the harshest conditions of industrialization. Nonetheless, the ten steps are instructive. They provide a glimpse of how far we are today from a truly capitalist society, as Marx and Engels thought such a society looked like.
“… the first step in the revolution by the working class is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class, to establish democracy.
The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest by degrees all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state, i.e., of the proletariat organized as the ruling class, and to increase the total of productive forces as rapidly as possible.
Of course, in the beginning this cannot be effected except by the means of despotic inroads on the rights of property and on the conditions of bouregois production; by means of measures, therefore, which appear economically insufficient and untenable, but which, in the course of the movement outstrip themselves, necessitate further inroads upon the old social order, and are unavoidable as a means of entirely revolutionizing the mode of production.
These measures will, of course, be different in different countries.
Nevertheless, in the most advanced countries the following will be pretty generally applicable:
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of child factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.”

Think about this for a while. See any similarities?


2 years ago

All of the above, this IS the marxist democrat party platform!
Just add racism,divisiveness and class envy!

2 years ago

All of the choices above were equally concerning to me. You really can’t separate the issues, they fuel the overall cultural crisis impacting our nation right now.

2 years ago

The Progressive and Leftist mentality is not just wrong-think, but it is a disease. Everything they come up with has an ulterior motive; they are crooked, corrupt and immoral. They have no good or original ideas, and everything they do is destructive. They have no ability to create, only the ability to destroy. Just look at what they’ve done to our country since the early 1900’s.

They have no problem with lying, cheating or stealing to achieve their goals. The truth is not in them. They are truly evil..

Yvonne Patterson Quirk
Yvonne Patterson Quirk
2 years ago

I actually think that they are ALL dangerous and misguided.

David Becker
David Becker
2 years ago

Changing the filibuster rule in the Senate would insure the minority has no voice in passing legislation

2 years ago

As almost all have said, all of the choices are the ridiculously reasoned rhetoric of the democrats intended to stop the bleeding of bodies from their voter base, and scare the ignorant into keeping them in power.

Deborah Stump
Deborah Stump
2 years ago

All of the above statements are inherently dangerous, if truly touted and believed. The abortion/ health care LIE continues to lead to more evil murderous acts to the most vulnerable population of humanity.
“Jim Crow” comment is dangerous, since, if Citizen’s votes are diluted by all the non-citizen’s votes, the laws founding this great country will be completely eradicated over time. We need to be Strengthening our system, not weakening it !!

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