

Judge the Judge - What Do You Think About Brett Kavanaugh?

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The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
6 years ago

I like him because the Left HATES him.

Keep an eye on what the America hating Left is up to here:

Dan W.
Dan W.
6 years ago

Kavanaugh is an independent conservative, a nominee that everyone should have expected from a Republican president.

susan Carpenter
susan Carpenter
6 years ago

I voted but it wasn’t counted.

Brian B
Brian B
6 years ago

I hope Kavanaugh is a true and fearless conservative. When John Roberts was confirmed in 2005, I expected a reliable conservative voice. Instead, Roberts validated the Affordable Care Act, judging that Obama Care was a legitimate “tax.”
Only Kavanaugh knows how he will respond in any Supreme Court decision. I’m hoping for sound, moral judging in the tradition of Scalia.

Jim Shuff
Jim Shuff
6 years ago

I just hope that he does not turn into another Judge Souter or wishy washy like John Roberts who sold us down the toilet.

Mike Whelan
Mike Whelan
6 years ago

This man is the real deal, not like Spartacus!

Mike Juratovac
Mike Juratovac
6 years ago

Mr. Kavanaugh will be a fine Supreme Court judge and we need to pray for him as well as President Donald Trump. Most of all we need to thank our All Mighty God that his plan is working out to the letter. just as He has promised!

6 years ago

By the reaction and frenzy coming from the libs he must be the real deal! The dems get crazier in their antics every day which is hurting them more with sane people.

6 years ago

He has to be the right choice since the extremist left is screaming so loudly!

6 years ago

We need a judge to uphold the Constitution. I think Kavanaugh will do that.

6 years ago

I think he will be a great Justice. I just hope he doesn’t become a turncoat like Roberts did.

6 years ago

Judge Kavanaugh will follow the Constitution as it is written. This is what the founding fathers wanted …3 co equal branches of government. If congress doesn’t like the present laws.. change it. The courts job is to insure that laws are Constitutionally correct not to make new law. Government 101

Norm in PA
Norm in PA
6 years ago

I watched most of two days worth of the hearing and am impressed by his credentials as expressed by his left leaning teacher at Yale who commented on his attention and hard work during his time at the college. Now, if that teacher who is openly in favor of leftist policies can vouchsafe for Kavanaugh then I am certain he will be a welcome addition to the Supreme Court. That 1st day with the antics that went on was shameful by the Dems. It definitely strengthened my resolve to NEVER ever vote Dem party again.

6 years ago

All I know is Kavanaugh is 1000 times better than what we would have been forced to take under Hillary. So you can thank God for Trump.

6 years ago

If the Dems hate it…I love it!!

Patrick P
Patrick P
6 years ago

People should read on how he wrote decisions on the cases he heard. Up held the Constitution, did not use political or religious beliefs in his decisions. Decisions were not based on political ideology as many of the cases were not in favor of conservatives point of view. He made his decision based upon the merits of the Constitution. So the fear mongering placed forth by the same demon crats who approved him for his present position are extremely hypocritical. In his career he has shown that he is very fair and very impartial. Rare, but heavily needed in being a justice.

Carol M
Carol M
6 years ago

Judge Kavanaugh and family go weekly to the soup kitchen to serve the homeless. This in itself tells one a lot about the goodness of this humble man and his values in helping the less fortunate. His responses to questions on Capitol Hill were nothing less than brilliant. It shows his respect for and his guidance to the Constitution in all his actions as judge. He is the ‘real deal’, a great choice for the Supreme Court.

Jim Darnall
Jim Darnall
6 years ago

The way the the extreme left has become we should worry if he will make it to confirmation. I have never seen such hate in what we are witnessing today. I pray that God protect him and his family.

Dr J
Dr J
6 years ago

Judge Kavanaugh will make an out standing justice. His track record in rulings is clearly one of being committed to the U.S. Constitution. As many, i was duped by then Judge Roberts and i am sure we will not go through that again with a Justice Kavanaugh. The conduct of Senators Booker and Harris during the hearing has been embarrassing. Neither has injected anything into the discussion other than their misguided anger and middle school like behavior. Both should receive or “time out” or, better yet, they should term out. Come on California, New Jersey, you can do better in who you send to Washington.

Judy Taylor
Judy Taylor
6 years ago

SCOTUS should not be chosen as a Liberal or Conservative. They should only pass Judgement according to the Constitution. Our Forefathers set it up as 3 branches for our protection, not to make the President or any group happy. Brett Kavanaugh is more thn qualified

6 years ago

The confirmation hearings are a total waste of time and taxpayer money. The democrats have turned it into a circus and an embarrassment to this country.

6 years ago

103% please check your math!

Kerry M
Kerry M
6 years ago

Finally a true patriot someone who will follow the constitution as written by the framers. Someone who will protect the USA from those that would like to be kings and protect the American dream for ALL of its citizens.

Redneck Cowboy
Redneck Cowboy
6 years ago

The very fact that Harris and Booker demeaned themselves and made utter idiots of themselves should be enough said!! Feinstein really doesn’t have a clue about gun policy never has.If this man is what people say he is, is actually true to his beliefs, he will be a breath of fresh air. I can only hope that he is truly independent and will not be swayed by Sotomayer,Ginsberg, Kagen and even John Roberts who has been an extreme disappointment to me. He truly is a Bush appointee! Go Justice Kavanaugh.

Edward Ludwig
Edward Ludwig
6 years ago

After watching a few hours of the nomination process I believe he is a judge for all people. even the ones who have become unhinged.

Frank Purdway
Frank Purdway
6 years ago

We can only hope that at least one additional appointment will soon be coming this President’’s way……and not too soon enough, sorry grandma

6 years ago

Very impressed could not have picked a better candidate

William Sharp
William Sharp
6 years ago

Qualified, dignified, and nominated by my President.

6 years ago

This circus that the democratic socialists turned these hearings into has exposed them for the clowns they are. What’s really scary is their lack of knowledge of the Constitution and how our government of 3 coequal branches of government are supposed to work!

6 years ago

If you like our constitution, he’s the man to help keep it in tact.

6 years ago

He is so intelligent, moral and respectful–I wish he would be elected President!

Robert Lee
Robert Lee
6 years ago

I truly believe Judge Kavanaugh will make an excellent Justice, fair and impartial and according to the Constitution. On the other hand after watching the confirmation hearings and watching the clown show put on by the Democrats and there paid puppets was truly embarrassing to say the least..

bruce wickstrom
bruce wickstrom
6 years ago

Just think, he has spent this week fighting the swamp rats. This whole week has been wasted by those repeated questions on whether he did have knowledge or lied about various meaningless points of law. The left has been interpreting his statements to the glee of their noisy raucous audience. This week has approached a new low even for the Obama led Democrats. Welcome aboard Judge . Keep draining the swamp.

6 years ago

Better than a Left Wing Socialist lackies like Ginsberg, Kagan, Sontomayer, et al or frightened of the MSM like Roberts but would have not been my choice

Clarence Charles Connelly
Clarence Charles Connelly
6 years ago

He is a great conservative for the job, BUT he also has too much baggage for working for at least 2 Presidents (Bush and Clinton), and has enough ties to Trump to be an issue. Can we truly trust he will never be influenced on any of his votes from these current and past relationships?

Michael Brown
Michael Brown
6 years ago

I like him. Hopefully we can get people with integrity back running the country. I think he has integrity

Richard White
Richard White
6 years ago

Looks good /we will see how he acts when he rules

Russell J Barnes
Russell J Barnes
6 years ago

He is a lawyer and they don’t speak words with the same meanings as the public was taught. Double talking = law education 101. But sadly we the people have fallen for it, hook, line and sinker. But since he’s less liberal than some, I’m not against him.

Fran Knutson
Fran Knutson
6 years ago

Yes he is just what we need. Stay true to the Constitution as it was written.

Bob Brittingham
Bob Brittingham
6 years ago

Judge Kavanaugh Has presented himself as a constitutionalist. Judging by his past decisions and by the endorsements given toward this nomination, we have every reason to believe he is exactly what he purports himself to be. The effort by the left, Particularly the childlike antics of two senators bring discredit and shame upon the senate body. I believe sharp rebukes by the leadership are in order. We have an opportunity here to put together a court that will honor the constitution without insertion of personal or institutional bias. We, that is those of us who believe the constitution is the second best piece of writing ever put forward, should rejoice at the judges’ nomination. The rest should sit back and ponder the chaos that would be normal without the constitution. I pray for the confirmation of the judge. We need the stability he will bring to the court.

6 years ago

Judge Kavanagh follows the law as the constitution is written. His record on the bench shows this. He does not legislate from the bench. This is what our founding fathers wanted. Don’t like the decisions, get congress to address the law/decisions . We get to elect our representatives .

6 years ago

Of course he’s saying what he thinks they want to hear, just as politicians do to get elected, just as most of us do to get a job. Having said that, I am impressed with his demeanor in light of all the rancor that surrounds him. I have hopes that he will be a conservative, costitutional justice.

teresa D'Aless
teresa D'Aless
6 years ago

How do we as conservatives form a peaceful walk to show President Trump we are on his side. We need someone to lead us – any suggestions for getting this info put out to the country. We have to show the liberals that their thoughts on this county and the direction they want it to go is dangerous. Maybe by doing this many will get it – bc they certainly aren’t getting the right info from the media – HELP!

Dorothy Coker
Dorothy Coker
6 years ago

The Media and Democratics will never accept anyone that Pres. Trump wants. Vote Red in November!

6 years ago

None of the above , if like last Bush nominee he talked tough about ACA but then voted for it ! I think he is a moderate that will vote the way the wind blows . Hopefully he will do his job and follow the rule of law .

Earl Overcash
Earl Overcash
6 years ago

Kavaugh was and is great. The Democrats are an embarrassment to our country. Booker is a joke. Check his record.

Richard Free
Richard Free
6 years ago

I worry that he sticks to what he calls “President that’s already set”. Such as abortion has been set by “president” by the supreme court several times. Will he move away from “set president” an finally help overturn Roe v Wade or gay marriage or Obama care? Is he willing to overturn such things or was he just trying to please the democrats to get the nomination.

6 years ago

Congress has become dysfunctional and the Democrats have used lower court judges to legislate from the bench. We need a strong constitutional judge to hold the last line of defense. The system was never designed to operate this way, but it has devolved to it.

Mary Schramm
Mary Schramm
6 years ago

We belong to AMAC. Thank you for supporting Herman Cain. We love him.

James Prater
James Prater
6 years ago

God bless Donald Trump for fulfilling his campaign promises and so much more. MAGA!!

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