

What are your greatest concerns when voting during midterm elections? (Choose your top 3)

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John Higgins
5 years ago

Perhaps our biggest concern should be what will happen if the Democrats retake the House. If that happens we could well have increased taxes, open boarders, socialized Medicare for ALL, a weaker military, continued attacks on religion, more government control of our lives and a lousy economy.
Conservatives must show up at the polls!

James Foster
James Foster
5 years ago

No one is above the law. Previous administration illegal behavior cannot go unpunished.

Ulpiano Castrellon
Ulpiano Castrellon
5 years ago

Would HATE to go back to policies and enviornment like of last administration.

Charles Hall
Charles Hall
5 years ago

Hard to pick just three. All are so important

G. Lamar Wilkie
G. Lamar Wilkie
5 years ago

60 years ago, these professed socialists and communists would have been rounded up and arrested! When did we become such wusses? Advocating for socialism and communism is not “free speech” and protected under the First Amendment: such is advocating sedition and overthrow of the United States Government, and that’s a FELONY. Let’s start enforcing THAT law and see how fast these little thugs shut up. If we can secure our borders, BUILD THE WALL and lock down the illegal activity flowing into the country (people, drugs, weapons, etc) and fight to defend our Constitutional Republic against these domestic enemies who refer to us as a “democracy” (we aren’t and never were), everything else will take care of itself.

Captain jack
Captain jack
5 years ago

Without a strong economy none of the other issues matter. It’s the sole issue which is tied to all others.

5 years ago

The most important concern for me (which was not listed) is the protection of ALL human life. If a human being can’t even be safe in the womb and be born……what other issues really matter at all?

Tom M
Tom M
5 years ago

How about term limits for all of the DC Swamp? Most of these concerns are the same or similar as they were 10-20-30 or more years ago. Congress never fixes anything except when it come to retaining power over us.

Walter Ihlefield
Walter Ihlefield
5 years ago

Seems to me that if we prevent the socialist movement from going any further, and take back what they have already stolen, we preserve the rest of the items on the list. Speaking as a Navy Veteran, preserving the integrity of the Constitution was never an issue. It is a Promise.

Mary Carlson
Mary Carlson
5 years ago

I believe that national security includes securing the border plus many other important issues. Also, socialism replacing democracy in our great country should be rejected by every American. Lastly, electing people that will uphold all of our Constitutional rights, like freedom to practice religion, and to support appointing only judges that will make their decisions based on the Constitution is very important.

5 years ago

My daughter is very concerned about raising her 7 yr old son with the violence that’s already here, and worries for his future. I thank God we let him play with toy guns and that he wants to he a soldier. Yay to plastic army men toys !

Diane Maleski
Diane Maleski
5 years ago

Agree, Harvey. However there are not many Conservatives. A politician commented that when we die off (and we are getting older) it will be easier. The problem is the school system starting with the very young. Schools are producing socialists; haters of America, men, capitalism, America’s history, and all that is good about our country. Support Christian and Conservative schools and home schoolers. If you are qualified, get on the school boards and push for Civics classes in school. If you have a college age youngster/grandchild, steer them towards Conservative institutions of learning…. their “soul” is at stake.

Nikita Khrushchev said in the 50’s (?) that they will topple us by infiltrating our schools.

Carol Amico
Carol Amico
5 years ago

We need everyone to go out and vote Republican. We don’t want the Democratic Party to get control of the Congress and Senate again. President Trump has done a wonderful job! since he has been in office. We feel more secure and know that he is working for the people to make all our lives better.

5 years ago


Stan Powell
Stan Powell
5 years ago

There’s an error in your polll graphic. Securing the border received the most votes but your graphic representation doesn’t show that.

Cindi Mac
Cindi Mac
5 years ago

All these issues are crucial. We need to take a bit deeper look and find a way to re-introduce self-respect and personal responsibility. These two characteristics would help rebuild the great United States of America

5 years ago

The Greatest Problem Facing Our Nation and The World Today, is Biblical Illiteracy. “Heaven and Earth Shall Pass Away, but MY Words Will Never Pass Away.” Matthew 24:35 If Man Doesn’t Legislate Biblical Morality, he Will Most Assuredly Legislate Biblical Immorality. Ie…Abortion, Homosexuality, Transgenderism, Censorship, Loss of Freedoms, etc. All Will Lead to the Ultimate Breakdown of Family, Society and a Civilized Nation as Outlined by GOD.

Nina riley
Nina riley
5 years ago

Love your organization

Moving Forward Maine
Moving Forward Maine
5 years ago

The caravan in Mexico must be stopped before any of them enter our country illegally. End of discussion.

James Schueler
James Schueler
5 years ago

We need some common sense government. If the Dems take over, all is lost. Only a miracle will save this country. The fools on the left will bury it.

Martha Rose Davis
Martha Rose Davis
5 years ago

God bless America! ! ! . .

Phil NIkolayuk
Phil NIkolayuk
5 years ago

Check it out. This would go a long way in draining the swamp. https://conventionofstates.com/

Paul W
Paul W
5 years ago

I picked preserving constitutional rights; because without these, you have nothing. In other words, you have the left’s agenda.

Steve Yount
Steve Yount
5 years ago

Yes, all are important but must be prioritized. The economy is very important but if the demosocialists take over forget the economy we will all be struggling just to exist! I agree with Mr. Wilkie (we must be close to the same age). There are laws we can enforce to ameliorate some of these socialist efforts, but the Trump administration needs to do it. Mr. Foster is right also. Investigations into democrats in the last admin. should be vigorously conducted, including Obama. We need to take the impetus away from the DS’s and use every legal means to find, prosecute and convict them! As Mr. Wilkie stated we’ve been “wusses” when it comes to this and have let the DS’s run the business! The institutions that have assisted and allowed the DS’s to gain the popularity and strength they have are the media and our total education system. Our children, grand-children and great grand-children are being indoctrinated to be socialists from the day they enter the education system to the day they get out. The higher level the more indoctrination. History, and the Constitution, are being ignored or changed to meet the DS’s agenda and to produce socialist voters just like not implementing immigration laws is doing the same thing.
Other than insuring we get out and vote for like minded individuals we can trust to do these things I recommend supporting an organization that is effective in countering the DS’s such as The Leadership Conference, Hillsdale College, Heritage Foundation, Judicial Watch, Convention of States Project, and many more from general to specific areas of interest. Talk to as many young people that have been duped by the socialist idea. Do something because the future of this country remaining a Constitutional Republic is severely at risk!

Patricia M
Patricia M
5 years ago

K we allow these socialists into office and start enacting their ideas, our constitutional rights will be moot.

Jim Keil
Jim Keil
5 years ago

Political discourse and our constitutional rights have been hijacked by the left, and the theft has been covered up by “political correctness” and a failed (or corrupt) media. One thing is sure. With no limits, “political correctness” will destroy our way of life! It’s time to wake up and stop this nonsense!

5 years ago

All the choices were my concerns in casting my vote. Three were such a limited choice. If you should know folks who might not be able to make it to the polls, don’t assume, take some there.

Marian Vroegop
Marian Vroegop
5 years ago

President must tone down his demeaning tweets and speeches. He must set the tone for our country. Stop punching down!

Teresa Pollin
Teresa Pollin
5 years ago

I must admit – I don’t see any difference between securing the borders and National Security – it’s one and the same.

Tolbert Barton jr
Tolbert Barton jr
5 years ago


Barbara Lewis
Barbara Lewis
5 years ago

We also need to fix our electric grid as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 years ago

Several of these choices are related. Fighting the Socialist movement and following the Constitution, to me are related.
Economy, Taxes and Cost of Health Care in my world are related, hard to fix one without effecting the others.
Security of the Nation and Securing the Border are very strongly related.
Living in Texas, border security is a concern every day.

5 years ago

It’s basically all the listed items, but one main item is glaringly missing! Forcing the three branches of federal government to stay within their constitutional restrictions and executing their constitutional responsibilities within those boundaries!
The bureaucratic nightmare we have at this time is the direct result of the elected officials trying to usurp power from the citizens and is treason according to the original meaning and context of the constitution.
If our founding fathers were alive today we would be in the beginnings of a revolution against tyrants , and rightly so!

5 years ago

When there is no dispute (dissent, arguing), and all is quiet, then we have truly lost. Isn’t that what the ‘other side” seems to want? A repressive State can arise from the Right (corporate tyranny) or from the left (populist tyranny). Both are most probably equally bad (evil, deadly).

5 years ago

Health care and climate change don’t even belong on the list!
We cant do anything about the climate unless it’s get rid of plastic which doesn’t deteriorate for decades (at best) and health care is the responsibility of the individual citizen!

Carol A Miller
Carol A Miller
5 years ago

Every concerned citizen should get out and vote, Republican.

5 years ago

Almost all of the choices are political tools used to secure votes to be elected. On the choice for taxes, which would be a tool that could solve other issues listed, the Fair Tax introduced by John Linder over 20 years ago would solve so many issues we have today. Illegal immigration and illegal drugs pouring into this country are just two issues that would be better controlled than they are now. The national debt would finally be getting under control and we would be in a better position to take care of American citizens first instead of trying to take care of the entire planet.

5 years ago

Republicans must win both Senate and House! All those involved in trying to destroy a duely elected President must be prosecuted!

Marilyn Clayton
Marilyn Clayton
5 years ago

The bias media is my biggest concern some people really believe it. I know hard to believe.
We need to come down on them being just one sided. They never used to be that way just a few years ago. I started to notice it more whe Obama first started to run for President.
Also it was only after he was president that people started not respecting the police among other things.

Eloise Burke
Eloise Burke
5 years ago

I wonder why taxation is not a bigger concern. “The power to tax is the power to destroy,” and high taxes invariably depress the economy. No one I meet seems to believe that, but I cannot fathom the why of it.

Ed Finley
Ed Finley
5 years ago

Stop the Hate
Keep America Great
Vote Republican
In two zero one eight!!!

5 years ago

All of these are important, true, but we need a root canal in our government to get rid of the “progressives.” This may be our last/only chance–I hope the populace is clear-headed enough to stomp out leftism/progressivism/Democrats who are the force behind illegal immigration, higher taxes, socialism-writ-large, loss of the Constitution. Pelosi, Schumer, Booker, Occasio-Cortez, Biden, Sanders, “Beto,” and the rest are my worst nightmare

Terri Holbrook
Terri Holbrook
5 years ago

We need to address the evil that is already here, not just securing the borders!

Mike Graybeal
Mike Graybeal
5 years ago

Three choices are not enough…

Jeanne Barrett
Jeanne Barrett
5 years ago

Really all are important. But as you can see the poll has the same choices that I made.

Adria Picard
Adria Picard
5 years ago

I think all American children should be mandated by the federal govt to learn ancient and contemporary
History, then maybe they would as adults understand what socialism, preserving constitutional rights and national security is all about. It would also be a wonderful idea if all people from 20 to 60 years of age do the same thing, but that would simply be impossible, because all of a sudden that would be against “your constitutional rights” of course a double standard! If you do not know the past you will never know how to correct the present or future. So very sad.

5 years ago

I am concerned about the hatred and devisiveness in our country, something we can change?

5 years ago

How do we get rid of the penalty on part D drug insurance? It hurts the elderly and since Trump got rid of the penalty for not having health insurance he set a presidense for it. This is a penalty for life (every month) on the elderly.

Thomas W
Thomas W
5 years ago

Some of these overlap. “National Security” and “Securing the Border,” for instance….or “The Economy” and “Fighting Back Against the Socialist Movement.” But I must be a typical AMAC member because the three I ended up choosing are the three that (by far) got the most votes.

5 years ago

Should have added “GOVERNMENT SPENDING” to the poll list although w may be too late to save the country from that one. I believe we’ve already went off the cliff. We just haven’t hit the bottom yet. It’s going to get ugly when the bill comes do.

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