
FBI collusion leaking lying McCabe comey

The newly released DOJ Inspector General report has shown bias and “insubordinate” behavior at the FBI in recent investigations. Based on these findings, should the investigations into President Trump finally end?

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Captain Jack Waites U.S.M.C. Ret.
Captain Jack Waites U.S.M.C. Ret.
6 years ago

Not just end, but start investigation into the investigators. This can be done fairly by using the military investigators from each branch.

Robert Deardorff
Robert Deardorff
6 years ago

considering the special prosecutor and a majority of his staff are Clinton supporters and contributors, the prosecutor himself having worked for the Clintons there should not have been an investigation to start with. Those that brought this farce about should held accountable,

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise
6 years ago

Stop the investigation into Trump and start an impartial investigation into the Clinton cartel along with investigation from the top to bottom of the FBI with charges to follow. Give no immunity, hang all found guilty out to dry. Give no quarter and no resort style prison time.

G gassett
G gassett
6 years ago

It should end plus someone should pay back the 18 m to the tax payers…this show how Washington elite is taking care of our tax dollars

John Cimino
John Cimino
6 years ago

President Trump was Framed by the former President Obama and his Administration to include FBI and DOJ. The IG Report was very weak because he lose his nerve to Report the truth of what actually took place.

Doug C Wagner
Doug C Wagner
6 years ago

Should have ended long ago problem is they are investigating the wrong people. Democrats should be paying the price for this circus they created not the tax payers but to stave of being investigated themselves they keep throwing false info out about Trump.

Larry Michael
Larry Michael
6 years ago

An investigation should immediately begin into all involved in Muller investigation, Democrats, FBI, DOJ, Clinton’s, & Obama for Treason!!

Wendy Malkmus
Wendy Malkmus
6 years ago

I pray all that is exposed before the midterms and that they all go to jail. The FBI and our government has been tainted from this mess. Drain the sewer that is Washington.

John Soro
John Soro
6 years ago

The whole thing is a set-up, but I see no end to it. The left has damaged the Presidency for good. It can’t lead to anything good for our future.

Rev. William E. Weisert II, DD
Rev. William E. Weisert II, DD
6 years ago

The inquiry needs to be brought to an end, and Robert Mueller and his cronies should repay the $18M wasted on this witchhunt. They have wasted time & money, and ruined peoples’ reputations in an effort to destroy our President. If they want to justify the money, they should be looking into Hillary Clinton’s possible treason, and/or sedition. But no ,more! Let it end, however, I do like the idea of military investigators proposed by Captain Waites to investigate the investigators.

Candice borner
Candice borner
6 years ago

I believe enough tax payer money has been spent. It’s been an effort on the vast majority of the left to stop him from succeeding as President. We no longer have the Barnum & Bailey Circus but we’ve had the Comey/Mueller!

Frank Galeoti
Frank Galeoti
6 years ago

Expand the investigation to the Dems and media collaborative cover up of the source behind the destruction of the president.

Frank Anderson
Frank Anderson
6 years ago

My thoughts agree the unjustified attack on the elected President should end and the prosecution, not just the investigative whitewash, of the criminals who have been defrauding taxpayers and obstructing the conduct of our government with phony accusations commence. Take a look particularly at 18 USC 1512 which deals with obstruction of justice in all branches of the federal government. Remember that 1512 was added by the Victims and Witnesses Protection Act of 1982, which did not make legal conduct previously illegal under 18 USC 1503 and 1505. People should go to jail and lose their lavish DOUBLE TAX FREE pensions for these crimes. No doubt that other statutes are involved. But find a prosecutor and find an AG who will authorize the prosecution instead of hiding behind one of the perpetrators.

6 years ago

The investigation should never have started. Now we can see the extent to which the opposing faction will engage to keep themselves in power. The previous administration was very convincing, assuring the American people that foreign interference was virtually impossible. That is, until their candidate lost the election.

6 years ago


Elaine Reed
Elaine Reed
6 years ago

So sick of the Democrats wanting to see Trump and our country fail. If they’d spend more time building up instead of tearing down our country we would get to a better America a whole lot faster.

Henry Van Tuyl
Henry Van Tuyl
6 years ago

The investigation should focus on crooked Hillary Clinton, NOT President Trump.

6 years ago

Why isn’t anyone questioning how many MILLIONS this phony investigation is costing the tax payers????? Once again the crooked Clinton’s walk free

Ronald Tucker
Ronald Tucker
6 years ago

Desperate to make success look like failure, Dems peck away at Kim Jung Un meeting they could never get. In negotiating, what is NOT said is as important as what IS said ….learned this as a kid. These people TRY THEIR BEST to make their country look bad… and are thus working for North Korea…. SO I accuse THEM of approving of HIs human rights record.

Eugene k
Eugene k
6 years ago

The left is so on American they what the one world government not what our fore father made this to be by the people for the people not by the government

6 years ago

I am a retired Criminal Investigator, and from everything I’ve seen to-date, this investigation into our President is a waste of tax payer money, and should be terminated. The term ‘Witch Hunt’ is accurate in this case. It appears this investigation is looking for any wee little thing they can find in an attempt to demonize the President and his staff. I’m all for pursuing, arresting, and prosecuting evil doers, however this is ridiculously off track. Shame on the FBI too; if I’d worked for them, I’d been rather embarrassed by the poor leadership at the top.

Sgt Ron
Sgt Ron
6 years ago

The problem is simple. COWARDS who are currently in the Republican Party – plus people like Mitch have been there entirely too long, developed too many friends who are enemies of our Constitution, and are just more interested in themselves than they are for America.

Mb gullri
Mb gullri
6 years ago

Welcome to the American banana republic.

Ollie Boehm
Ollie Boehm
6 years ago

This has been a “witch hunt” since it started, as stated by Trump. End it now and get on with “the real crimes and put these crooks in jail”. No more Mr. Nice Guy as the nice Attorney General. Sessions has to go. Put in a younger, more aggressive Attorney General.

Ron Hoffman
Ron Hoffman
6 years ago

We’ve wasted enough taxpayer money.
Let’s get back more important issues

Maureen RUHL
Maureen RUHL
6 years ago

Stop the hemorrhage of tax dollars used on Trump and start throwing Clinton, Obama and responsible in jail! Enough is enough!

Donald Mccormick
Donald Mccormick
6 years ago

If there is that bias and “insubordinate” behavior at the FBI then I would say that after a almost two years they should have something or they should have shut it down completely and I might add that if they had nothing other than a hint of trouble and not a hatred of Trump to even start their investigation then it should not have even started .
If they wanted to see if something was wrong then they should have only followed a possible lead and if went nowhere, then do not try to make it into something to look like trouble because it would only make you look stupid and an idiot.

6 years ago

This has gone on long enough, third world countries don’t understand the hate.

Dave Hoegler
Dave Hoegler
6 years ago

I agree that the unreasonable investigation should end, but anyone who takes this poll and sees the 100:1 ratio of thinking the investigation should end has to realize that the AMAC poll is skewed pro- Trump much worse than any pre-2016 election poll was skewed by the liberal media in Kiillary’s favor. Having said the above, I also agree that #44 and his ilk, as well as Killary and company should be brought to trial before a jury of ordinary citizens.

Lorrie Carruba
Lorrie Carruba
6 years ago

Yes! And new FBI director is questionable! And though I’ve always been for Jeff sessions, he needs to step aside! Very disappointed in him!

6 years ago

Shouldn’t have started.

Ronald. E. Jones
Ronald. E. Jones
6 years ago

Now that “ THAT IS DONE “ , let’s get back to the real problem ……. Hillary !!! Does she have a “ get out of jail. “. free card ??
This whole deal stunk from the beginning , but it was over-looked …….

6 years ago

This witch hunt should have ended before it started. So much of the findings are showing how the dems are the criminals and nothing comes of that proves it’s only a political move.

Major Norman Sammis USMC retired
Major Norman Sammis USMC retired
6 years ago

The best way to drain the swamp is to stop all special retirements for government service except social security then see where all the career politicians go. Also stop allowing elected members to keep excess contributions to their campaigns but force them to return those donations. The founding fathers intended members of the congress to have occupations and to ACTUALLY serve in the congress not free load off government service.

Brian White
Brian White
6 years ago

It’s time for a special prosecutor to investigate the DNC and ANYONE involved in this attempted coup.

Walt O
Walt O
6 years ago

End the investigation and the employment of the conspirators in the FBI and Justice Dept. Prison time for all found guilty. Guantanamo is nice this time of year.

Disruptive Element
Disruptive Element
6 years ago

When most of the main media are propaganda machines of the communist/aka democrat machine we will not see fair anything.

6 years ago

The old government is such a farce and I am sick and tired of listening to of this crooked crap.l Just fire everyone and get some honest people in.

Don vail
Don vail
6 years ago

Not only should it end,the ones involved in the witch hunt should be exposed and fired.no one should be above our laws.enough is enough,it’s time to fight for the country and notfor putting in a communists government in the White House which is what everyone sees and knows on both sides of the isle and the voters see!!!

6 years ago

How many presidents have been under investigation their entire term in office? This is not an investigation based on evidence. This is an investigation based on fraud in an attempt to fabricate something. Anything that might accomplish the only goal this witch hunt has ever had. To take down Trump.

Investigate the only known perpetrators. Obama and his administration, the Clinton cabal (OK, so they aren’t secret. But Cabal fits otherwise), and the investigators who have proven to be criminals over and over again.

Just think what Trump might have accomplished if it were not for this Albatross around his neck.

John Nigrelli
John Nigrelli
6 years ago

The bias that existed in the FBI in there hierarchy was unbelievable and unacceptable. Those FBI agents should be fired immediately

Donna Kleister
Donna Kleister
6 years ago

This special prosecutor investigation has been a sham from the start and now in excess of $17 million in cost. The current congress and the DNC is so highly corrupt they have lost sight of the fact that they are there to serve the American people, not their own pockets. We need term limits. The FBI and DOJ needs major overhaul to restore equal justice under the law. The Mueller team, Comey, HRC, DWS, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, DNC, BHO, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Shumer, Pelosi, Waters, McConnell, Ryan, Soros all need to investigated and held accountable. People receiving funds from Soros organizations need closer scrutiny. Donald Trump promised to clean the swamp and that threatens them all. Our DOJ/FBI/ Special prosecutor functions like that KGB / Gestapo which is totally against the principles of our Constitution. These demonstrated actions/ behaviors demonstrate SEDITION (An insurrectionary movement tending towards treason, but wanting an overt act; attempts made by meetings or speeches, or by publications, to disturb the tranquillity of the state) and possibly TREASON (giving “aid and comfort” to enemies either on U.S. or foreign soil). [The funneling of money for Iran, not supporting American Embassy in Benghazi, Fast and Furious gun running scandel, failure to uphold the immigration laws and policies which allowed for foreign terrorists to gain access, Uranium One, Clinton Foundation pay to play, releasing the terrorists from GITMO, pardoning a traitor, etc….). HRC never held accountable for destroying her computer devices, violating computer security when functioning in role of SOS. What is more damning is that these people actually believe that they are not doing anything wrong. So delusional! “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter”.- Isaiah 5:20

Paul Cervenan
Paul Cervenan
6 years ago

I think a lot of people should now occupy spaces in penitentiaries……..NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW ! The World has been Watching what will be done with these miscreants…………..you give these Big Shot FBI Bunch, Billy Blue Dress Clinton, Lying Hillary, Sweet Loretta, James Comey , etc. a FREE PASS with this evidence and there is NO DOUBT gonna be a whole lot a trouble in River City?

Edmond VanDerGinst
Edmond VanDerGinst
6 years ago

In addition to ending the current investigations into Trump, all these so-called protectors of our nation should be held responsible, tried and convicted for their crimes.

6 years ago

This IG report is exposing only the tip of the iceburg but it shows some of the sophistication the “real powers” have. THEY control our country AND will stop at nothing to keep power and control of the financial resources of the USA. These exposed FBI, DOJ and others are only a few of the the dups and puppets, most of which do not know who the others are. There is so much more to this!

Rick Maynard
Rick Maynard
6 years ago

END IT. Start investigation of Obama, Hillary, and their cronies. They should be in prison

Gloria Rose
Gloria Rose
6 years ago

The corruption is deep and wide. Even lower level FBI have been accepting gifts from media in exchange for leaks.

6 years ago

I say yes, let it proceed. Then when it’s over and all the players in the FBI, DOJ, Special Prosecutors and DNC are indentified, indict them all for treason. Hopefully, Sessions in his silence is building the case against them and corrupt Hilliary.

Mary Cleary
Mary Cleary
6 years ago

There shouldn’t have been an investigation the first place. What a waste of time and money!
If the IG were a doctor diagnosing cancer I’d demand a second opinion. It’s like he perfectly describes the symptoms of deadly cancer and then concludes that there is really no reason to start treatment!

R. Franklin
R. Franklin
6 years ago

They haven’t done anything about Clinton or Obama who I feel are behind all the investigations…why aren’t they going after them. Don’t mess with God’s anointed cause you can’t win.

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