I was a Democrat for 20 years until I just couldn’t take it any more…when the liberal cesspool began to overflow into every aspect of our lives! I’ve now been a Republican for 63 years and have become very disappointed that the good Republicans are allowing the RINO’s to trample them with hardly any fighting back! The whole thing is getting pretty disgusting!! God help us!!

Dan W.
2 years ago
If you liked the process of how we selected our Speaker, you will love what happens in September when the issue of raising the debt ceiling resurfaces.
It will be a sensational buying opportunity for stocks but you’ll need a strong stomach to buy while the market is tanking.
2 years ago
Nothing has changed…McCarthy is in and that means the leftists now have an insider again just as good as pelosi ever was.
2 years ago
Well it’s over and the bad 20 are now officially heroes!!
We will finally have a House that will be a conservative House and not run by the Rinos any longer. Just watch the news difference. It was messy but this is how our founders ment it to be.
2 years ago
Just like Maricopa County, I was unable to vote. My selection flashed a check, then disappeared. Do better next time. Maybe its because the page takes 15 seconds to download. I made my selection (several times, but it didn’t stay), clicked “Vote” & was shown the results. Then noticed that the download wheel was still spinning. I know its not my i7 PC.
2 years ago
I would say something that is going on with some Republicans protecting the Democrats from all of the investigations. They are delaying that’s why the vote has not went through for the speaker
Ivor C
2 years ago
While appreciating that this is the process, once 14 votes had been cast and Rep. McCarthy was now just short of ONE vote, I thought it was simply disgusting that Maetz and Boebert sat there like royalty and refused to join with the majority.
2 years ago
Another mediocre poll. More than one choice applies and they are not necessarily unequal in their weight.
2 years ago
Now that they have voted McCarthy in as Speaker. I am thinking that almost all Republications are ERINO’s. (Establishment Republicans In Name Only). We Are The Government and Sovereign!
Jer Eids
2 years ago
The “issues” and “confessions” should be made public full exposure – prior to the vote. That would help keep it on high ground. Aren’t they also suppose to be working for the citizens of this country.
Peter Stroempl
2 years ago
I saw the republican values in action. The Democrats confirm themselves to be unified authoritarians! Republican values shall always be in a minority; it is hard to be a (small r) republican.
2 years ago
This was a healthy process. Instead of Queen Nancy telling all the lemmings how to vote, at least some of the Repubs thought for themselves and didn’t go with the party. It sent a message to McCarthy and the others that they are there, hopefully, for us.
John Mark McNair
2 years ago
The answers to the poll are inadequate. The correct answer is “all of the above” in this case. If the Republicans don’t unite and be conservatives then it’s the last cycle for the party. The conduct of every single elected official, bureaucrat, and the cesspool that the capital has become has eliminated any concept of government for We the People!
2 years ago
it worked if you want to be idealistic but if you want to win, they all need to be singing from the same play book, the dems do that and even share the playbook with the media and they have been kicking our butts for years, you can have all the values you want but if you don’t win, you are just a complainer
2 years ago
Stolen Elections Have Consequences.
2 years ago
I could care less that it took 15 votes, it could have taken 50 votes! This swamp process of just installing the person the GOP thinks deserves to be next in line. It should be hard to do anything in congress! That is the way our forefathers designed it
2 years ago
Too long the “uniparty” came together to pass their own legislation that oppressed the American People. WE THE PEOPLE were completely without representation. I am thankful we now have some courageous representatives who are willing to stand up for us, and for the Constitution.
Dudley Gray
2 years ago
Kevin McCarthy destroyed Rep. Steve King. Career as a. conservative house member from. Iowa.
Since, there will be no legislation passed because of Schumer and Biden , The U.S. House must dive into the total corruption of the U.S. Government bureaucracy and its administration from top to bottom. Let’s have a real fast and furious examination and expose the truth.
jim wood
2 years ago
The choices on your poll are weak, but it was time to end this farce and get on with the American peoples business. In retrospect they wasted 4 days to get this result should be a no pay period for congress. Now Republicans must get off their butts and start piecing this broken county back together and stop the Biden destruction machine from further ruining America. Be tough, give them hell, and take this country in a new direction now.
2 years ago
I love that republicans are independent. However they need find a way to unite or they are doomed to look like fools. I’m concerned liberals will be in power until the USA is unrecognizable. It’s nearly unrecognizable today!
Connie P.
2 years ago
The 2nd and last responses are basically the same. They should have been combined.
2 years ago
It was a civics lesson long overdue for the nation. I can gladly endure gratuitous shaming from the uniparty communists and media magpies on the left in order to claw back a little of the function of that body.
2 years ago
I wanted the debates to be in the open.
Charles Hay
2 years ago
At this posting the speaker is in place and a number of rules have been changed to reflect a more representative republic. The “20” have done a great service to our country. I was not aware of the coalescing of power that has developed over the past decades+. This has been, hopefully, reversed thanks to the representatives that did their job by representing the will of those that elected them.
Mary Margaret Rogal
2 years ago
It was good to see the process being worked out in public as it should be. At first I wasn’t sure but became proud of those who stood up for what they believe is right. Finally I’m praying this process gets Congress moving and passing needed legislation.
2 years ago
Rick A
2 years ago
I love this entire process and think the twenty are heroes akin to our forefathers!! We the people had no representation in Congress at all. These twenty were fighting for us and look at the abuse they are taking in doing so from the establishment (news and liberal, want to stay in power politicians). The reason these negotiations were not done earlier is because with the anticipated/expected results of the last election, McCarthy did not expect to have to deal with this situation at all. He thought he was a shoe in. Thanks to moves by McCarthy himself but mostly because of Mitch M., we did not get the red wave that was so expected and should have happened. Personally, I hope McCarthy never gets it. I think he is the byproduct you would get when a rhino and a snake mate (Pence and Maxine have endorsed him; proof positive). I hope McCarthy is made to stand down and the GOP can elect a true America First representative. Shoot, Gaetz even nominated Trump. Wouldn’t that be interesting? Don’t cave Matt and Lauren and eighteen others. The media and the establishment may be giving you hell, but the American people are firmly behind you. We love you and recognize that finally we the people are beginning to be represented! Thank You!
2 years ago
I personally do not want to see a McCarthy speakership. I would prefer to see Jim Jordan of Ohio in as Speaker of the House.
Montana Cowpoke
2 years ago
Time now to work together and begin reversing some of the horrible damage the Biden administration has inflicted on our nation.
2 years ago
Nancy Pelosi re-made the Lower Chamber of Congress, changing it from a legislative institution into an investigative playpen, to be used as she and her radical creatures deemed necessary for the moment and issue at hand. Congressional rule changes and rule breaking were routine … e.g., Strict in-person voting rules were thrown out and replaced with the Proxy-Vote to facilitate smoother vote manipulation.
Freedom Caucus members have had enough of this “wild west” format and are doing their best to return to Constitutional Regular-Order. They are demanding 72 Hours (not 3 days) to study bills prior to a vote. Their demands? They want to debate Term-Limits and Balanced Budgets along with possible and appropriate constitutional amendments. They want rules set for PACs on the distribution of money during elections and primaries (Attn: Soros and McConnell). They want to return to regular-order budget process and stop the CR and Omnibus stupidity that has grown our debt exponentially without knowing where the money is spent.
To accomplish these goals, they are practicing democracy. Yes, it’s rough, it’s a brawl, and it’s chaotic, but that’s our government’s way to ensure all representatives are heard. Consider the alternative. Every democrat, during all 15 votes, NEVER called out, mentioned, or uttered a name other that “Jefferies”. Now that’s control, that’s NOT democracy. Could you imagine what would have happened to that person? No, Wait!
2 years ago
Political bulls**t! That’s all it is!
Cookie Winters
2 years ago
The problem is how Pelosi was able to progressively change the rules for operating Congress to increase her power and the minority GOP swamp didn’t push back. McCarthy is going to face Democrat Party Congress members who will now play multiple dirty tricks to hamper Congress’ ability to function. Swamp creatures don’t give up when exposed; they fight more.
2 years ago
So proud of the 29 Patriots, who took a lot of incoming, but stood firm to get us back to some sort of control. Time will tell if McCarthy is an honest broker, or a snake. He has shown he’s only interested in himself, not the good of the country.
2 years ago
They are not practicing democracy because democracy is just an elected dictatorship where the winner has complete authority to rule, like Nancy did.
They are demonstrating a true republican form of government where we elect leaders, not rulers, with constraints on their power.
The democrats are silent because they’re getting a civics lesson on how this country is supposed to work.
2 years ago
If they can’t get it together to elect a Speaker, how in the world are they going to select a Presidential candidate!?!?!?
2 years ago
I want to thank the 20 members who got concessions from McCarthy. what they did was a good thing and the media and some congressmen (Dan Crenshaw) made asses of themselves. Texas you need to primary Crenshaw out next election. He nothing more than a RINO and an a$$. Now it’s time to investigate Joke Biden and all his shady dealings that him, his son, brother, sister, daughter and who know who else have been doing for decades. They also need to investigate Merrick Garland and the DOJ, Mayorkass and the DHS along with the border and the FBI especially who they were involved in the January 6th overblown supposed riot.
Eileen Lenehan
2 years ago
Our founding Fathers rarely agreed. What they finally settled on is this constitutional republic. We are all to impatient. Good stuff takes time.
J. Farley
2 years ago
It was an ugly process, but some valid points were raised, and the freedom caucus was able to drive the point home that the America people want Government to pay attention to their concerns, and the Conservatives now have a larger voice and Representation on the house committees.
2 years ago
The sickening part of the process was, 200 representatives voted for the status quo, they wanted the house to stay as is, broken. 80% of We The People disapproved of McCarthy and they could care less. That’s why their approval rating is 9%, as our Republic circles the drain.
2 years ago
Is there even one honest politician in this country? Most have no backbone and are in politics to get rich! They are not in politics for the right reason: Working for the American People who elected them!!!!! Make America a great country for all citizens!!!
Rev. William E. Weisert II, DD mA/HN
2 years ago
It may be messy, but we can be thankful that the era of the king, queen Speaker of the House, like pelosi, is ended! Speaker McCarthy and the so-called Gang of 20 together with the rest of the GOP house did some very much-needed changes to the Rules. The only change with which i do not agree is the voice of one call to vacate, that number should be higher, maybe 25. We’ll see if this leads to chaos!
Sandra Lee
2 years ago
Watched 5 of the 15 votes. My first reaction to the whole process was “what a bunch of adolescents”. About 80% of the members act as though they’re still in high school, especially those Dems having fun with their style of voting. I’m surprised someone didn’t stand on their head to vote.
It was a game to the GOP because they knew that McCarthy would win. It made no difference to them if he won or lost because they did not care about all the garbage he has been involved in. They just wanted the “party” to win to retain their power/seats. Based on everything he has said and done over the last 6 years, he cannot be trusted to honor his promises.
To think that we the taxpayers were funding that 15 vote fiasco makes me nauseous. They have us over a barrel and they KNOW it!!
We really need to step up and pay very close attention to McCarthy’s moves. He will try everything to gain the kind of power Nancy had.
2 years ago
Two and five good choices and the best chance to clean up the swamp. Now get down to business. Balance a budget which includes a plan to pay down our debt that may take 50 years. Fix our borders, and turn responsibilities back to the states. Eliminate government programs that have no real benefit to the born in America citizens and set term limits. Run the government like a for profit business. Folks that dream up a spending bill with 1,000 pages and force the debt on the country and its citizens is self serving and completely irresponsible.
J Van Horn
2 years ago
After all this negotiating (which should have happened when they knew they had the majority) I believe we found out that are only 20 real conservatives in the Republican Party. Unfortunately no matter who is charge the house and the senate never do things when they are supposed to, always wait until the last minute. The only things that the republicans can do in these next two years is investigate. Any legislation they try to pass even if they can get all 222 members on board will be shot down by Chucky Shumer’s senate along with RINOS there.
2 years ago
To much is done behind the scene by leaders, prior to ramming everything down the voters throats!
I hope we see more on the floor, less behind the scenes by leadership!
2 years ago
God bless the Rebel 20! If they had not stood firm, Swamp Rat McCarthy would have run the corrupt show exactly the way it’s been run for years: unconstitutionally. We have not been represented for a long time. The congressional leadership has been scheming with lobbyists behind the scenes and bullying the members of Congress to fall in line with their corrupt machinations for far too long. The House rules have now returned to “normal order,” meaning that we, the people, will actually have a say on policy. That is how it SHOULD be! Today, I have real hope that this country can be saved.
Edward Petru
2 years ago
We are not like the socialist democrats, we are not sheep and follow blindly. This is how it should be.
gary heitzmann
2 years ago
First order of business, the very first order of business is voting for articles of impeachment for the resident select, joke biden and his pet idiot sidekick. Reason?….how many you want?! Besides the precedent has already been set, you really don’t need a reason!
John p
2 years ago
The rule changes were definitely needed! That being said…Anytime the Congress is tied in knots conducting internal business they are not actively hurting “we the people” !!
Aaf Schafer
2 years ago
Those ultra right who hate McCarthy voted against the man not for what is good for the country. One man cannot change things. Are these 6, that voted against McCarthy, will they hold up any legislation or vote against everything because they didn’t get their way and vote with the democrats. They set a dangerous precedent. 6 people are holding the Republican Party and half of the people of America hostage.
They keep saying we did the will of the people. I see it as being selfish and promoting their own self interest.
I was a Democrat for 20 years until I just couldn’t take it any more…when the liberal cesspool began to overflow into every aspect of our lives! I’ve now been a Republican for 63 years and have become very disappointed that the good Republicans are allowing the RINO’s to trample them with hardly any fighting back! The whole thing is getting pretty disgusting!! God help us!!

If you liked the process of how we selected our Speaker, you will love what happens in September when the issue of raising the debt ceiling resurfaces.
It will be a sensational buying opportunity for stocks but you’ll need a strong stomach to buy while the market is tanking.
Nothing has changed…McCarthy is in and that means the leftists now have an insider again just as good as pelosi ever was.
Well it’s over and the bad 20 are now officially heroes!!
We will finally have a House that will be a conservative House and not run by the Rinos any longer. Just watch the news difference. It was messy but this is how our founders ment it to be.
Just like Maricopa County, I was unable to vote. My selection flashed a check, then disappeared. Do better next time. Maybe its because the page takes 15 seconds to download. I made my selection (several times, but it didn’t stay), clicked “Vote” & was shown the results. Then noticed that the download wheel was still spinning. I know its not my i7 PC.
I would say something that is going on with some Republicans protecting the Democrats from all of the investigations. They are delaying that’s why the vote has not went through for the speaker
While appreciating that this is the process, once 14 votes had been cast and Rep. McCarthy was now just short of ONE vote, I thought it was simply disgusting that Maetz and Boebert sat there like royalty and refused to join with the majority.
Another mediocre poll. More than one choice applies and they are not necessarily unequal in their weight.
Now that they have voted McCarthy in as Speaker. I am thinking that almost all Republications are ERINO’s. (Establishment Republicans In Name Only). We Are The Government and Sovereign!
The “issues” and “confessions” should be made public full exposure – prior to the vote. That would help keep it on high ground. Aren’t they also suppose to be working for the citizens of this country.
I saw the republican values in action. The Democrats confirm themselves to be unified authoritarians! Republican values shall always be in a minority; it is hard to be a (small r) republican.
This was a healthy process. Instead of Queen Nancy telling all the lemmings how to vote, at least some of the Repubs thought for themselves and didn’t go with the party. It sent a message to McCarthy and the others that they are there, hopefully, for us.
The answers to the poll are inadequate. The correct answer is “all of the above” in this case. If the Republicans don’t unite and be conservatives then it’s the last cycle for the party. The conduct of every single elected official, bureaucrat, and the cesspool that the capital has become has eliminated any concept of government for We the People!
it worked if you want to be idealistic but if you want to win, they all need to be singing from the same play book, the dems do that and even share the playbook with the media and they have been kicking our butts for years, you can have all the values you want but if you don’t win, you are just a complainer
Stolen Elections Have Consequences.
I could care less that it took 15 votes, it could have taken 50 votes! This swamp process of just installing the person the GOP thinks deserves to be next in line. It should be hard to do anything in congress! That is the way our forefathers designed it
Too long the “uniparty” came together to pass their own legislation that oppressed the American People. WE THE PEOPLE were completely without representation. I am thankful we now have some courageous representatives who are willing to stand up for us, and for the Constitution.
Kevin McCarthy destroyed Rep. Steve King. Career as a. conservative house member from. Iowa.
Since, there will be no legislation passed because of Schumer and Biden , The U.S. House must dive into the total corruption of the U.S. Government bureaucracy and its administration from top to bottom. Let’s have a real fast and furious examination and expose the truth.
The choices on your poll are weak, but it was time to end this farce and get on with the American peoples business. In retrospect they wasted 4 days to get this result should be a no pay period for congress. Now Republicans must get off their butts and start piecing this broken county back together and stop the Biden destruction machine from further ruining America. Be tough, give them hell, and take this country in a new direction now.
I love that republicans are independent. However they need find a way to unite or they are doomed to look like fools. I’m concerned liberals will be in power until the USA is unrecognizable. It’s nearly unrecognizable today!
The 2nd and last responses are basically the same. They should have been combined.
It was a civics lesson long overdue for the nation. I can gladly endure gratuitous shaming from the uniparty communists and media magpies on the left in order to claw back a little of the function of that body.
I wanted the debates to be in the open.
At this posting the speaker is in place and a number of rules have been changed to reflect a more representative republic. The “20” have done a great service to our country. I was not aware of the coalescing of power that has developed over the past decades+. This has been, hopefully, reversed thanks to the representatives that did their job by representing the will of those that elected them.
It was good to see the process being worked out in public as it should be. At first I wasn’t sure but became proud of those who stood up for what they believe is right. Finally I’m praying this process gets Congress moving and passing needed legislation.
I love this entire process and think the twenty are heroes akin to our forefathers!! We the people had no representation in Congress at all. These twenty were fighting for us and look at the abuse they are taking in doing so from the establishment (news and liberal, want to stay in power politicians). The reason these negotiations were not done earlier is because with the anticipated/expected results of the last election, McCarthy did not expect to have to deal with this situation at all. He thought he was a shoe in. Thanks to moves by McCarthy himself but mostly because of Mitch M., we did not get the red wave that was so expected and should have happened. Personally, I hope McCarthy never gets it. I think he is the byproduct you would get when a rhino and a snake mate (Pence and Maxine have endorsed him; proof positive). I hope McCarthy is made to stand down and the GOP can elect a true America First representative. Shoot, Gaetz even nominated Trump. Wouldn’t that be interesting? Don’t cave Matt and Lauren and eighteen others. The media and the establishment may be giving you hell, but the American people are firmly behind you. We love you and recognize that finally we the people are beginning to be represented! Thank You!
I personally do not want to see a McCarthy speakership. I would prefer to see Jim Jordan of Ohio in as Speaker of the House.
Time now to work together and begin reversing some of the horrible damage the Biden administration has inflicted on our nation.
Nancy Pelosi re-made the Lower Chamber of Congress, changing it from a legislative institution into an investigative playpen, to be used as she and her radical creatures deemed necessary for the moment and issue at hand. Congressional rule changes and rule breaking were routine … e.g., Strict in-person voting rules were thrown out and replaced with the Proxy-Vote to facilitate smoother vote manipulation.
Freedom Caucus members have had enough of this “wild west” format and are doing their best to return to Constitutional Regular-Order. They are demanding 72 Hours (not 3 days) to study bills prior to a vote. Their demands? They want to debate Term-Limits and Balanced Budgets along with possible and appropriate constitutional amendments. They want rules set for PACs on the distribution of money during elections and primaries (Attn: Soros and McConnell). They want to return to regular-order budget process and stop the CR and Omnibus stupidity that has grown our debt exponentially without knowing where the money is spent.
To accomplish these goals, they are practicing democracy. Yes, it’s rough, it’s a brawl, and it’s chaotic, but that’s our government’s way to ensure all representatives are heard. Consider the alternative. Every democrat, during all 15 votes, NEVER called out, mentioned, or uttered a name other that “Jefferies”. Now that’s control, that’s NOT democracy. Could you imagine what would have happened to that person? No, Wait!
Political bulls**t! That’s all it is!
The problem is how Pelosi was able to progressively change the rules for operating Congress to increase her power and the minority GOP swamp didn’t push back. McCarthy is going to face Democrat Party Congress members who will now play multiple dirty tricks to hamper Congress’ ability to function. Swamp creatures don’t give up when exposed; they fight more.
So proud of the 29 Patriots, who took a lot of incoming, but stood firm to get us back to some sort of control. Time will tell if McCarthy is an honest broker, or a snake. He has shown he’s only interested in himself, not the good of the country.
They are not practicing democracy because democracy is just an elected dictatorship where the winner has complete authority to rule, like Nancy did.
They are demonstrating a true republican form of government where we elect leaders, not rulers, with constraints on their power.
The democrats are silent because they’re getting a civics lesson on how this country is supposed to work.
If they can’t get it together to elect a Speaker, how in the world are they going to select a Presidential candidate!?!?!?
I want to thank the 20 members who got concessions from McCarthy. what they did was a good thing and the media and some congressmen (Dan Crenshaw) made asses of themselves. Texas you need to primary Crenshaw out next election. He nothing more than a RINO and an a$$. Now it’s time to investigate Joke Biden and all his shady dealings that him, his son, brother, sister, daughter and who know who else have been doing for decades. They also need to investigate Merrick Garland and the DOJ, Mayorkass and the DHS along with the border and the FBI especially who they were involved in the January 6th overblown supposed riot.
Our founding Fathers rarely agreed. What they finally settled on is this constitutional republic. We are all to impatient. Good stuff takes time.
It was an ugly process, but some valid points were raised, and the freedom caucus was able to drive the point home that the America people want Government to pay attention to their concerns, and the Conservatives now have a larger voice and Representation on the house committees.
The sickening part of the process was, 200 representatives voted for the status quo, they wanted the house to stay as is, broken. 80% of We The People disapproved of McCarthy and they could care less. That’s why their approval rating is 9%, as our Republic circles the drain.
Is there even one honest politician in this country? Most have no backbone and are in politics to get rich! They are not in politics for the right reason: Working for the American People who elected them!!!!! Make America a great country for all citizens!!!
It may be messy, but we can be thankful that the era of the king, queen Speaker of the House, like pelosi, is ended! Speaker McCarthy and the so-called Gang of 20 together with the rest of the GOP house did some very much-needed changes to the Rules. The only change with which i do not agree is the voice of one call to vacate, that number should be higher, maybe 25. We’ll see if this leads to chaos!
Watched 5 of the 15 votes. My first reaction to the whole process was “what a bunch of adolescents”. About 80% of the members act as though they’re still in high school, especially those Dems having fun with their style of voting. I’m surprised someone didn’t stand on their head to vote.
It was a game to the GOP because they knew that McCarthy would win. It made no difference to them if he won or lost because they did not care about all the garbage he has been involved in. They just wanted the “party” to win to retain their power/seats. Based on everything he has said and done over the last 6 years, he cannot be trusted to honor his promises.
To think that we the taxpayers were funding that 15 vote fiasco makes me nauseous. They have us over a barrel and they KNOW it!!
We really need to step up and pay very close attention to McCarthy’s moves. He will try everything to gain the kind of power Nancy had.
Two and five good choices and the best chance to clean up the swamp. Now get down to business. Balance a budget which includes a plan to pay down our debt that may take 50 years. Fix our borders, and turn responsibilities back to the states. Eliminate government programs that have no real benefit to the born in America citizens and set term limits. Run the government like a for profit business. Folks that dream up a spending bill with 1,000 pages and force the debt on the country and its citizens is self serving and completely irresponsible.
After all this negotiating (which should have happened when they knew they had the majority) I believe we found out that are only 20 real conservatives in the Republican Party. Unfortunately no matter who is charge the house and the senate never do things when they are supposed to, always wait until the last minute. The only things that the republicans can do in these next two years is investigate. Any legislation they try to pass even if they can get all 222 members on board will be shot down by Chucky Shumer’s senate along with RINOS there.
To much is done behind the scene by leaders, prior to ramming everything down the voters throats!
I hope we see more on the floor, less behind the scenes by leadership!
God bless the Rebel 20! If they had not stood firm, Swamp Rat McCarthy would have run the corrupt show exactly the way it’s been run for years: unconstitutionally. We have not been represented for a long time. The congressional leadership has been scheming with lobbyists behind the scenes and bullying the members of Congress to fall in line with their corrupt machinations for far too long. The House rules have now returned to “normal order,” meaning that we, the people, will actually have a say on policy. That is how it SHOULD be! Today, I have real hope that this country can be saved.
We are not like the socialist democrats, we are not sheep and follow blindly. This is how it should be.
First order of business, the very first order of business is voting for articles of impeachment for the resident select, joke biden and his pet idiot sidekick. Reason?….how many you want?! Besides the precedent has already been set, you really don’t need a reason!
The rule changes were definitely needed! That being said…Anytime the Congress is tied in knots conducting internal business they are not actively hurting “we the people” !!
Those ultra right who hate McCarthy voted against the man not for what is good for the country. One man cannot change things. Are these 6, that voted against McCarthy, will they hold up any legislation or vote against everything because they didn’t get their way and vote with the democrats. They set a dangerous precedent. 6 people are holding the Republican Party and half of the people of America hostage.
They keep saying we did the will of the people. I see it as being selfish and promoting their own self interest.