I find it to be very curious that whenever a comment(s) that the moderator(?) disagrees with,
that comment or the whole of the comment section is suddenly expunged.
Rather fascistic, I’d say.
Dan W,
5 years ago
The reason for the report’s delay is likely administrative rather than substantive.
What will the report reveal ? No Russian collusion by the President but plenty of bungling by some people around him AND continuing efforts by the Russians to disrupt our elections and to pit various segments of our population against each other.
5 years ago
Mule is a joke……..deep state clown……….wasting taxpayers funds………..unconstitutional investigation…….should have recused himself but hey…Democraps don’t know the meaning
Josef Zangerle
5 years ago
Sheila V
5 years ago
I think the report is delayed so as not to conflict with any “bad press” coming out of Cohen’s appearance before congress which will be the top fake news story next week. This way, they can provide an additional punch against PJDT by releasing it after that. The President’s 2nd meeting with North Korea will be overshadowed by these other events… by design.
Daniel Boone
5 years ago
Contrary to all his storied integrity, I believe Robert Mueller to be just as complicit in the entire decades-long Clinton-organized scheme to control the Obama-Clinton overtake of our Presidency as the rest of the CIA/FBI/DOJ ‘leadership’. Their associations, and interference-running, for the Clintons has been well-documented. He, and they, belong in general population prison for what they’ve done. They, not our President, are guilty of the very collusion, graft, and corruption they’ve spent all this time and money trying (and lying) to pin on Donald Trump. This is my opinion, backed by plenty of behind-the-scenes reading of material none of these creeps ever expected to see the light of day.
J Short
5 years ago
Who knows what is going on. This investigation is like network marketing; investigate one guy and it leads to two guys that lead to four…etc. I would imagine what party an investigator belongs to would tint how hard, or where he/she looks. The other thing would be for the investigator to stay focused on the primary intention of the investigation. It will be interesting to see if Mueller is a conscientious investigator or a dupe for the left; or a little of both. Perhaps we will never know. Can you imagine the cost, the pages and pages of testimony there must be, and the sorting through it all?
Ellis Collom
5 years ago
5 years ago
Richard Brouillette
5 years ago
It takes time to complete faking evidence. That why it’s taking so long. Just saying.
Jonathan M W
5 years ago
MAGA: Mueller Ain’t Got Anything!
Dudley Gray
5 years ago
He is going to wait until Rosenstein leaves around the “Ides of March” and so the AG doesn’t have to fire Rosenstein
5 years ago
$27-30 million spent on this thus far and In January, Mueller extended the grand jury for an additional six months, and many pieces of the probe will continue well past its conclusion, it might be two weeks or two months from now. There are uncharged crimes, outstanding subpoenas, pending cooperation agreements and unresolved, possibly sealed cases which would seem to be snipped in the middle if Mueller issues the report in the next few days as promised. Even then we, the public, may never know what it says as it’s up to the new Attorney General, William Barr, to decide how much, if any, of the report will be made public.
Philippe Euvrard
5 years ago
It going to be about the Democrats
5 years ago
I don’t see how this investigation can be bias given his past connections and affiliations.
Greg L
5 years ago
The whole drama is to keep the real criminals, Clintons and Obama out of jail! If Obama communicated with Hillary on home brew server using a pseudonym as we are told, that is a serious crime. It’s the scorched earth policy that Bill Clinton threatened when he was in trouble. Their enablers, Mueller and all are mafia soldiers that are vulnerable for deeds done in their past are forced to go along. Still wonder what they have on Sessions and Roberts.
5 years ago
Because the President will be on a highly important trip Mueller will wait till the President gets back from Vietnam
Ed Karnotski
5 years ago
I will believe it when I see it!
waldo spencer
5 years ago
need for additional editing, or some other innocent in-house realization concerning the need for a clearly understood product.
Don Sims
5 years ago
Purpose: To upset the 2020 election.
Jules Guidry
5 years ago
The whole investigation was based on a phony dossier bought and paid for by the Clinton cabal. It was a classic case of cover-up by the left to hide what the Clintons and their fellow conspirators have been doing for a long time. A misdirection of gigantic proportions and all the folks who participated have something to hide. That includes the previous administration and members of the investigative team, starting with Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, et al.
Now holding up the report is for the political purposes, which is what it always was, of tainting the 2020 elections. Just with the insinuation that Trump did something. When there is actually nothing which points to anything at all. How do I know? Cuz they would have issued the report by now to get rid of POTUS45 if there was any there, there.
When the report does come out, I want to see all players who perpetrated this hoax and were involved in it brought up on charges and prosecuted. Irregardless of who they are or their political affiliation.
So many lamposts in DC, so much cheap rope.
5 years ago
What is the basis for saying the report is delayed? Unless I missed it, all I have seen is speculation and conjecture from various sources about the impending release, but nothing official. With the only “crimes” Mueller has charged anyone with having occurred after his appointment as special counsel, he either has some ace in the hole or a big nothing burger. As anything against Trump would very likely have been leaked by now, I am hopeful he is deciding how to report on nothing of substance.
5 years ago
The report is being delayed, so the democrats have time to stall trumps national emergency pertaining to building the southern wall.
Jim Martin
5 years ago
Plus Robert Mueller wants to drag it out long enough to try to influence the 2020 election! He’s such a Democrat!
5 years ago
President Trump is going to Viet Nam to meet with Korean leader next week. The current AG Barr needs to review the report before it is released and then determine if it should be released. I believe those are the reasons the report is delayed. Unfortunately, I don’t believe the report will show any collusion, the original reason for having this investigation, but the Dems will not believe and the investigations will continue which is sad. This country would be the greatest country in the world if the Repubs and Dems could work together.
Nothing to report so releasing it near North Korea Summit so it gets diluted in the media
Joe C Mannina
5 years ago
Please keep in mind, Mueller’s team has been making (not earning) and average of $250,000.00 per year! He wants His Guys to keep milking the fools (US) that allow this CRAP to go on!
5 years ago
This has been the biggest waste of time and money. The only reason for this hoax is to cover up the corruption in the Hillary Clinton campaign and while she was Secretary of State, truly disgusting.
Lew Rigaud
5 years ago
A huge conflict of interest!! His firm was a huge contributor to Hillary campaign!! This is the jack ass party throwing a fit because the wicked B–ch did not win!!Typical blue scumbag!!
5 years ago
Mueller has been against Republicans from the beginning and it has been told of his and his team unethical tactics of getting what he wants in evidence where there might or not be truth in iy
5 years ago
The whole thing has been a waste of tax payer dollars, and they don’t want to release it, so the American will see what they have done.
William T. Harper
5 years ago
There was nothing of substance for the report to reveal AND Mueller and his phony friends have been living off the government for all these all too many years!
Michael Javick
5 years ago
AS THERE were NO findings THIS MUST ALSO BE REPORTED. Stop the propaganda..
5 years ago
The Mueller investigation as it’s called, is the work of the dark state portion of the FBI. The FBI has been corrupted by the likes of Commey (short for communist) and Muller and a host of other spy characters either fired now or still lingering and protected. BHO was instrumental in using the FBI for destructive political purposes against his opponents, similar to Hitlers use of the SS. The investigation now into its 2nd year is all about bringing the presidents support numbers so the congress can move forward with impeachment proceeding. The swamp does not want another, none career private
Citizen Messing with their profitable world and show voters that things can be done quickly in Washington. The FBI needs to be shaken to its core and purged.
5 years ago
It takes a lot of time to get lies straight. All deep state players, even the small time ones, need to be coached. The deep state is full of treacherous deceitful LIARS that will stop at nothing to succeed at their planned coup d’état for their globalist masters.
5 years ago
Like all other government efforts the meal ticket draws to a close – now what? Answering that question could take some (a long?) time.
Ted crain
5 years ago
Robert Mueller is trying to figure out how to explain to the American people that he wasted taxpayers money on an investigation that took two years and came up with nothing.
5 years ago
They really REALLY want Trump jr.
Michael Javick
5 years ago
Eve E.
5 years ago
As an investigator Mueller couldn’t find his brother in a phone booth.
There’s evidence glaring that the Hilda-beast & DNC plotted with at least one Russian to affect the outcome of the election. Further, the DNC should be the first suspect in the hacking of their own computer system. After all weren’t ALL the rigged machines rigged to Hillary’s advantage?
Mueller is a corrupt pig.
Raymond Renollet
5 years ago
He is greedy and wants to keep the money flowing to himself.
Martin Wade
5 years ago
I believe that Mueller has found absolutely nothing to cast doubt upon President Trump. He was most likely hoping that he could carry the investigation over into the 2020 campaign and damage Trump’s chances of being re-elected.
Failing that, he is going to drag this report out to the bitter end and probably release it at the end of summer after leaking bits and pieces throughout the year.
William Weisert II
5 years ago
It is possible that Mueller has confirmed all the accusations against Hillary Clinton and the innocence of our President. If this is the case, Donald Trump should be in the country for the rlease. Actually, he should be in-country for the release, no matter the substance of the report. I wonder if the Demo-rats are prepared to end their waste of time in the House, and get down to the business of our Nation. They need to look forward to 2020, or they could be looking at the House from the outside!
5 years ago
I think this has been nothing but a complete time and money waster! So when the report does come out and they find nothing is Hilly and 44 going to finally get what THEY habe coming? Talk about criminals it is clear especially in her case that she belogs in jail. I don’t understand why either actually both of them are NOT in jail if average Joe or Jane had done what either of them has been accused of WE would be ins jail so fast we would win Gold medals!
Paul Kline
5 years ago
My feeling is that he is milking the tax payers for all that he can and it is time for it to stop!
5 years ago
The president is going to Vietnam, to meet with the Korean leader, and releasing it would be a distraction.
michael floyd graybeal
5 years ago
They will keep it open to bring up more lies and innuendo.
5 years ago
They want to keep spewing their division and HATE
Divided we fall united we stand
Stop this division and hate before it destroys our country
Kevin Dennis
5 years ago
I think he is like the investigation – incompetent and petty.
I find it to be very curious that whenever a comment(s) that the moderator(?) disagrees with,
that comment or the whole of the comment section is suddenly expunged.
Rather fascistic, I’d say.
The reason for the report’s delay is likely administrative rather than substantive.
What will the report reveal ? No Russian collusion by the President but plenty of bungling by some people around him AND continuing efforts by the Russians to disrupt our elections and to pit various segments of our population against each other.
Mule is a joke……..deep state clown……….wasting taxpayers funds………..unconstitutional investigation…….should have recused himself but hey…Democraps don’t know the meaning
I think the report is delayed so as not to conflict with any “bad press” coming out of Cohen’s appearance before congress which will be the top fake news story next week. This way, they can provide an additional punch against PJDT by releasing it after that. The President’s 2nd meeting with North Korea will be overshadowed by these other events… by design.
Contrary to all his storied integrity, I believe Robert Mueller to be just as complicit in the entire decades-long Clinton-organized scheme to control the Obama-Clinton overtake of our Presidency as the rest of the CIA/FBI/DOJ ‘leadership’. Their associations, and interference-running, for the Clintons has been well-documented. He, and they, belong in general population prison for what they’ve done. They, not our President, are guilty of the very collusion, graft, and corruption they’ve spent all this time and money trying (and lying) to pin on Donald Trump. This is my opinion, backed by plenty of behind-the-scenes reading of material none of these creeps ever expected to see the light of day.
Who knows what is going on. This investigation is like network marketing; investigate one guy and it leads to two guys that lead to four…etc. I would imagine what party an investigator belongs to would tint how hard, or where he/she looks. The other thing would be for the investigator to stay focused on the primary intention of the investigation. It will be interesting to see if Mueller is a conscientious investigator or a dupe for the left; or a little of both. Perhaps we will never know. Can you imagine the cost, the pages and pages of testimony there must be, and the sorting through it all?
It takes time to complete faking evidence. That why it’s taking so long. Just saying.
MAGA: Mueller Ain’t Got Anything!
He is going to wait until Rosenstein leaves around the “Ides of March” and so the AG doesn’t have to fire Rosenstein
$27-30 million spent on this thus far and In January, Mueller extended the grand jury for an additional six months, and many pieces of the probe will continue well past its conclusion, it might be two weeks or two months from now. There are uncharged crimes, outstanding subpoenas, pending cooperation agreements and unresolved, possibly sealed cases which would seem to be snipped in the middle if Mueller issues the report in the next few days as promised. Even then we, the public, may never know what it says as it’s up to the new Attorney General, William Barr, to decide how much, if any, of the report will be made public.
It going to be about the Democrats
I don’t see how this investigation can be bias given his past connections and affiliations.
The whole drama is to keep the real criminals, Clintons and Obama out of jail! If Obama communicated with Hillary on home brew server using a pseudonym as we are told, that is a serious crime. It’s the scorched earth policy that Bill Clinton threatened when he was in trouble. Their enablers, Mueller and all are mafia soldiers that are vulnerable for deeds done in their past are forced to go along. Still wonder what they have on Sessions and Roberts.
Because the President will be on a highly important trip Mueller will wait till the President gets back from Vietnam
I will believe it when I see it!
need for additional editing, or some other innocent in-house realization concerning the need for a clearly understood product.
Purpose: To upset the 2020 election.
The whole investigation was based on a phony dossier bought and paid for by the Clinton cabal. It was a classic case of cover-up by the left to hide what the Clintons and their fellow conspirators have been doing for a long time. A misdirection of gigantic proportions and all the folks who participated have something to hide. That includes the previous administration and members of the investigative team, starting with Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, et al.
Now holding up the report is for the political purposes, which is what it always was, of tainting the 2020 elections. Just with the insinuation that Trump did something. When there is actually nothing which points to anything at all. How do I know? Cuz they would have issued the report by now to get rid of POTUS45 if there was any there, there.
When the report does come out, I want to see all players who perpetrated this hoax and were involved in it brought up on charges and prosecuted. Irregardless of who they are or their political affiliation.
So many lamposts in DC, so much cheap rope.
What is the basis for saying the report is delayed? Unless I missed it, all I have seen is speculation and conjecture from various sources about the impending release, but nothing official. With the only “crimes” Mueller has charged anyone with having occurred after his appointment as special counsel, he either has some ace in the hole or a big nothing burger. As anything against Trump would very likely have been leaked by now, I am hopeful he is deciding how to report on nothing of substance.
The report is being delayed, so the democrats have time to stall trumps national emergency pertaining to building the southern wall.
Plus Robert Mueller wants to drag it out long enough to try to influence the 2020 election! He’s such a Democrat!
President Trump is going to Viet Nam to meet with Korean leader next week. The current AG Barr needs to review the report before it is released and then determine if it should be released. I believe those are the reasons the report is delayed. Unfortunately, I don’t believe the report will show any collusion, the original reason for having this investigation, but the Dems will not believe and the investigations will continue which is sad. This country would be the greatest country in the world if the Repubs and Dems could work together.
Thank you for telling Americans the truth!
Nothing to report so releasing it near North Korea Summit so it gets diluted in the media
Please keep in mind, Mueller’s team has been making (not earning) and average of $250,000.00 per year! He wants His Guys to keep milking the fools (US) that allow this CRAP to go on!
This has been the biggest waste of time and money. The only reason for this hoax is to cover up the corruption in the Hillary Clinton campaign and while she was Secretary of State, truly disgusting.
A huge conflict of interest!! His firm was a huge contributor to Hillary campaign!! This is the jack ass party throwing a fit because the wicked B–ch did not win!!Typical blue scumbag!!
Mueller has been against Republicans from the beginning and it has been told of his and his team unethical tactics of getting what he wants in evidence where there might or not be truth in iy
The whole thing has been a waste of tax payer dollars, and they don’t want to release it, so the American will see what they have done.
There was nothing of substance for the report to reveal AND Mueller and his phony friends have been living off the government for all these all too many years!
AS THERE were NO findings THIS MUST ALSO BE REPORTED. Stop the propaganda..
The Mueller investigation as it’s called, is the work of the dark state portion of the FBI. The FBI has been corrupted by the likes of Commey (short for communist) and Muller and a host of other spy characters either fired now or still lingering and protected. BHO was instrumental in using the FBI for destructive political purposes against his opponents, similar to Hitlers use of the SS. The investigation now into its 2nd year is all about bringing the presidents support numbers so the congress can move forward with impeachment proceeding. The swamp does not want another, none career private
Citizen Messing with their profitable world and show voters that things can be done quickly in Washington. The FBI needs to be shaken to its core and purged.
It takes a lot of time to get lies straight. All deep state players, even the small time ones, need to be coached. The deep state is full of treacherous deceitful LIARS that will stop at nothing to succeed at their planned coup d’état for their globalist masters.
Like all other government efforts the meal ticket draws to a close – now what? Answering that question could take some (a long?) time.
Robert Mueller is trying to figure out how to explain to the American people that he wasted taxpayers money on an investigation that took two years and came up with nothing.
They really REALLY want Trump jr.
As an investigator Mueller couldn’t find his brother in a phone booth.
There’s evidence glaring that the Hilda-beast & DNC plotted with at least one Russian to affect the outcome of the election. Further, the DNC should be the first suspect in the hacking of their own computer system. After all weren’t ALL the rigged machines rigged to Hillary’s advantage?
Mueller is a corrupt pig.
He is greedy and wants to keep the money flowing to himself.
I believe that Mueller has found absolutely nothing to cast doubt upon President Trump. He was most likely hoping that he could carry the investigation over into the 2020 campaign and damage Trump’s chances of being re-elected.
Failing that, he is going to drag this report out to the bitter end and probably release it at the end of summer after leaking bits and pieces throughout the year.
It is possible that Mueller has confirmed all the accusations against Hillary Clinton and the innocence of our President. If this is the case, Donald Trump should be in the country for the rlease. Actually, he should be in-country for the release, no matter the substance of the report. I wonder if the Demo-rats are prepared to end their waste of time in the House, and get down to the business of our Nation. They need to look forward to 2020, or they could be looking at the House from the outside!
I think this has been nothing but a complete time and money waster! So when the report does come out and they find nothing is Hilly and 44 going to finally get what THEY habe coming? Talk about criminals it is clear especially in her case that she belogs in jail. I don’t understand why either actually both of them are NOT in jail if average Joe or Jane had done what either of them has been accused of WE would be ins jail so fast we would win Gold medals!
My feeling is that he is milking the tax payers for all that he can and it is time for it to stop!
The president is going to Vietnam, to meet with the Korean leader, and releasing it would be a distraction.
They will keep it open to bring up more lies and innuendo.
They want to keep spewing their division and HATE
Divided we fall united we stand
Stop this division and hate before it destroys our country
I think he is like the investigation – incompetent and petty.