Too close to call but if I had to bet my own money, I would put all of my chips on Pennsylvania. The winner of Pennsylvania will win the election so the Republicans in Pennsylvania better turn out in mass or that’s all she wrote.
3 years ago
If Trump wins, the left will burn down several major cities. If Biden wins, President Harris will destroy the country.
3 years ago
No doubt it will be a wild one.
If there’s a contested electoral college outcome, instead of letting congress choose the president, the Constitution’s founding fathers should have called for the candidates to don boxing gloves and duke it out.
In this one, Biden would likely head back into his basement.
End of contest.
Texas Resister 64
3 years ago
I think those of us who have already voted should get on our knees and pray for the next three days, lest we fall into the hands of the anarchists and tyrants.
Jeffrey Warner
3 years ago
God will decide. I pray it is Pres. Trump but God might have a lesson to teach some what socialism would do to America , we have slipped as a nation away from God. I pray his remnant will be successful.
Clark Beach
3 years ago
I like the way the polls are trending toward the President. I do worry about all those that voted early and the remaining potential for ballot harvested votes showing up selectively after election day “where needed”.
Tamara Tarbell
3 years ago
I think, either way there is going to be violence. I also think that everyone will be surprised at the number of people who “switched) sides putting Trump over the top
Bill Gould
3 years ago
Yes it’s economy stupid Also it’s America stupid Vote Trump straight republicans stop socialism now
3 years ago
I pray it’s a Trump landslide so that it can’t be contested. I’m afraid it will be close enough in several states to have challenges and that counting late ballots will result in massive voter fraud. I’m also afraid there will be deadly riots.
Jerry Dunn
3 years ago
Too much corruption in elections for me ….I don’t participate in corruption of any kind . Clean up our Government and Washington and I will consider
participating when I’m convinced that the corruption has been cleaned up . Otherwise , I will take what the corruption brings , but I won’t be a part of it.
3 years ago
Biden will win by 20 million votes. CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, the pollsters, the Dems themselves, the magazines, the radio, social media, the Marxists, all liberals, the hard left and even Biden himself (or so he’s been told) all have declared a Biden smashdown winner. Must be true. All these sources are absolutely non-biased and the truth just gushes like lava from them constantly. No fake news here!
Peggy Moyers
3 years ago
I think there’s no doubt Trump’s going to win. But I believe the Democrats are going to do everything in their sneaky power to try to steal this election. Yes pray the hand of God prevail.
Joe McHugh
3 years ago
According to my liberal associates, Joe Biden will win because he promises to raise taxes so he can spend much more on government programs such as abortion, welfare support, and to help the big cities to cover their huge financial costs. That his growing dementia illness will necessitate his replacement after six months in office doesn’t seem to bother the liberal voters. Perhaps the liberal voters will chip in and replace poor Kamala’s round heels so she doesn’t fall on her back so much.
3 years ago
I think it is utterly absurd that Joe Biden is still in the race. If it was you, me or anyone not part of the political swamp, we would have been arrested already.
The Democrats should put someone else in to run in view of all that has come to light and not try and create such havoc so as to get him in only to then turn it over to Harris.
Harris definitely is not deserving of even being on the ballot. She had to drop out due to her low support during the Democrat race to see who would run.
3 years ago
Trump has been steadily closing the gap in the polls. I’m hoping most of the polls are way wrong once again and it ends on Tuesday.
3 years ago
Anyone who is thinking of voting for Biden had better be prepared for a President who is mentally challenged. Believe me, having dealt with someone with the disease, I believe he is in the early stages of dementia. So very, very sad for this country if Trump is not reelected. Everybody, please pray for Trump and another four years.
3 years ago
The amount of fraud will determine the election.
Michael Tieri
3 years ago
Just as in 2016, there are many who are in a position where they can’t show their support for the President. Even when they are being polled, they don’t tell the truth. they voice their opinion once they are making their selection. If you care about this country and all that it is to the world, you have to vote for President Trump. The Democratic party is no longer the same. It’s full of people who are uninformed and don’t care about this country. At 62 years old, this is the first time I’ve ever been scared for our country. I pray that it’s God’s will that President Trump gets four more years.
Marie Kathi Coughenour
3 years ago
I pray y’all are correct and Trumps victory is not challenged. But we all know the slippery slope that is politics. We, the silent majority need to be heard. They thought they could silence us with the Pandemic ?, the hornets?, the dust ? and the full, blue moon?/time change⏳/Halloween? that is before election day….but we shall be heard! This I pray?
Michael Jeffers
3 years ago
The crowds at EVERY President Trump rally tell the story for me! If those people are willing to wait for hours and hours to see OUR President, you can be certain they will Vote for him. That is quite easily several hundred thousand votes right there. Anything less than a landslide victory, and I’m going to think there is something illegal going on. #VoteRedToSaveAmerica
Peter Keep
3 years ago
The foreign powers that so control the leftists in the US will do whatever they think is necessary to destroy the US. Yah – that sounds extremist until you think through how so far aligned the the leftists are with foreign powers.
3 years ago
It appears the Democratic Party has become more of a regime bent on complete government change from a system of checks and balances to one that will swing only their way and in the process create a machine that will only allow democrats to be elected nationally. There will be federal enforcement of whatever agenda they choose so say good-bye to states rights. So many books have been written previously about what is happening but they are being ignored………..or maybe banned? It’s a simple and patient formula. Infiltrate your ideology in the schools, brainwash the young, gain control over the media by eliminating independent and fair reporting, ban the books and the voices that would not be aligned with your propaganda and you will not have to travel to a socialist, marxist or communist country to witness this phenomena because we will have home grown it right here right under everyone’s noses. Congratulations to silicon valley, hollywood, university professors, the media willing to sacrifice their independence, and all the wealthy behind the scenes donors whom without your support, this never could have happened. Maybe your actions and the country you are creating may actually make me “take a knee” during the anthem in the future but my cause would be for all of America.
3 years ago
Heaven help us if the American electorate puts a demented old crook into the highest office of the nation! Of course, it wouldn’t take the current Congress long to decide that’s a problem and elevate Harris (the least favorite democratic presidential candidate) to that office.
3 years ago
I am very happy to see that most of us are on the same page. Trump will win with a decisive margin. The pollsters are doing the same thing they did four years ago, it didn’t work then and it’s not going to work in 2020.
3 years ago
I TRULY believe Pres. Trump will win by a good bit, but that won’t stop the Democrats from “going INSANE” and fighting the results with everything they’ve got! So what if he won! Truth means NOTHING to them and lies mean EVERYTHING!!! I pray for our President and our country EVERY SINGLE night that God will watch over him, his family, our country and us and I voted.
3 years ago
I believe that the Lord is using this “flawed” man much like the many “flawed” men throughout the Bible. I believe that He will use this “flawed “ man to continue His will in this country and world.
3 years ago
If Trump wins, the left will burn down several major cities and they are plotting to shut down Washington DC. If Biden wins, President Harris will destroy the country. There will be a huge fight about the election unless there is a land slide victory in favor of Trump.
3 years ago
How can anyone vote for Biden / Harris. They exemplify everything an American President should NOT be.
3 years ago
Trump will win the electoral college & the popular vote. The GOP will increase its hold in the Senate & retake the House.
In any case, the Democrat/Marxist party will attempt a coup d’etat. Keep your powder dry!
3 years ago
If Trump wins the Democrats and their socialist millionaire backers will make sure that there are riots in major cities all across the nation. Then blame the riots on Trump and his policies. If Biden wins he won’t be in office very long before Harris will have to take over for him. But, whether Biden or Harris is in control of the Presidency they will ruin this country and you can kiss the America we all know a love goodbye.
J. Scott Hamilton
3 years ago
We are at War because Trump is not playing the get rich schemes of the career politicians, he owes no one any favors but the Voters of the USA and his Love of the greatest Country in History. In addition to the corrupt Politicians, Countries because Trump is not allowing them to USE and ABUSE the USA. China launched a Bio Attack against the USA and the World, Iran and other Countries are attempting to get Nukes and the methods to launch them. I believe our enemies are funding people in the US to riot and using Social Media to create fear, unrest and defeat our right to assemble, tear down our Constitution and all the rights it guarantees us.
3 years ago
There is only one way Biden wins, and that is if the American public does not go out and VOTE !!!!!!! We have to vote,vote,vote. We can not be so sure Biden is going to lose as the socialist/commie party is cheating now and getting caught, so we just have vote and take back our COUNTRY AND FREEDOMS.
Faith in America
3 years ago
I have faith in America. I think that the President will win by a bigger margin than the last election. African Americans and Hispanics will help the President also have the popular vote. Americans do not want socialism.
Jerry L
3 years ago
Biden isn’t stupid. He has dementia.
The people that vote for him are stupid.
Art A
3 years ago
Kenneth Martin
3 years ago
I am hoping and praying that Trump/Pence wins this election decisively, but I am afraid of what might happen then. Riots, burning and looting will follow and the leaders of our cities and states must be strong.
3 years ago
AMAC is an excellent source of positive action for us all. We must do everything we can to help everyone realize the gravity of our situation. I believe God has blessed America since her birth and wants us to continue to bless others as we have so generously done for decades. Defeating Godless philosophies like Socialism which leads to Communism and Marxism is essential. I had to vote absentee and Maryland did a great job of tracking my ballot! Prays for our Trump-Pence Team and entire administration.
Jinger Jenkins
3 years ago
I sure hope Trump wins and not Biden.. it will be another Civil War and may be anyway! Like the person for Texas said.. we all need to pray.. have been praying for quite some time… it has been most worrisome with all the cheating and crookedness of the democRat party..
3 years ago
I have read that there are people voting against Trump because they don’t like him. I think that Trump’s vs. Biden’s unexplained accumulated wealth, horrible criminal justice actions, 47 years of no accomplishment, in ability to speak in complete sentences, radical left leaning running mate, unwarranted displays of anger to ward people asking “hard” questions, unwarranted blind faith media support, and worst essentially think that half the voters are chumps, his words, for supporters another candidate with a different point of view all provides a better argument to vote against Biden.
3 years ago
i hope the poll is correct. But they know how to cheat. That has been demonstrated in the state of Chicago for many decades.
3 years ago
Trump will win by a large margin. There has been no true reporting of his supporters for making America great!! We travel and talk to a lot of people and no where are the numbers showing support for a socialist country.
3 years ago
President has taken on the establishment and they will show that they can push any election in the direction they want. They pipe in $$, they change the rules, they control the narrative. Its fixed
Nick Sertell
3 years ago
When Trump gives a rally thousands show up. Biden give a rally tens of people show up. Where is the enthusiasm?
Why would anyone vote for Socialism during one of the best economic booms?
Jai Archer
3 years ago
Praying hard for closet Trumpers to come through! The comments I’ve read here are encouraging to me and I know that God’s got the plan. I’m also praying that the congressional elections will be resounding conservative won. Their disrespect has divided the nation and is fueling the fire of discontent. Thankfully we have Justice Barrett in place!
Terry White
3 years ago
I PRAY that Trump will win
Many indicators indicate a landslide victory. I hope the prognosticators are correct. If Biden should, somehow win this election, our country will die a slow and painful death on it’s way to communism. The dems want socialism, but in every way their explanation of intent are closer to communism. They want complete and unequivicable control. MOREOVER, Biden will never be president. If he is elected, Pelosi in a closed door session of dem caucus has already stated they will invoke the 25th amendment against Biden and install Harris as president. We would then be on a world of hurt.
3 years ago
Bidden offers Death, Higher Taxes, Socialism – how is that America?
Trump offers, God, Life and the pursuit of happiness – that is MAGA!
Tony Duncan
3 years ago
The prophets have spoken, and I listened there will be more civil unrest after Trump wins his second term, but resistance comes before reform, God is on the throne still, trust in our Lord Jesus, and he will guide your way and keep you safe during these perilous times.
Bob Hamm
3 years ago
With the reports I am seeing on TV and the internet I am uncomfortable with the idea that Biden/Harris could win. The idea of becoming a socialist country terrifies me tremendously. I have already voted for the one that has done more for this country than any other president in the past few decades. It is unfortunate that so many cannot see the evilness of the Liberal Party. What they do not realize is that it will effect everyone in this country no matter what party you adhered to.
Alain Cummings
3 years ago
Only God knows! Democrats believe they can create a perfect world here on earth with socialism ? Most Democrats I know are atheists so they do not need God! After all every Democrats is using the book “Rules for Radicals” as a road map. In this book the author honors Lucifer as the first Radical! Hillary Clinton did her college thesis on this book!
3 years ago
The only way that Biden comes close is widespread voting fraud.
Too close to call but if I had to bet my own money, I would put all of my chips on Pennsylvania. The winner of Pennsylvania will win the election so the Republicans in Pennsylvania better turn out in mass or that’s all she wrote.
If Trump wins, the left will burn down several major cities. If Biden wins, President Harris will destroy the country.
No doubt it will be a wild one.
If there’s a contested electoral college outcome, instead of letting congress choose the president, the Constitution’s founding fathers should have called for the candidates to don boxing gloves and duke it out.
In this one, Biden would likely head back into his basement.
End of contest.
I think those of us who have already voted should get on our knees and pray for the next three days, lest we fall into the hands of the anarchists and tyrants.
God will decide. I pray it is Pres. Trump but God might have a lesson to teach some what socialism would do to America , we have slipped as a nation away from God. I pray his remnant will be successful.
I like the way the polls are trending toward the President. I do worry about all those that voted early and the remaining potential for ballot harvested votes showing up selectively after election day “where needed”.
I think, either way there is going to be violence. I also think that everyone will be surprised at the number of people who “switched) sides putting Trump over the top
Yes it’s economy stupid Also it’s America stupid Vote Trump straight republicans stop socialism now
I pray it’s a Trump landslide so that it can’t be contested. I’m afraid it will be close enough in several states to have challenges and that counting late ballots will result in massive voter fraud. I’m also afraid there will be deadly riots.
Too much corruption in elections for me ….I don’t participate in corruption of any kind . Clean up our Government and Washington and I will consider
participating when I’m convinced that the corruption has been cleaned up . Otherwise , I will take what the corruption brings , but I won’t be a part of it.
Biden will win by 20 million votes. CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, the pollsters, the Dems themselves, the magazines, the radio, social media, the Marxists, all liberals, the hard left and even Biden himself (or so he’s been told) all have declared a Biden smashdown winner. Must be true. All these sources are absolutely non-biased and the truth just gushes like lava from them constantly. No fake news here!
I think there’s no doubt Trump’s going to win. But I believe the Democrats are going to do everything in their sneaky power to try to steal this election. Yes pray the hand of God prevail.
According to my liberal associates, Joe Biden will win because he promises to raise taxes so he can spend much more on government programs such as abortion, welfare support, and to help the big cities to cover their huge financial costs. That his growing dementia illness will necessitate his replacement after six months in office doesn’t seem to bother the liberal voters. Perhaps the liberal voters will chip in and replace poor Kamala’s round heels so she doesn’t fall on her back so much.
I think it is utterly absurd that Joe Biden is still in the race. If it was you, me or anyone not part of the political swamp, we would have been arrested already.
The Democrats should put someone else in to run in view of all that has come to light and not try and create such havoc so as to get him in only to then turn it over to Harris.
Harris definitely is not deserving of even being on the ballot. She had to drop out due to her low support during the Democrat race to see who would run.
Trump has been steadily closing the gap in the polls. I’m hoping most of the polls are way wrong once again and it ends on Tuesday.
Anyone who is thinking of voting for Biden had better be prepared for a President who is mentally challenged. Believe me, having dealt with someone with the disease, I believe he is in the early stages of dementia. So very, very sad for this country if Trump is not reelected. Everybody, please pray for Trump and another four years.
The amount of fraud will determine the election.
Just as in 2016, there are many who are in a position where they can’t show their support for the President. Even when they are being polled, they don’t tell the truth. they voice their opinion once they are making their selection. If you care about this country and all that it is to the world, you have to vote for President Trump. The Democratic party is no longer the same. It’s full of people who are uninformed and don’t care about this country. At 62 years old, this is the first time I’ve ever been scared for our country. I pray that it’s God’s will that President Trump gets four more years.
I pray y’all are correct and Trumps victory is not challenged. But we all know the slippery slope that is politics. We, the silent majority need to be heard. They thought they could silence us with the Pandemic ?, the hornets?, the dust ? and the full, blue moon?/time change⏳/Halloween? that is before election day….but we shall be heard! This I pray?
The crowds at EVERY President Trump rally tell the story for me! If those people are willing to wait for hours and hours to see OUR President, you can be certain they will Vote for him. That is quite easily several hundred thousand votes right there. Anything less than a landslide victory, and I’m going to think there is something illegal going on. #VoteRedToSaveAmerica
The foreign powers that so control the leftists in the US will do whatever they think is necessary to destroy the US. Yah – that sounds extremist until you think through how so far aligned the the leftists are with foreign powers.
It appears the Democratic Party has become more of a regime bent on complete government change from a system of checks and balances to one that will swing only their way and in the process create a machine that will only allow democrats to be elected nationally. There will be federal enforcement of whatever agenda they choose so say good-bye to states rights. So many books have been written previously about what is happening but they are being ignored………..or maybe banned? It’s a simple and patient formula. Infiltrate your ideology in the schools, brainwash the young, gain control over the media by eliminating independent and fair reporting, ban the books and the voices that would not be aligned with your propaganda and you will not have to travel to a socialist, marxist or communist country to witness this phenomena because we will have home grown it right here right under everyone’s noses. Congratulations to silicon valley, hollywood, university professors, the media willing to sacrifice their independence, and all the wealthy behind the scenes donors whom without your support, this never could have happened. Maybe your actions and the country you are creating may actually make me “take a knee” during the anthem in the future but my cause would be for all of America.
Heaven help us if the American electorate puts a demented old crook into the highest office of the nation! Of course, it wouldn’t take the current Congress long to decide that’s a problem and elevate Harris (the least favorite democratic presidential candidate) to that office.
I am very happy to see that most of us are on the same page. Trump will win with a decisive margin. The pollsters are doing the same thing they did four years ago, it didn’t work then and it’s not going to work in 2020.
I TRULY believe Pres. Trump will win by a good bit, but that won’t stop the Democrats from “going INSANE” and fighting the results with everything they’ve got! So what if he won! Truth means NOTHING to them and lies mean EVERYTHING!!! I pray for our President and our country EVERY SINGLE night that God will watch over him, his family, our country and us and I voted.
I believe that the Lord is using this “flawed” man much like the many “flawed” men throughout the Bible. I believe that He will use this “flawed “ man to continue His will in this country and world.
If Trump wins, the left will burn down several major cities and they are plotting to shut down Washington DC. If Biden wins, President Harris will destroy the country. There will be a huge fight about the election unless there is a land slide victory in favor of Trump.
How can anyone vote for Biden / Harris. They exemplify everything an American President should NOT be.
Trump will win the electoral college & the popular vote. The GOP will increase its hold in the Senate & retake the House.
In any case, the Democrat/Marxist party will attempt a coup d’etat. Keep your powder dry!
If Trump wins the Democrats and their socialist millionaire backers will make sure that there are riots in major cities all across the nation. Then blame the riots on Trump and his policies. If Biden wins he won’t be in office very long before Harris will have to take over for him. But, whether Biden or Harris is in control of the Presidency they will ruin this country and you can kiss the America we all know a love goodbye.
We are at War because Trump is not playing the get rich schemes of the career politicians, he owes no one any favors but the Voters of the USA and his Love of the greatest Country in History. In addition to the corrupt Politicians, Countries because Trump is not allowing them to USE and ABUSE the USA. China launched a Bio Attack against the USA and the World, Iran and other Countries are attempting to get Nukes and the methods to launch them. I believe our enemies are funding people in the US to riot and using Social Media to create fear, unrest and defeat our right to assemble, tear down our Constitution and all the rights it guarantees us.
There is only one way Biden wins, and that is if the American public does not go out and VOTE !!!!!!! We have to vote,vote,vote. We can not be so sure Biden is going to lose as the socialist/commie party is cheating now and getting caught, so we just have vote and take back our COUNTRY AND FREEDOMS.
I have faith in America. I think that the President will win by a bigger margin than the last election. African Americans and Hispanics will help the President also have the popular vote. Americans do not want socialism.
Biden isn’t stupid. He has dementia.
The people that vote for him are stupid.
I am hoping and praying that Trump/Pence wins this election decisively, but I am afraid of what might happen then. Riots, burning and looting will follow and the leaders of our cities and states must be strong.
AMAC is an excellent source of positive action for us all. We must do everything we can to help everyone realize the gravity of our situation. I believe God has blessed America since her birth and wants us to continue to bless others as we have so generously done for decades. Defeating Godless philosophies like Socialism which leads to Communism and Marxism is essential. I had to vote absentee and Maryland did a great job of tracking my ballot! Prays for our Trump-Pence Team and entire administration.
I sure hope Trump wins and not Biden.. it will be another Civil War and may be anyway! Like the person for Texas said.. we all need to pray.. have been praying for quite some time… it has been most worrisome with all the cheating and crookedness of the democRat party..
I have read that there are people voting against Trump because they don’t like him. I think that Trump’s vs. Biden’s unexplained accumulated wealth, horrible criminal justice actions, 47 years of no accomplishment, in ability to speak in complete sentences, radical left leaning running mate, unwarranted displays of anger to ward people asking “hard” questions, unwarranted blind faith media support, and worst essentially think that half the voters are chumps, his words, for supporters another candidate with a different point of view all provides a better argument to vote against Biden.
i hope the poll is correct. But they know how to cheat. That has been demonstrated in the state of Chicago for many decades.
Trump will win by a large margin. There has been no true reporting of his supporters for making America great!! We travel and talk to a lot of people and no where are the numbers showing support for a socialist country.
President has taken on the establishment and they will show that they can push any election in the direction they want. They pipe in $$, they change the rules, they control the narrative. Its fixed
When Trump gives a rally thousands show up. Biden give a rally tens of people show up. Where is the enthusiasm?
Why would anyone vote for Socialism during one of the best economic booms?
Praying hard for closet Trumpers to come through! The comments I’ve read here are encouraging to me and I know that God’s got the plan. I’m also praying that the congressional elections will be resounding conservative won. Their disrespect has divided the nation and is fueling the fire of discontent. Thankfully we have Justice Barrett in place!
I PRAY that Trump will win
Many indicators indicate a landslide victory. I hope the prognosticators are correct. If Biden should, somehow win this election, our country will die a slow and painful death on it’s way to communism. The dems want socialism, but in every way their explanation of intent are closer to communism. They want complete and unequivicable control. MOREOVER, Biden will never be president. If he is elected, Pelosi in a closed door session of dem caucus has already stated they will invoke the 25th amendment against Biden and install Harris as president. We would then be on a world of hurt.
Bidden offers Death, Higher Taxes, Socialism – how is that America?
Trump offers, God, Life and the pursuit of happiness – that is MAGA!
The prophets have spoken, and I listened there will be more civil unrest after Trump wins his second term, but resistance comes before reform, God is on the throne still, trust in our Lord Jesus, and he will guide your way and keep you safe during these perilous times.
With the reports I am seeing on TV and the internet I am uncomfortable with the idea that Biden/Harris could win. The idea of becoming a socialist country terrifies me tremendously. I have already voted for the one that has done more for this country than any other president in the past few decades. It is unfortunate that so many cannot see the evilness of the Liberal Party. What they do not realize is that it will effect everyone in this country no matter what party you adhered to.
Only God knows! Democrats believe they can create a perfect world here on earth with socialism ? Most Democrats I know are atheists so they do not need God! After all every Democrats is using the book “Rules for Radicals” as a road map. In this book the author honors Lucifer as the first Radical! Hillary Clinton did her college thesis on this book!
The only way that Biden comes close is widespread voting fraud.