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President Trump has announced his intention to run for re-election in 2020.  Who do you think the Democrats will run against him?

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Dan W.
Dan W.
6 years ago

The Democrats are in a world of hurt with the current names being floated. They need someone from the the Midwest or South (anywhere but the east coast/west coast regions) who is a fiscal moderate/conservative and who can stand up to President Trump without foaming at the mouth. Good luck.

6 years ago

Once again, another poorly worded poll, which invalidates any outcome that it may achieve is fatally flawed . The fact is virtually every single Democrat in your poll, as well as several others you failed to mention, has already indicated directly, or through their actions indirectly indicated, that they intend to seek the Democrat nomination in 2020. Which one actually gets the Democrat nomination really doesn’t matter by the way. Any Democrat selected will have to be running on the “Progressive” (Socialist) platform of the Party. No more pretending to be “moderates”. Any candidate selected will have to be preaching the policies of full-blown socialism this time around. So whichever face is actually mouthing the words of:

1) higher taxes (more free stuff costs LOTS of money)
2) more regulations (must kill off capitalism in favor of a state run socialistic model)
3) more re-distribution of OUR money to their favored groups and individuals (increasing the social welfare state costs LOTS of money too)
4) reducing our jobs and business growth back to the anemic levels of the Obama-era (to align us with the other social democracies around the world that can barely achieve 1 percent GDP growth in their good years)
5) also returning to weakening our military (the standard socialist model is to hollow out military spending to be able to partially fund more welfare payments)

So again, who the Democrat messenger is really doesn’t matter one bit now does it? The message delivered by any Democrat will be the same: Return the country to the forced march towards becoming a European-style socialist democracy and finally put an end to the original grand experiment known as the United States of America.

Sorry if this offends anyone’s delicate sensibilities. However, if AMAC is going to bother running these weekly polls, they could at least make the questions more accurate. Have a nice weekend and don’t forget to vote this November.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
6 years ago

As Hillary so famously said “At this point what difference does it make” ?
BTW, Why did you leave her out of the poll ?
She has been testing the waters as of late by giving speeches and accepting awards all over the world.
She’s been on all the Fake News Networks.

Brian B
Brian B
6 years ago

Can the Democrat Party produce anyone that is less loony than Daffy Duck? Or have I besmirched the integrity of a beloved cartoon character?

6 years ago

No one on the list is left enough, the democratic party has gone of the rails.
They used to hide who they were like Obama did, they are out of the closet and Trump is driving them and the media crazy.

6 years ago

It doesn’t matter who they put up.
Trumps economy turaround is now in the economic history books. No “political personality” can over shadow it or counter sell Trump.

He is the man for this time and an exposer of the alternatives we have been suffering under because in all of this, Trump proved Obama’s statement that “This is the new norm”, was the lie we knew it was.

More important, is that the misery Democrats produce is not necessary to any recovery or to us.

6 years ago

Seriously, it’s just a poll. No need to get upset by the choices listed. Wow.

Phil Caiazzo
Phil Caiazzo
6 years ago

It doesn’t matter who the Democrats choose in 2020 Trump will defeat them by a wider margin than in 2016 you can take it to the bank

6 years ago

Paul’s you are a bit long in the tooth my man.
The Poll is worded correctly by the way and the persons Amac chose are right on.
We are over a year and a half out for God’s sake!!!!

Michael Williams (Poppous)
Michael Williams (Poppous)
6 years ago

The DEMS new catch phrase is ‘For the People’. I believe that wad Adolf Hitler’s in 1939.
Ann Coulter was right when she said the DEMS are trying to wreck the country. The Republicans don’t care about this country. A real shame. President Trump is the type of president the founding fathers were talking about.

Dave L.
Dave L.
6 years ago

My guess is they’ll seek out a governor or state senator who’ve not been in the national spotlight. Another “Bill Clinton” would be perfect to try and counter President Trump. All the unwashed hoard of big name Democrats will do exactly what the Repubs did in 2016; agree on their hate for Trump and then proceed to devour themselves. Doesn’t matter who they pick, what they stand for is too Un-American for hard-working, tax-paying, patriotic Americans!

Raymond J Home
Raymond J Home
6 years ago

Clinton gonna run again

6 years ago

Can’t take anything for granted, but I can’t identify a single Democrat that has both a solid platform with the potential for “improving” anything, nor the soundness of mind to present it in an appealing, understanding, and desirable manner. All any of them can focus on is “Get rid of Trump , gimme my power back, and the rest of you go pound dirt.” I simply can’t imagine that any sane person can ever be duped by their lies and rhetoric, again. At least, for our sake, I hope and PRAY not.

6 years ago

Trump is immoral in so many ways as well as being totally clueless on diplomacy, beholden to Putin and is being taken to the cleaners by Kim, Xi and Erdogen.

Robert H
Robert H
6 years ago

Who cares who the Dems run? They’d run Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili (aka Stalin) if it would satisfy their Leftist base. Whoever they run is dog meat.

Common sense
Common sense
6 years ago

What part of OTHER do you not get. In other words fill in the blank with your choice.

Richard Pokorny
Richard Pokorny
6 years ago

The left has nothing to offer but hate and ant-Americanism.

6 years ago

Obama won by being Black and by repeating the word “Change”. Look for Black and/or a Woman. Look for someone who campaigns either for “Change” (from Trump policies), or someone–and this is not likely to happen– who says “If you like Trump you’ll love me!” 46% of U.S. voters (legal or not) despise everything President Trump stands for, aka Good. Many of them WILL VOTE for whoever they believe offers the best chance for “CHANGE” from Good to Evil. Register and vote for Good.

6 years ago

Trumps win proved that creating fear only serves to increase our resolve to get out and vote, not cower like they are hoping. There are real threats from lunatics who listen to the rhetoric from the liberal press and professors in our colleges but most good Americans don’t fear doing what’s right for our great country.

Patrick M
Patrick M
6 years ago

Killary Rotten Felon said she wants to run again, think this is a ruse, to get donors to provide the big banks and big companies she made promises to, and to repay the vast sums they provided for her 2016 failure.

6 years ago

The topics that will drive the next election will be: Universal Basic Income (UBI), single payer health care (free), student loan cancellation (free education), tax the rich into extinction and take private pension funds. Bernie Sanders and Cortes are just trial balloons. It’s the millenials that could change the outcome of the next election not so much the name/face of Demo candidate. There are a lot of the little communists running around that are old enough to vote and the Demos are hard at work getting them registered. They’ll have to drive them to the polls but the Demo’s know very well how to do that. The baby boomers are out numbered by the millennials. That is the battle ground.

Billy Bob
Billy Bob
6 years ago

I hope Crooked Hill runs again.That was fun.

6 years ago

This is the first time in my life that I voted for a Demorat!

6 years ago


Bev Barton
Bev Barton
6 years ago

He could run against any of them and HE WILL WIN……..HANDS DOWN??????????

6 years ago

Eric Holder

Chuck Topley
Chuck Topley
6 years ago

Was it Lenin that said the goal of socialism was communism? So a vote for any one that says they are a Progressive is a vote for Communism. Thanks to our government schools, the youth of our country are being dumbed down in a simular manner as in Venezuela. What they (our youth) don’t know will hurt us.

Ann Bruchmann
Ann Bruchmann
6 years ago

Since Hillary wasn’t on the list, I chose the next worst person, but I do believe she is determined to run again. God help us!

Michael Castor
Michael Castor
6 years ago

I don’t think it matters who Trump runs against!! The Dems have no one!!

andrew maugeri
andrew maugeri
6 years ago


6 years ago

Since their platform seems to be hate Trump and socialism it won’t make any difference who they run.

6 years ago

Conservatives have been too long put on the defence. WHY is the first word out of liberals mouth when they start a conversation about conservatism. Liberals should be asked WHY more often, MAKE THEM EXPLAIN….PUT THEM ON THE DEFENCE.

Margaret Carlisle
Margaret Carlisle
6 years ago

No Democract should ever be elected President of the United States.again. Never. The damage that the Clinton’s, Obama, Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Comey, have done and are causing is very dangerous and disturbing to our country. The American people are not dump or deplorable especially those who voted for Trump, but we can visibly see how the Democracts are misguided, uninformed, illinformed which has made their thinking faulty. They are not worthy of holding office. Never.

6 years ago

Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren. You don’t have to be crazy to be a Democrat, but it sure helps.

Judith Taylor
Judith Taylor
6 years ago

Wow! Look at those choices!!! What a bunch of jokes. Most Patriotic, thinking Americans can see the progress we have made in less than 2 years. We have a thriving economy with more room to grow. We have a majority of SCOTUS that believes in the Constitution & the separation of Powers. We have People who are Proud to be Americans. We will vote & it won’t be for a Biden, Clinton, Warren or their ilk! We have seen our own exceptionalism again & can believe in it. I’m not sure how President Trump stands the daily barrage of hate & lies of the spinning Democrat merry-go-round, but he is able. It may be that he doesn’t have to listen to the BS like the rest of us, because he is busy taking care of the Country.

Tom M
Tom M
6 years ago

With demographics changing the voting picture, the Dems will attempt to place Bernie Sanders into power. Although, I wouldn’t rule out another Witch Hillary attempt. The younger generations love the idea of the government providing something for nothing, which is the foundation of socialism and Marxism. In the much bigger picture, socialism is about to run its course as pension funds and Social Security fail to meet expectations for much of the population in the US and the world over the next 20 years. The RINOs will do everything in their power to keep Trump from appearing on the Republican ticket because they still have in mind to impeach him before 2020. The entire DC Swamp, including the establishment of putrid RINOs will not surrender more power to the people…we don’t matter anymore except for the taxes they can force us to pay.

6 years ago

This may be a little off topic but can somebody please explain to me the democratic mindset of retaining power? They make and pass laws favorable for them at the time but do they not consider (or is it they don’t care) that the policies they put into place will adversely affect their children and grandchildren and so on? I don’t really think it matters who they put up to run. It seems that President Trump has more of a care for our future generations than the democrats do.

6 years ago

The option left out of this poll is ‘Who Knows?’. But seriously (if that is possible at this point). I think the Democrats need another ‘Play-Doh’ candidate like Obama. Someone that can pound a meaningless, ‘Feel Good’ message like ‘Hope & Change’ all the way to the finish line. A person that each voter can mentally mold into their own, personal, perfect candidate. Someone that can destroy all hope while making catastrophically disastrous ‘Changes’ to everything America holds dear, lie continuously to cover up the carnage, and have the Main Stream Propaganda Machine feeding the public ‘Favorable Fantasies’ all the while.

6 years ago

A Joseph Stalin wanna be

6 years ago

Hillary, the witch, is not on the list. I truly think the witch is stupid enough to throw her broom in the race again, and worst yet there are people stupid enough to support her!

Robert Earl Springer
Robert Earl Springer
6 years ago

I’d rather the question: “Who will the Republicans run?”

6 years ago

The Obstructionists are smart enough to know that none of thsee “out of touch” politicians on this list has a chance. They WILL come up with someone else. Maybe Dinero or Whoopi…ha, ha

Frank J. Russo
Frank J. Russo
6 years ago

add lyme to the list of critical confusing diseases.

6 years ago

Appearance of John Hickenlooper at the 2018 Bilderberger Meeting means he has been anointed by them, just like Bill Clinton and others!

6 years ago

From what I’ve been reading Kamala Harris is so far left that that she puts Bernie Sanders in the shade BUT she has a lot of appeal to the thousands of millinums who have been thru the college brain washing & she’s more threat than most are aware of. As much as I’d like to believe Trump will win hands down, we’d better not overlook the threat she presents to our country! She touts free education (college) for every one; wiping out all the college loans so many are stuck with; free health care for all; free everything which will appeal to all the snowflakes! Distribution of wealth so everyone has a “living wage” guaranteed!! I’m really frightened of losing what I’ve worked all my life to prepare for care in my old age & don’t think any of us can ignore the threat of the ultra liberals & the many appeal of “free everything” these people promise. Remember that in the brainwashing academia pushes they never tell the truth of “you can’t give anything you don’t take from someone else!!” Folks everyone of us is going to have to get involved in the fight to keep Trump & defeat the lure & appeal of these liberal promises to millions in this country. It won’t be just a fight to keep Trump — it’ll be a fight to save America as we know it!!

Jerry L. Campbell
Jerry L. Campbell
6 years ago

Does anyone think Jesus can be kicked out and the devil not move in?

Michael Peck
Michael Peck
6 years ago

The problem the Democrats have is that none of the most visible potential candidates can withstand the scrutiny they will receive the minute they begin explaining what they believe, and what they want to impose on the rest of us.

6 years ago

Where’s Hillary on this list? We haven’t heard the last of her! As far left as these potential candidates are, they won’t be left enough by 2020! Obama has brought the democrats out of the closet,everyone knows who they are now! I live in Cali so I knew 20yrs ago but now middle America knows and they’re awake!?

T Smith
T Smith
6 years ago

Their dream candidate would be an hispanic community activist, well-versed in gender hopping, LE trashing, with a smooth demeanor aka BO. Our radar should be up not by the ideaology as much as the delivery. BO mesmerized enough Americans who had white guilt to get in. Look at the record, look at their beliefs, disregard their delivery. There’s a reason the old West called them snake oil salesmen.

wade mackey
wade mackey
6 years ago

Ms. Harris is a female person of color who is as left as most of the delegates. Might have problems with those pesky super-delegates. My nickel is on her..

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