
Trump NATO speech fired President court federal immigrants asylum

Should President Trump challenge Chuck Schumer and the Democrats by vetoing any budget bill that does not include $5 billion in funding for the border wall?

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5 years ago

With MS-13, TB, and possibly new strains of assorted viruses at our doorstep, it’s time for the United States to pull up the Welcome mat. Please, Congress, PLEASE say “NO!” to unauthorized entry into OUR HOME!
Between unlawful entry by thousands of unvetted invaders and a government shutdown, we’ll survive the latter, but the former will harm us.


Dan W.
Dan W.
5 years ago

A government shutdown by the Republicans or an impeachment vote by the Democrats. Both options are catnip and poison to whichever side can’t resist.

Q: Which side can resist these two pleas from their base ?
A: The side that will win in 2020.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago

Build that wall – enforce the law – deport them all.
That is unless the Left is foolish enough to start a very hot civil war.
It’s not advisable to spit in the faces of millions of well armed American patriots who have had enough of their traitorous behavior,
so let’s get this over with once and for all – MAGA !

5 years ago

The GOP currently serving in Congress have to come to a decision real soon. Either they finally ALL get behind President Trump and the agenda the people voted for in 2016 or they continue their mix of supporting half-hearted measures mostly centered around lots of empty talk, but very little concrete action.

One path leads to a secure border and a prosperous and free nation. The other path leads to a continual erosion of our country until we finally resemble the home countries that many of these illegal aliens come from. Rampant crime, the re-introduction of various diseases that were previously wiped out here due to the wonderful, nearly non-existent health systems that exist in the socialist Utopias these illegals come from, declining standards of living for all Americans as our economy has to support more and more illegals ill-equiped to hold any job capable of off-setting their cost to society, and of course higher taxes to pay for all those that are coming here, not to become productive citizens, but be taken care of for life. Mmmm, so hard to decide which choice is the best path for our Congressional representatives to choose on our behalf. Yet believe it or not, some of our GOP Senators apparently think this is too hard a choice to make.

Listening to some of our GOP Senators lately talking about pushing for the wall funding would be laughable, if it weren’t so predictable. Already a number of GOP Senators are saying the House approved $5 billion dollars, spread out over two years, is just a negotiating starting point between GOP and Democrat Senators. That they will get President Trump “something, but not likely $5 billion dollars”. Most likely the $1.6 billion dollars for general border security, not specifically for wall construction, that the Democrats have already agreed to. So it seems some of our GOP Senators in Congress are already getting weak-kneed and think this is how to effectively negotiate.

Anyway, before we get all fixated on a potential government shutdown, wouldn’t it be prudent to ensure that our own GOP Senators are all fighting to get the full $5 billion dollars in the first place? We ALL have to be working towards that common goal, not just some of our GOP Senators.

John Higgins
5 years ago

If the Senate does not include a sufficient amount of money to continue building the wall (construction has already started) the President will have no choice but to veto the bill. At the same time he can begin offering controlled immigration so American businesses can get needed workers. Those workers must be screened, background checks, fingerprinted and a special tax should be implemented on their wages allocated to continue the funding for completing the construction of the wall.

5 years ago

Shut it down. Save more money. Use their salaries to pay for the wall. Build the doggone wall. We need it desperately. Keep riff raff out of this country. Illegal is illegal.

5 years ago

“Heaven has Walls-HELL has Open Borders!” GOD Built a Wall Around Heaven. The Pope has a Wall around the Vatican. Hollywood Stars and some Politicians have Fences and Walls around their Mansions. It’s Time for Sanity to Return to the USA! BUILD THE WALL NOW!

5 years ago

Doing the right thing is not for the weak at heart.
If you don’t stand for what’s right, then you stand for nothing.
Time to put the fear of God into the commie left!

5 years ago

It’s WAR! Fight now & WIN, or lose forever!

5 years ago

Americans voted for this agenda. The wall, law and order, draining the swamp ( and locking up the creatures) and a btighter financial future that includes access to good healthcare.
We , the WORKING Americans are tired of supporting the world. The “ new world order” scum have tested our ability and squeezed us dry. Its time we stood up to the corruption.
I for one, will lose what little faith in the government of, for and by the people if our President doesnt FORCE this through. I fear if Trump is stopped by these corrupt politicains it will eventually be the responsibility of good citizens to rid ourselves of them.
None of us wants to see that happen. If it does it will not be the first time. I hope everyone now sees the wisdom of the 2nd amendment.

AF Spadora
AF Spadora
5 years ago

How much longer must Americans wait to fully secure our borders, according to our laws? Regardless of what you think of our President’s style, we should be thinking of the country as a whole, and what should be done to improve the lives of all Americans! Congress: Do your job!!!

Virginia Bakeman
Virginia Bakeman
5 years ago

I voted for the shut down even though it will not be good for those of us on social security . They don’t lose their wages we do! Stop their pay and benefits and see how fast things get done. I hope the Congress isn’t foolish enough to try to impeach OUR President, that would be the start of the next revolution !!!

5 years ago

I am already see the writing on the fake wall;they intend to impeach and interrogate and harass Trump till they think he will drop out of race of 2020.They will never allow him to have a wall because these are gerrymandering ways to their candidate to be elected to President.They will never work with him on anything because they hate and disrespect him for all he stands for.Now wrap your head around that.He stands for America and it’s people and all of them.Even the great people who are NATURALIZED.
They consider him a racist who 20+ years ago won a NAACP award as a Democrat,They consider him Hitler,the very ones who are erasing History from Education from grade school to College age.They consider him a Nationalist,they that are so into Saul Alinski or other Communist or Socialism agendas.The hypocrisy that comes from the left of America is so evil and at a pace that is staggering.They are using Taxpayers money to do this to your children and America to make you believe this hogwash.The Elites own all the media outlets so they can control what you can hear or supposedly know and then support.
They are Communist and sneaky.Now they are being elected into office promising FREE everything.Nothing is free ever.And America better wake the HELL up!

Phillip Pence
Phillip Pence
5 years ago

The issue of a secure border was settled by Congress on November 6, 1985 when the democrats promised to secure the border IF President Reagan would sign their amnesty bill. He did, they didn’t and they’ve been stonewalling ever since. That bill also made it a crime to knowingly hire illegal aliens which has and is commonly being ignored to this day.

Moving Forward Maine
Moving Forward Maine
5 years ago

The socialist movement in our country needs to be stopped, and President Trump can get that job done IF we support him. We must Build-The-Wall, else the progressives will become even more powerful than what they already are.

5 years ago

The government shut down issue would be an easier issue if federal employee were not given back pay. No work, lost wages. basically employee get a paid vacation.

Larry E
Larry E
5 years ago

I wish the so-called conservatives would do what they were elected to do. But they won’t. Never have never will. Once in DC they all become part of the same group of “butter their own bread and pad their pockets” politicians. It is really them against us all. As we fight among ourselves, they keep getting richer without doing anything. VOTE THEM OUT.

5 years ago

The citizens of the United States need and deserve the wall. Stop giving money to countries that hate us and use it to fund the wall. Pull our troops out of the Middle East and save that money to fund the wall. They have been fighting for centuries in the Middle East and will continue without our involvement. Our government wastes so much money taking care of the rest of the world. It is time for them to care for the citizens of the United States. BUILD THE DAMN WALL!!

Ross Schriftman
Ross Schriftman
5 years ago

The Democrats secretly fear a shut down as the great majority of Federal employees especially in Washington are Democrats and their friends. They would be furloughed and put pressure on the Democratic members of Congress. Republicans need to stay strong to protect our borders and our safety.

Albert Paparesta
Albert Paparesta
5 years ago

The United States is a sovereign nation. We have every right to secure borders and we have every right to determine who enters this country and under what circumstances the are allowed to enter. I believe there is not one court of international law that would deny those rights.
In the event the government is shut down, it will not be closed for long. The longer the federal government stays closed, the more the people will realize how little the federal government does for the average person.

5 years ago

we should end LGBT as well

Paul Ferguson
Paul Ferguson
5 years ago

He should push for the 25 billion he said was needed the first time

marlene lee
marlene lee
5 years ago

Yes, were sick of Congress playing games..AFTER ALL DIDNT THOSE IDIOTS GIVE OUR ENEMIES 150 MILLION????OR WAS ITBILLION????.

5 years ago

Trump must not sign any budget bill that does not include a substantial amount (at least $5 billion) for border wall even if it means shutting down the government. First of all, shutting down the government effects only about 12% of the government workforce. Schumer is already saying only budget the same amount ($1.6 billion) as last time. Dems do not want any border security. Their plan is to delay any type of border security until after the 2020 presidential election where they hope a Democrat president will be elected and all future border security will be stopped.

5 years ago

I personally find it disturbing, that citizens are willing toshut down the government and they feel that Federal Employees are pawns in the game of Politics. The employees who actually do the work of the goovernment, not the president or the law makers. Do any of you realize the cost to the U.S. Citizen of a shutdown? It is far reaching, beyond just the employees. Local business suffers, then so do their employees, not to mention the dollar cost of benefits being paid while employees are not working, the cost to catch up when it reopens, the cost of unemployment if not getting paid later and the cost of paying people for Nonproduction. Some folks are required to work during a shut down while others get time off.

Rules need to change and congress needs to do their jobs. Shut downs should only involve law makers and their benefits and salaries. When they decide on a shut down, retro pay should not even be an option. They two houses should be required by law to pass all spending bills(budget) within a certainperiod of time, before any other legislative action takes place. Appropriations bills shouls only contain spending for the function of government its intended. All other legislation should be reserved for funds that remainafter all appropriations bills are signed.

I agree that the wall is very important but i dont think innocent lives should used as pawns. Use the military or national guards until thewall can be completed. Treat these folks as invaders. It will stop. Termlimits are a must.

5 years ago

It is time for TERM LIMITS in Congress and Judges. I do not believe it was the intent of our Writers of our Constitution for Congress to have a LIFETIME JOB!

Eddie Hedges
Eddie Hedges
5 years ago

Why do the Republicans always let the Democrats say that the Republicans are the one’s to shut down the government?

5 years ago

It’s time to protect our borders even if we have to take up arms ourselves and shoot our attackers.

Wanda Dixon
Wanda Dixon
5 years ago

We need complete and full funding for the wall and nothing less will be acceptable!!!! Stand firm Mr. President. It would be amazing what could have been accomplished in the past 2 years if you had complete support from the Congress. Now you will have to fight harder with the real enemies taking over in Jan. I pray for you, the VP, your cabinet and all of your families.

Jay Striegler
Jay Striegler
5 years ago

I would like to see Paul Ryan do something at long last -1. Build the Wall! and 2. Approve the USMC Agreement!
He could do this if enough people would demand that HE do I’ll.
What a legacy and how great would that be. If only he would stick in that legislation the Approval for English to be theOfficial Language oh the United States!
Please, Paul Ryan, help make America Great!

Jay Striegler

5 years ago

It’s about time the president stops the harassment from both parties and does his job and promises.
It is a disgrace to the people of this country and him of what is going on to him.
Build the wall,lock obambam o bomb ba,killerary and the rest of that disgusting mob of hippo critters.

Kristin P Dinkel
Kristin P Dinkel
5 years ago

A wall is not the answer. The answer is to make our country much less obliging to them. For instance, make it illegal (with severe penalties) for any American citizen to hire them if they aren’t legal, stop offering the drivers license test in Spanish, stop offering every automated phone message with an option to hear it in Spanish, etc. Any physical structure will not keep them out, they will find a way around it, we must make their existence here unattractive.

Tom Edwards
Tom Edwards
5 years ago

We need the wall no matter what we have to do to get it! Then next need one on the north to stop Canada’s Muslim invasion!

5 years ago

If the government is shut down to gain funding for the wall, when the new majority takes over in the house, the government will remain shut down and will become a quagmire. The Democrats there will want to pursue their agenda and the nation can collapse to suit their ends as little else matters to the shining stars in their party.

5 years ago

We don’t need a Wall. It’s a frivolous use of my money. Up the technology and empower the border patrol.

James Dyjewski
James Dyjewski
5 years ago

yes, shut the govt down and kick out the foolish dems, who can,t see the forest for the trees
Enough already.

Mickey Oller
Mickey Oller
5 years ago

Yes, shut it down! It would only be a partial shutdown anyway. Till President Trump gets the money he can stop anything the radical dems might want in their districts. At the same time use the bully pulpit to blast ,(the radicals). 20 billion or nothing.

E Boone
E Boone
5 years ago

Let us remember that the federal government is never shut down as long as the offices of the IRS are open.

5 years ago

President Donald J. Trump
“A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.” Ronald Reagan
We are at war at our borders and this is one way to fund the wall, and build base support in protecting the American people from those who wish us harm.
• Mirror the same model that garnered support during WWll
• Initiate a “quarterly” Build The Wall Bond Drive
• Go directly to the 65+million that voted for our President to Build The Wall
• Ease the debt burden to our country
• Make America Great Again
History: By the end of WW11, 85 million Americans (out of a population of 131 million) had purchased $185.7 billion dollars of bonds – over $2000 per person, at a time when the average income was $2000 per year.
The patriotism and personal sacrifice of the average citizen played a significant part in the Allied war effort.

Proposal: Estimated 325,000,000 million U.S. population

If an American purchased (3) $25 Build The Wall bonds (maturity to be determined) @ $18.75 or $56.25, the following conservative revenue would be generated to build the wall. Imagine a “QUARTERLY” Bond drive!

40% participation 130,000,000 x $56.25 = $7.31 billion

60% participation 195,000,000 x $56.25 = $10.97 billion

The real risk is to do nothing!

5 years ago

BHO got what he wanted…..so the Libs need to do likewise for Trump.
Fat chance – the whining, lying bastards (including the media, of course).
If BHO did not get his “wish list”, we would not have to UNDO it…..and do what is RIGHT & NECESSARY!

5 years ago

STOP ALL IMMIGRATION NOW. We don’t need nor want anymore. Take care of THE Americans here first ! Train them and STOP ALL THAT HB1 VISA SCAM TOO ! RET US ARMY.

Frank Pringle
Frank Pringle
5 years ago

Typically, the House controls the budget. The House will be Democrat majority; the Senate will be Republican majority. In any event POTUS45 should veto budget w/o provision for border wall.

5 years ago

Why are casting votes DOWN here–going to the up column instead? Is this A DEMOKRAP TACTIC?

Scott A Thinnes
Scott A Thinnes
5 years ago

National security is one of the primary functions of the Federal Government. Spending on that should take priority over all of the frivolous discretionary spending they seem to always find money for.

Eliot S
Eliot S
5 years ago

The leftist (Mark Levin calls them Statists) Democrats will stop at absolutely nothing to regain permanent (read, tyrannical ) power.
When they get it, we will never see another conservative office holder. Marxifornia is America’s present template trajectory……
Soros open borders is the KEY to that power. When every person geographically located in the USA is given the right to vote as if a citizen, the great American experiment is finished.
We will never see home again.

Educate our millenial snowflakes before they (and us) have to relearn the principles of freedom and vigilence.

Venezuela, anyone ???

BTW, the WALL does NOT have to be concrete.
The military already has in place non lethal antipersonel electronic shields mounted on wheels to be mobile at a mere fraction of the cost of
A physical barrier and months or less away from deployment……..if we REALLY want to get serious about border control.

Sari W.
Sari W.
5 years ago

Please EVERYONE….Begin to solicit….PUBLIC FUNDING for the wall!! If Pres. Trump asked CITIZENS of America to contribute, the $$$$$ raised would be more than even he would believe!!! It is in the greatest interest of All Americans to do this thing!!!! Thank you

5 years ago


jim gooding
jim gooding
5 years ago

Piddly time is over.Let gov’t employees feel the shut a down for a change.

Donald F Bauer
Donald F Bauer
5 years ago

It is way past time for the conservatives to stand up. Shut the govt down if need be. It isn’t working anyway. Nothing is being accomplished in congress, except bickering, back biting and accusations. It is a travesty. There will be a revolt of the people if these idiots don’t start behaving like adults.

Patrick McClurkin
Patrick McClurkin
5 years ago

A big part of President Trump’s campaign was centered around stopping illegal immigration and building the wall. Unfortunately, he does not have the full support of the GOP. At some point the rinos will have to realize that the vast majority of republicans are 100% behind our President. They will either have to support him or risk ending their political careers. Time to wake up all you fence sitters – we know who you are and we will vote you OUT!!

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