
bernie sanders unaffordable

Senator Bernie Sanders and 123 Democrat Congressmen have called for a change in health care called 'Medicare for All' which would provide free health, dental and vision care; would replace Medicare as we know it and would eliminate Medicare Advantage plans. Are you in favor of this?

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Jimmy jack fudpucker
Jimmy jack fudpucker
5 years ago

to the 201 ( as of 10:22pm on 10-16) idiots that are in favor of this…. are you f-ing serious???? are you really that stupid? take your ignorance elsewhere! Socialism does NOT work! This country was not founded on “free” stuff.

5 years ago

I have little confidence in any government solution. Prior to the ACAobamacarelie, we paid $9,500. Our first year in ACAobamacarelie, we paid a combined premium/deductible $22,000. Our final year in ACAobamacarelie we were on the hook for $33,000. During that time we lost doctors, our good HC Plan, and there was nothing affordable about it. Other than getting older each year, we had no change in our health.

Sharon McGuire
Sharon McGuire
5 years ago

It’s good to see that the vast majority agree with me that this attempt to impose socialism on the American people is not as popular as liberals would have us believe!

5 years ago

I’ve lived in Canada for several months. The medical service was great if you don’t mind the wait and the run around you get when you need lab work or tests done. The only ones who like their FREE medical are those who have never had to pay for it or who have never had a serious illness.
Also you put power in the hands of government officials who skim off the tax payers dollars to make sure they get their money first before the rest filters through the hands of all those who have to make sure all the t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted. Call SS some time for information on a claim and see how long it takes to get it resolved. Remember all those people take a share of that money that goes for you. The bigger it gets the worse it is and there is more opportunities for corruption to creep in and you won’t be able to fight it!

5 years ago

This will never work. It will destroy the quality of care that we can receive with Medicare now. Doctors in California already complain about taking Low paying Medicare. If they make it any less or the deductibles any larger, one illness could wipe us out. At least we have the choice to protect ourselves with supplementals, when we are entering a period of fixed or lower income. The system works now. Let us choose better coverage if we choose to. Medicare deductibles are high! We need supplementals.

Samuel M. King
Samuel M. King
5 years ago

My brother died as a result of the current medical debacle left in the wake of an evil monster who is now out of office. These people have no souls. We don’t mean anything to those dictating this death knell on we who work for a living and want to have something to leave behind for our children. I had a perfect medical insurance, which I paid a premium for, but I paid nothing but co-pays. Now, with the ‘new’ plan, I paid the majority of a recent operation, and am reluctant to go to the doctor. They seem obligated anymore, to diagnose you with something requiring expensive medicines that have very bad side effects, up to and including death. Who wants that? I lost my brother to a system loaded with inconsistencies and procedural procrastination, making him ‘miss the mark’, or the appointments that would have saved his life. The worst part is, had his health insurance not been monkeyed with, I would still be able to visit him at his house, instead of graveside. Damn socialism!

5 years ago

Most news organizations did not cover the fact that Republican House districts were targeted for Medicare denials. The backlog was challenged by the AHA but it doesn’t change the fact that many seniors were stopped cold in their tracks from access to additional services while their cases were held in limbo. Some seniors died waiting and many others experienced having their medical problems become more serious.

And we are going to let even more government bureaucracy control the entire population after they proved that they were picking and choosing who would get care based on their political representative/district?

5 years ago

Not only no but hell no. It’s for those who worked hard and paid into the system.

Neal B
Neal B
5 years ago

Bernie’s Socialst policies would BANKRUPT the nation for starters, destroy healthcare as we know it, and make healthcare totally unaffordable for EVERYONE! Any time they claim to be offering something “FREE”, socialists are really offering HORRIBLE quality ‘stuff’ paid for by everyone who is working, and ultimately you end up with the lowest common denominator product/service. The companies providing the product or service have NO reason to do it well, especially when they are getting paid VERY LITTLE to provide it – so they do it as cheaply as they possibly can to maximize their miniscule profits. The government pays based on the lowest price, NEVER based on the BEST QUALITY. I used to co-own a business where we were involved with government jobs and had to bid for these. It was ALWAYS about the lowest price, and nothing else. This NEVER provides the best quality service or product, it is simply impossible to do so. Many companies literally cut every corner possible to achieve the pricing they quoted the government, and ultimately the recipients of the product/service are the ones who suffer for that lowest price only mentality of the US Government. Somehow we need to change the Bid process, so that it includes a category of the product or service QUALITY, the consistency of the quality products and services produced by the company, and so forth. I don’t know the precise model it should follow, but I do know from having the direct experience with the “lowest bid” process the US government is REQUIRED to use that we MUST come up with something better and FAST! The US Postal Service has Sub-standard machinery, sub-standard software, and on down the line, BECAUSE they too are required by law to accept the LOWEST BID no matter what. The Government Printing Office (aka GPO) has a TINY amount of leeway, if they have extensive experience with a given company and that company has a very high score as far as completing projects on time and on budget and so forth – where they can choose the company with the 2nd or 3rd lowest bid IF they meet the top quality requirement as well. But that is the exception, not the rule.

5 years ago

Medicare does not currently cover vision or dental so right there is increased cost. Concerns today are when Medicare can no longer survive. Why add more people than are currently eligible.

5 years ago

Nothing is free, it costs in taxes. Someone has to pay for it!

Gary K
Gary K
5 years ago

Doctors basically on commission now. So they can work as hard as they want. Make as much as they want. If you put every doctor on a salary they wont work as hard. That’s goverenment health care all doctors work for government. So people that are driven wont become doctors the best will do something else so wont be enough doctors so now we have long lines and poor health care

5 years ago

Nothing is free!!!! Funds will come from be somewhere! We need to stop burdening the American tax payer with more taxes!!!!! Giving immagrates free everything is just wrong!!!!! No wonder they are trying to get here, this all has to change, then there will be less immagration problems. We have enough of Americans who need help, like Veterans and the homeless!!!!!! These people are our own!!!!! Veterans especially deserve the best we have to offer!!!!! They’ve earned it!!!!!!

5 years ago

Do these people realize how much pressure physicians are under already? Most states’ health departments require some ‘pro bono’ commitments by MDs if patients are unable to pay. Our hospitals are flooded as are emergency and urgent care.. With the attitudes of politicians trying seduce voters they are taking the onus out of personal health care vigilance, and concern and placing these individual concerns in the hands of physicians.. How realistic is this? How do physicians get to know their patients? In a City like NYC where I live guaranteed physicians are most likely so exasperated by the insinuations that they will make no effort. It’s obviously (for some of us who have worked as healthcare professionals) turning into an “us against them” situation whereas many healthcare professionals do not hold back showing definite signs of hostility toward certain of their patients.. Now this? Where’s this all going and where is something very serious going to give???

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
5 years ago

This Country is a Constitutional Republic. There are a number of U.S. Supreme Court rulings from the 1930’s stating that Socialism is unconstitutional at the Federal Level and that the Constitution forbids the Federal Government from engaging-in or competing-in any areas done by private business. Regulate to a certain level yes. Engage-in NO!!!

We once again find the Humanists calling for actions that are unconstitutional!! AND, nobody seems to either understand or CARE!!!

5 years ago

What really bugs me is the insidious way the Obama administration and the media successfully got everyone to call it, see it and believe it is “healthcare” and/or “access to healthcare” when reality its insurance and forcing US citizens to carry health insurance or be penalized. I’m ashamed and embarrassed how easily citizens were brainwashed to actually believe the misdirection.

6 years ago

I’m surprised that AMAC didn’t put “quotes” around the word “free”. Liberals and socialists (one and the same) love to tell their followers about all the “free” stuff they’re going to get in exchange for putting these power-hungry thieves into office.
When I was working and had employer-paid health insurance, the first year’s deductible was about $2300. Only a few years later, I was hospitalized and had to pay $7300 out of pocket before insurance kicked in!
Whenever competition and profit are written OUT of the equation, and a million government regulations are written IN, there’s no incentive for an insurance company to deliver what we need at an affordable price.
Adopting Sanders’ policies will very quickly remove us from the position of richest country in the world and will bankrupt us instead.

Dan W.
Dan W.
6 years ago

Keep in mind that the so-called “Medicare for All” is not the current Original Medicare with Medicare Supp (Medigap) plans from private insurers to cover Medicare deductibles and coinsurance and Medicare Part D plans for prescription drugs for all people.

Instead, “Medicare for All” is an all-encompassing plan covering every eligible medical and prescription drug expense with no deductibles, or coinsurance, or copays and would include dental and vision. Expensive ? Yep, but no one knows quite how expensive. Cost effective in the long run ? Maybe, but in the long run, we are all dead.

I could listen to a plan to provide Original Medicare at age 62 to those who elect to take Social Security at age 62 but “Medicare for All” will not fly in the current environment.

John Higgins
6 years ago

Medicare for All is pure socialism. Under socialism the individual means nothing!
All employer plans would be canceled- in short, if you like your health plan it will be taken away from you.
Get ready for rationing!
AMAC must fight this.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
6 years ago

Anything that Bernie vomits fourth from his dystopic mind will be bad for Americans.
The very fact that Bernie says it’s good is all I need to know that it’s going to be a disaster.
Let’s not forget that a government that is big enough to give you everything is also big enough
to take everything away, and that includes our liberties.

Bernie and his bride honeymooned in Russia, I say we should send them back to live there … permanently.
Sorry, Vlad.

The BernieBots and their Evil puppet masters must be CRUSHED .
We must all do our part and vote in the upcoming November election – GBA/MAGA/WINNING !

6 years ago

Bernie is a “free cheese” liberal. They will promise you all the “free surplus cheese” you can eat to get your vote… but you will never get to eat a steak. They keep people down and dependent on them for their success…

Tom M
Tom M
6 years ago

Does free health care for all mean that Big Pharma and the medical mafia will cut their prices? The health care system is a joke and needs to be completely revamped. It never will because there is no one to do it. Congress is a joke and The Swamp will become much swampier when Bernie and his comrades reclaim it after the Deep State ejects Trump.

6 years ago

So… How is “Medicare for All” different from, and better than, Obamacare… Hillary’s healthcare plan…Ted Kennedy’s plan…etc…? To me it’s the same “wolf” in a “sheepskin” with a different name. Glad to be in touch (and united with) others love freedom and liberty. God bless you, and God bless America!

6 years ago

This is just another way to push us further into communism and we must stop them I we and our children and grandchildren are going to continue to be free

Jack Stricker
Jack Stricker
6 years ago

HELL NO Bernie!!!!

Paul C
Paul C
6 years ago

I just became Medicare eligible and am also still working. I am also retired from the USAF so was required to take Medicare Part B or LOSE my Tricare medical coverage for at least one year. I was also hit with the Income Adjusted Premium because I made more than $85,000 in 2016. I will get hammered again next year because I will have made more than $107K that will place me in another Income adjusted bracket. The irony is, when I stop working at age 66 or 67 (in two years) my income will drop off like falling off a cliff to something like $40,000 per year and I will then have to appeal to have my Medicare premiums reduced to the baseline. My dealings with Medicare to date have been anything but helpful. One reason I wish I was filthy rich is because I would not have signed up for Medicare and would have self insured. I want NOTHING to do with the federal government.

The people who want Universal Healthcare should look at the abomination that is known as the Veteran’s Administration with its fraud, waste and abuse and the excessively long waits for care. My experience with military medical care was also less than satisfactory. It was OK for trauma but the emphasis on outsourcing routine care, the forcing of retirees to use civilian providers who may or may not accept Tricare, the co-pays, etc. all led to less than acceptable care and in many cases, outcomes.

I am proud to be an American and love my country. As a conservative, I believe both parties have failed the people. I also believe we are moving to a quasi-fascist command and control economy and governing model. As the old saying goes, “I love my country, but it’s the government that I hate” is true for me and I am sure, for many other Americans.

6 years ago

Maybe 90% of the voters will really turn the tide against the Demoncrats

6 years ago

If you want to see the failure of socialized medicine here in the United States, look at the Veterans’ Administration “Healthcare” System!

Sidney Conklin
Sidney Conklin
6 years ago

My Bible tells me to help my neighbor. This is my individual responsibility and NOT the government ‘s duty.

Bonnie Sappington
Bonnie Sappington
6 years ago

I believe that the government should get out of the health care business and stay out. I believe that doctors should charge patients according to their net pay. Most of the medical profession is a greedy as the government. We pay for our insurance, and that includes medicare. And America has never thrown sick and injured people out of the ER, anywhere. America needs to stop being brainwashed. And, while they’re at it, the government needs to stop messing with our food, that makes us sick in the first place. No GMO’s and stop raising the price of all foods.

Charles Johnsen
Charles Johnsen
6 years ago

It is largely Medicare, Medicaid, and employer provided “insurance” that wreaked the medical market in the first place. They slow innovation, forbid competition, and replace American charity. And this began because the doctor groups warped insurance from sharing risk to sharing costs. We need a constiutional amendment preventing Congress from any regulation (including the FDA) or economic interference in this market.

6 years ago

The conditions in tha VA health care for veterans is a picture of what will happen with “free” health “care” for all!

Gary Clift
Gary Clift
6 years ago

Why do we not look at the facts? The government cannot manage anything efficiently. Look at their history. Postal service, Rail service, Medicare, Social Security all in the red every year. Billions in subsides.

Barbara Sessions
Barbara Sessions
6 years ago

I lived in a country that had “free” health care. It was terrible. You had to bring your own sheets to the hospital if you wanted a sheet on your bed. You also had to have someone bring you food if you wanted something besides soup.

6 years ago

Bernie and the other politicians spouting free everything only appeal to the naive. Wake up kids, free is not free!

Val Walleck
Val Walleck
6 years ago

Do you realize you have 106.84% voting in your pole.

6 years ago

Single payer systems do not work

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 years ago

& will keep same bureaucracy in as is & NO Innovation IE Med Tech, Herbal RX, New RX, therapies IE Yoga, diets, for Health care alone,Just a Dem Scam. Rerun Old crap

Jim Eckland
Jim Eckland
6 years ago

The problem of Health Care is total cost which has yet to be addressed. Since third-party payers the price has soared. There are laws that maintain high prices and these must be reviewed.

6 years ago

So if this bacame a reality, would we get all the money we paid into socoal security/medicare back in a refund? You can bet your sweeet bippy NO!!! So, we that paid into the system for 50+ years subsidize ALL those who have not, and get lousy government controlled health care to boot. It’s also a good bet that Congress will not be subject to that system, just like Obamacare. It will destroy America, just as the psycolibs want.

6 years ago

C’mon Amac, hire a professional to do these polls. This one was poorly constructed and clearly biased. There are enough conservatives out here that leading the respondents is not necessary. Moreover, the results are invalid. Sorry, just telling it like it is.

Sherry g
Sherry g
6 years ago

God help us if Dems get in power

Lynn McCarty
Lynn McCarty
6 years ago

Don’t split our vote in polls by asking 4 choices that conservatives agree. It dilutes our voice.

Kerry M
Kerry M
6 years ago

Show me one example of any Free government program that has been successful. I grew up in New Orleans where free government housing was given to the poor. They destroyed their free homes and are places where no good person would want to live. Compare to Habitat where the poor are helped, they get to own something and most actually move up and gain dignity and hope. Free Government programs actually enslave people and control them removing hope and creating dependency
We should always be on guard anytime the word “Free” is involved. When have you ever received anything that was totally free, no strings attached? Think about it before you decide who to vote for.

6 years ago


6 years ago

I would love to see a capitalistic, competitive medical system free from all the government controls and regulations. That includes the state requirements that greatly limit my choices. We should be able to walk into an insurance office any day of the year and shop for health care the way we shop for auto insurance. With plans from major medical only to full coverage of all events so we can make choices. I understand there are people who have conditions that cost more to treat than they would pay for coverage, deal with those issues separately from all the rest of healthcare.

Tim C.
Tim C.
6 years ago

Don’t want to see Medicare for all, but we have a broken system that needs fixing. The fix needs to include plan choices, price transparency and tort reforms as a start to control the costs. Everyone paying these days is unhappy, and forced to make too many life decisions based upon being able to get quality, affordable health care.

Craig Cutler
Craig Cutler
6 years ago

No. government does nothing efficiently or without tremendous waste of our money, we need to minimize government in our lives and get back to privatization in all areas of our lives.

6 years ago

Many Americans have been paying for Medicare out of there hard earned salaries, why should we give it away to those who haven’t paid, just like the Government has done to Social Security.

6 years ago

Sounds like Bernie and the libs want to reduce the Boomer Generation with socialist sub-standard medical care. Waiting for medical and surgical procedures (Canada) is absurd.

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