
Media bias is reaching a fever pitch. Which of these headlines have been ignored by a media mob that appears to have their own political agenda? Select two.

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4 years ago

The correct answer is missing yet again – it is none of the above.

#Trump/House/Senate/2020 -Deus Vult !

Marie M
Marie M
4 years ago

Your poll question, the Media is reaching a fever pitch, seriously! The media is the enemy of the people, they are and have been since 2015 done everything to slander and print lie after lie about President Trump and his administration. They have an agenda, it supports Antifa, BLM and what they call peaceful protesters. They do not report the news or anything happening around the world that is of importance they just give their opinions/commentary and they call themselves journalists.

4 years ago

The MSM is simply acting as what they are and have been for decades: The propaganda arm of the Democrat party and all its candidates and existing politicians. Nothing detrimental to Joe Biden or any other Democrat politician will be investigated or reported on. Anything detrimental to the advancement of the socialist agenda, that the party stands for, will be ignored or swept under the rug. Period!

If there is no negative news to report on either President Trump or any other Republican politician, which there usually isn’t, then the MSM will just make something up and quote some anonymous sources that don’t actually exist. Period! They create pure fiction crafted out of thin air and run it as “news”. This is all they do on a daily basis at the New York Times, the Washington Post and 99 percent of the print, television and social media that constitute the MSM.

The MSM isn’t in the business of reporting news anymore. So your poll question is kind of moot, as the MSM isn’t in the news business. They haven’t been interested in that for years and at this point don’t seem to employ people that could actually cover real news, if their lives depended on it. They are in the business of promoting and protecting the Democrat party and its agenda, while vilifying anyone or anything with associated with the Republican party, the Constitution or anything or anyone that stands in opposition to the socialist agenda most in the MSM believe is so wonderful and better for us all.

Enjoy the weekend and do try to create more interesting polls. Just a thought.

Eric Wilson
Eric Wilson
4 years ago

That was a tough choice. The American news media is bordering domestic terrorism

Jack Dawes
Jack Dawes
4 years ago

How about his blatantly false, “Debunked!”, claim during the debate when asked about payoffs to his son?

David Rubin
David Rubin
4 years ago

In reality… all of the above.

Charles W Olson
Charles W Olson
4 years ago

The FBI needs to be involved with this insect somali in MN because ellison wont do anything since he is of the same “faith” as that scum!

john koo
john koo
4 years ago

The media and politicians hate president Trump because he won’t play their game he can’t be bought off. And he is peeling back the layers of corruption in Washington to the American public. Anything that makes President Trump look bad they report or twist to fit their agenda everything else silent.

David M
David M
4 years ago

How about today’s line from CNN that Trump was taken to Walter Reed “plunging the country into a deepening crisis as the circle of current and former aides to the President testing positive rapidly widened.” In actuality there is no crisis, but CNN is certainly trying to foment a crisis.

4 years ago

MSM does not report the actual facts and is obviously one-sided in its bias. I try to stay away from listening to MSM on a consistent basis as not to be brainwashed. “FNN” – “Fake News Networks” is a more accurate description of what we the American people are subjected to on a daily basis if we choose to get “the news” from MSM.

4 years ago

What about all the lies that hiden biden is spewing in the back to back campaign adds the socialist party is brain washing desperate people with promising 15000 for a 1st time home buyer, 7000 for child care, 1300 extra for ssa!!!!?? Where in the hell is all that money coming from? Guess what.. your TAXES ARE GOING TO SKYROCKET to pay for the lazy SOBs that dont want to work to earn it like the rest of us did over our working life of 50 plus years!!

Mike Dodd
Mike Dodd
4 years ago

Media bias is beyond rediculous! It’s almost as if they refuse to accept reality!

Charlot Ray
Charlot Ray
4 years ago

Its difficult to narrow this list to two. There should be more exposure of just who is married to whom. The owners/editors/personalities of media outlets are married to top Democrats. Gov. Newsom of CA is married to Pelosi’s daughter? The intertwinings are amazing. there should be more exposure here.

Katie F
Katie F
4 years ago

“All of the above”

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
4 years ago

POTUS is fighting Covid19. That is our immediate concern and God protect him and FLOTUS.
A biased media? I am shocked! truly shocked!
I haven’t been this shocked since I learned that the piano player in the saloon really knew what was going on upstairs.
We have an aggressive President who has little patience for fools.
This ruffles the feathers of the media mightily.
I believe this aggressive, combative spirit is just what is needed to overcome the virus.
Had it known who it was taking on, Covid19 would passed on Mr Trump and invaded someone else.
Viruses aren’t smart, just prolific — like members of a certain party I won’t mention here.

Martin Hans
Martin Hans
4 years ago

Heck, I hadn’t heard of any of these questions. It really is a crime that the media is doing!

4 years ago

I wanted to check all of the above also

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

What? No choice for “all of the above?”

JM Smythe
JM Smythe
4 years ago

The Liberal Media has become so biased on anything that has standards, morals, Christian ideals and justice that i no longer watch ANY of the usual channels. The Weather Channel is the standard at our house. I have NEVER seen such ridiculous
comments and tirades against ANYONE in politics as I have President Trump. Yes he can be a jerk at times but he is the ONLY
one who has the guts to say what he thinks in favor of America. the Democrat Party has done everything it possible could to
to run this country down and give it away to Socialism. Hope I am not around to see the ‘fall out’ over the next ten years.
God bless America.

Peter Keep
Peter Keep
4 years ago

Good questions/polls – keep it up!

Just trouble
Just trouble
4 years ago

Actually all answers are correct at some level.

4 years ago

The best answer would be – All of the above + 100 more. The media has been “picking” topics for years. Then, simply omit those that do not fit their narrative. It’s called the Power of Omission. Examples, Obama’s Fast and Furious, Obama’s IRS scandal, recent Mid-East peace deals … and so on..

Rita H
Rita H
4 years ago

We recieved a ‘Surprise Medical Bill’ after my husband was given the Pneumonia shot, Prevnar 13, at the Doctor’s office. The Bill was more than 1,310%, or more than 13 times the Medicare allowance for this service. Our insurance company did not have a contract with the provider, meaning ‘out of network’ due to the provider deciding to not contract with our insurance. When we called, we were told they ‘can’ balance bill. I don’t know if this order covers this kind of greed or not. Fortunately, through a series of events, and our insurance company’s hard work, this bill was dropped.

4 years ago

“Turn off your TV, they are just selling soap” or whitewash or bullsh*t. Read the headlines on the internet, have a weather app on cell, subscribe to a local newspaper to know what’s going on locally. On “Do not call list” that is virtually ignored, so if you call me leave a message, I might call you back……. .

Jerry Finger
Jerry Finger
4 years ago

That was a tough choice to only choose two since they all are in play at the moment. The MSM is just an arm of the DNC.

Nancy Luckhurst
Nancy Luckhurst
4 years ago

The whole process this year stinks of bias this year

4 years ago

The headline this morning is
John Roberts and Donna Brazil to also leave Fox. As reported Fox and Friends this morning

4 years ago

It is about time to question why Robert Spencer supports Biden.

Joe Todaro
Joe Todaro
4 years ago

Too difficult to pick only two. MSM has proven itself to no longer be relevant. Stop watching.

4 years ago

The most blaring headlines that AMAC should have included were 1) the recent revelations by the Senate Intelligence Committee of who truly participated in the attempted coup of President Trump from 2016 onward and; 2) the on-going investigations into the Biden family that have profited off of Joe Biden as VP from 2008-2016 and his involvement in the RussiaGate lies.

4 years ago

What about all of the raids that have saved hundreds of children from sex trafficking? That should be get huge media attention, and is getting none.

Robert Vaughn
Robert Vaughn
4 years ago


Tom Boltz
Tom Boltz
4 years ago

You must include “ALL” as an option. I can not, in good faith, select any two. The media has purposely ignored all these headlines. As such, I’m not doing the poll

4 years ago

Medical is a big issue for the unemployed right now and for everyone overall. Need details on a national medical program. 4 years and not much detail on that. It is important for the election. Love Judicial Watch.

Dr Scott
Dr Scott
4 years ago

I pretty much turned off the main stream media liars years ago. When OANN went on the air, #347 Direct TV, I’ve watched it. Also, the ability to get real news from various online sources, or directly from what is said, not some chopped up hype those idiots create to make it look horrible.
I’m sick and tired of all the lying fake things made up by the demoncratic media elitists. They need a good lesson in life for this historic nonsense. When I was a young man, we called it a good ol fashion butt whoopin.

Regina Parham
Regina Parham
4 years ago

The media either ignores, buries or manipulates issues to meet their & leftist radical Democrat agenda. You should have offered one more option- “All of the above plus all other.”

Dave Kerber
Dave Kerber
4 years ago

Have we all forgotten there are American Servicemen in dangerous situations in the world today. Risking their lives because out Great Country has asked them to.
Every day it’s Trump and Covid 19.

Rebecca M Breckler
Rebecca M Breckler
4 years ago

And ignoring the triple nominations for the Peace Prize

M. Beaumont
M. Beaumont
4 years ago

Sadly CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WP and other main stream media outlets have become an arm of the leftist leaning Democrat party. We would probably get more honest news from Pravda.

4 years ago

The biased media will not print or talk about anything that might be seen a good news.

charmaine frisch
charmaine frisch
4 years ago

you should have an “all of the above box” they are all equally important

Doug M
Doug M
4 years ago

I think you can pick all of the headlines. The biased MSM doesn’t want to report on any of these things.
They are making a big deal out of President Trump’s COVID diagnosis of course. And the usual nasty,
hate filled, gutter dwelling leftist’s hoping he and the First Lady die. The depth of their evil is endless.

Bill Whitney
Bill Whitney
4 years ago

There should be an “All of the above ” button!

Melissa Leibold
Melissa Leibold
4 years ago

There is no longer a mainstream media outlet, including Fox News, that can be trusted. America’s Voice, OAN, etc., and some internet news sites are the only places I’ll go now for any reliable news. There seems to no longer be a concept amongst the press called Journalistic Integrity.

R. Smith
R. Smith
4 years ago

Almost impossible to pick two, these are all significant issues where the media is clearly working on behalf of the democrats and there are new events daily that they misreport or just don’t report at all.

Charles H
Charles H
4 years ago

Other than an occasional visit to Fox News I find ALL media coverage to be so non-factual and leftist agenda-driven that I seldom watch TV and for sure can’t stand the never-silent “talking heads” endlessly repeating themselves. I continue to get my democrat-led city paper for local news (usually slanted away from my interests), the obits, & game times for the ATL Braves – nothing more. I also read a local weekly that overs, very objectively, both sides of American thinking today. For those interested in an unbiased newspaper I found a national weekly, the Epoch Times that meets my criteria for reporting, rather than re-creating the news. Read just yesterday we boomers had better make ourselves heard November 3rd or the opportunity for preservation of sanity & civility will be gone for our generation. A lot of truth in that and my vote is waiting to be cast.

Steve Farris
Steve Farris
4 years ago

The so called main stream media is simply the propaganda wing of the socialist/communist party that falsely calls itself the democrat party. They are all the “ENEMY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

4 years ago

I wish that with some of these polls you would give us the option of checking all because all of the choices are important. I agree with Marie the media is the enemy in neglecting to report the truth. I wonder if the authors of the “Left Behind” series had any idea that what they wrote about the media would seem to be reality.

Christina F.
Christina F.
4 years ago

‘All of the Above’ is the correct answer.

4 years ago

How about President Trump’s Nobel Prize nominations? Shouldn’t that be a pretty big deal?

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