

The Trump administration recently overturned one of Obama’s lenient drug policies, renewing tough enforcement of federal marijuana laws. Do you agree with this decision?

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6 years ago

Judging by the comments, the polls are wrong. The vast majority believe pot should be legal.

Clyde Perrine
Clyde Perrine
6 years ago

Why differentiate between alcohol and marijuana in this country? If the feds allow alcohol then what legal grounds are there to restrict marijuana? I know the answer. The state’s want control for the money. That’s it in a nut shell.

Steve Patterson
Steve Patterson
6 years ago

marijuana if sold should be subject to other commerce laws, otherwise it should be a vote of the people of that state.

6 years ago

Prohibition didn’t work 90 years ago; it doesn’t work now. I have seen the benefits of friends who use marijuana judiciously for the relief of anxiety and for the nausea associated with cancer treatment. Legalize it in the entire US, tax it for recreational use, and quit policing people for a product that does little harm, if any. PS Big Pharma really hates the good it does because they don’t control it and price it beyond the reach of many people.

Billie Lynn Thomas
Billie Lynn Thomas
6 years ago

Marijuana needs to be decriminalized, by doing so it will kill the sale/street value. Allowance for up to 1/2 oz for personal use should carry no penalty. Again dealers and growers won’t make money on the green leafy stuff so this will
cause the illegal use to dry up. Treat users to cigarette/beer rules of use.

6 years ago

They should decriminalize it.
It has been a waste of time and an abuse of power by the federal government for decades that has resulted in no real value.
I say that as someone who doesn’t use pot.

6 years ago

This is a insane law. We have illegals coming to our country and that’s OK. We have Big Pharmaceuticals pushing drugs that kill more people every year and that is OK. Alcohol and beer kill more people and that’s OK. We have corrupt politicians, HC, that broke the law and they are not prosecuted. I agree that marijuana should not be used while a minor and in school because it does effect learning, however the medicinal use of marijuana is documented and without the side effect of real drugs. All other drugs and alcohol have to be processed and they make a profit. Common sense is lost on this, change the law, fighting the smuggling of the most dangerous drugs has been going on for over 50 years and this has not stopped it. How much will we pay to incarcerate someone growing weed or those that are looking for a alternative to costly drugs.

Joe Liss
Joe Liss
6 years ago

Let marijuana go. Pick your fights. Jails and courts are already overcrowded

6 years ago

It is time for decriminalization of marijuana. The majority of states have legalized some form of marijuana by the vote of the people. Federal law should never go against the law of the states. Let’s put our resources where it can be better used. Let’s collect taxes on recreational use of marijuana, raise taxes on alcohol & cigarettes. Theses taxes could restore the money’s stolen from social security and help pay down our national debt. (Medicinal should not be taxed any more than traditional medicine)

6 years ago

It’s time for a change! We have witnessed a fight to prevent cannabis from being used medically and recreationally for more than 60 years that has truly failed. This stuff is everywhere and the federal and state governments have spent countless dollars trying to prevent it’s use. Why? The wasted resources could be put to much better use. It’s moronic to continue to practice the same methods of prevention over and over that just do nothing but waste time, money and resources. Legalization and control is the only answer to this real problem and big Farma will just have to find another vise to use to protect their empire. The only winners in the war on cannabis are lawyers and big Farma. Cannabis has been proven it can help people who are suffering. Why would any government want to stop that??? It will change and the sooner the better. This is the only time I have ever agreed with California policy.

Gary Mefford
Gary Mefford
6 years ago

time for states to get all their right back that were taken away from them by the feds

6 years ago

I believe theCongress should update the law regarding marijuana and States Rights. This is one area where both sides can work together. Then, the Feds will not be conflicted regarding state laws vs federal law on this subject.

Don Setzco
Don Setzco
6 years ago

I do not use or like marijuana but………Hello, has everyone forgotten about the time in our country when alcohol was against the law and how that worked?…..What happened to learn from history? We have a lot of much more productive areas to spend law enforcement and prison money on by a long shot.

Bruce Everhart
Bruce Everhart
6 years ago

Stop chasing weeds Sessions and and concentrate on real criminals like Clinton, Wasserman, Comey, Podesta, etc. These REAL criminals are still flipping us off and doing donuts on the Whitehouse lawn. GET TO WORK !!!!!

6 years ago

The people are blind as a bat that is totally less dangerous than alcohol that’s the truth the truth shall set you free not lies about pot grow up America. You’re starting to act crazy over a little pot. The world has a lot of other problems to deal with then messing with pot right now. That will divide the country don’t be an idiot. I don’t smoke pot but I don’t want no one going to jail for such a stupid crime

John Smith
John Smith
6 years ago

Too many states have already legalized marijuana and like alcohol the people want it. whether you believe it is right or wrong , the majority of this country wants it and that’s the path we are on. Personally I think alcohol is 10 times worse and destroys more lives then marijuana ever could….

Albert Delay
Albert Delay
6 years ago

The people that vote against pot usage obviously are happy with man made drugs and the problems they cause. Pot is natural, non-addictive and very useful when used properly. You people against it I damn you to Hell because that is what You’ve done to those of us that could get relief from it !

Jim Rottle
Jim Rottle
6 years ago

The people who voted in favor of this decision are uninformed and out of touch with reality. Cannabis has been proven to help people with opiod addiction , as well as other pain treatments. The tax revenue generated from cannabis has been a huge benefit to those states where it is legal. This issue needs to be addressed by Congress, and not an Attorney General who doesn’t know what he is talking about.

Walt Setzer
Walt Setzer
6 years ago

Marijuana needs to be decriminalized on the federal level and let states decide. Criminalizing it hasn’t helped any more that prohibition prevented alcohol consumption, it just creates a class of criminals, many of whom have found relief for pain and other issues with marijuana. I’m retired from federal Law Enforcement and have seen the waste of money, manpower and loss of life over illegal marijuana distribution. Many of my fellow retirees agree with me. I’m a firm believer in states rights, and if decriminalized by the feds, each state can decide what’s best for them.

6 years ago

We need to deal with marijuana the way we deal with alcohol or cigarettes. Make it legal and control it. My wife was dying of cancer in CA a few years ago. Had a script for edible cannabis and could NOT find a reputable place to get it. Local cops told me they were all dirty operations. You had to get your script from THEIR DOCTOR or they would not sell you the cookies or fudge. A convienence store clerk gets a longer sentence selling cigarettes to a minor than a dope dealer gets for selling pot to a 12 year old! Just makes no sense at all.

Edward H.
Edward H.
6 years ago

I’m a strong supporter of President Trump, but completely disagree with the White House stance on marijuana. I’ve never used marijuana, wouldn’t know where to get it if I wanted to, and don’t have any friends that use it (that I’m aware of), but Jeff Sessions has far more urgent things that he should be concerning himself with. Furthermore, he apparently hasn’t learned the very clear lessons from history that Prohibition should have taught him. (In my opinion) the war on drugs has been a spectacular failure. If drugs were legalized, taxed, and regulated, it would greatly reduce the violence surrounding the illegal drug trade, and empty our prisons of nonviolent people whose only offense is either seeking or providing “a buzz” . Yes, alcohol abuse is a horrific scourge on society, but at least we don’t have violent gang related shootouts and turf wars over who is going to sell gin or vodka on a given street corner. Again, this is just an opinion and I have no ill will toward those who believe differently. I’m certainly not an expert on the subject, however, much of this seems to be simple common sense.

B warnstaff
B warnstaff
6 years ago

I know too many people with cancer or other medical reasons who need it to for pain and seizures. Just tax it like Canada and find something more important like heroine or other drugs that have no medical purpose. There’s bigger and more important things like illegals who commit a crime should not be allowed to come back again

M Anaconda
M Anaconda
6 years ago

As a caregiver, I have seen the benefits that cannabinoids have provided to seniors in pain. While I support legalization, I also believe that standards for intoxication and simple, reliable tests need to become available to law enforcement to keep the streets safe. Deriving tax revenue from marijuana is a pretty bad justification, but individual freedom and reduction of illegal drug trafficking are pretty good justification.

Linda Bagley
Linda Bagley
6 years ago

There are proven medical benefits to marijuana. I believe that alcohol is worse than marijuana, it kills more people in this country than any other drug because of the damage it does to the body and it is socially accepted. Consider the fact of your warm weather states growing marijuana for resale. The amount of tax money on this industry would provide these states with an income instead of raising the taxes on it’s residents. We need to look at the big picture and stop being so narrow minded and behind the times.

Allan L.
Allan L.
6 years ago

Lazy Congress-critters with the administrative state, AS USUAL, created this mess and have done nothing about it. When the DEA was created, Congress not only created the dangerous drugs list and classifications, but also gave DEA the power to change the classifications. Marijuana is a Class 1 drug alongside of Heroin. But, Coke and Meth are Class 2 drugs because of possible medicinal value. We have known for some time that the medicinal value of CBD – which contains no THC – and other uses of marijuana and hemp are valuable — and that marijuana is not as addictive a drug as heroin, coke, or meth. So, why the Hell is Marijuana, LEGALLY – SPEAKING, classified as more dangerously damaging than the medical opioids which are the biggest drug problem escalating across the whole nation?!?!?!?!

Dale Krebsbach
Dale Krebsbach
6 years ago

I am mostly against federal laws and rules but not in this case. Fifty different rules for our fifty states is worse than no rules at all. Marijuana should be regulated like other intoxicants. Restrict the sale to Liquor Stores and tax the hell out of it. Of course with exceptions for medical prescription.

6 years ago

The federal government is far too involved in our state and local business. Compared to legal drugs like alcohol and opioids, this non-drug shouldn’t be an issue at all. Sessions has bigger fish to fry. He should be fired. #FIREJEFFSESSIONS

Donnie Laymon
Donnie Laymon
6 years ago

At just about the time in our history that you think there’s a glimmer of hope for adults and little children with debilitating illnesses then the know it all politicians step up to SAVE THE DAY, and keep the EVIL weed from harming those who need it most. What kind of stupid Ass would do that, Oh hell it’s Jeff Sessions who knows it all.

6 years ago

Even Pat Roberson knows that this “War on Drugs” is stupid. Marijuana is legal. You just need an expensive Federal Tax Stamp. It is PAYOLA. The alcohol companies fought against marijuana because they didn’t (and still don’t) want the competition. Alcohol is FAR more dangerous. The biggest problem with MJ is that it makes one fat and lazy if used in excess. Many people use it for legitimate reasons. The governemt needs to concern themselves with real problems not with people using a product that is very beneficial to many.

KEEP DRAINING THE SWAMP INSTEAD. Put the Clintons in jail not pot smokers. Bill may be one but there are plenty of other reasons to put him in the slammer for life.

Stop watching REEFER MADNESS it is BS.

6 years ago

A lot more people are dying or dysfunctional in this country from alcohol abuse than from marijuana. Think about that when you have your cocktail or glass(es) of wine at dinner tonight. Don’t be a hypocrite. And many of you suffer with health issues that can be cured or greatly deminished with CBD or THC therapy. Open your eyes.

Mark Rieser
Mark Rieser
6 years ago

The Feds have spent too much time and money pursuing their failed, zero-tolerance war on drugs…at least in the case of marijuana. All they have really managed to do is fill prisons with low-level “criminals”, who just wanted to relax. They also managed to fund well-armed street gangs in every major city, just as they created the magus with prohibition. They claim it has a gateway effect, and therefore classify it as just as dangerous as heroin. Ha!
When they outlaw all other mood-altering substances, like alcohol and prescription pharmaceuticals…then people might listen to them. Oh wait, they already tried to outlaw witchcraft, prostitution, sodomy and alcohol. Hmm. Maybe you can’t effectively legislate religion, sex and the need to seek escape from the pressures of life, without burning people at the stake, stoning, or some form of confinement.
Maybe people just need to see good lives modeled successfully, and simply get swayed off the path by the well funded once-in-the-minority liberals, who have swelled their numbers by co-opting our schools and controlling nearly all of the media. Maybe it is due to corporate America continuing to downsize, while expecting those employees left behind to do more and more of the workload. Maybe it is overpopulation, not enough nature around us anymore and too much traffic, light and noise…as well as a decrease in resources available on the planet, and biodiversity declining at an alarming rate.
Whatever happened to this land is your land, this land is my land? Land of the free? Right to a speedy trial? Rights against unlawful search and seizure? Rights to privacy? Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Of letting God judge those outside the church, and of the church judging those within it?
It is nice to believe our leaders are benevolent. The facts show that we pay income tax due to an emergency winter session of Congress back in 1919 I believe, when they snuck in a bill with a minimum vote during a recess period. That was just about when the Federal a Reserve bank was founded. Whoever controls money, the press, and even culture controls it all. We have come to the point of being farmed. All they want is healthy, low-cost farm animals to labor for them until at least 70 years of age, if they can pull it off. After that, they hope you die.

6 years ago

Time for the American citizens to wake up!
Cannabis is a naturally growing substance that has existed since creation. God created all substances for the use and benefit of man, there are people that are inclined to abuse anything. But for people to say I don’t agree with it’s use so nobody should be able to use it, is against our constitution.
If you don’t like it don’t use it but your privilege of choice stops where mine begins.
Remove cannabis from any retrictions, use the wasted money to stamp out the poisons being cooked up in labs across the country, legal and illegal.
ANYBODY that has ever worked in a pharmacuitical plant knows the poisons and deadly chemicals utilized in “DRUG” manufacture, sanctioned by the same government that says a simple herb that grows wild is BAD!
In spite of the documented positive benefits our government is making the same mistake as alcohol prohibition!
THat did’nt work and neither is the current abomination!

Norman Lawrence
Norman Lawrence
6 years ago

Just as an aside. Marijuana is in the hemp family and hemp is a natural fiber that is used to make rope. Restrictions were placed on hemp when the chemical companies invented nylon and dacron. Hemp is a very strong and inexpensive fiber. Follow the money to see who backed the legislation against hemp. The marijuana that is being sold today is way more potent thru the process of selective cultivation than it was 100 years ago. And Big pharma does not make any money on it! Follow the money.

Jack Peterson
Jack Peterson
6 years ago

The problem with marijuana is it is still a Class 1 drug – same as heroin. It is far from that. It has medical benefits that have been demonstrated. But the now non-scientific FDC refuses to study it. It needs to be declassified and let states have the right to determine the legality of pot. The other casualty is hemp. The non-pot brother of the female plant. Hemp oil and seeds have nutritional benefits, and the plant is an awesome source for fiber that makes rope and clothing. It also uses less water than cotton.

Norman Lawrence
Norman Lawrence
6 years ago

If we are to have a true discussion about “pot” I think there should be a recognition of the difference intentions of use between smoking it and the processed oil. I went thru hell trying to survive stage 4 cancer and the side effects of the chemicals used in chemotherapy where they give you a poison that will kill you while at they same time they are trying to keep you alive. If I had the option back then of having it available during those 7 weeks, and knowing NOW about it, you bet I would have used it!

Fed up
Fed up
6 years ago

Biggest drug issue is power of big pharma buying the feds

Devon Stavrowsky
Devon Stavrowsky
6 years ago

My wife is 75, and has been a really bad insomniac since having several surgeries four years ago. She has come to understand that is not an uncommon side effect of multiple exposures to general anesthesia. She now takes about 1/2 a THC-laced gummi bear each night. She doesn’t get high at all, but she sleeps like a baby. The insomnia is so awful she went into a panic at the thought that the new enforcement might interfere with her being able to get her ‘edibles’. She has a medical marijuana card (so under CO law she could grow up to six plants), but that will entail setting up a green house and going through the process… and then going through all the step necessary to convert it to a dosage-controlled edible. She’s not remotely interested in getting high. Marijuana laws should be a state’s issue. There’s nothing in the Constitution about the federal government controlling it. Congress needs to decriminalize it by removing it from the Schedule 1 drug list, and that would end all debate. Sessions could get on with locking up criminal politicians like Hillary, and their enablers like Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, and quit worrying about these kinds of state’s issues. I agree, liberal marijuana laws allow for greater abuse and cause the states significant problems…… but those are burdens the states (the people of the state) have chosen to take on. We don’t need the feds involved.

6 years ago

The problem is not marijuana it is the person’s whom use it. (Much like gun laws.) When people take responsibility for their own actions this will not be a problem. And bec people make the issue a problem the gov’t has to step in bec of their irresponsablity.

6 years ago

This poll is slanted in too many ways. There is no option that perhaps the prohibition should be reversed by congressional action. Every presented option is couched in antagonistic terms. Many of us feel that the prohibition is unfounded and (as alcohol prohibition was) unenforceable. It only encourages a lack of respect for our laws–witness the illegal immigrant (“undocumented”) situation where America’s laws are flouted by thousands.

A true lover of liberty and freedom
A true lover of liberty and freedom
6 years ago

From a Constitutional perspective, the Constitution gives no authority for the federal govt to regulate anything not specifically granted to it in the Constitution. Using a convoluted path of reasoning to justify bypassing the Constitution is an affront to those who started the Great Experiment in Democracy. The choice of whether to regulate drugs is granted only to the states and the individuals, not the federal govt. If you are so against drug use and feel the burning need to use the force of the federal govt to prohibit the use of drugs, then pass a Constitutional Amendment to prohibit drugs, don’t allow Congress to bypass the Constitution. By the way, even though the Congress appropriately passed a Constitutional prohibition against alcohol, which is just as destructive as drugs when abused, they soon realized their mistake and passed another amendment to rescind the prior amendment. Don’t you think there’s another message lurking in there about the effectiveness of prohibiting drug use rather than teaching people to properly use drugs? For a conservative group that harps on the constitutionality of all of the abuses that have been going on in the past, too many of you seem to be willing to pick and choose what you want to follow. Either you are for liberty and freedom in all situations or you are against it. There is no middle ground.

D. J. Currier
D. J. Currier
6 years ago

I feel that many of you who voted for stricter laws have no idea the medicinal benefits of cannabis hemp oil. Look up such things as Rick Simpson, Phoenix Tears.
Cannabis was legal until 1936 1937 when hypes, untrue information was placed in the media. I wish many of you would research not things from the CDC and pharmaceutical agencies but from those who have been helped by the medicinal benefits of cannabis oil.

Charles McPhate
Charles McPhate
6 years ago

AG Sessions cost me a lot of money February 2017, again January 2018. I do not use marijuana but I do use CBD. It killed my chronic arthritis pains with no side effects. I invested in pot stocks and was doing very well. Marijuana
is not a dangerous drug like alcohol, opioids, or sugar. Sessions must go. I will not donate any more money to any politician who wants to keep marijuana on the drug list.

6 years ago

This is not a partisan issue. Neither is it one of Obama’s blunders. President Bush set this action in motion and for very good reason. Pot should be legal. The draconian laws against it
are disgraceful and do nothing but ruin lives. Most veterans are conservatives and many have been helped by pot. Epileptic children have been helped immensely by pot. Any action against the
availability of pot will guarantee a win for democrats and undo every great thing President Trump has done. We didn’t vote for Jeff Sessions and he’s proven to be a disaster. Dump Sessions, not pot.

Anthony Karasinski
Anthony Karasinski
6 years ago

Waste of time that should be used to track dealers of cocaine, heroin, Fentanyl and other hard drugs.

Jack Stuart MMC/SS ret.
Jack Stuart MMC/SS ret.
6 years ago

The laws against marijuana use and sales are unjustified, we are wasting money, resources, and peoples lives with these laws. Money which could be used in enforcing the ingratiation laws is being diverted to try and use laws in prohibition of something that is many times less destructive than alcohol and we see how successful the prohibition of alcohol was so lets stop this waste. We are wasting resources such as our people chasing and arresting citizens and jailing and imprisoning them when we should be stopping illegal immigrates sending them back to their own countries, who’s own countries control their borders better than we do ours, if you don’t control your borders you lose control of your country. By putting so many of our citizens in jail or prison that is a waste of money and resources we can no longer afford.
I was a drug and alcohol abuse counselor in the U S Navy i could see my self how destructive alcohol was and the affect Marijuana had on our people weed only seemed to relax its users, the worst affect of marijuana that I could determine was the waste of resources was the time and money that happened because they would lose their security clearances because they broke the law, not because they risk anything other than breaking the law only many times less likely did they cause any harm. Unlike the abusers of alcohol who could and did damage things and hurt people. Many times the punishment for marijuana users was loss of clearance and discharge from the service. The training and clearances for some could run into Hundreds of thousands to for some into Millions of dollars. Most of the time alcohol abusers would lose some pay for a month or two, and be right back to work after what would be like a weeks time off.

6 years ago

I defy anyone to show me in the Constitution where the Feds have any authority of any kind over marijuana – or 99% of most anything else they do.

6 years ago

How well is the law, against use, working. QUESTION: IF I were to want to use, who would be the best person to ask “Where can I get some marijuana?.” ANSWER: Any high school student. Did we not learn anything from Prohibition days? How much money and time would be saved if law enforcement did not have to waste their time dealing with dealers and users, not to mention the space and money required to prosecute and house these “criminals” in our prisons. As Rush would say, “Follow the money.” Somebody is getting rich off of the illegality of marijuana or it would have been decriminalized years ago. In the past, I have used cigarettes, alcohol and marijuana. I was only a danger to others while drinking. Today, I do not use any of the above except alcohol. I MAY have a drink twice a year. Thanksgiving and Christmas. And when I do drink, it’s 1 drink. That’s it!

Nurse Alison
Nurse Alison
6 years ago

I have several patients who use medical marijuana for various purposes-seizure control; pain control instead of opioids; arthritis; nausea post-chemo. It is so benign compared to other treatments. As far as recreational use, I would MUCH rather deal with someone who is stoned vs a drunk. I believe it should be legal.

Jason Vork
Jason Vork
6 years ago

Research has shown numerous medical benifits from canibias side products .

Peter J
Peter J
6 years ago

A free people should have the Right to access pharmaceuticals of their choice without Big Government interference. As J Edgar Hoover was building what was to become the corrupt FBI, Harry Anslinger was building an equally corrupt anti drug enforcement office. Most of our drug laws began with the demonization of certain drugs used mainly by Blacks, Mexicans, and any other non white citizens. Today we call this Racism. Mexicans can’t smoke that marijuana because they will assault white women. Blacks must not be allowed to use marijuana because they will rape white women, on and on. Hoover and Anslinger both demigods built and commanded our now entrenched drug enforcers that reduce Free Americans to ants/pawns not recognizing Free People of adult age their right to choose freely which or any drugs the choose. Other than truth in labeling no other need for intrusion into Free Persons home, and health choices. Why be upset with the PPAHCA (Obamacare) when our arcane drug enforcement agencies have already taken away so many of our Freedoms.

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