
Which best describes your view of President Biden’s address to Congress?

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3 years ago

Why is there a “not sure” choice?
You either watched it or you didn’t. If you’re not sure, you might be in the same cognitive boat as Biden.

Jim VH
Jim VH
3 years ago

Wouldn’t watch this moron in chief for anything. Even if he did say something with any intelligence behind it for one thing he wouldn’t know it and the mainstream media would cover for him anyway. His handlers speech anyway. Take the teleprompter away and watch what happens.

Phillip Brock
Phillip Brock
3 years ago

Was delighted that the GOP chose our junior senator to deliver the rebuttal. Tim Scott delivered a message of hope and unity unlike those of Biden. It was shameful how ugly the attacks were by the left and it proved they don’t believe any person of color should be a strong, independent thinker.

3 years ago

I listened to it, So basically I watched it. It was a liberal socialistic agenda which will lead to extreme high inflation and taxes for everyone. Bigger government control. He actually did say that “we the people was government”. I was like no stupid we the people elected Trump and you all cheated to get control. We will fix that with the 2022 election of congress then the 2024 for president.

3 years ago

I can’t stand listening to this communist addled buffoon. I am so sick of being lied to. If it isn’t Covid, immigrants, spending money, etc it’s how we are so great as a nation/world leader. We have lost in a coup to the CCP.

Barbara Collins
Barbara Collins
3 years ago

I have been voting for over 50 years and this President is a puppet of the Left and is truly not capable of leading this country. Tim Scott’s rebuttal to this President’s speech was a shinning light of hope for this country.

3 years ago

Have lost confidence in once trusted Government agencies. Democraps contaminate everything they touch. DOJ, FBI, CDC, DOD, SCOTUS, and IRS are just the tip of the disgusting OBAMA rot. Fear for my grandkids.

Richard A Smith
Richard A Smith
3 years ago

I don’t feel like any red-blooded American could watch or listen to Joe Biden knowing that he is a liar, cheat. This guy has for years sold out to China and Ukraine so he and his entire family could profit and become millionaires. Also a this unamerican saving his son while having others investigated by the dept of justice. Wow, that’s communism at its best.

3 years ago

Ted Cruz spoke for me.

3 years ago

Thank God for ‘Remote Controls’. Mine got a workout during the Obummer years and now it’s getting another one.

Virginia Rogalski
Virginia Rogalski
3 years ago

On our way to socialism. God help us.

3 years ago

I boycotted Clinton and Obama. More so with Biden*, the un-elected president by 80,000,000 “voters.” We the People are in deep trouble and not just because of the Obama-run White House. The Republicans are useless, as an opposition party, with a few obvious exceptions. When they had the chance as the Senate majority, they twiddle their fingers and did nothing to rein in Big Tech. That fecklessness cost us the election and, quite possibly, our Republic.

3 years ago

It was great! Any question left on who we all need to vote for? Whether you saw it or not, your curiosity got the best of you and you watched your favorite news to get the low down. Now raise hell with your representatives and hold their feet to the fire and don’t hesitate to tell them what you really think of them. RINOs, Lazy, Useless, Mouthpieces for campaign donations, Enablers, Phoney Fatherless Polititians just there to enrich themselves and whatever else you actually think of them. Don’t be scared! Just tell them!!

Tom P
Tom P
3 years ago

I don’t enjoy stating that this corrupt administration and imposter president are a disgrace and embarrassment to the country. on the global stage, it ain’t pretty that we’ve allowed our constitution and freedoms (that we fought & died for), to be trashed by radicals who hate America.
Please pray like never before and don’t be afraid to stand up.

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
3 years ago

Where was the ” I didn’t watch because there was a good movie on another channel”, Seriously, I didn’t watch because I am tired of the BS and the destruction of our great country.

Judi Davis
Judi Davis
3 years ago

I didn’t watch it because I believed it was going to be nothing nothing more than ‘blowing smoke’, and an opportunity to blame/put down D. Trump.

Karen Lahmeyer
Karen Lahmeyer
3 years ago

This Obiden administration is destroying my country. The crisis at the border, criminalizing conservatives and referring to us as white supremacist , the coming gun grab , and loss of jobs. These are just the start. This entire administration is as corrupt as ever; even more so

Glen Robinson
Glen Robinson
3 years ago

Joe Biden is a bumbling communist idiot.

3 years ago

From what little I saw replayed, he was his usual idiotic, stumbling, bumbling moron. I would consider this elder abuse and his wife and family should be arrested.

Carol Jenkins
Carol Jenkins
3 years ago

Nothing worse than a liar who believes his own lies – dangerous!

3 years ago

“The worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

Lies, platitudes and pandering.

Do any of them actually believe what they are saying?

John Haynes
John Haynes
3 years ago

I thought his speech was schizophrenic! Period

3 years ago

Biden is a puppet. He has no mental capacity remaining. Someone else is running the radical left show.

Greg Helbig
Greg Helbig
3 years ago

Except for some inner city trash, thank God us rational individuals own most of the firearms in our great nation.

3 years ago

If the liberals keep pushing forward with their agenda, there’s going to be another 1776 event.

Linda K
Linda K
3 years ago

He’s a joke. Anyone that believes he got 80 million votes is delusional.

3 years ago

It is not only shameful but pathetic that people voted for such a socialistic tongue wagger. He is not the beginning of the end, just another lamp boy leading the sheep to slaughter. There should have been another box to vote,” joe should be kept in his basement with his kamela doll to entertain himself with”.

Forrest (Frosty) Anderson
Forrest (Frosty) Anderson
3 years ago

The liberals want to make this a communist country and control everything we do!

Michael Power
Michael Power
3 years ago

we all that paid attention know this regime is run by the communist backing of george soros and other bad actors around the world. its time adults started educating the younger folks as to what they are creating

Tom M
Tom M
3 years ago

Typical socialist nonsense. Keep spending fake money to buy votes. But nothing ever changes as people are never better off. Joey who? Never listen to one word from this puppet nor Obama either.

3 years ago

Same old lies and blah, blah, blah. WE THE PEOPLE first, I think they have forgotten that! Tim Scott gave em something to think about!

3 years ago

The news media swooning over biden nonsense yet when President Trump spoke of anything he was the devil. SICKENING.

3 years ago


3 years ago

The most Disturbing address to Congress I’ve ever seen. Only watched a bit, nothing to be proud of. I’m afraid of what’s to come.

William Hanti
William Hanti
3 years ago

I wish they would get to the bottom of the election fraud once and for all. Prosecute all of those responsible, and restore our President to his rightful office!!!

3 years ago

Please bring Trump back. Slow walk
uncle Joe to the nursing home and
ask Kamala to shut up.

3 years ago

I did not watch as I have already heard the same lies over and over. I will not recognize this false presidency. If the election fraud audit does not put our duly elected President in office, True Americans will have no other options other than to take back our Democratic Republic. Right now, we are living in “Opposite World”!

D. T.
D. T.
3 years ago

Obama 3.0

3 years ago

Pure and simple a very eloquent and well choreographed presentation of massive redistribution of wealth, except for theirs.

Lloyd W. Jones
Lloyd W. Jones
3 years ago

This Leftist Democrat party no longer reflects the America that our ancestors fought and died to create and defend. Their Socialistic agenda means that all power and money is owned and controlled by them. Socialism has failed and destroyed every country it was forced upon. Seems as though the Democrats didn’t learn a thing from the Socialist-Democrat party of Nazi Germany.

Jon Ruhnke
Jon Ruhnke
3 years ago

Words can’t describe…………

3 years ago

I’ve grown very tired of hearing what a demented old man has to say who is being told what to do and say by a bunch of women who care less about my country. I’ve lost many family members to war who have protected the USA citizenships right to freedom of speech and right to bear arms.

William Meyers
William Meyers
3 years ago

Scariest speech I have ever heard-when racist Joe said the constitution was wrong, and the government was the people! What a shame a racist, bigot, lying thief has been elected President

3 years ago

We are in deep crap! Wake up people! This whole corrupt installed Biden puppet regime is on a fast track to socialism. All of the tactics are classic Marxist ones. Let’s pick just one.

The acid test for the military to weed out right wing extremists (code anyone right of center) is a danger sign. Weed out and maintain anyone left of center. More inclined to follow the corrupted order of the Democrats to eliminate the right wing competition forever.

This is an ANTI AMERICAN regime talking a big game falsely telling us that Trump was the dictator and a threat to Democracy. USE YOUR BRAIN! I cite Isaiah 5:20 for some clarity on what is really going on. The useful idiots, coined by Lenin are ignorant people who are actually promoting that which they refuse to understand and will only realize when it is too late. The BIG LIE is alive and well and a nod to Joseph Goebbels, with a heaping helping of Saul Alinsky (Hillary Clinton’s thesis topic).


Terri Hughes
Terri Hughes
3 years ago

Biden is a disgrace to this country

3 years ago

Any president or any congress that would outline such a suicidal plan for a country and any proletariat who would vote for such should be shot for treason! Anarchy as a rule is a given for evil with the destruction of this country it’s result. God help the U.S.A.

Tamara Simms
Tamara Simms
3 years ago

Washington DC is insane!

John Palumbo
John Palumbo
3 years ago

Disgusting! Worst address in the history of this country!!! That OLD FOOL got in due to VOTER FRAUD and the World knows it. Every patriotic country loving one of us must make sure we keep losers out of any position of authority. This OLD FOOL has no clue what so ever, he and his communist(democrats} are trying to take down America and we cannot let that happen. USA111 GOD BLESS AMERICA

Steven Doyle
Steven Doyle
3 years ago

This is living proof that shows how challenged the Democratic Party is to put forth a true leader for our nation. In contrast, President Trump was about improving the lives of every American and encouraging the work ethic and the US-based businesses versus the global payoffs taken by those in the Biden administration working to destroy American values and redistribute the assets of families that have worked generations to build a future for their families. It is interesting to me to see how race-based the Biden plans are to exclude Caucasians from any government benefits

3 years ago

I really just could not watch the man and his party that is destroying America. They make me sick.

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