None of the above. My choice is the Truth, God’s Word, the Bible.
Dan W.
3 years ago
“Trust everybody, but cut the cards.”
~ Finley Peter Dunne thru his character Mr. Dooley (circa 1900).
Norma Milluzzo
3 years ago
I trust President Trump. I have agreed with him 100%. I won’t even listen CNN or msm. Every time I accidentally listen to their nonsense, I hear only lies. Alternative media is only the conservatives on newsmax, epoch times and a couple on Fox. You can tell when they start to lean left. Very disappointed in the Supreme Court Trust only churches who preaches directly from the Bible. Not interested in philosophy. I only trust Gods word. Everything else is fake
Mark Edwards
3 years ago
It’s hard to know who to trust anymore, People in government just seemed to be out for themselves and have no regard for the long game. Most people in the media don’t seem to care what the truth is only what the agenda is. I believe in a strong military but I don’t know who in the military to trust anymore either. I tend to trust the local police because they are the ones that are on the line every day But upper management is where the problem is.
Shirley Love
3 years ago
I put church but I really put my trust in Jesus Christ first then family.
Glennis Hogan
3 years ago
Jesus first then family and I personally trust the local police force so far. The rest not so much and really lost faith in the FBI and CIA and other government offices. I don’t trust anything coming from the so called experts on the virus. I think they are flying by the seat of their pants. Sad day for America when you can’t trust the ones who are supposed to be protecting you. If our government changes hands next month it will be even worse than now. What a disaster this election has become because of the uncontrolled hate and believing they have to win at all cost no matter what. I pray for America.
Tom K.
3 years ago
Funny how the most trustworthy and important is overlooked these days.
It’s GOD!!!
3 years ago
I did NOT select local police. Only family and alt media.
3 years ago
I could only find one that I trust. I do trust our parish priest because he is Polish and has experienced communist domination first hand and is quite vocal about the politicians trying to impose communist rule on our country. I have no faith in the Catholic Church at the current time, I believe it has lost its way. There is no reason to trust anything or anyone at the federal level.
Jeff Parkis
3 years ago
It doesn’t seem that we can trust the government with running an election! How hard can it be to have an election that people can believe was fair and legit when electing a president. They should set standards for federal election for all states to follow! States could do what they want with they’re locale and state elections.
Robert Loving
3 years ago
I am afraid that the federal government has gone too far left to be trusted. DOJ is still filled with people that are not honest with those of us who try to keep up with real happenings. Too many things are swept under the rug. Once Joe gets in all of the Hunter Biden investigation will dry up and know one will know the truth.
3 years ago
I did not select the church as they have been infiltrated by marxists……I feel our spiritual leaders have abandoned us……we are currently looking for a Catholic Church which preaches traditional orthodoxy and not the Marxist handbook…..praying the priests come to their senses
George Fox
3 years ago
Can someone explain to me why we are required to send Foreign Aid each year, especially to Countries that hate us and especially in times where our Financial System is being destroyed. I agree with our President $600 /Citizen is not assistance but a disgrace.
Susan Williams
3 years ago
I only chose Family and US Armed Services because I had to choose something; however, my true answer was not on your list. I put my trust and faith in Jesus Christ and our Sovereign Lord. He is the only One I know to be 100% trustworthy and His ways and attributes are always flowing from His character of sacrificial Love. We people can become very frustrated when we put our trust and faith in any human or human institution, because “man” will always fail us at some point or in some way.
3 years ago
The one answer that was missing was “my self. I know what I can expect from myself, and that is the only one I have control over. The more remote and bureaucratic the organization, the less I trust them.
3 years ago
What’s going on in this country is INSANITY, Drastic measures for Drastic times need to happen, it’s time to start filling GITMO up, what’s going on is exactly why Dictators throughout history have done what they have done , it’s time for brutality against the powers trying to destroy America. Take down these TYRANTS while you still can
3 years ago
Family and Church are the roots. With exeption for our military, trust diminshes the further we move from those roots.
Danny Barker
3 years ago
I don’t trust any corporate institutions. Trust violated is not soon restored, and if it is restored then it will alway be tenuous at best. Our leaders have abandoned us in mass and we’ve likely passed the tippin point. God help us.
Tom Rock
3 years ago
I trust the Second amendment. And unfortunately that is under attack every day.
Bruce David
3 years ago
As the Left pushes/dominates/crushes traditional institutions & our culture, the very foundations of our nation seem to be crumbling & I feel the socialist takeover will be complete once bumbling Biden gets into the White House. Watch the further erosion of our border, the 1st & 2nd Amendment at more as the Nanny State increases. Soon, you’ll need internal passports to do anything in America-just like Nazi Germany & the Soviet Union.
3 years ago
I only picked two, family and Church. I have NO trust in ANY government local, county, state or federal. War is coming and folks better be ready! The police are nothing but apparatchiks aka bureaucrats.
3 years ago
There needed to be a nine of the above…
Jim Valentine
3 years ago
This is a difficult question. Family usually decides on what best for them first. Local and Federal law enforcement are based on laws from the state and federal governments which you certainly can’t trust them either. Local news is biased and alternative news would be better. US Armed forces are controlled by the Federal Governments and we know how that can go. Educational Institutions are teaching the children on their beliefs and not as for a good well rounded education.
Ladonna Lindley
3 years ago
Sadly I was able to select only two from these options. I can’t even trust members of my own family any more. Seems to me that Americans have lied to themselves so much, they have no idea what the truth is.
Tommy Molnar
3 years ago
Living in a relatively small town (50,000) that we moved to 30 years ago when there were only 25,000 residents, I generally trust our local police.
MSM is out. I trust what little I have of family, and I totally trust my friends (on the right, of course). Our “educational institutions” are the cause of all this turmoil we have today. They have totally brainwashed and indoctrinated our kids (or your kids anyway – mine are almost seniors themselves!) and turned them into America hating ignorant lefties who think that socialism (and even communism) is better than free market capitalism. They have no education in our country’s history or how we became the world’s powerhouse. Some kids believe we bombed Japan because we’re just imperialists.
It makes me sick to see the best President this country has had in decades being robbed of a landslide victory by the “swamp” members who are on both sides of the aisle. I’m still flying my “Trump 2020” flag and holding onto to hope on top of hope that some miracle happens and he gets his rightful second term. Of course, what scares all the rest of the politicians and so-called judges is the riots, business destroying fires, anti-police actions and all the rest of what we’ve seen before that the left will support if the President wins. They don’t have the intestinal fortitude for any of this. I think if the riots were to start up again, law enforcement should shoot a few of them – then watch it all stop – RIGHT THEN!
Betsy Wilmetti
3 years ago
My faith and hope is in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! As for institutions, they are filled with people who only seem to care about themselves and how much money and power they can achieve. There are always exceptions, just wish those could achieve more influence. Trump has been on exception but the powerful hate him and have cheated him out of reelection.
Michael L Noland
3 years ago
Family is more concerned about my personal being. Then comes the church.
Thomas F. Olszewski
3 years ago
Without President Trump the government morons will be out of control to do what they please. Get what you can now because the train is coming into the station and it’s the last stop.
3 years ago
God and Family are the only I trust, all the rest have been corrupted by money and power including the church.
3 years ago
For anyone to select traditional media tells me we have a lot of lost people. The media is a corrupt arm of politics guiding the herd toward their agenda. It’s not conspiracy, it’s called the truth.
Betty Jennings
3 years ago
Thank you so much for AMAC. I enjoy your insight into so many different areas of interest. Thank you for reporting a good, honest, mainly conservative agenda. We’re doing the best we can with celebrating this beautiful holiday season but there is way too much sadness in the political arena. I trust President Trump to move forward with an even better outlook on the economy, illegal immigration, continuing to build the border wall and I could go on and on. The sadness is what happened beginning election night of 11/03/20 when massive election fraud & many irregularities changed the entire process of a fair & balanced election creating a catastrophic result with Joe Biden winning across the country. Those of us who know that would be impossible to say the least. America does not want this is continue and we the people who love our President Trump & all that he has done & will continue to do (not for himself but for all of America) We need President Trump 4 more years & whatever it takes to make it happen please everyone exercise your power to defend our election with honesty, integrity to re-elect Donald J Trump to be our 46th President of the United States of America. God is Great, God is Good and I do believe just like the 2016 election, there will be another divine intervention & Trump will win.
3 years ago
Hard to choose four! I trust our President and Vice President, alternative media, well, that’s three. Enough said.
Nancy Butler
3 years ago
I only place my faith and trust in the Lord Jesus!????????☮️❤️????
Richard E Teller
3 years ago
I have found I trust OAN, Newsmax, American Voice and a few others, even Fox (early & Tucker, ,Hannity & Laura) but find MM to
just be mostly false and anti-Trump! Family is set as home, but there can be some who follow the world more than the ultimate truth
of God, the Bible and church . . .
3 years ago
Three of my 4 choices involved people that I can relate to intimately and have close ties to. I don’t trust anyone or anything where there is no obvious agenda that is consistent. I have given up on our entire government. President Trump was not my first choice’, but he did what he said and that obvious agenda caused his enemies to rise up to save their swamp. Government has gotten too big and controlling. Goodbye to dems and weak kneed reps that should have seen this coming. It did not happen overnight!
g h
3 years ago
Unfortunately there is little we can trust coming from mainstream media, the democratic party and the political class in general. These organizations have obviously been compromised by the socialists. We have let dark money and Chinese CCP influence infiltrate every institution in this country in varying degrees. The intelligence community, FBI and justice department have been so politicized they can no longer be believed or trusted. It is amazing to see the control of the government unions have more influence over the direction of the country then popular opinion. The American people have lost control to a corrupt system in our capital where special interests and swamp politicians rule unchallenged – with the common man taken for granted, lied to and fed a politically crafted narrative to keep us quiet. It is time we wake up and regain control.
Bernie Tully
3 years ago
With the exception of President Trump, Washington D.C. is rotten to the core. The Deep State controls the legislative, judiciary, federal law enforcement, and homeland security. The CIA and the FBI are completely untrustworthy and corrupt. The Supreme Court is also politically compromised especially Chief Justice Roberts. America’s future looks bleak!
Gale Shaefer
3 years ago
I trust God first and His word. I trust the churches that are speaking and following God’s word. I trust the institution of the family. I trust President Trump but not the Federal government. I do not trust any governments as most of them have become corrupt.
nancy a stark
3 years ago
the way the last 4 years went,,, i do not trust anything about government institutions … now we will turn into a communist country and there no one to stop it… 4 years of hate to the only man that cares about our country….
Len C.
3 years ago
The chance of me picking 4 choices was like me trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat, not possible. Stopped at two choices even though I have serious doubts about any of them.
Mary Ridchuk
3 years ago
I was overjoyed when President Trump was elected. Finally someone truly cared about the middle class. I am terrified that most politicians care more about themselves and not AMERICANS. The hate the mainstream media spews is beyond disturbing. They’ve caused more division amongst Americans than any other institution. I believe most have serious mommy daddy issues. Only thing that gives me solace is that God is in control and He will not be mocked.
Fred J. Rosenthal
3 years ago
We really only have a say in our family, our faith, and our vote! The most important is our faith in God. If we have faith in God, we will have the ability to make healthy and good decisions for our family. However, as voters, we have the obligation, right, and ability to elect government leaders who will make decisions that benefit our nation. The problems are voters are too often ignorant or uninformed. They want the government to take care of them without regard to the consequences! Voters continue to elect dishonest politicians who are corrupt, liars, and thieves. They listen and believe the media who no longer report the who, what, why, where, and when of a story. Instead, they slant the information to create a propaganda forum for their agenda. If voters would take time to learn and understand the values of those running for office and the politician was honest and trustworthy, all the other organizations listed would benefit. It is a long process, and one that I as 74 years of age will never see again, but it has to evolve or our nation is doomed!
Mike malzahn
3 years ago
If you replace church with God, Christ and the Bible I would have selected only that. I worship at a God centered, biblically based church, but have seen churches that are woefully lost.
I have family members that I would not trust out of arms reach, especially ex- wives.
There are individuals in government I may trust but as a whole, no.
Media, really?
Education, see media above.
Yes, i am cynical, but i am a realist. God’s plan is the ONLY plan. I trust in the LORD and only Him. LORD, don’t tarry.
Charlie tallman
3 years ago
None of them as they exist today. Better to trust GOD.
Edmund Wright
3 years ago
Family, period….certainly not the church…the church (most of it, or most of them, however you want to phrase it) have helped spread the lie of the panic porn scamedmic…..and any notion that we can trust law enforcement or even our military in these times is just almost precious in its naivete…would’ve liked to have seen God on the list. And no, “church” does not suffice as an alternative.
3 years ago
Local, state, and especially Federal law enforcement has proven that they are NOT to be trusted. They consistently Shaw that they are willing to disregard the People’s rights and enforce orders that are unconstitutional going against the very oath they too to uphold. One excellent example is Ruby Ridge! FN MURDERERS!
3 years ago
I trust myself and I am not an institution.
Janie Campbell
3 years ago
I trust the God of the Bible, my husband, Rush and other constitutional conservative. I cannot trust any of the above without truly knowing them.
Patrick A
3 years ago
I am in awe of the most prominent answers!!! First and foremost because I’m a Veteran! Can someone explain how there is so little trust in the military? The Congress and President send them to wherever they’re needed. It’s not their choice of where they go. They defend Freedom on the shores of every continent! Foregoing comfort, home and being with their family’s!
The church under the present Pope helped fund illegal immigration into this country through Obama from Mexico and abroad! Churches also promoted overthrowing the legal vote by transporting it’s members to other precincts to vote more than once out of their districts!
I have supported our police until Clinton and Obama convinced them to do what they want! Therefore, I do agree with the lessening trust of the police in their recent move to not protect and serve their public in all areas BLUE and instead seem only to arrest the PEACEFUL PROTESTERS and let BLM and ANTIFA go! They should remove the “Protect and Serve ” off their cruisers if they’re not going to!!!
3 years ago
Our ancestors and young men have sacrificed for our freedom. But the fight will never end. As the late Walter Williams said, our freedom is not the normal state of humanity, as tyranny and enslavement are. and we can’t take our liberty & way of life for granted.
None of the above. My choice is the Truth, God’s Word, the Bible.
“Trust everybody, but cut the cards.”
~ Finley Peter Dunne thru his character Mr. Dooley (circa 1900).
I trust President Trump. I have agreed with him 100%. I won’t even listen CNN or msm. Every time I accidentally listen to their nonsense, I hear only lies. Alternative media is only the conservatives on newsmax, epoch times and a couple on Fox. You can tell when they start to lean left. Very disappointed in the Supreme Court Trust only churches who preaches directly from the Bible. Not interested in philosophy. I only trust Gods word. Everything else is fake
It’s hard to know who to trust anymore, People in government just seemed to be out for themselves and have no regard for the long game. Most people in the media don’t seem to care what the truth is only what the agenda is. I believe in a strong military but I don’t know who in the military to trust anymore either. I tend to trust the local police because they are the ones that are on the line every day But upper management is where the problem is.
I put church but I really put my trust in Jesus Christ first then family.
Jesus first then family and I personally trust the local police force so far. The rest not so much and really lost faith in the FBI and CIA and other government offices. I don’t trust anything coming from the so called experts on the virus. I think they are flying by the seat of their pants. Sad day for America when you can’t trust the ones who are supposed to be protecting you. If our government changes hands next month it will be even worse than now. What a disaster this election has become because of the uncontrolled hate and believing they have to win at all cost no matter what. I pray for America.
Funny how the most trustworthy and important is overlooked these days.
It’s GOD!!!
I did NOT select local police. Only family and alt media.
I could only find one that I trust. I do trust our parish priest because he is Polish and has experienced communist domination first hand and is quite vocal about the politicians trying to impose communist rule on our country. I have no faith in the Catholic Church at the current time, I believe it has lost its way. There is no reason to trust anything or anyone at the federal level.
It doesn’t seem that we can trust the government with running an election! How hard can it be to have an election that people can believe was fair and legit when electing a president. They should set standards for federal election for all states to follow! States could do what they want with they’re locale and state elections.
I am afraid that the federal government has gone too far left to be trusted. DOJ is still filled with people that are not honest with those of us who try to keep up with real happenings. Too many things are swept under the rug. Once Joe gets in all of the Hunter Biden investigation will dry up and know one will know the truth.
I did not select the church as they have been infiltrated by marxists……I feel our spiritual leaders have abandoned us……we are currently looking for a Catholic Church which preaches traditional orthodoxy and not the Marxist handbook…..praying the priests come to their senses
Can someone explain to me why we are required to send Foreign Aid each year, especially to Countries that hate us and especially in times where our Financial System is being destroyed. I agree with our President $600 /Citizen is not assistance but a disgrace.
I only chose Family and US Armed Services because I had to choose something; however, my true answer was not on your list. I put my trust and faith in Jesus Christ and our Sovereign Lord. He is the only One I know to be 100% trustworthy and His ways and attributes are always flowing from His character of sacrificial Love. We people can become very frustrated when we put our trust and faith in any human or human institution, because “man” will always fail us at some point or in some way.
The one answer that was missing was “my self. I know what I can expect from myself, and that is the only one I have control over. The more remote and bureaucratic the organization, the less I trust them.
What’s going on in this country is INSANITY, Drastic measures for Drastic times need to happen, it’s time to start filling GITMO up, what’s going on is exactly why Dictators throughout history have done what they have done , it’s time for brutality against the powers trying to destroy America. Take down these TYRANTS while you still can
Family and Church are the roots. With exeption for our military, trust diminshes the further we move from those roots.
I don’t trust any corporate institutions. Trust violated is not soon restored, and if it is restored then it will alway be tenuous at best. Our leaders have abandoned us in mass and we’ve likely passed the tippin point. God help us.
I trust the Second amendment. And unfortunately that is under attack every day.
As the Left pushes/dominates/crushes traditional institutions & our culture, the very foundations of our nation seem to be crumbling & I feel the socialist takeover will be complete once bumbling Biden gets into the White House. Watch the further erosion of our border, the 1st & 2nd Amendment at more as the Nanny State increases. Soon, you’ll need internal passports to do anything in America-just like Nazi Germany & the Soviet Union.
I only picked two, family and Church. I have NO trust in ANY government local, county, state or federal. War is coming and folks better be ready! The police are nothing but apparatchiks aka bureaucrats.
There needed to be a nine of the above…
This is a difficult question. Family usually decides on what best for them first. Local and Federal law enforcement are based on laws from the state and federal governments which you certainly can’t trust them either. Local news is biased and alternative news would be better. US Armed forces are controlled by the Federal Governments and we know how that can go. Educational Institutions are teaching the children on their beliefs and not as for a good well rounded education.
Sadly I was able to select only two from these options. I can’t even trust members of my own family any more. Seems to me that Americans have lied to themselves so much, they have no idea what the truth is.
Living in a relatively small town (50,000) that we moved to 30 years ago when there were only 25,000 residents, I generally trust our local police.
MSM is out. I trust what little I have of family, and I totally trust my friends (on the right, of course). Our “educational institutions” are the cause of all this turmoil we have today. They have totally brainwashed and indoctrinated our kids (or your kids anyway – mine are almost seniors themselves!) and turned them into America hating ignorant lefties who think that socialism (and even communism) is better than free market capitalism. They have no education in our country’s history or how we became the world’s powerhouse. Some kids believe we bombed Japan because we’re just imperialists.
It makes me sick to see the best President this country has had in decades being robbed of a landslide victory by the “swamp” members who are on both sides of the aisle. I’m still flying my “Trump 2020” flag and holding onto to hope on top of hope that some miracle happens and he gets his rightful second term. Of course, what scares all the rest of the politicians and so-called judges is the riots, business destroying fires, anti-police actions and all the rest of what we’ve seen before that the left will support if the President wins. They don’t have the intestinal fortitude for any of this. I think if the riots were to start up again, law enforcement should shoot a few of them – then watch it all stop – RIGHT THEN!
My faith and hope is in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! As for institutions, they are filled with people who only seem to care about themselves and how much money and power they can achieve. There are always exceptions, just wish those could achieve more influence. Trump has been on exception but the powerful hate him and have cheated him out of reelection.
Family is more concerned about my personal being. Then comes the church.
Without President Trump the government morons will be out of control to do what they please. Get what you can now because the train is coming into the station and it’s the last stop.
God and Family are the only I trust, all the rest have been corrupted by money and power including the church.
For anyone to select traditional media tells me we have a lot of lost people. The media is a corrupt arm of politics guiding the herd toward their agenda. It’s not conspiracy, it’s called the truth.
Thank you so much for AMAC. I enjoy your insight into so many different areas of interest. Thank you for reporting a good, honest, mainly conservative agenda. We’re doing the best we can with celebrating this beautiful holiday season but there is way too much sadness in the political arena. I trust President Trump to move forward with an even better outlook on the economy, illegal immigration, continuing to build the border wall and I could go on and on. The sadness is what happened beginning election night of 11/03/20 when massive election fraud & many irregularities changed the entire process of a fair & balanced election creating a catastrophic result with Joe Biden winning across the country. Those of us who know that would be impossible to say the least. America does not want this is continue and we the people who love our President Trump & all that he has done & will continue to do (not for himself but for all of America) We need President Trump 4 more years & whatever it takes to make it happen please everyone exercise your power to defend our election with honesty, integrity to re-elect Donald J Trump to be our 46th President of the United States of America. God is Great, God is Good and I do believe just like the 2016 election, there will be another divine intervention & Trump will win.
Hard to choose four! I trust our President and Vice President, alternative media, well, that’s three. Enough said.
I only place my faith and trust in the Lord Jesus!????????☮️❤️????
I have found I trust OAN, Newsmax, American Voice and a few others, even Fox (early & Tucker, ,Hannity & Laura) but find MM to
just be mostly false and anti-Trump! Family is set as home, but there can be some who follow the world more than the ultimate truth
of God, the Bible and church . . .
Three of my 4 choices involved people that I can relate to intimately and have close ties to. I don’t trust anyone or anything where there is no obvious agenda that is consistent. I have given up on our entire government. President Trump was not my first choice’, but he did what he said and that obvious agenda caused his enemies to rise up to save their swamp. Government has gotten too big and controlling. Goodbye to dems and weak kneed reps that should have seen this coming. It did not happen overnight!
Unfortunately there is little we can trust coming from mainstream media, the democratic party and the political class in general. These organizations have obviously been compromised by the socialists. We have let dark money and Chinese CCP influence infiltrate every institution in this country in varying degrees. The intelligence community, FBI and justice department have been so politicized they can no longer be believed or trusted. It is amazing to see the control of the government unions have more influence over the direction of the country then popular opinion. The American people have lost control to a corrupt system in our capital where special interests and swamp politicians rule unchallenged – with the common man taken for granted, lied to and fed a politically crafted narrative to keep us quiet. It is time we wake up and regain control.
With the exception of President Trump, Washington D.C. is rotten to the core. The Deep State controls the legislative, judiciary, federal law enforcement, and homeland security. The CIA and the FBI are completely untrustworthy and corrupt. The Supreme Court is also politically compromised especially Chief Justice Roberts. America’s future looks bleak!
I trust God first and His word. I trust the churches that are speaking and following God’s word. I trust the institution of the family. I trust President Trump but not the Federal government. I do not trust any governments as most of them have become corrupt.
the way the last 4 years went,,, i do not trust anything about government institutions … now we will turn into a communist country and there no one to stop it… 4 years of hate to the only man that cares about our country….
The chance of me picking 4 choices was like me trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat, not possible. Stopped at two choices even though I have serious doubts about any of them.
I was overjoyed when President Trump was elected. Finally someone truly cared about the middle class. I am terrified that most politicians care more about themselves and not AMERICANS. The hate the mainstream media spews is beyond disturbing. They’ve caused more division amongst Americans than any other institution. I believe most have serious mommy daddy issues. Only thing that gives me solace is that God is in control and He will not be mocked.
We really only have a say in our family, our faith, and our vote! The most important is our faith in God. If we have faith in God, we will have the ability to make healthy and good decisions for our family. However, as voters, we have the obligation, right, and ability to elect government leaders who will make decisions that benefit our nation. The problems are voters are too often ignorant or uninformed. They want the government to take care of them without regard to the consequences! Voters continue to elect dishonest politicians who are corrupt, liars, and thieves. They listen and believe the media who no longer report the who, what, why, where, and when of a story. Instead, they slant the information to create a propaganda forum for their agenda. If voters would take time to learn and understand the values of those running for office and the politician was honest and trustworthy, all the other organizations listed would benefit. It is a long process, and one that I as 74 years of age will never see again, but it has to evolve or our nation is doomed!
If you replace church with God, Christ and the Bible I would have selected only that. I worship at a God centered, biblically based church, but have seen churches that are woefully lost.
I have family members that I would not trust out of arms reach, especially ex- wives.
There are individuals in government I may trust but as a whole, no.
Media, really?
Education, see media above.
Yes, i am cynical, but i am a realist. God’s plan is the ONLY plan. I trust in the LORD and only Him. LORD, don’t tarry.
None of them as they exist today. Better to trust GOD.
Family, period….certainly not the church…the church (most of it, or most of them, however you want to phrase it) have helped spread the lie of the panic porn scamedmic…..and any notion that we can trust law enforcement or even our military in these times is just almost precious in its naivete…would’ve liked to have seen God on the list. And no, “church” does not suffice as an alternative.
Local, state, and especially Federal law enforcement has proven that they are NOT to be trusted. They consistently Shaw that they are willing to disregard the People’s rights and enforce orders that are unconstitutional going against the very oath they too to uphold. One excellent example is Ruby Ridge! FN MURDERERS!
I trust myself and I am not an institution.
I trust the God of the Bible, my husband, Rush and other constitutional conservative. I cannot trust any of the above without truly knowing them.
I am in awe of the most prominent answers!!! First and foremost because I’m a Veteran! Can someone explain how there is so little trust in the military? The Congress and President send them to wherever they’re needed. It’s not their choice of where they go. They defend Freedom on the shores of every continent! Foregoing comfort, home and being with their family’s!
The church under the present Pope helped fund illegal immigration into this country through Obama from Mexico and abroad! Churches also promoted overthrowing the legal vote by transporting it’s members to other precincts to vote more than once out of their districts!
I have supported our police until Clinton and Obama convinced them to do what they want! Therefore, I do agree with the lessening trust of the police in their recent move to not protect and serve their public in all areas BLUE and instead seem only to arrest the PEACEFUL PROTESTERS and let BLM and ANTIFA go! They should remove the “Protect and Serve ” off their cruisers if they’re not going to!!!
Our ancestors and young men have sacrificed for our freedom. But the fight will never end. As the late Walter Williams said, our freedom is not the normal state of humanity, as tyranny and enslavement are. and we can’t take our liberty & way of life for granted.