The most important story of this past week, and the past seven+ years, is that the Clinton and Biden Crime Syndicates are still operating as usual with no investigations, indictments, or prosecutions.
1 year ago
The downgrading of our credit rating should come as no surprise as the BIDEN TRAINWRECK continues to destroy this country. We are a mess and the only way to get out of this mess is for people to understand that Dems care nothing for the average person and if kept in office will continue to destroy us. Vote these idiots out and restore some sanity to this country. Disgusting.
1 year ago
Each week the news just depicts the death of the United States under this corrupt anti-American administration…it is so blatantly obvious we are dying as a nation and the world is reporting it as it happens…the Democrat party and some of the Republican Party, have become oblivious to our death and just plain don’t care about us citizens as they are so focused on their Party’s garbage ideologies…
1 year ago
The bio lab found in California with mice ready to spread COVID near air Force Base. Owned by China that almost nobody is talking about.
1 year ago
The corruption in DC is bad, but the devaluation of the US on the world economy will be lasting and will affect everyone in the country!
If we allow these irresponsible Democrats and corrupted Republicans (RINOS) to continue this irreplaceable handling of our country, we are all in real trouble!
1 year ago
To me they’re all important but I chose Trump being indicted again for more bs because it makes me so angry that the demoncrats keep going after him. Not only does it show the corruption of the current administration but also the FBI and the CIA. It absolutely disgusts me.
Anne Rose
1 year ago
The media wants us to focus on Hunter when actually it’s 46 whose behaviors of influence peddling to line his pockets, is most telling. He belongs behind bars and his cadre of handlers, Obama et al.
1 year ago
All three are equally important but the fact that the warmongering elites are escalating the USA into WW3 is the most alarming. Trump would stop this so they will continue to try to stop him. Criminals!
1 year ago
If we don’t get President Trump back in office next year America is finished as a Republic
1 year ago
Down grading the US credit is new news, it just happened. It is not a surprise but it tells the Biden lovers that perhaps he is the worst President ever. News about another bogus charge on Trump and more corruption about Hunter and Joe, is old news that nothing is being done about. When I hear that Joe and Hunter are in shackles, then take a poll.
1 year ago
They are all important, but the fact is our president is treasonous and all of these issues stem from his corrupt management of our republic.
Morris Howell
1 year ago
O.J. Biden’s goal for America is total failure.
Donald J. Trump goal for America, greatest country on the face of the earth, again.
1 year ago
While Biden is definitely a train wreck, some of the blame on spending goes back to several Administrations and Congress, including Trump. The spending has been out of control for many decades and has gotten progressively worse. It’s a uni-party and one man cannot fix it. Our Governments, from local up to Federal, could not have gotten this corrupt without much of the populace being corrupt or indifferent. Fixing this will take the MAJORITY of people waking up and deciding that our Constitution is worth saving and that it MEANS something. Unless that happens, and I am NOT confident, the downward spiral will only increase.
Doug C
1 year ago
The Clinton, Obama and Biden families all need to be strung up in a public forum BUT, they are running loose and amok because the Republicans can’t seem to get their heads out of their asses!!!
Dan W.
1 year ago
It’s the economy, STUPID.
Another downgrade because Congress and the WH can’t get their act together. What next, another government shutdown ? (No, that could never happen.)
We deserve better.
Kevin M
1 year ago
Apparently, only those outside Congress, outside Washington, grasp the unsustainable trajectory the country is on. Congress kicked the debt ceiling issue down the road once again. Democrats, Republicans… it matters not… they’re all fiddling while selling us, our children, and our grandchildren down the river.
Steve Nielsen
1 year ago
I would like to know why we can’t seem to prosecute Hunter and why Joe isn’t impeached. Also why Hillary go away with the emails without even a slap on the wrist let alone the false Russia ties to President Trump, that rabbit hole investigation alone cost the tax payers tons of money.
Betsy Spitler
1 year ago
Yes, I agree that the Archer Devon testimony is important but our credit rating in the long run is more important. it effects our ability to negotiate prices in the import/export business of our economy which impacts the cost of daily living causing rising prices. It effects our standing in the world economically, politically and culturally
1 year ago
It is just beginning to bubble up- dig deeper- it is Obama who is being protected.
1 year ago
The persistent legal attacks on Trump, while certainly not breaking news, are a clear sign of the collapse of our democratic republic.
Colleen Sanders
1 year ago
No contest. The house of Biden cards is beginning to fall…Thank the Lord!
1 year ago
2 & 3 go hand in hand. No surprise. The more heat in the biden crime family, the more “Trumped” up charges against Trump. Unfortunately, too many people won’t see the major issue in our credit rating and the longer biden is allowed to keep trying to destroy our great country.
charleds mannen
1 year ago
This downgrade effects all parts of our economy and the lack of concern within the
so called government in Washington is pitiful including their management of our
Nations actions domestic and abroad.
Sheila T
1 year ago
Noone has mentioned that President Trump took these documents home to guard them from the prying eyes of the Democrats
1 year ago
We wouldn’t have a downgraded credit rating if Biden wasn’t president. He is ruining our country. He is a crooked puppet for no other than Obama. I believe Obama pulls the strings. I wouldn’t be surprised if Michelle doesn’t try to run for president.
Marty M
1 year ago
The fact that these three events even exist, is as Jed Clampett Would Say, “Pitiful… Just Pitiful“.
Fun Bible fact, God wanted Solomon (as in King Solomon) to be named Jedidiah (Hebrew for “Beloved of the Lord”).
1 year ago
I can’t just vote for one because they are all important news. Why don’t you give us the option to choose all or maybe one or two in these surveys? That would make more sense. It’s a travesty what’s happening in this country. I’m trusting in God because He’s the one in control. He will see to all these evil people when they come to this so called pearly gates. I for one can’t wait to see their destruction!
1 year ago
Nothing is going to happen to Hunter so I didn’t waste my vote…doesn’t matter how much evidence they have…their judge will eliminate and prison time associated with his conviction…probably just a large fine.
Trump fraud charges serve to prove that Democrats have no integrity…you haven’t heard any of them voicing criticism of the “trumped up” charges against. Their children and families will have to live under the government they are propagating….their silence screams corruption approval!
1 year ago
Happy to see the old format. Thank you. Our government is so corrupt that it breaks my heart. So many Americans are blind to the evil in the White House that it blows my mind. I’m afraid that when they finally wake up and take notice, it will be too late and they will be the first to say “How did this happen?” 🙁
Allan E Brem
1 year ago
The real choice is that the mainstream media id hiding real news from millionsof Americans.
Matt M
1 year ago
Biden and the Biden crime family plus the representatives, senators and media who run cover for them must be exposed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They have been getting away with this totally anti American crime against our democracy for far too long. We the people can also contribute to turning this abomination around buy keeping informed and watching what’s happening around us IE how’s inflation going? what’s going on with increased crime? Are some rules and regulations seem over restrictive? Why are our young school children being exposed to sexual education? And who’s pushing all these restrictive / extreme rules and actions. These examples are in part and parcel do to a corruption that starts at the top with Biden and works its way down to we the people.
1 year ago
EVERY week of this administration has been a “busy news week” with important stories that impact us all. This week’s events are just a continuation of the lies, corruption, gas-lighting, wokeness, mandates, and executive orders to steer us into the New World Order agenda.
The downgrading of our credit rating is long overdue. We have been spiraling out-of-control for years—spending money we don’t have, with no concern for the long-term impact. Do you really think we will ever reduce our debt to a reasonable number? Come on man!
Donald Trump’s latest indictment is just a continuation of the desperate efforts to take him down in order to prevent him from becoming our 46th president so he will be unable to turn our country around and do what is necessary to rid Washington of its filth and corruption in our governmental institutions.
The Devon Archer issue is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel, but don’t get your hopes too high. This evil empire has not exhausted all their means to protect the evil-doers and go after the rest of us. All we can do is pray.
So, this week’s news events are just added to the list of events that have been occurring week after week. Look what we have endured thus far (of course not that the mainstream biased-left media would ever cover):
Border crisis
Energy crisis
Economic crisis
Education crisis
Out-of-control crime crisis
Election integrity (or lack thereof) crisis
China crisis
Military crisis
Foreign policy crisis
Climate crisis (not a crisis, just a big hoax marketed to be a crisis)
Department of Justice, FBI, CIA etc. crisis
Constitutional crisis
And, right smack dab in the middle of all of this is the corrupt media’s failure to report the truth about the corruption, lies, and manipulation this administration is pouring out on America. Instead, they only report mis-truths and propaganda.
Bottom line: This week was just like any other news week!
John Mark McNair
1 year ago
All three are very troubling but the first two are due directly to the third!
The G Girl
1 year ago
There is so much corruption within our government behind the scenes. Instead of looking into corrupt politicians like Biden and Clinton with all the evidence to show their illegal activities, they are more concerned about Donald Trump using created evidence. It is like someone planting evidence in your car and then calling the police to pull you over knowing that the evidence they planted would be found and used against you.
Especially corrupt is the dishonest media who decide what news to report to the masses. Anything negative about Donald Trump, whether factual or not will always be front page news. Anything about Biden or other corrupt politicians will barely be mentioned or not mentioned at all. News that is purposely omitted is the same as us being lied to.
One half of the country hates Donald Trump because of the perception given by the media. Why do they hate him so much? I believe because he was an outsider, not a politician. He is a businessman who wants to run the country as a business and not a social club for rich elites with political influence. They did not want him there since his presence started to unravel the power and corruption they had been accustomed to. So they must destroy the man and prevent him from exposing all that is going on under our trusting noses. We owe it to our friends who listen to news from the biased media to know what we know, that they are not being told the honest truth.
1 year ago
The best way to control the masses, is with fear. Sheeple will not only accept government intrusion and loss of liberty, but they will demand it. Hence, economics, biologics, and nuclear threats are the weapon of choice from world leaders.
1 year ago
This needs to be addressed because the American people are not going to stand for the DOUBLE STANDARDS in DC.
1 year ago
I didn’t vote … these were merely distractions of the real stuff about to happen … if the left has their way, there will be as many indictments against Trump as there are Genders (and counting). Hunter will never be convicted of anything as long as his papa is alive … and the downgrading of our credit rating, with this administrations haphazard spending sprees, comes as no surprise either. What they are not telling us is far more interesting than the gobbledy gook that they are telling us ….
robert j brune
1 year ago
dc is a sewer
Thomas Harrison
1 year ago
PRESIDENT Trump should have never been arrested for anything. Democrats need to read the constitution. Look what the Biden crime family is doing. He took documents out of the white house that he has no authority of taking.
1 year ago
The downgrading of our credit rating is another step on the road to the dollar loosing it’s reserve currency status. When that happens we will start to feel some real pain.
1 year ago
The most important story is the one they’re NOT telling us.
1 year ago
This was a tuff one. I thought all were pretty important.
Hot Dawg
1 year ago
All of these are important.
But I don’t ever remember the U.S. credit rating being downgraded. I might have to review history.
No matter how much Congress spent in past and took our country deeper in debt.
The Congressional spending since ObamaCare has been exponentially out of control.
From Obama to Trump and now insane Biden administrations.
Covid spending hurt Trump most. He did what may or may not have been needed at the time. Hindsight is always 20/20.
But Biden coming in and destroying every Trump energy policy and ramping up spending (in cahoots with Congress crazies Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, etc).
No wonder with Bidens out of control policies, the spending and $trillionS of debt has brought the country a downgrade in credit rating.
This debt is NEVER going away. Especially with the “woke” generations taking control in future.
Chaplain Dave
1 year ago
I thought for sure having a past president being charged for political reasons is the biggest news in years; but, maybe the question was not detailed enough and others are thinking the question differently.
T Davis
1 year ago
I really don’t care so much about Hunter the crack head, but the O’Biden implications are big, or could be if justice is done.
I voted our real President, DJT….folks, if they can do this to him, and raid others in the middle of the night, they will do it to us!
John Lenski
1 year ago
Biden should be impeached but it would never be convicted in the senate. The democrats support the party over the welfare of the nation and the constitution. Even if they had a video of Biden taking cash from a Chinese agent the democrats would not convict. They would dispute the video and say it was a Photo Shop fake.
1 year ago
Every day we see yet another way the Bidens try to get away with another crime. This has to STOP!!! Is there any judge in this country who is not on someone’s payroll for their looking the other way while the debauchery continues?
1 year ago
Now if the leftist owned mainstream media would just prove they are journalists, & report this. It isn’t a coincidence that everytime another thing proving the bidens are crooked, another charge is brought against President Trump. What the bidens & demoncrats are getting away with is treasonous.
Kent Lasater
1 year ago
All 3 are extremely important:1. Credit for everyone in the country, citizens and corporations alike. 2. Trump charges affect the 1st Amendment rights of all citizens. 3. Shows the absolute corruption of the Biden family and administration.
1 year ago
History shows that when Government becomes lawless people will take the law into their own hands.
The most important story of this past week, and the past seven+ years, is that the Clinton and Biden Crime Syndicates are still operating as usual with no investigations, indictments, or prosecutions.
The downgrading of our credit rating should come as no surprise as the BIDEN TRAINWRECK continues to destroy this country. We are a mess and the only way to get out of this mess is for people to understand that Dems care nothing for the average person and if kept in office will continue to destroy us. Vote these idiots out and restore some sanity to this country. Disgusting.
Each week the news just depicts the death of the United States under this corrupt anti-American administration…it is so blatantly obvious we are dying as a nation and the world is reporting it as it happens…the Democrat party and some of the Republican Party, have become oblivious to our death and just plain don’t care about us citizens as they are so focused on their Party’s garbage ideologies…
The bio lab found in California with mice ready to spread COVID near air Force Base. Owned by China that almost nobody is talking about.
The corruption in DC is bad, but the devaluation of the US on the world economy will be lasting and will affect everyone in the country!
If we allow these irresponsible Democrats and corrupted Republicans (RINOS) to continue this irreplaceable handling of our country, we are all in real trouble!
To me they’re all important but I chose Trump being indicted again for more bs because it makes me so angry that the demoncrats keep going after him. Not only does it show the corruption of the current administration but also the FBI and the CIA. It absolutely disgusts me.
The media wants us to focus on Hunter when actually it’s 46 whose behaviors of influence peddling to line his pockets, is most telling. He belongs behind bars and his cadre of handlers, Obama et al.
All three are equally important but the fact that the warmongering elites are escalating the USA into WW3 is the most alarming. Trump would stop this so they will continue to try to stop him. Criminals!
If we don’t get President Trump back in office next year America is finished as a Republic
Down grading the US credit is new news, it just happened. It is not a surprise but it tells the Biden lovers that perhaps he is the worst President ever. News about another bogus charge on Trump and more corruption about Hunter and Joe, is old news that nothing is being done about. When I hear that Joe and Hunter are in shackles, then take a poll.
They are all important, but the fact is our president is treasonous and all of these issues stem from his corrupt management of our republic.
O.J. Biden’s goal for America is total failure.
Donald J. Trump goal for America, greatest country on the face of the earth, again.
While Biden is definitely a train wreck, some of the blame on spending goes back to several Administrations and Congress, including Trump. The spending has been out of control for many decades and has gotten progressively worse. It’s a uni-party and one man cannot fix it. Our Governments, from local up to Federal, could not have gotten this corrupt without much of the populace being corrupt or indifferent. Fixing this will take the MAJORITY of people waking up and deciding that our Constitution is worth saving and that it MEANS something. Unless that happens, and I am NOT confident, the downward spiral will only increase.
The Clinton, Obama and Biden families all need to be strung up in a public forum BUT, they are running loose and amok because the Republicans can’t seem to get their heads out of their asses!!!
It’s the economy, STUPID.
Another downgrade because Congress and the WH can’t get their act together. What next, another government shutdown ? (No, that could never happen.)
We deserve better.
Apparently, only those outside Congress, outside Washington, grasp the unsustainable trajectory the country is on. Congress kicked the debt ceiling issue down the road once again. Democrats, Republicans… it matters not… they’re all fiddling while selling us, our children, and our grandchildren down the river.
I would like to know why we can’t seem to prosecute Hunter and why Joe isn’t impeached. Also why Hillary go away with the emails without even a slap on the wrist let alone the false Russia ties to President Trump, that rabbit hole investigation alone cost the tax payers tons of money.
Yes, I agree that the Archer Devon testimony is important but our credit rating in the long run is more important. it effects our ability to negotiate prices in the import/export business of our economy which impacts the cost of daily living causing rising prices. It effects our standing in the world economically, politically and culturally
It is just beginning to bubble up- dig deeper- it is Obama who is being protected.
The persistent legal attacks on Trump, while certainly not breaking news, are a clear sign of the collapse of our democratic republic.
No contest. The house of Biden cards is beginning to fall…Thank the Lord!
2 & 3 go hand in hand. No surprise. The more heat in the biden crime family, the more “Trumped” up charges against Trump. Unfortunately, too many people won’t see the major issue in our credit rating and the longer biden is allowed to keep trying to destroy our great country.
This downgrade effects all parts of our economy and the lack of concern within the
so called government in Washington is pitiful including their management of our
Nations actions domestic and abroad.
Noone has mentioned that President Trump took these documents home to guard them from the prying eyes of the Democrats
We wouldn’t have a downgraded credit rating if Biden wasn’t president. He is ruining our country. He is a crooked puppet for no other than Obama. I believe Obama pulls the strings. I wouldn’t be surprised if Michelle doesn’t try to run for president.
The fact that these three events even exist, is as Jed Clampett Would Say, “Pitiful… Just Pitiful“.
Fun Bible fact, God wanted Solomon (as in King Solomon) to be named Jedidiah (Hebrew for “Beloved of the Lord”).
I can’t just vote for one because they are all important news. Why don’t you give us the option to choose all or maybe one or two in these surveys? That would make more sense. It’s a travesty what’s happening in this country. I’m trusting in God because He’s the one in control. He will see to all these evil people when they come to this so called pearly gates. I for one can’t wait to see their destruction!
Nothing is going to happen to Hunter so I didn’t waste my vote…doesn’t matter how much evidence they have…their judge will eliminate and prison time associated with his conviction…probably just a large fine.
Trump fraud charges serve to prove that Democrats have no integrity…you haven’t heard any of them voicing criticism of the “trumped up” charges against. Their children and families will have to live under the government they are propagating….their silence screams corruption approval!
Happy to see the old format. Thank you. Our government is so corrupt that it breaks my heart. So many Americans are blind to the evil in the White House that it blows my mind. I’m afraid that when they finally wake up and take notice, it will be too late and they will be the first to say “How did this happen?” 🙁
The real choice is that the mainstream media id hiding real news from millionsof Americans.
Biden and the Biden crime family plus the representatives, senators and media who run cover for them must be exposed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They have been getting away with this totally anti American crime against our democracy for far too long. We the people can also contribute to turning this abomination around buy keeping informed and watching what’s happening around us IE how’s inflation going? what’s going on with increased crime? Are some rules and regulations seem over restrictive? Why are our young school children being exposed to sexual education? And who’s pushing all these restrictive / extreme rules and actions. These examples are in part and parcel do to a corruption that starts at the top with Biden and works its way down to we the people.
EVERY week of this administration has been a “busy news week” with important stories that impact us all. This week’s events are just a continuation of the lies, corruption, gas-lighting, wokeness, mandates, and executive orders to steer us into the New World Order agenda.
The downgrading of our credit rating is long overdue. We have been spiraling out-of-control for years—spending money we don’t have, with no concern for the long-term impact. Do you really think we will ever reduce our debt to a reasonable number? Come on man!
Donald Trump’s latest indictment is just a continuation of the desperate efforts to take him down in order to prevent him from becoming our 46th president so he will be unable to turn our country around and do what is necessary to rid Washington of its filth and corruption in our governmental institutions.
The Devon Archer issue is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel, but don’t get your hopes too high. This evil empire has not exhausted all their means to protect the evil-doers and go after the rest of us. All we can do is pray.
So, this week’s news events are just added to the list of events that have been occurring week after week. Look what we have endured thus far (of course not that the mainstream biased-left media would ever cover):
Border crisis
Energy crisis
Economic crisis
Education crisis
Out-of-control crime crisis
Election integrity (or lack thereof) crisis
China crisis
Military crisis
Foreign policy crisis
Climate crisis (not a crisis, just a big hoax marketed to be a crisis)
Department of Justice, FBI, CIA etc. crisis
Constitutional crisis
And, right smack dab in the middle of all of this is the corrupt media’s failure to report the truth about the corruption, lies, and manipulation this administration is pouring out on America. Instead, they only report mis-truths and propaganda.
Bottom line: This week was just like any other news week!
All three are very troubling but the first two are due directly to the third!
There is so much corruption within our government behind the scenes. Instead of looking into corrupt politicians like Biden and Clinton with all the evidence to show their illegal activities, they are more concerned about Donald Trump using created evidence. It is like someone planting evidence in your car and then calling the police to pull you over knowing that the evidence they planted would be found and used against you.
Especially corrupt is the dishonest media who decide what news to report to the masses. Anything negative about Donald Trump, whether factual or not will always be front page news. Anything about Biden or other corrupt politicians will barely be mentioned or not mentioned at all. News that is purposely omitted is the same as us being lied to.
One half of the country hates Donald Trump because of the perception given by the media. Why do they hate him so much? I believe because he was an outsider, not a politician. He is a businessman who wants to run the country as a business and not a social club for rich elites with political influence. They did not want him there since his presence started to unravel the power and corruption they had been accustomed to. So they must destroy the man and prevent him from exposing all that is going on under our trusting noses. We owe it to our friends who listen to news from the biased media to know what we know, that they are not being told the honest truth.
The best way to control the masses, is with fear. Sheeple will not only accept government intrusion and loss of liberty, but they will demand it. Hence, economics, biologics, and nuclear threats are the weapon of choice from world leaders.
This needs to be addressed because the American people are not going to stand for the DOUBLE STANDARDS in DC.
I didn’t vote … these were merely distractions of the real stuff about to happen … if the left has their way, there will be as many indictments against Trump as there are Genders (and counting). Hunter will never be convicted of anything as long as his papa is alive … and the downgrading of our credit rating, with this administrations haphazard spending sprees, comes as no surprise either. What they are not telling us is far more interesting than the gobbledy gook that they are telling us ….
dc is a sewer
PRESIDENT Trump should have never been arrested for anything. Democrats need to read the constitution. Look what the Biden crime family is doing. He took documents out of the white house that he has no authority of taking.
The downgrading of our credit rating is another step on the road to the dollar loosing it’s reserve currency status. When that happens we will start to feel some real pain.
The most important story is the one they’re NOT telling us.
This was a tuff one. I thought all were pretty important.
All of these are important.
But I don’t ever remember the U.S. credit rating being downgraded. I might have to review history.
No matter how much Congress spent in past and took our country deeper in debt.
The Congressional spending since ObamaCare has been exponentially out of control.
From Obama to Trump and now insane Biden administrations.
Covid spending hurt Trump most. He did what may or may not have been needed at the time. Hindsight is always 20/20.
But Biden coming in and destroying every Trump energy policy and ramping up spending (in cahoots with Congress crazies Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, etc).
No wonder with Bidens out of control policies, the spending and $trillionS of debt has brought the country a downgrade in credit rating.
This debt is NEVER going away. Especially with the “woke” generations taking control in future.
I thought for sure having a past president being charged for political reasons is the biggest news in years; but, maybe the question was not detailed enough and others are thinking the question differently.
I really don’t care so much about Hunter the crack head, but the O’Biden implications are big, or could be if justice is done.
I voted our real President, DJT….folks, if they can do this to him, and raid others in the middle of the night, they will do it to us!
Biden should be impeached but it would never be convicted in the senate. The democrats support the party over the welfare of the nation and the constitution. Even if they had a video of Biden taking cash from a Chinese agent the democrats would not convict. They would dispute the video and say it was a Photo Shop fake.
Every day we see yet another way the Bidens try to get away with another crime. This has to STOP!!! Is there any judge in this country who is not on someone’s payroll for their looking the other way while the debauchery continues?
Now if the leftist owned mainstream media would just prove they are journalists, & report this. It isn’t a coincidence that everytime another thing proving the bidens are crooked, another charge is brought against President Trump. What the bidens & demoncrats are getting away with is treasonous.
All 3 are extremely important:1. Credit for everyone in the country, citizens and corporations alike. 2. Trump charges affect the 1st Amendment rights of all citizens. 3. Shows the absolute corruption of the Biden family and administration.
History shows that when Government becomes lawless people will take the law into their own hands.